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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

May God reserves his best lodge in hell to him..

View attachment 236319
This is not personal issue but about countries. Assad had to go not because is is not cute enough but for Syria's good. We see what happened: Syria is in ruins and KSA is flourishing.


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Various foreign terrorist groups (Mostly Chechen and Uzbek terrorists) have launched a full scale attack against northwestern parts of Aleppo, there are fierce clashes going on. The attack is led by Nusra terrorists, as always.
Miss me princess? :)
Time to bust some lies again.
Attack is led by Fateh Halab, which does not include Nusra. Ansar al Sharia is the other operations room (which includes Nusra) but it is much smaller than Fateh Halab (FH is 22,000.)
I saw 1 squad of Chechens, no Uzbeks. But to you everyone against Assad = foreign terrorist.
ISIS suicide bomber killed JaN & Ahrar al Sham fighters as well as civilians while they were having iftar.
Some reports that SAA has retaken military research center in western Aleppo. We should wait for visual confirmation.

Shady Hulwe takes a selfie with 3 Jaish al-Fateh members captured in an ambush in Zahraa district, Aleppo. rest of them killed.



Meanwhile, SAA and Hezbollah have launched an operation to capture Zabdani city, southern Qalamun. Nearly 40 militants killed in SyAF bombing and heavy Hezbollah shelling around the city.

Wikimapia - Let's describe the whole world!

SAA never retook center, but they did use Chlorine to try to retake it 2 days ago, failed as usual.
SAA and Hezb offensive on Zabadani is a fiasco - lots of dead SAA and Hezb, both mostly kicked out of Zabadani. Regime & allies using scorched Earth tactics, just like in Qusayr. If they can't take the city they'll burn it to the ground.
Important note: Zabadani was a place where lots of Lebanese refugees came when Israel invaded in 2006, and this is how they repay us.
My thoughts on Zabadani: 3 possible results: Rebels breakout, gain more territory (they have regained most of Zabadani, but they haven't regained much outside of it, small chance of this happening); SAA/Hezb offensive stops (they're being met with heavy resistance); or Pyrrhic victory for SAA/Hezb. Honestly Pyrrhic victory is the most likely choice, as regime is taking heavy losses but rebels are under siege.
Then those idiots whine that why a mosque is bombed on their heads, well because it's no longer a mosque, but a terrorist nest, hence it must be destroyed:

Sounding a bit like Israel there aren't you?
This is the first photo of rebels ever being in a Mosque with intent of attacking regime (unless its being used as a base by regime). It's probably posing, because it makes no sense to have an HMG in an AA firing position inside a building. Therefore, most likely posing. Also, just because this happens in 1 place (it doesn't from what I've seen, I've seen a lot) doesn't mean every Mosque should be bombed.
A question that comes to mind is what's the southern front doing. Why aren't they putting pressure on the gov forces to relieve their brothers stuck in the village.
Can't do much, too far away from Western Qalamoun. They've attacked Dara'a but there was horrible lack of communication and co-ordination, or regime was using R-330Ps to block radio communication.
They did, starting 2 weeks ago, launched a huge operation in Dera'a, and retreated after suffering more than 200 casualties.
Still ongoing.
Beirut (AFP) - Syrian government forces backed by fighters from Lebanon's Hezbollah entered the town of Zabadani on Sunday in a bid to take the last rebel-held bastion along the Lebanese border.
Still failing horribly at taking anything, they've retreated from most of the housing in the North (iirc it was North.) Rebels today (or was it yesterday? Time flies when you're killing Hezbollah :omghaha:) destroyed a BMP-1 belonging to Hezbollah (given to them by SAA.) There's 11 gone. They suffered heavy casualties besides that.
In my opinion, Syrians have nothing to lose. Yet, they should go on with this war as long as possible till they finish as many as possible of Alawites and their likes so they don't ever bother them again. They shouldn't be interested in ousting the regime too soon.
Alawites are the scum of Syria (pre-French occupation they raided Sunni and Christian villages to steal and rape; during French occupation they supported and became the troops of the French (Assad's grandfather dealt with the French all the time); now in Assad era they suppress all non-Alawites.)
terrorists threatening to cut off the water supply to Damacus

Rebels threaten Damascus water over Zabadani assault

next they are going to threaten to blow up the Mosul dam :sick:
At least they've actually been providing water to regime held areas, something regime doesn't do to rebel held areas - except on a much larger scale with fuel, electricity, water, food, clothing, etc.
al jazeera interview

Do you know what the pilot said in the interview? He admitted 90% of targets they bomb are civilian areas.
May God reserves his best lodge in hell to him..

View attachment 236319
The longer the wait, the greater the victory.

Interesting article, to say the least: Syria: Anti-Isis Westerners fighting for Kurds disillusioned with YPG's 'school trip with guns' tactics
Westerners fighting with YPG state that YPG's achievements on the ground are minimal, most of the work is done by airstrikes. They also state that YPG are incompetent and unprofessional, they trash a village if its an Arab village.
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Miss me princess? :)
Time to bust some lies again.
Attack is led by Fateh Halab, which does not include Nusra. Ansar al Sharia is the other operations room (which includes Nusra) but it is much smaller than Fateh Halab (FH is 22,000.)
I saw 1 squad of Chechens, no Uzbeks. But to you everyone against Assad = foreign terrorist.

ISIS suicide bomber killed JaN & Ahrar al Sham fighters as well as civilians while they were having iftar.

SAA never retook center, but they did use Chlorine to try to retake it 2 days ago, failed as usual.
SAA and Hezb offensive on Zabadani is a fiasco - lots of dead SAA and Hezb, both mostly kicked out of Zabadani. Regime & allies using scorched Earth tactics, just like in Qusayr. If they can't take the city they'll burn it to the ground.
Important note: Zabadani was a place where lots of Lebanese refugees came when Israel invaded in 2006, and this is how they repay us.
My thoughts on Zabadani: 3 possible results: Rebels breakout, gain more territory (they have regained most of Zabadani, but they haven't regained much outside of it, small chance of this happening); SAA/Hezb offensive stops (they're being met with heavy resistance); or Pyrrhic victory for SAA/Hezb. Honestly Pyrrhic victory is the most likely choice, as regime is taking heavy losses but rebels are under siege.

Sounding a bit like Israel there aren't you?
This is the first photo of rebels ever being in a Mosque with intent of attacking regime (unless its being used as a base by regime). It's probably posing, because it makes no sense to have an HMG in an AA firing position inside a building. Therefore, most likely posing. Also, just because this happens in 1 place (it doesn't from what I've seen, I've seen a lot) doesn't mean every Mosque should be bombed.

Can't do much, too far away from Western Qalamoun. They've attacked Dara'a but there was horrible lack of communication and co-ordination, or regime was using R-330Ps to block radio communication.

Still ongoing.

Still failing horribly at taking anything, they've retreated from most of the housing in the North (iirc it was North.) Rebels today (or was it yesterday? Time flies when you're killing Hezbollah :omghaha:) destroyed a BMP-1 belonging to Hezbollah (given to them by SAA.) There's 11 gone. They suffered heavy casualties besides that.

Alawites are the scum of Syria (pre-French occupation they raided Sunni and Christian villages to steal and rape; during French occupation they supported and became the troops of the French (Assad's grandfather dealt with the French all the time); now in Assad era they suppress all non-Alawites.)

At least they've actually been providing water to regime held areas, something regime doesn't do to rebel held areas - except on a much larger scale with fuel, electricity, water, food, clothing, etc.

Do you know what the pilot said in the interview? He admitted 90% of targets they bomb are civilian areas.

The longer the wait, the greater the victory.

Interesting article, to say the least: Syria: Anti-Isis Westerners fighting for Kurds disillusioned with YPG's 'school trip with guns' tactics
Westerners fighting with YPG state that YPG's achievements on the ground are minimal, most of the work is done by airstrikes. They also state that YPG are incompetent and unprofessional, they trash a village if its an Arab village.
This guy's like a full fledged Internet Jihadi from Pakistan Defence to Youtube and probably to Live leak aswell:rofl:

Also, since you know so much, can you tell me what group or unit these Tribesmen of mine belong to? They're being stupid going all the way to syria to fight for whatever while their own people are being slaughtered. In turn attracting more of these Jihadists to us... Probably the worst thing our Mullahs have thought of.
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This guy's like a full fledged Internet Jihadi from Pakistan Defence to Youtube and probably to Live leak aswell:rofl:

Also, since you know so much, can you tell me what group or unit these Tribesmen of mine belong to? They're being stupid going all the way to syria to fight for whatever while their own people are being slaughtered. In turn attracting more of these Jihadists to us...View attachment 236401
Twitter and Facebook, too. There's just so much idiocy out there in the world, it must be corrected.
These are Afghani Hazaras, they're part of the "Syrian Arab Army."
Not Syrian, not Arab, and not organized enough to be an army :omghaha:
Twitter and Facebook, too. There's just so much idiocy out there in the world, it must be corrected.
These are Afghani Hazaras, they're part of the "Syrian Arab Army."
Not Syrian, not Arab, and not organized enough to be an army :omghaha:
Well they aren't smart people. Stupid idea to interfere with a messed up place like Syria.

They're definitely more organized and better fighters than the Rebels who blow up their own friends face with the backblast of an RPG, group up against a wall, spray and pray all the time and worst of all, "Allah hu Akbar" 35 times in a second when they're getting blown to peices by the Airforce...
Literally the only communication between them is "Allah Hu Akbar"
It's like they're all high on drugs before they go to battle.. Atleast their faces and eyes show it.
Well they aren't smart people. Stupid idea to interfere with a messed up place like Syria.

They're definitely more organized and better fighters than the Rebels who blow up their own friends face with the backblast of an RPG, group up against a wall, spray and pray all the time and worst of all, "Allah hu Akbar" 35 times in a second when they're getting blown to peices by the Airforce...
Nope, not more organized than rebels. This Hazaras are considered elite units (trained by IRGC), look at Usud al Harb (Lions of War) for example (Ahrar al Sham's special forces), they would wreck these guys. Compared to regular rebels, for the untrained ones yes they are better fighters. But for the recently graduated rebels, Hazaras are no match for them once they get experienced.
I've seen one instance of RPG backblast vs face, and it was in Libya. Spray and pray is a result of self-training. Allahu Akbar is their choice, their country, their war.
Nope, not more organized than rebels. This Hazaras are considered elite units (trained by IRGC), look at Usud al Harb (Lions of War) for example (Ahrar al Sham's special forces), they would wreck these guys. Compared to regular rebels, for the untrained ones yes they are better fighters. But for the recently graduated rebels, Hazaras are no match for them once they get experienced.
I've seen one instance of RPG backblast vs face, and it was in Libya. Spray and pray is a result of self-training. Allahu Akbar is their choice, their country, their war.
I'm sure once they get proper training, they'll be way better fighters than any of your special operations since they're Mongol blood.
Too bad they get such training and go and interfere in someone else's war when their own people in Afghanistan and Pakistan are getting slaughtered. Sad indeed. Ofcourse it's everyone's right to say Allah Hu Akbar! I know it's a war cry but doesn't mean you shout it while killing people and blowing stuff up/getting killed and getting blown up.
Gives a bad image to Islam.
I'm sure once they get proper training, they'll be way better fighters than any of your special operations since they're Mongol blood.
Too bad they get such training and go and interfere in someone else's war when their own people in Afghanistan and Pakistan are getting slaughtered. Sad indeed. Ofcourse it's everyone's right to say Allah Hu Akbar! I know it's a war cry but doesn't mean you shout it while killing people and blowing stuff up/getting killed and getting blown up.
Gives a bad image to Islam.
IRGC training is the best they'll ever get. Unless Russia or China decide to train them, which is unlikely.
We say it because we're happy that we're winning against the enemy, or we say it because we know that it is due to Allah's will that we are losing. It doesn't give a bad image to someone who knows what it means and what it is used for, but it gives a bad image to the ignorant who think otherwise.
IRGC training is the best they'll ever get.
Don't forget the IRGC trained the Houthis and the Hezbollah. Both are a very serious force.
Look what the Hezb did to Israel in those wars.
or what the Houthis are doing against the Saudis.
Don't forget that the Pakistani SSG trained the Iranian IRGC and Quds force during its early days.
Don't forget the IRGC trained the Houthis and the Hezbollah. Both are a very serious force.
Look what the Hezb did to Israel in those wars.
or what the Houthis are doing against the Saudis.
Don't forget that the Pakistani SSG trained the Iranian IRGC and Quds force during its early days.
2006 was a fiasco for Israel because they advanced down chokepoints, and they were going up against a force with Kornet ATGMs. Now if Israel goes in to fight Hezb all they need to do is get a few Merkava 4Ms and there goes Hezbollah.
Houthis aren't doing much against Saudis, considering Saudis are being very defensive, which is a bad thing.
Let's not forget Pakistani SSG wasn't always a great force, either.
IDF does not attack cities indiscriminately like Hezbollah.

Israel is a legal UN member state and IDF its legal armed forces. Hezbollah on the other hand is illegal militia which must be disarmed according to UN Sec Con resolution 1701.

Chain of events started in 1948 when Lebanon attacked Israel and refused to make peace afterwards. Then in 1970, when Lebanon allowed PLO to use its territory for attacks against Israel. Then Lebanon did same with Hezbollah.

NO , chains of events started back in 1896 by Herzl, and later on by Balfour declaration in 1917 to occupy Palestinian lands in order to establish a Jewish state within Palestine's territories ... go read your prime minster Benjamin Netanyahu's book .. he clearly stated in his book "A Durable Peace" That we are a nation without state" ...therefore we need to find one ... so you ain't a legal entity , actually you have occupied their lands ....

what's going on here??

what weapon are the terrorists getting hit with?? I'm assuming it's guided by laser since it's pretty dang accurate.

what's going on here??

what weapon are the terrorists getting hit with?? I'm assuming it's guided by laser since it's pretty dang accurate.
The rebels and civilians in the video are probably getting hit with Kh 29, the only laser guided weapon in SyAAF inventory. However, it could just be an experienced pilot using free fall bombs (footage appears to be from Su-22M4 or SU-24M2, so experienced pilots would definitely be flying those.)
Miss me princess? :)
Time to bust some lies again.
Attack is led by Fateh Halab, which does not include Nusra. Ansar al Sharia is the other operations room (which includes Nusra) but it is much smaller than Fateh Halab (FH is 22,000.)
I saw 1 squad of Chechens, no Uzbeks. But to you everyone against Assad = foreign terrorist.

ISIS suicide bomber killed JaN & Ahrar al Sham fighters as well as civilians while they were having iftar.

SAA never retook center, but they did use Chlorine to try to retake it 2 days ago, failed as usual.
SAA and Hezb offensive on Zabadani is a fiasco - lots of dead SAA and Hezb, both mostly kicked out of Zabadani. Regime & allies using scorched Earth tactics, just like in Qusayr. If they can't take the city they'll burn it to the ground.
Important note: Zabadani was a place where lots of Lebanese refugees came when Israel invaded in 2006, and this is how they repay us.
My thoughts on Zabadani: 3 possible results: Rebels breakout, gain more territory (they have regained most of Zabadani, but they haven't regained much outside of it, small chance of this happening); SAA/Hezb offensive stops (they're being met with heavy resistance); or Pyrrhic victory for SAA/Hezb. Honestly Pyrrhic victory is the most likely choice, as regime is taking heavy losses but rebels are under siege.

Sounding a bit like Israel there aren't you?
This is the first photo of rebels ever being in a Mosque with intent of attacking regime (unless its being used as a base by regime). It's probably posing, because it makes no sense to have an HMG in an AA firing position inside a building. Therefore, most likely posing. Also, just because this happens in 1 place (it doesn't from what I've seen, I've seen a lot) doesn't mean every Mosque should be bombed.

Can't do much, too far away from Western Qalamoun. They've attacked Dara'a but there was horrible lack of communication and co-ordination, or regime was using R-330Ps to block radio communication.

Still ongoing.

Still failing horribly at taking anything, they've retreated from most of the housing in the North (iirc it was North.) Rebels today (or was it yesterday? Time flies when you're killing Hezbollah :omghaha:) destroyed a BMP-1 belonging to Hezbollah (given to them by SAA.) There's 11 gone. They suffered heavy casualties besides that.

Alawites are the scum of Syria (pre-French occupation they raided Sunni and Christian villages to steal and rape; during French occupation they supported and became the troops of the French (Assad's grandfather dealt with the French all the time); now in Assad era they suppress all non-Alawites.)

At least they've actually been providing water to regime held areas, something regime doesn't do to rebel held areas - except on a much larger scale with fuel, electricity, water, food, clothing, etc.

Do you know what the pilot said in the interview? He admitted 90% of targets they bomb are civilian areas.

The longer the wait, the greater the victory.

Interesting article, to say the least: Syria: Anti-Isis Westerners fighting for Kurds disillusioned with YPG's 'school trip with guns' tactics
Westerners fighting with YPG state that YPG's achievements on the ground are minimal, most of the work is done by airstrikes. They also state that YPG are incompetent and unprofessional, they trash a village if its an Arab village.
It is funny and sad how Iranians tell you what you should feel and think about your own country. Someway they feel above you to tell you what you should think.
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