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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Iraqi Shiite militias increasing in Damascus.





Special Afghan Hazara Shite Seminar in the University of Damascus.

These are the Hazara militiamen fighting for Assad




@Horus @Irfan Baloch

Almasdar news :lol: If you only knew who leith Abou Fadel was, you would never use his personal blog as a source. That's a rumor that was spread by a self proclaimed "Electronic Army" member from Tartous and was later contradicted by all rebel groups fighting Assad in the Qalamoun Mountain range.

The Liwa Dawood brigade was affiliated with daesh since its inception in Syria in 2013. However, when the rebels launched an offensive against Daesh in and around the city of Aleppo in January 2014, Liwa Dawood said that they were no longer subscribed to ISIS's nihilistic ideology and temporarily left daesh for few months. They only switched sides out of fear of the reprisals from the rebels but as soon as Mosul was taken over by daesh last summer, they announced they were going north to reinforce the rebels in Aleppo against Syria gov around industrial city, but that all changed when they turned east toward Raqqa while announcing defection and pledging allegiance to daesh. They were never affiliated to the FSA.

Good article, but its content contradicts the title... Oops!

The FSA started fighting ISIS is January yet 3000 FSA defected to ISIS, this has been going on for years. There are enough radical FSA fighters to where there will always be defectors. Like i said before, one day they fight the other day they work together.

once again check your references before posting
The problem is that Bashar and his people are alawites, they have different prayers than ours (sunna, shia) different rak'as, different order, different times, Lol so how much extreme ISIS and shia militias are theyre still considered muslims one way or another. Alawites is a different religion!!

All of this is a power struggles, and has nothing to do with religion or a higher purpose.
Almasdar news :lol: If you only knew who leith Abou Fadel was, you would never use his personal blog as a source. That's a rumor that was spread by a self proclaimed "Electronic Army" member from Tartous and was later contradicted by all rebel groups fighting Assad in the Qalamoun Mountain range.

Before you go harping about reference and credibility of sources i can post countless new outlets that reported the same story. Just because you do not like something does not mean you can brush it off as a fabrication. Your beloved FSA has been caught making up stories left and right so it would not surprise me if their "electronic army" claim is also made up.

I remember the FSA showing paperwork of a supposed Russian general they killed in Syria, this dead general then was interviewed about it on Russian TV. :lol:
Before you go harping about reference and credibility of sources i can post countless new outlets that reported the same story. Just because you do not like something does not mean you can brush it off as a fabrication. Your beloved FSA has been caught making up stories left and right so it would not surprise me if their "electronic army" claim is also made up.

I remember the FSA showing paperwork of a supposed Russian general they killed in Syria, this dead general then was interviewed about it on Russian TV. :lol:
The rumor was first originated and circulated by Assadist trolls before the mass media caught it up as a story. The problem is there are no Journalists left in Syria that could verify it.

Funeral in Iran of 7 Pakistani Zeynabion fighters killed in Syria fighting for Assad

The rumor was first originated and circulated by Assadist trolls before the mass media caught it up as a story. The problem is there are no Journalists left in Syria that could verify it.

And the solid proof would be? It's no surprise that there are countless FSA that went on to join ISIS there is even western news crews filming the FSA holding ISIS prisoners that defected from the FSA. Is that a lie too?
You are telling me my sources are not credible yet you can not provide me with any proof for such claim. You expect me to dismiss dozens of news outlets and believe what the FSA say. The FSA has been know to put out wild propaganda claims and people like you are suckered into believing those claims.

I remember the FSA showing paperwork of a Russian general they killed and then going into video describing in detail how they did it. The general's family seen the news and called him, he then was interviewed on Russian TV. :lol:


Hear he is being interview after the FSA claimed they killed him:

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And the solid proof would be? It's no surprise that there are countless FSA that went on to join ISIS there is even western news crews filming the FSA holding ISIS prisoners that defected from the FSA. Is that a lie too?
You are telling me my sources are not credible yet you can not provide me with any proof for such claim. You expect me to dismiss dozens of news outlets and believe what the FSA say. The FSA has been know to put out wild propaganda claims and people like you are suckered into believing those claims.

I remember the FSA showing paperwork of a Russian general they killed and then going into video describing in detail how they did it. The general's family seen the news and called him, he then was interviewed on Russian TV. :lol:

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there will be some defections, but not in any significant numbers nor of any significant personalities and now that the tide of war is turning against daesh and its resources getting depleted, there might also be defections from daesh as well especially by those Syrian recruits who joined it not out of ideological convictions but by money.

Syrian state news

there will be some defections, not in any significant numbers nor of any significant personalities and now that the tide of war is turning against daesh and its resources getting depleted, there might also be defections from daesh as well especially by those Syrian recruits who joined it not out of ideological convictions but by money.

Syrian state news

Your opinions do not matter, argue with facts otherwise don't waste my time. Again what credibility do FSA claims and your claims have over credible news outlets....none.
Your opinions do not matter, argue with facts otherwise don't waste my time. Again what credibility do FSA claims and your claims have over credible news outlets....none.

The Assadist people who promoted this story claimed in late 2014 that there were few hundred rebels in Qalamoun which is much less 3,000 they said defected to daesh in 2015. isn't it? Besides, Quwat al maghaweer which is one of the primary groups that operate in Qalamoun denied this report on social media. The rebels are still fighting daesh in Qalamoun and killed dozens of daesh terrorists last week including some of its leaders.
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علي رضا توسلي (يمين) مع قائد فيلق القدس قاسم سليماني

One of the main leaders of the Afghan militiamen in Syria fighting for Asad / Iran has been killed recently.
The rumor was first originated and circulated by Assadist trolls before the mass media caught it up as a story. The problem is there are no Journalists left in Syria that could verify it.

Funeral in Iran of 7 Pakistani Zeynabion fighters killed in Syria fighting for Assad

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Fighting to defend what is important for Shiism in order not to let these happen :




Fighting to defend what is important for Shiism in order not to let these happen :




Oh no, let me shed tears upon this Mosque that the very person you support has destroyed...oh no. I'm crying over this great Mosque, that Assad totally didn't flatten with his airstrikes. It was those Wahhabi-Salafi-Jihadi-Sunni-Takfiri-Terrorist-Rat rebels with their air force!

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