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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Now this psychiatric patient starts inventing false history (percentages, numbers) and totally ignores what is written to him and he cannot hide that he is the same person behind those 20-25 troll users. He never learns. Always gets permanently banned just to reappear again.

I even tried to talk sense with this troll when PM's were allowed and there he behaved somewhat normally. It seems that it did not help.

There are so many strange Iranian users on PDF that it is unbelievable. Sometimes I think that those are Israelis that try to put Iran in a bad light. I don't know. Never experienced anything similar. So few users yet so many retards. Amazing really.


This serial troll provokes people intentionally so they step down to his level. See my previous posts where I also provided names and evidence of this being a serial double user.
and i suppose this man would be happily living in post-2007 burqa-fied gaza...

You don't know anything about the Palestinian people or their culture Zionist troll.

that is immaterial.

No it isn't bigot, you claim to have so much knowledge on Muslim/Arab affairs but aren't Muslims. Because you're a Zionist troll.

right... now hamas activists will tell me what socialists do.

You are not socialist, you are a Zionist troll.
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The reality is hurtful. Your pre-Islamic Gods are also a copy of our ancient Semitic Gods. Your avatar could might have well been of any pre-Islamic Semitic dynasty. Same dynasties that first originated in what is now the Arab world. From Yemen to Syria. Not Iran.

This has nothing to do with racism. My people have influenced your people much more on almost every front than vice versa.

Anyway this has nothing to do with the topic. Our problem is not Iranian people but anti-Arab Iranians which are the majority on PDF. I got no problem with you as you already know.

Stop defending this lunatic compatriot of yours. He is an embarrassment for you Iranians but instead of denouncing him you are supporting his vandalism.

In every single thread he is insulting Arabs. We will not deal with this anymore. We are few Arabs here and most other Arab users do not care to deal with this lunatic but unfortunately I do.

This user makes Arab user be anti-Iran here. Had he not been here the problems would only be political which can always be solved.
Lets not go more off topic but there are some statements from you that should not be left ignored.

Persians were not pagan back in pre-Islam time.they believed in one God and their religion was among the first Abrahamic religions as well.However Ilamis were pagan.

And Islam is not a religion made by you.it is made by God.and God is not racist.Thus we are influenced by God.

I am not responsible for every Iranian member here.I can only watch my own language.if he says anything usefull and right, I will support and like it.if not I wont like it.however if you want to attack a member by bashing his country and culture (Iran) we are here to defend.very simple.same should be done by you.
He's not anti-Arab, he's just Indian with lots of free time that spams forum with pro-Gaddafi/Anti-Hamas posts. :lol:

Sometimes it's entertaining but he needs to try harder to be funnier.

What is the difference? All those people who "funnily" enough claim to be of partial Arab ancestry (surprisingly very often) somehow spend most of their living hours on PDF on spreading hatred against Arabs and not our few unelected regimes and dictators. Strange way of debating.

This forum is not a place for constructive debate. That is clear by now. The moderators are obviously not dealing with the trouble makers here or following their own rules despite being made aware of double users. I am actually helping them out here yet my posts are ignored despite busting 10-15 double users for them and saved them from work in the past. Maybe I should make 20-25 double users and first get started with the trolling. That would be fun. Wonder how people would react.
There are so many strange Iranian users on PDF that it is unbelievable. Sometimes I think that those are Israelis that try to put Iran in a bad light. I don't know. Never experienced anything similar. So few users yet so many retards. Amazing really.
This is reality.
What is the difference? All those people who "funnily" enough or also partially Arab somehow spend most of their living hours on PDF on spreading hatred against Arabs and not our few unelected regimes and dictators. Strange way of debating.

This forum is not a place for constructive debate. That is clear by now.

The guy is a troll, 99% of his posts are directed at Palestinians. He desperately tries banning any pro-Palestinian discussion in this forum under guise of 'anti-Hamas 'propaganda''. He has never issued one post condemning Israel. We are only allowed to praise PA according to him. The PA that cooperates with West/Israel in every field and supports their attacks against Hamas. Yet somehow Hamas is Western puppet. :lol:

I have no problem debating him if he learns to speak with facts. Instead he puts out low qaulity posts that he expects us to take as reality. Which is pure trolling/laziness/retardness. And it is bad for quality of discussion on this forum.
This video is hilarious, going to translate all of it for the Iranians to hear especially.
Sham Aleppo interview with an elder who vows to Assad the lasting of the revolution and victory over him.
Interviewer: Sir Abu Hasan, what would you like to say to Assad and Iran?
Abu Hasan: For Iran, we are the descendants of the Prophet (pbuh)! We are the descendants of Ali! We are the descendants of Fatima az-Zahra! We are the protectors of the Islamic Ummah god willing.
As for Bashar, you giraffe, with the long neck, behind you are the lions of Aleppo's countryside. We are going to stomp on you. We are going to enforce the justice of the children, and the babies and everything you destroyed you son of a b***h. You are heartless. Be scared of Allah!
Interviewer: Bashar Al-Assad is saying he is going to encircle Aleppo. What's your opinion?
Abu Hasan: Go surrender Wadi ad Dayf that we destroyed you and the ones bigger than you. We are coming for you, and we are not going to keep any heartless people.
This is great. Mind some of the insults though.
The Muslim world has become hopeless. Most of us are retards. I just don't understand one thing here that I want somebody to explain to me. Why is it that Arabs are blamed for every ills here by everyone? People always want something from us. Always complain. Always meddle. When we are minding our own business people make several threads and cry about how we are not "showing interest in this issue or this one". People know nothing about what they are talking about.

I could mention everything from ignorance about what sects that exist (forgetting that all major sects originate in KSA and the Arab world including sufism itself) from false perceptions of all of us being millionaires using slave labor, to us having no problems (nothing could be further from the truth), us supporting leaders unconditionally etc. Complains about too religious Arabs and insults about those of us that are not religious etc.

Apparently we have become the scapegoat of the Muslim world. For this reason alone I stopped believing in Muslim unity. Sad but truth. PDF taught me that hardly anybody wants anything good for us at the end of the day.

Look at this thread, the Iraqi thread, Yemen thread etc. All the foreigners are supporting their sides and fighting above the heads of our dead martyrs and talking numbers, insulting etc.

Those that support the Syrian opposition do not support them because they are Muslim or Arabs but because them getting in power would suit their interests. Same with those foreigners that support Al-Assad. They don't care about the Syrian regime or the Syrians supporting them. They just care about the interest of their states. You think that they care if 40 Syrian soldiers die tomorrow?

Same with Palestine. The sooner you realize it the better.

I am not talking about the exceptions here.

I agree, Muslims have become largely nationalist. And will use religion as tool to achieve nationalist interests. Not all of them, but most of those who have positions in power. Saudi Arabia gets blamed for a lot of things. Because Iranians don't like Saudi Arabians. :lol:

Maybe for historical reasons or or mix of historical/political reasons. I can't change it myself though. More Saudi's would be needed to speak their perspective.

One thing that most choose to ignore is Muslims are equally responsible for situation but we are too arrogant to field any of it. I don't know when this will change. :)
This video is hilarious, going to translate all of it for the Iranians to hear especially.
Sham Aleppo interview with an elder who vows to Assad the lasting of the revolution and victory over him.
Interviewer: Sir Abu Hasan, what would you like to say to Assad and Iran?
Abu Hasan: For Iran, we are the descendants of the Prophet (pbuh)! We are the descendants of Ali! We are the descendants of Fatima az-Zahra! We are the protectors of the Islamic Ummah god willing.
As for Bashar, you giraffe, with the long neck, behind you are the lions of Aleppo's countryside. We are going to stomp on you. We are going to enforce the justice of the children, and the babies and everything you destroyed you son of a b***h. You are heartless. Be scared of Allah!
Interviewer: Bashar Al-Assad is saying he is going to encircle Aleppo. What's your opinion?
Abu Hasan: Go surrender Wadi ad Dayf that we destroyed you and the ones bigger than you. We are coming for you, and we are not going to keep any heartless people.
This is great. Mind some of the insults though.
Go surround* Wadi ad Dayf.
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Aleppo: The Free Syrian Army destroys regime force's 23mm machine guns (even though they're autocannons) on the Al-Malah Front with the B9 recoilles rifle.

Latakia: The Free Syrian Army targets regime gatherings near bridge 45 with the B9 recoilles rifle.
They don't like any Arabs. Please speak with Iraqi Shia Arabs that lived or visited Iran and see what they have to say about the average Farsi. Visit any Arab forum. I just don't understand how come you can have ties with users that hate you solely for your ethnicity. They are using you as a tissue. Nothing more.

Most Saudi Arabians are pan-Islamists just like you which I see as a naive ideology harmful for the Arab world. Nationalism was always repressed because of the rivalry with Nasser's Egypt and Saddam's Iraq, Yemen etc. But people are slowly waking up though and know that the problems of the Arab world is something that we Arabs have to solve. Not Iranians, not Turks, not Pakistanis, not Americans nor Martians.

Yet that does not prevent them from being Muslims or practicing Muslims. It's just that they don't believe every sweet thing that foreigners tell them while they badmouth them behind their backs.

For you information then the Farsi users that you consider as friends here have badmouthed you in Farsi language on their section hundreds of times. Same with Arabs and the Palestine plight. I don't trust such people.

Well you need to understand I've been largely abstaining from these rivalries lately. When I took part in them in the past people responded by bashing the Palestinian cause/people. So for sake of my people I have abstained. Most people don't understand my views represent me and not all my people. And they know that, but they insist on flaming tensions because they want such discussions avoided. Especially if it involves me.

I am not in position to take sides anymore. Because most Muslims today are cultural ones who don't like hearing truth. So for now I will keep my feelings to myself.

PS, I know which ones badmouth me. I regularly used to check their section. And on their forum I was perma-banned because I can't tolerate their extremism. Many of them are fanatically nationalist and accuse anyone who have different views of being Shia hater. So trust me I know but I largely abstain from getting involved because I don't have time anymore.
Dear brothers, both Arab and Persian. Please stop fighting.

This thread is now under the watch of several moderators and having looked at the rate of violations that occur on this page, it is by a long shot the worst thread on here.

Please keep things civil.
Dear brothers, both Arab and Persian. Please stop fighting.

This thread is now under the watch of several moderators and having looked the rate of violations that occur on this page, it is by a long shot the worst thread on here.

Please keep things civil.

Actually brother the problem is solely confined to this serial troll below. Please take a look at his user history and the facts below;

This @IRAN 1802 is a famous anti-Arab troll that spreads hatred against the 500 million or so Arabs nonstop and also the person behind those users below;

@kouroshkourosh @Resurrection5782 @YA-Mahdi @Best Land @Ghulam-Alazhar aka @Mohsenam2 @MOHSENAM

He also made this user @IRAN 1801

Do you notice the similarly in names? That's his normal tactic. To make several users at once and in case that he gets permanently banned as usual he switches to his other users. He has been doing that for 1.5 years now.

I detect him every single time.

He is a very big reason for the many fights on the ME section yet the moderator team is not doing anything to prevent him from trolling let alone permanently banning him again.

We want to discuss the Syrian conflict and issues related without having to deal with him or speaking about Iran or refusing his historical lies and other nonsense. If he is solely interested to troll Arab issues then he should stick to his Farsi topics.
Actually brother the problem is solely confined to this serial troll below. Please take a look at his user history and the facts below;

This @IRAN 1802 is a famous anti-Arab troll that spreads hatred against the 500 million or so Arabs nonstop and also the person behind those users below;

@kouroshkourosh @Resurrection5782 @YA-Mahdi @Best Land @Ghulam-Alazhar aka @Mohsenam2 @MOHSENAM

He also made this user @IRAN 1801

Do you notice the similarly in names? That's his normal tactic. To make several users at once and in case that he gets permanently banned as usual he switches to his other users. He has been doing that for 1.5 years now.

He is a very big reason for the many fights on the ME section yet the moderator team is not doing anything to prevent him from trolling let alone permanently banning him again.

I'll look bro. But I'll be on this thread a great deal more to watch over things.
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