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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Yeah , Syrian Army and Hezbollah should learn from Zions to use right weapons for turning towns to dust .

Shujaiyah is a good example I guess !
Almost all destruction in Gaza u see on TV is from this little spot in Shijaiyah, which was turned by Hamas into a tunnel nest and where Israeli soldiers fought face to face with Hamas:


This is how government with Hezbollah in Lebanon dealt with Palestinian Nahr al Bared camp which was completely leveled to ground:


In Syria some 10 million people turned into refugees by Assads aidedby Hezbollah bombings (4 mln left country and 6 internal displaced).
Almost all destruction in Gaza u see on TV is from this little spot in Shijaiyah, which was turned by Hamas into a tunnel nest and where Israeli soldiers fought face to face with Hamas:

I need to remind you how Israel destroyed the district in a couple of minutes . The videos can be found in you tube .

In Syria some 10 million people turned into refugees by Assads aidedby Hezbollah bombings (4 mln left country and 6 internal displaced).

As far as I know , people in almost all major cities are living in peace and joy under Syrian government rule . Not sure where you're talking about !
In my opinion, Syrians have nothing to lose. Yet, they should go on with this war as long as possible till they finish as many as possible of Alawites and their likes so they don't ever bother them again. They shouldn't be interested in ousting the regime too soon.
In my opinion, Syrians have nothing to lose. Yet, they should go on with this war as long as possible till they finish as many as possible of Alawites and their likes so they don't ever bother them again. They shouldn't be interested in ousting the regime too soon.
Some ISIS stock in making.

CC drops 43 bombs a day in average. Thats huge.

that's weak. a single B-2 can carry 80 JDAMS bombs. could literally level Mosul or Al-Raqqah with that kind of power precision.. you can take out command and control,bridges,staging points,power stations,cell phone towers, etc etc...in one single sortie

we should be dropping at least 200 bombs a day.

US-Led Coalition Unleashes Wave of Airstrikes on Raqqa - ABC News

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Why do you think the CC don't use their full power against Daesh?
Of course ...you caved in like a stall of potato...After the Jordanian pilot death, the GCC started to even supply ISIS, Jordanians at the forefront..

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