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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Reuters / Tuesday, July 07, 2015
A Free Syrian Army fighter carries a copy of the Koran as he walks along a street in Jobar, a suburb of Damascus, Syria July 6, 2015. REUTERS/Bassam Khabieh
In Zabadani, the natural alliance is happenning: Nusra, FSA, Ahrar al-Sham and ISIS are all united in one small city, fighting SAA/Hezbollah.

This is the true reality of Syrian 'revolution'. They are all the same.

IS terrorists in Zabadani.



Keep wasting your time defending war crimes that have nothing to do with you, or your country.
Reuters / Tuesday, July 07, 2015
A Free Syrian Army fighter carries a copy of the Koran as he walks along a street in Jobar, a suburb of Damascus, Syria July 6, 2015. REUTERS/Bassam Khabieh

Jobar is a miracle, God bless the freedom fighters there, they're totally isolated, outmatched and outnumbered yet still standing for 4 years and even though the ones attacking them are the supposedly "elite republican guard" supported by terrorist Shiites mercenaries from around the globe and a few Russian advisers. Hell even chemical attacks couldn't brake them.

Keep wasting your time defending war crimes that have nothing to do with you, or your country.

It has everything to do with his country, without his filthy Mullahs Assad wouldn't find much support and would've fallen a long time ago. The good thing is that after all that money and effort they've put to keep Assad in power he'll still lose :lol:
Keep wasting your time defending war crimes that have nothing to do with you, or your country.

I'm exposing the garbage of an ideology that your country has exported all over the region and destroyed the social fabric of those countries, and that needs to be exposed. And yes, Syria has everything to do with us, same as rest of ME.
I'm exposing the garbage of an ideology that your country has exported all over the region and destroyed the social fabric of those countries, and that needs to be exposed. And yes, Syria has everything to do with us, same as rest of ME.

It was your Persian regime that turned it into sectarian war, and propagated the support of Asad as "protection of Zainab's shrine" !!

They even printed slogans like "labbayki ya Zainab" on the fighters' uniforms.
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It was your Persian regime that turned it into secetarian war, and propagated the support of Asad as "protection of Zainab's shrine" !!

They even printed slogans like "labbayki ya Zainab" on the fighters' uniforms.

Oh yes, because before that, the Daesh was a secular group! Apparently, the Original name of ISIS stood for International Secular Institution of Syria.

Idiot. Seriously.
It was your Persian regime that turned it into secetarian war, and propagated the support of Asad as "protection of Zainab's shrine" !!

Theey even printed slogans like "labbayki ya Zainab" on the fighters' uniforms.

You made it a sectarian war when you supported Islamic nutjobs who were screaming they are fighting an 'Alawite' regime, while in reality, it is a secular regime to the core. When those nutjobs were chanting, "Christians to Lebanon, Alawites to grave". As I said, it's your ideology, wherever it enters, it spreads like a virus and destroys peaceful societies and creates monsters. Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Taliban, Nusra, all are fruits presented to the world from 'gardens of Najd'.
Keep wasting your time defending war crimes that have nothing to do with you, or your country.
You forgot yours on the Yemeni...SAA is defending the country she sworn to defend, what is the Saud's excuse?
Terrorists and 'democracy lovers' destroyed a part of ancient Aleppo Citadel, as always, by an underground tunnel bombing.

They blew up a regime tunnel that was a supply route to citadel. If we wanted to blow up the Citadel, we would have done so ages ago. But we won't, because it's part of our heritage. Obviously regime took it over as a base. For you, Mosques are legitimate targets because rebels pray in them. For us, the citadel isn't a legitimate target even though regime made the entire thing a base. Hypocrisy.
Oh, and 1 more thing:

That's the Krak Des Chevaliers being bombed by the regime. Oh and he bombed the Souk in Aleppo causing it to burn. But he's targeting civili-err, terrorists so it's okay, right?

Edit: On further research, some people say SAA blew up tunnel after rebels discovered it, or SAA blew up tunnel that rebels were digging. No rebels claims of blowing up the tunnel are present, but if rebel objective was to destroy citadel we would have done it long ago.
Edit 2: Even regime news saying regime blew up tunnel. There goes your entire argument princess.
Complains from the coalition of 98 nation?
It shows that people actually care about Syrians. Yes, there are foreigners, but most of the fighting is done by Syrians on the rebel side. And as Alawites are avoiding draft more and more, foreigners are doing more and more fighting on regime side.
Oh yes, because before that, the Daesh was a secular group! Apparently, the Original name of ISIS stood for International Secular Institution of Syria.

Idiot. Seriously.
ISIS came in in late 2013, AFTER Hezbollah and IRGC. So cut the crap.
You made it a sectarian war when you supported Islamic nutjobs who were screaming they are fighting an 'Alawite' regime, while in reality, it is a secular regime to the core. When those nutjobs were chanting, "Christians to Lebanon, Alawites to grave". As I said, it's your ideology, wherever it enters, it spreads like a virus and destroys peaceful societies and creates monsters. Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Taliban, Nusra, all are fruits presented to the world from 'gardens of Najd'.
A "secular" regime that requires:
- A "Muslim" to be president.
- Lets Iranian flags fly at Ummayyad Mosque.

Wow, such secular.
But wait, where is the secular Syrian Arab flag? Nowhere to be seen.
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They blew up a regime tunnel that was a supply route to citadel. If we wanted to blow up the Citadel, we would have done so ages ago. But we won't, because it's part of our heritage. Obviously regime took it over as a base. For you, Mosques are legitimate targets because rebels pray in them. For us, the citadel isn't a legitimate target even though regime made the entire thing a base. Hypocrisy.

Oh poor rebels. They only pray in mosques.


That's the Krak Des Chevaliers being bombed by the regime. Oh and he bombed the Souk in Aleppo causing it to burn. But he's targeting civili-err, terrorists so it's okay, right?

Jund al-Sham, one of the most extreme terrorists after ISIS, had taken that castle and turned it into an execution arena. I can not post one of their beheading ceremonies in the middle of this castle, where they are executing innocent civilians accused of being 'Shabihas'. Just search for it. Now tell me if that terrorist nest doesn't need to be freed. Unlike that, SAA doesn't target any side from the Aleppo citadel, they are defending it against the terrorists who have blown up literally every building around. It's not like they 'want' to destroy it, they are already doing it, whether they want it or not.

Edit 2: Even regime news saying regime blew up tunnel. There goes your entire argument princess.

How about evidence for that? Castle is in SAA hand, they blew it up under themselves?

- A "Muslim" to be president.
Seriously? your problem is that a non-Muslim can not be president? Assad is an Alawite and these cannibals want to eat all Alawites alive already, I can't imagine what they'd do if a 'non-Muslim' was president, or if Assad was a Christian or an atheist.

And btw, secularism doesn't only in religion of country's ruler, it also means that no religious group should be discriminated. Now you can guess why the opposite side is so sectarian and full of nutjobs that almost all minorities are either with the regime or are neutral.

- Lets Iranian flags fly at Ummayyad Mosque.
Do they taught you that in Secular countries, allies' flags can not be raised? :woot:
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Oh poor rebels. They only pray in mosques.


Jund al-Sham, one of the most extreme terrorists after ISIS, had taken that castle and turned it into an execution arena. I can not post one of their beheading ceremonies in the middle of this castle, where they are executing innocent civilians accused of being 'Shabihas'. Just search for it. Now tell me if that terrorist nest doesn't need to be freed. Unlike that, SAA doesn't target any side from the Aleppo citadel, they are defending it against the terrorists who have blown up literally every building around. It's not like they 'want' to destroy it, they are already doing it, whether they want it or not.

How about evidence for that? Castle is in SAA hand, they blew it up under themselves?

Seriously? your problem is that a non-Muslim can not be president? Assad is an Alawite and these cannibals want to eat all Alawites alive already, I can't imagine what they'd do if a 'non-Muslim' was president, or if Assad was a Christian or an atheist.

And btw, secularism doesn't only in religion of country's ruler, it also means that no religious group should be discriminated. Now you can guess why the opposite side is so sectarian and full of nutjobs that almost all minorities are either with the regime or are neutral.

Do they taught you that in Secular countries, allies' flags can not be raised? :woot:
Again, as I explained before, photo is most likely posing.

Jund al Sham is not that extreme. And no, I haven't heard of them executing anyone there. At all.

Go on your pro-regime channels and see. The tunnel was a supply tunnel, it was discovered by rebels. Regime blew it up and killed 1 rebel, according to some.

No one, in any rebel group, is a cannibal, and none of them expressed wanting to eat them. If a Sunni was president they would still behead him. Because they'll behead him for his actions, not for his religion.
No religious groups discriminated? Oh I guess Sunnis not holding any relevant positions of power in government or the army is not discrimination at all.

The "secular" ba'athist flag isn't even raised along with Iran's.
Iran's flag was raised at the UMMAYYAD MOSQUE. Do you know how offensive that is? It's like raising the Saudi flag at Qom. Don't worry though, we're coming to raise our flag on Qom soon. :)

I have a question for you: Does Iran care about the Syrian people?
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I have a question for you: Does Iran care about the Syrian people?
I think I know where you want to go with your question. Yes it cares.
Who's the left guy? Rami Makhlouf?

I'm not sure honestly, maybe that's him.


Latest reports indicate that Jaish al-Islam (IF) and Nusra front have declared war on each other in Eastern Ghouta.
Nusrats executed three IF commanders and in return, IF killed a Nusra commander and 11 of his soldiers in an ambush.
Reports claim that till now, at least 37 from both sides are killed. This is getting interesting, I hope the trend continues.


Latest map from Tadmur/Palmyra. Suhail Hassan forces along with Hezbollah have advanced towards the city at an steady rate and captured all oil/gas fields west of Palmyra/Homs province. SThey are now stationed less than 5 km from the Tadmur city.

One of the reasons for their advances is that Daesh can not put up a resistance in plain deserts, because of heavy weapons SAA has. These rats are only brave inside cities and in mountains.

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I think I know where you want to go with your question. Yes it cares.

I'm not sure honestly, maybe that's him.


Latest reports indicate that Jaish al-Islam (IF) and Nusra front have declared war on each other in Eastern Ghouta.
Nusrats executed three IF commanders and in return, IF killed a Nusra commander and 11 of his soldiers in an ambush.
Reports claim that till now, at least 37 from both sides are killed. This is getting interesting, I hope the trend continues.


Latest map from Tadmur/Palmyra. Suhail Hassan forces along with Hezbollah have advanced towards the city at an steady rate and captured all oil/gas fields west of Palmyra/Homs province. SThey are now stationed less than 5 km from the Tadmur city.

One of the reasons for their advances is that Daesh can not put up a resistance in plain deserts, because of heavy weapons SAA has. These rats are only brave inside cities and in mountains.

Well, good thing you know where it's going. So tell me, how much has it donated to civilians? How many refugees has it hosted?

Jaish al Islam and Nusra are having tensions, but I have not read reports by anyone being killed on either side. I'd like to see the "source" for such numbers.
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