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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

OK....so we've establlshed that they get paid as well. Case closed. You seemingly just like arguing for the sake of it.
Seems u have comprehension problems. So I'll explain u with example: when I served in the army I was paid there (some 150$ a month). Does it mean I served there for money? - Obviously not.

If Sunnis needed mercenaries they would be recruited from poorest Sunni countries like Nigeria, Bangladesh or Afghanistan. But we dont see them in Syria.
Seems u have comprehension problems. So I'll explain u with example: when I served in the army I was paid there (some 150$ a month). Does it mean I served there for money? - Obviously not.

If Sunnis needed mercenaries they would be recruited from poorest Sunni countries like Nigeria, Bangladesh or Afghanistan. But we dont see them in Syria.

So Sunni who get paid are not mercenaries, but Afghan Shia who get paid are? BTW there are many mercenaries. I've seen Sudanese and Somalis there. Even death row prisoners in KSA were sent there.
So Sunni who get paid are not mercenaries, but Afghan Shia who get paid are? BTW there are many mercenaries. I've seen Sudanese and Somalis there. Even death row prisoners in KSA were sent there.
So even with example u dont undertsand. I cant help u. Death row prisoners - LOL dumbest conspiracy theory I've ever heard. Where did u read it? PressTV? :rofl:
So even with example u dont undertsand. I cant help u. Death row prisoners - LOL dumbest conspiracy theory I've ever heard. Where did u read it? PressTV? :rofl:

I understand that you have double standards. Both sides are getting paid, but to you only those Shia Afghans are mercenaries. Not the Sunni rebels who are getting paid even more.

Saudi Arabia Sent Inmates Against Assad - Business Insider
I understand that you have double standards. Both sides are getting paid, but to you only those Shia Afghans are mercenaries.
I understand that u have comprehension problems. I explained u twice.

Saudi Arabia Sent Inmates Against Assad - Business Insider
according to the Assyrian International News Agency. :rofl:

Giving weapons to death to death row inmates - really great idea :lol: Everyone with IQ over 60 understands that its BS.
And Saudi Arabia as well as Turkey pays poor Sunni losers to die for ISIS.
Oh great, another conspiracy theorist. Just what I need. Someone else to argue with. As if the lack of logic of Serpentine and Syrian Lion weren't enough.
It would be very stupid for Saudi Arabia to support ISIS, especially when ISIS attacked Saudi border posts and are willing to go into the kingdom and kill Saudis.

And fyi @libertad. The only mercenaries I've heard fighting for the Syrians are 100 croats who came to Syria for 2 reasons - helping Syrians and getting money. They got paid 2000 bucks a day I believe from gulf sponsors. And they obviously aren't in Syria anymore. They were highly experienced and fought in the Yugoslav wars against Serbia. 100 Croats vs 20,000+ Shiite foreign fighters is something different.
Oh great, another conspiracy theorist. Just what I need. Someone else to argue with. As if the lack of logic of Serpentine and Syrian Lion weren't enough.
It would be very stupid for Saudi Arabia to support ISIS, especially when ISIS attacked Saudi border posts and are willing to go into the kingdom and kill Saudis.

Yea because Saudi Arabia has no history of supporting or producing terrorism, the only time they care or intervene is if it directly threatens their security or when Shia fighters take control of an area, then it's on. Saudi Arabia does not care who fights Assad as long as they fight Assad. FSA, ISIS, Al nusra, it's all the same thing. A bunch of jihadist, they fight Assad, themselves and everyone else; all are known for war crimes, all have switched from one side to another or operated closely together.
Yea because Saudi Arabia has no history of supporting or producing terrorism, the only time they care or intervene is if it directly threatens their security or when Shia fighters take control of an area, then it's on. Saudi Arabia does not care who fights Assad as long as they fight Assad. FSA, ISIS, Al nusra, it's all the same thing. A bunch of jihadist, they fight Assad, themselves and everyone else; all are known for war crimes, all have switched from one side to another or operated closely together.
lol. Says the Russian. As if you guys didn't support terrorists. And no, Saudi doesn't have the mentality of supporting everyone who fights Assad. They're smarter than that.
Did you seriously just say FSA, ISIS, and Nusra co-operate? Buddy FSA and other rebels have been at war with ISIS since January 2014. Much longer than your god Assad has been fighting them for PR. And Rebels and Nusra are almost at war with each other, because Nusra is also going batshit crazy. You really have no insight into this conflict whatsoever, so please stay out of it.
FYI, your god Assad co-operates with ISIS. Oil sales. And PR.
lol. Says the Russian. As if you guys didn't support terrorists.

Oh please, like the FSA or any other terrorist organization in Syria is any more innocent then Assad's forces. I'm sure that all those foreign "moderates" in Syria got to Syria with no ones help and all of their weapons including US made ones just happened to fall into their hands from heaven.

And no, Saudi doesn't have the mentality of supporting everyone who fights Assad. They're smarter than that.

Whatever you say. As if many "moderates" that came to Syria do not end up fighting along side ISIS and Al Nusr. There is no way of fully screening or knowing who those "moderates" will fight for. Turkey, Saudi Arabia, the US, ect all know this yet they still arm and support those fighters.

Did you seriously just say FSA, ISIS, and Nusra co-operate? Buddy FSA and other rebels have been at war with ISIS since January 2014.

There is video from western sources showing arrested ISIS members that were former FSA. Plenty of links to prove it too. I also clearly mentioned that Syria is a mess with FSA fighting ISIS, FSA joining ISIS and both working together, there are so many groups, factions and commanders that the one day ISIS works with the FSA the other day they fight each other.

Sorry to spoil your party but here is a spoon full of reality that will be hard to digest:

3,000 FSA Fighters Defect to ISIS in the Qalamoun Mountains

Up to 3,000 Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters have defected from the organization and given ba’yah (religious payment; servitude) to the self-proclaimed Caliph of the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS),

1,000-Strong Syrian Rebel Brigade Defects to ISIS -- News from ...

The Syrian Dawud Brigade, a 1,000-strong group of fighters formerly allied to the Islamic Front umbrella, has left its position in the Idlib Province and gone to Raqqa to join ISIS.

The big flip: U.S.-backed fighters switch to ISIS

Like the Hazzm group, however, FSA fighters have been known to defect to Nusra and ISIS despite Western backing. The reason given is to protect themselves from being killed by the more radical fighting groups that welcomed the defection.
Read more at The big flip: U.S.-backed fighters switch to ISIS

US-Backed 'Moderate' Free Syrian Army Factions Join ISIS Terror ...

Reports coming out of eastern Syria Monday revealed that several factions within the Syrian opposition force known as the Free Syrian Army (FSA) have pledged services to the Islamic State, the group formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS).

FYI, your god Assad co-operates with ISIS. Oil sales. And PR.

:lol: okay.
Oh please, like the FSA or any other terrorist organization in Syria is any more innocent then Assad's forces. I'm sure that all those foreign "moderates" in Syria got to Syria with no ones help and all of their weapons including US made ones just happened to fall into their hands from heaven.
Whatever you say. As if many "moderates" that came to Syria do not end up fighting along side ISIS and Al Nusr. There is no way of fully screening or knowing who those "moderates" will fight for. Turkey, Saudi Arabia, the US, ect all know this yet they still arm and support those fighters.
There is video from western sources showing arrested ISIS members that were former FSA. Plenty of links to prove it too. I also clearly mentioned that Syria is a mess with FSA fighting ISIS, FSA joining ISIS and both working together, there are so many groups, factions and commanders that the one day ISIS works with the FSA the other day they fight each other.
Sorry to spoil your party but here is a spoon full of reality that will be hard to digest
3,000 FSA Fighters Defect to ISIS in the Qalamoun Mountains
1,000-Strong Syrian Rebel Brigade Defects to ISIS -- News from ...
The big flip: U.S.-backed fighters switch to ISIS
US-Backed 'Moderate' Free Syrian Army Factions Join ISIS Terror ...
:lol: okay.
FSA don't kill Syrians for fun or sport. They're much better than Assad, and don't target civilian areas on purpose. And calling all Syrian fighters foreign? Very brave. You see, if you understood Arabic (which I assume you do, considering you live in Jordan) you should know from their videos their accents.
We fought against ISIS starting January 2014, stop bringing the past. We used to be allies, but now we're staunch enemies. Al Nusra was a mistake yes, but that doesn't mean we like them. We have to put up with it, we can't have a 3-front war. Most of the people who are moderates are Syrian, so I don't know what screening you want Syrians to go through to have the join a rebel group. You're going to try to control Syrians now? lol. US barely arms us, Turkey and Saudi are restricted by the US, but they give us plenty of money for refugees and other civil duties.
There are former SAA that joined ISIS. Plenty of them. Why can't we label what SAA are because of their defectors? Then SAA would be split between saviors of Syrians (rebels), Khwarij (ISIS), and the remainder of child-murderers. But now you're going to tell me suddenly FSA are bad because of what traitors did, yet that doesn't apply to SAA? lol
First link: The 3,000 FSA fighters "defection" was completely fake. Why would 3,000 FSA who are beating the shit out of ISIS join them in Qalamoun, especially when they don't even share their ideology? That doesn't make any remote sense. Not to mention you use a highly pro-Assad source, especially when it's written by that Zombie Leith. He's a grade-A asshole.
Hazzm did NOT "defect" to ISIS, they joined Levant Front and were still technically part of FSA as well. They did this because Nusra was harassing them, and LF would protect them.
lol, last 2 links show obvious bias just from the way they're worded. And sources are fragile.
Sure, use a fake story, fallacious reasoning, and biased sources to further your argument. That worked out splendidly didn't it.
FSA don't kill Syrians for fun or sport. They're much better than Assad, and don't target civilian areas on purpose. And calling all Syrian fighters moderate? Very brave. You see, if you understood Arabic (which I assume you do, considering you live in Jordan) you should know from their videos their accents.

The Syrian government is no angel but the FSA just hides behind civilians. The FSA does not care if civilians are killed if they would care then they would not launch attacks from residential areas knowing Assad's army will hit back.

We fought against ISIS starting January 2014, stop bringing the past. We used to be allies, but now we're staunch enemies. Al Nusra was a mistake yes, but that doesn't mean we like them. We have to put up with it, we can't have a 3-front war. Most of the people who are moderates are Syrian,

The FSA started fighting ISIS is January yet 3000 FSA defected to ISIS, this has been going on for years. There are enough radical FSA fighters to where there will always be defectors. Like i said before, one day they fight the other day they work together.

so I don't know what screening you want Syrians to go through to have the join a rebel group. You're going to try to control Syrians now? lol. US barely arms us, Turkey and Saudi are restricted by the US, but they give us plenty of money for refugees and other civil duties.

Im talking about foreign fighter that cross from places like Turkey. Many of those fighters which pledged allegiance to the FSA went on to join ISIS or Al Nusra. Like i mentioned earlier many of those countries that support foreign fighters going to join the FSA know darn well that it's a high possibility that the same people they support and even train may end up in ISIS, thus their is no way of screening out possible ISIS recruit, but many countries take the risk thus they support ISIS even if it indirectly.

There are former SAA that joined ISIS. Plenty of them. Why can't we label what SAA are because of their defectors? THen SAA would be split between saviors of Syrians (rebels) or Khwarij (ISIS). But now you're going to tell me suddenly FSA are bad because of what traitors did, yet that doesn't apply to SAA? lol

There are always traitors but you made the following claim: "Did you seriously just say FSA, ISIS, and Nusra co-operate?" They have cooperated together even high ranking FSA 'generals' have admitted that much. The lines are too blurry, sure there are FSA that will never join ISIS, they may even be 'good people', 'kind people', ect but the reality is thousands have defected and they will continue to defect.

First link: The 3,000 FSA fighters "defection" was completely fake. Why would 3,000 FSA who are beating the shit out of ISIS join them in Qalamoun, especially when they don't even share their ideology? That doesn't make any remote sense.

There are dozens of outlets that reported the story, so why should i believe what you say over credible news stations?
The Syrian government is no angel but the FSA just hides behind civilians. The FSA does not care if civilians are killed if they would care then they would not launch attacks from residential areas knowing Assad's army will hit back.
The FSA started fighting ISIS is January yet 3000 FSA defected to ISIS, this has been going on for years. There are enough radical FSA fighters to where there will always be defectors. Like i said before, one day they fight the other day they work together.
Im talking about foreign fighter that cross from places like Turkey. Many of those fighters which pledged allegiance to the FSA went on to join ISIS or Al Nusra. Like i mentioned earlier many of those countries that support foreign fighters going to join the FSA know darn well that it's a high possibility that the same people they support and even train may end up in ISIS, thus their is no way of screening out possible ISIS recruit, but many countries take the risk thus they support ISIS even if it indirectly.
There are always traitors but you made the following claim: "Did you seriously just say FSA, ISIS, and Nusra co-operate?" They have cooperated together even high ranking FSA 'generals' have admitted that much. The lines are too blurry, sure there are FSA that will never join ISIS, they may even be 'good people', 'kind people', ect but the reality is thousands have defected and they will continue to defect.
There are dozens of outlets that reported the story, so why should i believe what you say over credible news stations?
You sound like the Israelis. FSA don't hide behind civilians, they're forced into cities because that's where Assad's forces are. Unless you want us to stay oustide of cities and let Assad's forces slaughter civilians. No thanks.
The story was fake. 3000 FSA didn't defect, the website is a strongly pro-Assad website, and the author of the article is especially pro-Assad. He's literally willing to be a sex slave for him. And no, most FSA didn't defect, and a lot of those who did defect to ISIS defected back.
A lot of foreign fighters are with JMWA, who is anti-ISIS, and uneasy with Nusra, Islamic Front, same situation, etc. Foreign fighters are split between most factions, Assad and ISIS use them the most.
Thousands have defected? I'm sure you have another article by Leith the zombie to show me. haha
Credible news stations? Al Masdar credible? The other 3 websites I've never even heard of. Credible news outlets = Al Jazeera and VICE News. Those are the only 2 "credible" ones I know. Some comedy shows are more credible than mainstream Russian and American networks.
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