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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

My friend, i am neutral in this scenario because i have no personal stakes in it, and second i am a Sunni and not a Shia. It pains me to see what i see becoming of Syria. My neighbour who served as a Diplomat in Syria during 2002-2006 was in tears yesterday when we were talking about Syria. He told me that he would usually walk to the market on his foot, he would drive around in Damascus without any security because the country was so safe. Compare to how the country was 10 years ago, and how is it today?

I am by no means a religious nut job, i consider myself secular, everyone has the right to choose and practice their religion. In this regard, Assad is a secular and not a religious nut job like the Al Nusra or ISIS. Lets be honest here, if Assad goes, it is likely going to be an alliance of Al Nusra and ISIS that fills in the void and not the FSA. Assad although a tyrant is still a much better prospect than the likes of Al Nusra or ISIS ruling Syria. FSA for its worth has shown that it cannot compete with Al Nusra or ISIS on the battlefield.

I choose neither, just because I point out how tragic it is for the common man doesn't mean I'm pro Assad.
This is not what the Rebels are saying in their Press Statements. They are crying how destructive and effective the airstrikes were compared to the SAAF, go read up on that on Reuters. From what i have read, they killed a Senior Officer in the FSA which will be a huge blow for FSA as their is a dearth of Trained Officers in FSA.

Calling Russian Aircrafts inaccurate is amateurish at best, you should read up on their capabilities and especially the SU34. i can see that you're supporting FSA so naturally your opinion is biased and i can understand that, but try to look at things from a neutral perspective as it appears that you're in for a disappointment. If you think these Russian Aircrafts are inaccurate, than wait till you're proven wrong. This was only one air strike by an SU24, and this much hoopla was created by the West and FSA. Wait till the SU34's start pounding targets, what's going to happen than?

As we are talking, the Russians are hitting targets again in Syria.

Russia killed 40 civilians in Talbise and Rastan. If you call that effective then it was effective.
Russia killed 40 civilians in Talbise and Rastan. If you call that effective then it was effective.
If you, an Israeli who has supported all Israeli killings no matter what, are on a full rampage against Russian operations in Syria, it means Russia is doing the right thing.
If you, an Israeli who has supported all Israeli killings no matter what, are on a full rampage against Russian operations in Syria, it means Russia is doing the right thing.
I repeat zillions time. Israel is nt using indiscriminate bombing.

Thats why we have 1,000,000 killed in Afghanistan, 100,000 in Chechnya, 250,000 in Syria.

Compare to some 10 K in two Intifadas and Gaza wars.

Even in their own propaganda videos they show that they are using dumb bombs:

Just ignore the Jews.

Their plan on destruction of Syria failed. They always hated and will hate Syrians in future, no matter who will be president.
I repeat zillions time. Israel is nt using indiscriminate bombing.

Thats why we have 1,000,000 killed in Afghanistan, 100,000 in Chechnya, 250,000 in Syria.

Compare to some 10 K in two Intifadas and Gaza wars.

Even in their own propaganda videos they show that they are using dumb bombs:

jihadists are dumb so they deserve dumb bombs :victory:
Russia killed 40 civilians in Talbise and Rastan. If you call that effective then it was effective.

Stop being such a cry baby-the Russians are right on this one.I say bomb them all.Let God sort them out afterwards.

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