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I did not make any of this stuff up, your language, your cultural events and even your holidays were heavily diluted by Ismail I in his quest to shape his new land in his own image. Again, if you don't believe you can go and read for yourself, many books were written in the subject, and I know many of them are banned in Iran, but I believe you can get them via Internet if you know where and how to look.
2500 years ago Iranians used to celebrate Nowruz, Sizdah be dar, Yalda,Chaharshanbe suri.in 2014, Iranians do the same.the fact is change of sect and religion never changed or destroyed our culture but it formed and shaped it.no problem with it.


Ah the clown is back.
Kollang said:


uhhh ... lord ...

What Iranian empire?
You mean Turkic, and Arabic empires who ruled Iran?
I think the new drug you guys are smoking, is really strong.

This can happen when you got conquered militarily, religiously, culturally and linguistically. First us Arabs and before Islam it was our ancient Semitic ancestors that influenced them on all fronts.

One of them is using an avatar which is an exact copy of ancient Semitic Babylonian and Assyrian art.

You invent history in order to fell better about it. Reminds me of Black Africans that try to make all kind of excuses why they are speaking French or English now (some Arabic) and why they are Christian or Muslim and what is left of their "real" culture.

It is amazing that this @IRAN 1802 20 times permanently banned double user is still able to spread his poison. I suggest taking this issue in the general headquarters.

He even made another user in case his current one gets banned.

@IRAN 1801

Coincidence? Don't think so.

@WebMaster you have to deal with this and look at this comments and the fact that he is a serial double user. He is polluting all Arab topics on PDF and is a well-known anti-Arab troll that hates the homeland of Prophet Muhammad (saws) and all the Prophets before him. His pollution must be stopped. He is starting troll debates time and time again when PDF had relative peace on the ME section.

We Arab users are not interested in discussing Iran in every thread or engaging with this troll. He has been posting the same propaganda post about KSA in 10-15 threads now that has nothing to do with it. His sole intention here is clear.
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2500 years ago Iranians used to celebrate Nowruz, Sizdah be dar, Yalda,Chaharshanbe suri.in 2014, Iranians do the same.the fact is change of sect and religion never changed or destroyed our culture but it formed and shaped it.no problem with it.


Ah the clown is back.

Go read son, and I don't mean the history books supplied to you by your Mullah regime, go read an unbiased source. Educate yourself, see for yourself if what I say is true or not. See what did Ismail I do to your nation.
Go read son, and I don't mean the history books supplied to you by your Mullah regime, go read an unbiased source. Educate yourself, see for yourself if what I say is true or not. See what did Ismail I do to your nation.
Dady, your brain farts to understand simple words.how come you read those hiden books?:lol:

@al-Hasani ,the racist is back.your brain farts too.LOL that cornice indicates a babylonian giving gifts to his Persian master during Nowruz ceremony.:rofl:

@mods off-topic as usual.some members seems to lack the ability to have healty conversation thus they stick to their imaginary good old days to cure their pains.

This @IRAN 1802 suicide troll is this following user;

@kouroshkourosh @Resurrection5782 @YA-Mahdi @Best Land @Ghulam-Alazhar aka @Mohsenam2 @MOHSENAM

He also made the user @IRAN 1801 in case that he gets permanently banned as usual. This has been his tactic for the past 1.5 years. To make several users and then reappear after some time that he has been banned.

This user is spreading hatred against the 500 million Arabs here despite no Arab commenting on the Iranian section or trolling them. He is obsessed about Arab issues and is spreading nonsense in every thread trying to create unnecessary hostility.

This thread is not about Iran. We are not interested in wasting our time with this low IQ troll that barely is able to write English.

Please prevent him from polluting the level of this forum further. If not I have to deal with him as usual.
You never condemned Israel in any manner, only did anti-Palestinian propaganda.

how do hamas and ij equal palestine??

besides, i did link to the "isratin" solution of muammar gaddafi... i am not here to play nationalistic games, i am here to provide solutions or link to existing ones.

Obvious troll like you should be banned now.

please do report me, as you used to months back.

You have nothing to do with Arab world, you are Indian. Mind your own business.

fool... arabs came to india before or during roman times... and muhammad bin qasim, commander in umayya empire military, conquered sindh ( and western india ) beginning year 711... what will you say if my ancestry includes arabs... but i am socialist... my domain is whole of humanity, and its problems.

why did you come to "pakistan defence forum"... keep to some gaza-based ikhwaani forum.

your hamas is nothing but a bunch of criminal mullahs who were brought to power by the western governments... go complain to them about me.
Dady, your brain farts to understand simple words.how come you read those hiden books?:lol:

@al-Hasani ,the racist is back.your brain farts too.LOL that cornice indicates a babylonian giving gifts to his Persian master during Nowruz ceremony.:rofl:

Thank you for insulting me and in essence proving my point.
This can happen when you got conquered militarily, religiously, culturally and linguistically. First us Arabs and before Islam it was our ancient Semitic ancestors that influenced them on all fronts.

One of them is using an avatar which is an exact copy of ancient Semitic Babylonian and Assyrian art.

You invent history in order to fell better about it. Reminds me of Black Africans that try to make all kind of excuses why they are speaking French or English now (some Arabic) and why they are Christian or Muslim and what is left of their "real" culture.

It is amazing that this @IRAN 1802 20 times permanently banned double user is still able to spread his poison. I suggest taking this issue in the general headquarters.

He even made another user in case his current one gets banned.

@IRAN 1801

Coincidence? Don't think so.

@WebMaster you have to deal with this and look at this comments and the fact that he is a serial double user. He is polluting all Arab topics on PDF and is a well-known anti-Arab troll that hates the homeland of Prophet Muhammad (saws) and all the Prophets before him. His pollution must be stopped. He is starting troll debates time and time again when PDF had relative peace on the ME section.

We Arab users are not interested in discussing Iran in every thread or engaging with this troll. He has been posting the same propaganda post about KSA in 10-15 threads now that has nothing to do with it. His sole intention here is clear.
I've done nothing wrong. I am just discussing about my country's history.
how do hamas and ij equal palestine??

Are you child? Is your reading comprehension that bad? Making no anti-Israel statements is enough proof that you're anti-Palestinian. And Hamas/IJ have huge support in Palestine(Majority).

please do report me, as you used to months back.

I could care less about you.
fool... arabs came to india before or during roman times... and muhammad bin qasim, commander in umayya empire military, conquered sindh ( and western india ) beginning year 711... what will you say if my ancestry includes arabs... but i am socialist... my domain is whole of humanity, and its problems.

Are you even Muslim? Socialists don't rant about Hamas in 99% of their posts you moron.

your hamas is nothing but a bunch of criminal idiots who were brought to power by the western governments... go complain to them about me.

Oh yeah sure buddy, only in today's world the movement under attack by Israel/West is considered Western puppet while movements which cooperate with Israel/West in every field and support Israeli policies are 'true' 'free' movements. :rofl:
how do hamas and ij equal palestine??

besides, i did link to the "isratin" solution of muammar gaddafi... i am not here to play nationalistic games, i am here to provide solutions or link to existing ones.

please do report me, as you used to months back.

fool... arabs came to india before or during roman times... and muhammad bin qasim, commander in umayya empire military, conquered sindh ( and western india ) beginning year 711... what will you say if my ancestry includes arabs... but i am socialist... my domain is whole of humanity, and its problems.

why did you come to "pakistan defence forum"... keep to some gaza-based ikhwaani forum.

your hamas is nothing but a bunch of criminal mullahs who were brought to power by the western governments... go complain to them about me.

Funny every anti-Arab user from Pakistan to India to Iran etc. claims Arab ancestry here yet spread hatred against our people 24/7. You cannot fool us anymore.

Even a moderator here claims to be a Sharif yet is extremely anti-Arab in his moderation. Insult the leaders not the people. We will not accept this. We already had 10-15 Pakistani ignorants blaming the common man for their largely self-made miseries in that nonsense thread about "Arabs not showing interest in the Peshawar school attack" which itself was a nonsense lie.

Where are the moderators?

I've done nothing wrong. I am just discussing about my country's history.

You just spread anti-Arab propaganda 24/7 in this thread, the ME section and you have even trolled the Arab section of the forum.

In comarpison no single Arab user is writing on your section outside of @Malik Alashter nor trolling your country without reason.

Last time I visited I for instance did not troll but talked about olives and agriculture.

Get a life troll. You have made 20 different users on PDF and still keep trolling the same way. Tell the Basij leadership to give you another job.

A man that claims to be almost 30 years. Pathetic. Nobody will bother you if you stop trolling.

You even insult Arab women that got nothing to do with anything for either wearing a niqab or no headscarf. You act like an idiot.

This is an international forum. Not صفحه اصلي پورتال بسيج ::
Islamic Front | Hitting the Shiite towns of Nubl and Zahraa with grad rockets.
Video of "Islamic Front" (don't know why that is in quotations) hitting supply lines of Assad's militia in Bruej with the Hell Cannon.
Are you child? Is your reading comprehension that bad? Making no anti-Israel statements is enough proof that you're anti-Palestinian. And Hamas/IJ have huge support in Palestine(Majority).

and i suppose this man would be happily living in post-2007 burqa-fied gaza...


Are you even Muslim?

that is immaterial.

Socialists don't rant about Hamas in 99% of their posts you moron.

right... now hamas activists will tell me what socialists do.

Oh yeah sure buddy, only in today's world the movement under attack by Israel/West is considered Western puppet while movements which cooperate with Israel/West in every field and support Israeli policies are 'true' 'free' movements. :rofl:

enlighten us of those underlined movements.
Iranian culture and society was indeed wiped out by the Safavids. When Ismail I invaded Iran and forcefully converted the Sunni population to Shia and massacred loads of Iranians to forcefully convert them. He destroyed many places of significance in Iranian history for his social engineering campaign.

So no, you are not the same, you are not old Iran, old Iran died when the Safavids came.

Safavid conversion of Iran to Shia Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of Shia Muslim dynasties - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iranians are Shia because of Ahlulbayt in Irani & Iraq, do not compare your najdi follower ego with an Iranian.

FYI 90% of Abbasid architect, enginier and... were Iranians.

@WebMaster , I've written this post for three times, but al-hasani is reporting my posts without reason, please block his report button. I am not the only one that he reports his posts whitout any reason, many of Pakistanis and Indians are included as well.
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Funny every anti-Arab user from Pakistan to India to Iran etc. claims Arab ancestry here yet spread hatred against our people 24/7. You cannot fool us anymore.

Even a moderator here claims to be a Sharif yet is extremely anti-Arab in his moderation. Insult the leaders not the people. We will not accept this. We already had 10-15 Pakistani ignorants blaming the common man for their largely self-made miseries in that nonsense thread about "Arabs not showing interest in the Peshawar school attack" which itself was a nonsense lie.

Where are the moderators?


He's not anti-Arab, he's just Indian with lots of free time that spams forum with pro-Gaddafi/Anti-Hamas posts. :lol:

Sometimes it's entertaining but he needs to try harder to be funnier.
Haraket Hazzm from the battle of Aleppo, Handarat.
The Strategic Handarat Camp under the control of Haraket Hazzm.
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