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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

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The sad thing is, your pants are already below your knees and you don't know it..
Sure, sure they are. Meanwhile, you're already on your knees for your dictators. At least we're not bending over backwards for them.

"Zabadani will not bow down to anyone but Allah. Salute to the liberators of Syria from Jerusalem."

So YPG tried to advance on rebel-held Azaz today. Situation is calm now after they were repelled. That's why I hate them, backstabbers, just like the PKK.
Edit: The YPG has indeed launched an offensive on rebel-held Azaz. From the way I see it they're trying to get a land grab. Too bad they're too stupid to realize this will get Turkey to intervene.
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Funny how you avoid all of the rebuttals to your lies that I put, and instead put an "infographic" that has 1 instance of everything.
1: No FSA ever ate a heart, the guy took a bite out of it. Why? Because the soldier gangraped a mother and her two daughters, that's why. There was video evidence on his phone.
2: Nusra are not opposition, even Ahrar has disowned them in an article recently.
3: Syrian coalition are not opposition.
4: Daesh are not opposition.

Meanwhile, Assad has invited Afghans, Iranians, Lebanese, Yemenis, Iraqis, and a whole lot of other shiites in order to transform the "Syrian Arab Army" into the Shia Alawite Army. But you obviously just "ignore" that.

6 Luxury mansions are currently being built in Qardaha while people starve and die of thirst. Souria el Assad!
Oh, that's okay then. As long as he didn't EAT it, taking bites out of someone's heart is not such a big deal. Duh.
Did you read what he did?
He gangraped a mother and her two children.
Since you don't seem shocked it must be everyday behavior for you.
Mutilation of corpses happens in war, SAA stab/burn corpses of their enemies. That's what happens when people experience war and get emotional.
How dare you speak logic!

While mitulation of corpses after death is indeed Haram, the SAA soldier raped a mother and her two daughters. With a bunch of "friends." And he had the guts to record it. Fortunately now his guts are decaying.
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#Reef Dimashq: Hizbullah Members Say Will 'Stomp the People of Idlib'
Summary :
A video which was allegedly found on a phone, it shows Hizbullah members singing some sectarian lyrics.
A rough translation, I hope it conveys the sense, he says they will "stomp the people of Binnish, Sarmeen, and Saraqib".

Source (Arabic): Aks Al-Ser
I was still don't want to share any photos of the deceased Hizbullah members because their fans don't like it, despite that they often come here to mock | troll or type "lol" whenever I say a number of civilians were killed by barrel bombs or a child died due to lack of food or medicines, however, I just changed my mind after I had watched the video above, but don't use them as avatars without my permission as I'll post them first :

#Reef Dimashq: Latest Hizbullah Members Who were Killed a While Ago

Names: Ja'far Al-Haj Hasan, Jameel Faqeeh, Tariq Sameer, Abbas Muflih, Muhammad Ali, Mazin Abbas, Husain Shareef, Ali Isma'eel, Ali Husain, Ali Al-Dhahi, Imad Raheef, Ali Mahmood, Husain Mansour and Mahdi Mahmood.
Nationality: Lebanese

- That one highlighted in red, Abbas Muflih, used to be a goat thief in Al-Biqa' according to some tweets like this one :
Seems credible :rolleyes1:.

- That one highlighted in blue, Husain Shareef, was never confirmed by Hizbullah.
#Hama: Orient TV Journalist Meets His Detained Mother
Summary :
Anas Tracey (Arabic: أنس تريسي), a journalist whose mother was detained by the regime in Areeha (Idlib) about 2 months ago.
Jaysh Al-Fat'h, specifically Jabhat Al-Nusra exchanged hostages with some detained women, Tracey's mother was one of them. They met each other again in the countryside of Hama.
#Aleppo: Harakat Al-Nujaba', a Shiite Iraqi Militia is Fighting in Aleppo City

Summary :
From a pro-'resistance' source, it shows the leader of Harakat Al-Nujaba', Akram Al-Ka'bi (Arabic: أكرم الكعبي).
Apparently, he couldn't do something for Iraq so he decided to come to Syria, where he couldn't do something for Palmyra or Al-Hasaka, and now he ended up in Aleppo to defend the lost shrine.
It's been more than 10 days since Da'ish invaded Al-Hasaka...
  • ZERO Iranians were killed in Al-Hasaka.
  • ZERO Afghans were killed in Al-Hasaka.
  • ZERO Pakistanis were killed in Al-Hasaka.
  • ZERO Azerbaijanis were killed in Al-Hasaka.
  • ZERO Iraqis were killed in Al-Hasaka.
  • ZERO Lebanese were killed in Al-Hasaka.
It seems like the secular Southern Front of Dar'a (FSA) is more dangerous than the extremist Da'ish of Al-Hasaka .


Allah...Thouriya...Butcher w-bath!​
Terrorists and 'democracy lovers' destroyed a part of ancient Aleppo Citadel, as always, by an underground tunnel bombing.

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