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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

That's BS. If they killed that many, they would be news since they were formed, and they didn't kill that many.
The number is less than 5,000 non-combatants in Syria.
Meanwhile, Hezbollah has killed plenty of Sunnis. Something they're proud of.

They were in the news actually 10 years go operating under other names, but if you're from 1996 then obviously you had other things to do.

How is that bullshit, I didn't give the 70.000 out of nowhere, it's a calculation of 20 people killed a day by them, do you think 20 is a high estimate ? 1 car bomb could take out 20 people.
They were in the news actually 10 years go operating under other names, but if you're from 1996 then obviously you had other things to do.

How is that bullshit, I didn't give the 70.000 out of nowhere, it's a calculation of 20 people killed a day by them, do you think 20 is a high estimate ? 1 car bomb could take out 20 people.
It's BS because they were never that powerful to kill 20 people a day. When they were just ISI they had 1,000-5,000 people and fought mostly against American forces and the new Iraqi government. No way they could allocate enough manpower to kill 20 people a day along with it, and still be able to operate in guerrilla warfare without the people kicking them out. Plus, this mass killing thing started back in 2006 for them, and only really kicked off when they started gaining land.
It's BS because they were never that powerful to kill 20 people a day. When they were just ISI they had 1,000-5,000 people and fought mostly against American forces and the new Iraqi government. No way they could allocate enough manpower to kill 20 people a day along with it, and still be able to operate in guerrilla warfare without the people kicking them out. Plus, this mass killing thing started back in 2006 for them, and only really kicked off when they started gaining land.

How powerful do you have to be to kill 20 random people a day ? Breivik killed like 70 in a day, all you need is a bomb or 2 and you killed 20 people.

'Only' 1000 - 5000 members, 1% of that is enough to kill more then 20 people daily.
I guess you haven't seen how the Iranian government oppresses the Kurds in Iranian Kurdistan, the Baluchi people in Baluchistan, etc...
They basically oppress anyone against them/anyone not Shiite.
man you're such fanatic .
and i ask you one question and you totally answer about something else.
try to be honest in answers next time.
and it is not like it is very clear you want to blame Iranian for everything and put people of Iran against each other (same policy than your friends extremists)

kurds are far to be oppressed in Iran , i am Arab and i never felt oppressed too
for baluchistan the situation is not easy to get: this is probably between blaming for reason the policy of Iran which is not the best one, and ... not forgetting that the groups who operate are terrorist groups , as your friends of IS they enjoy beheading and put bombs to kill innocents: i am not sure we can call them victims or oppressed

Iranian government doesn't mean much. if you got some education about Iran , you would know Iran
having a leader (Khamenei) a government , and this government is not really operating / deciding the different policies of the country and the possible help another country could get from Iran
And you would know the actual government is moderate conservative (said to be reformist for some) and they are dedicated to improve relations with others (like USA Saudis) because their own logic is diplomacy/better relations with everyone for the sake of people of Iran

but i guess it is too much for you to try to know my country and the complex politics system
man you're such fanatic .
and i ask you one question and you totally answer about something else.
try to be honest in answers next time.
and it is not like it is very clear you want to blame Iranian for everything and put people of Iran against each other (same policy than your friends extremists)

kurds are far to be oppressed in Iran , i am Arab and i never felt oppressed too
for baluchistan the situation is not easy to get: this is probably between blaming for reason the policy of Iran which is not the best one, and ... not forgetting that the groups who operate are terrorist groups , as your friends of IS they enjoy beheading and put bombs to kill innocents: i am not sure we can call them victims or oppressed

Iranian government doesn't mean much. if you got some education about Iran , you would know Iran
having a leader (Khamenei) a government , and this government is not really operating / deciding the different policies of the country and the possible help another country could get from Iran
And you would know the actual government is moderate conservative (said to be reformist for some) and they are dedicated to improve relations with others (like USA Saudis) because their own logic is diplomacy/better relations with everyone for the sake of people of Iran

but i guess it is too much for you to try to know my country and the complex politics system
Your country has one political system: Khamenei, no-one else. Whatever he wants to happen will happen in Iran. Considering he and his predecessor Khomenei say that they are closer to Allah (SWT) than the prophets (PBUT).
Your country has one political system: Khamenei, no-one else. Whatever he wants to happen will happen in Iran. Considering he and his predecessor Khomenei say that they are closer to Allah (SWT) than the prophets (PBUT).

Actually, Iran has many centers of power. The most powerful being the Sepah/Pasdaran/IRGC. Khamenei himself is more or less a spokes person.
Basically Iran is a military state.

@Dr.Thrax is a false flagger Chinese who got banned previously due to his support from ISIS. I can't find his banned ID but he had a similar ID with name of Dr.Thax , who got banned previously. Please deal with that double user false flagger terrorism supporter. His stupidity has no limit, because after getting banned he has created another ID with the same ID name.
We Are Here To Stay.Long And Prevail.
That's what the Persians said and than Umar ibn Al-Khattab wiped them out. :)


@Dr.Thrax is a false flagger Chinese who got banned due to his support from ISIS. I can't find his banned ID but he had a similar ID with name of dr.tha,x who got banned previously. Please deal with that double user false flagger terrorism supporter. His stupidity has no limit, because after getting banned he has created another ID with the same ID.
You really seem to hate the people who speak the truth. Then again, that's what most Iranians hate.

Just FYI, If you look at my signature, you see me say "Death to Daesh." You've also seen me denounce ISIS hundreds of times. You keep repeating the same thing over and over again like a broken radio. You have no argument.
That's what the Persians said and than Umar ibn Al-Khattab wiped them out. :)

You really seem to hate the people who speak the truth. Then again, that's what most Iranians hate.

Just FYI, If you look at my signature, you see me say "Death to Daesh." You've also seen me denounce ISIS hundreds of times. You keep repeating the same thing over and over again like a broken radio. You have no argument.

U are a hardcore Chinese who support terrorism and even previously supported ISIS. Let me fine your previous ID

No one says Shia extremists don't commit crimes on Sunnis, but their targets are mainly Sunnis and mostly a response. Unlike Sunni extremists whom target everyone on earth, they even target other Sunnis. The Shi'ite extremists are angered by all the killings on them done by Sunni extremists, so they retaliate, sometimes a terrorist supporting village will be the target of that. For example look at the 1700 people massacred near Speicher in 1 day, you think they have no family members whom will retaliate ? even though they barely did retaliate.

This kind of retaliation is done by everyone on earth when the situation becomes bad, take Algeria in the 90's as an example, all Sunnis there.

List of massacres during the Algerian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Who knows how many massacres the army had to carry out on terror supporting neighborhoods to rid the country of them. Sunni Islam is infected with ideologies supporting terror. TTP massacred 100+ kids, many of them will return to playing poor villager/farmer as that's how they operate in guerilla warfare, should they massacre them or leave them ? maybe massacre is better.

And they are massacring TTP, there is no other way to defeat terrorists using guerilla warfare.
Germany slams Pakistan's move to execute 500 militants

In essence these Sunni extremists are in fact retaliating the crimes done to them by Shia extremists you know. Iraqi deaths squads killed thousands of Sunnis. Assad's regime also killed thousands of Sunnis. You don't see me however justifying their crimes as retaliating against crimes done to them as you.

Both sides are criminals and none of them are good. Both ISIS and Syrian regime are guilty of massacres and both will pay the price.
That's what the Persians said and than Umar ibn Al-Khattab wiped them out. :)
We never got wiped out.Arabs destroyed Egyptian and Syrian cultures and Languages but not that of us.we only accepted their religion.as a fact, We are still on the map and we form the most powerful state of the ME where everything is influenced by us.

And your like are getting eliminated one by one in Syria and Iraq by Iran.thanks to our power and technology.
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