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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

What happened to that 'spiritual figure' leader, Muhaysinni? I read recently that he deserted HTS due to his reasoning that HTS began fighting with other opposition groups. I don't take him seriously, however, he left because rumors of operation in Idlib. This guy cares about fame and is seeking glory with some kind of status, riling up young men to take up arms while seeking safety all the time he's been there. Probably making good money too and married several wives. Don't know why the Syrian people on the ground tolerate people that claim they are in it because of pleasing God or whatever, when you can tell that's a total joke.

The opposition is plagued by people in it for the money or whatever else. Especially their political leaders whom behavior does not reflect stated intentions. Whatever they're seeking is not going to work.

Meanwhile HTS is not even being targeted in the Idlib operation. Apparently a settlement has been reached. Syrian opposition has no purpose anymore. The ones near Jordan border just answer to US-Jordanian war room. The ones north are buffer zone for Turkey. Ones in Idlib don't know what their purpose is. Then you have Daesh a psychopathic group also obsessed with attention and glory, anarchy and suicidial tendencies.
Arab Muslim people need to seriously look inward, you people are the problem. Anyone can sell you a story and put on a religious face. Someone like Golani or Baghdadi or Muhaysinni are viewed as pious leaders, because of what they say. No one questions their intentions, no one tries to investigate their character to recognize if they are in it for glory, wealth, power, status, etc.... You can find a non bearded student that dresses in jeans that is much more pious than all these leaders combined, but society will not accept him because he doesn't 'dress' like a pious person or doesn't sell people stories or ramble about being among the 'rightly guided people'. These idiotic people are never going to change, they will continue to isolate good people who don't seek attention, money or fame and just want to make things better and are honest and not corrupt. And these good people will want nothing to do with activism in the region, and the gap is filled in by either brain dead(or not) people seeking wives, money, attention, praise or corrupt people making good money and living outside the nation. And you have wicked Arabs still scrambling trying to pit blame elsewhere or pretending like they still have something going.

There is something really wrong with this Muslim community. A person that says nice words(religious sermon), grows a beard, prays, but is corrupt, does not take just stances(political or social), is a womanizer, etc.... is rewarded by the society. People praise and follow them and some girls wish to be married with these incredible 'scholars'. This type person is considered better than a person who doesn't have much religious knowledge, is on and off with prayers, but has a superior character, is honest, is just and seeks good for the sake of God and not for attention or praise. You people have no morals, that is the sad truth. You are not driven out of desire to do good. All you believe in maximizing what benefit religion can bring to your social life or political scene.

This was the same in the past too, one example is Prophet's Grandson who was driven out of desire to good. He saw what phony people were leading the Muslims, and he asked Muslim for help, guess what, they didn't help him because if there is corruption in leadership there is corruption in people. And nevertheless he didn't abandon his desire to do good and refused to integrate with the corrupt majority, and paid a price with his own life and many of his companions, children, etc....

There's no point in trying to change you, you do not seek good leaders and have no desire to do good. This goes to all humans in the world too. People today desire to be the mainstream representation of a successful male or female. Which is outgoing, good looking, smart, successful, enjoying life to the fullest, etc.... And you may think nothing is wrong with that, but this is the result you are going to get. An society where there is no justice, even for small matters or personal matters. I don't know how God has patience for us, we were kicked out of Paradise thanks to this arrogant majority that believe they are right.


I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: The first of people against whom judgment will be pronounced on the Day of Resurrection will be a man who died a martyr. He will be brought and Allah will make known to him His favours and he will recognize them. [ The Almighty] will say: And what did you do about them? He will say: I fought for you until I died a martyr. He will say: You have lied - you did but fight that it might be said [of you]: He is courageous. And so it was said. Then he will be ordered to be dragged along on his face until he is cast into Hell-fire. [Another] will be a man who has studied [religious] knowledge and has taught it and who used to recite the Quran. He will be brought and Allah will make known to him His favours and he will recognize them. [The Almighty] will say: And what did you do about them? He will say: I studied [religious] knowledge and I taught it and I recited the Quran for Your sake. He will say: You have lied - you did but study [religious] knowledge that it might be said [of you]: He is learned. And you recited the Quran that it might be said [of you]: He is a reciter. And so it was said. Then he will be ordered to be dragged along on his face until he is cast into Hell-fire. [Another] will be a man whom Allah had made rich and to whom He had given all kinds of wealth. He will be brought and Allah will make known to him His favours and he will recognize them. [The Almighty] will say: And what did you do about them? He will say: I left no path [untrodden] in which You like money to be spent without spending in it for Your sake. He will say: You have lied - you did but do so that it might be said [of you]: He is open-handed. And so it was said. Then he will be ordered to be dragged along on his face until he is cast into Hell-fire. It was related by Muslim (also by at-Tirmidhi and an-Nasa'i).
^I've read lot of muslim religious interpretations on internet but there are only 3 things they have in common:

1. Imam Maghdi
2. Army from Khorasan
3. Big battle in Syria(or Israel, or Saudi Arabia)

Some quote army from Khorasan under black flags which sounds like ISIS. Some say army from Khorasan is Maghdi's army, others say it's opposed army....I don't know..
^I've read lot of muslim religious interpretations on internet but there are only 3 things they have in common:

1. Imam Maghdi
2. Army from Khorasan
3. Big battle in Syria(or Israel, or Saudi Arabia)

Some quote army from Khorasan under black flags which sounds like ISIS. Some say army from Khorasan is Maghdi's army, others say it's opposed army....I don't know..

Army of Black flags is a fabricated narration. It was written down during Abbasid era I believe and those opposed to the rulers wrote such things. Also many narrations of battles or details regarding the Mahdi are also fabricated. The opposing army you are referring to is one that will come from direction Syria/Iraq towards Mecca after people pledge allegiance to someone to be their leader who will not be known as the Mahdi until afterward where the army sinks into the ground on the way there. I've also read that the people won't be judged, meaning that the army was sent to understand the situation on the ground, not to pursue the people there.
Russian forces kill '120 ISIL fighters' in Syria's east
Large number of fighters, including foreign mercenaries, killed in air raids in Deir Az Zor, Russian officials say.

Russian forces have killed about 120 ISIL fighters and more than "60 foreign mercenaries" in a series of attacks in Syria's east over the past 24 hours, the defence ministry said.

About 80 Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) fighters died in a raid on a command post in the al-Mayadeen area of Deir Az Zor province, the ministry said, adding that 40 fighters were killed near the border town of Al Bukamal, also in Deir Az Zor.

The ministry also said that "large numbers of foreign mercenaries" coming into Al Bukamal from neighbouring Iraq were killed in a Russian air raid.

Many of them came from the former Soviet Union, Tunisia, and Egypt, according to the ministry.

Al-Mayadeen is one of ISIL's last bastions in Syria.

READ MORE: Syria's civil war explained from the beginning

The advances against ISIL (also known as ISIS) in Deir Az Zor have cost a heavy civilian death toll from Russian and coalition air raids.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Russian aerial bombardment on Thursday night killed 14 people, including three children, fleeing across the Euphrates on rafts near al-Mayadeen.

Russia has not acknowledged any civilian deaths from its attacks since it intervened in Syria in 2015, and dismisses the Observatory's reporting as biased.

Moscow has been carrying out air raids in support of its ally Damascus targeting both ISIL in Deir Az Zor province and rival groups led by al-Qaeda's former Syria affiliate in Idlib province in the northwest.


Source: Al Jazeera News


A fighter of Syrian Democratic Forces takes up a position inside a building at the frontline in Raqqa, Syria on Saturday. | Photo Credit: Reuters


U.S.-backed fighters in northern Syria are preparing for a final offensive on neighborhoods still held by the Islamic State group in the city of Raqqa, a spokesman for the group said on Monday.

Mustafa Bali of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces told The Associated Press that the battle is expected to last between seven to 10 days. The extremists still have hundreds of fighters in the city that was once their de facto capital.

The Kurdish-led forces launched an offensive against IS in Raqqa in early June, under the cover of airstrikes by the U.S.-led coalition. The Kurdish-led group has captured 80 % of the city, leaving IS in control of parts of the Raqqa’s center and north.

“The Syrian Democratic Forces are reinforcing positions ahead of the final attack on the city of Raqqa,” Bali said by telephone on Monday, speaking from northern Syria.

The loss of Raqqa would be another major blow to IS, which has suffered significant setbacks over the past year, including the loss in July of Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city and the biggest that the extremists ever held.

The battles have been ongoing for weeks in Raqqa. SDF fighters and Syrian government forces are also marching in the eastern province of Deir el-Zour, the last stronghold for IS in eastern Syria.

Backed by Russian airstrikes, Syrian troops and their allies have been pushing along the western bank of the Euphrates River while SDF fighters are moving along the eastern bank. There have been concerns about a clash between the U.S.-backed fighters and President Bashar Assad’s forces.

Meanwhile, Turkey’s military said on Monday that Turkish troops moved into Syria’s northwestern Idlib province the previous day as part of an operation to enforce a “de-escalation” zone that was internationally agreed earlier this year.

The Turkish troops crossed into Syrian territory on Sunday to begin “reconnaissance activities” in Idlib, a statement from Ankara said. It did not say how many troops were involved, but added the force would create “observation points” in the region.

Also on Sunday, Turkish forces shelled areas along the border in an area dominated by al-Qaeda-linked militants in Syria.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey would not allow a “terror corridor” by Kurdish militia aiming to link its territories from eastern Syria to the Mediterranean, amid reports that the Turkish deployment could also serve to curb possible territorial gains by the U.S.-backed Kurdish fighters.

Ankara sees the Syrian Kurdish forces as an extension of its own minority Kurdish insurgency.
US-Daesh Cooperation "Confirms Syrian 'Civil' War is a US-Backed Proxy Conflict"
© AP Photo/ Militant website
21:26 11.10.2017(updated 21:33 11.10.2017)Get short URL
Moscow and Damascus have stepped up pressure against the US, urging Washington to explain its "selective blindness" toward Islamists operating near US forces in Syria, and accusing the Pentagon of supplying terrorists with arms. Speaking to Sputnik, Canadian historian Michael Carley said that Russia and Syria's concerns don't surprise him one bit.

On Wednesday, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov asked Washington to explain why it was providing aid to al-Nusra Front-affiliated militants in the southern de-escalation zone.

US-Led Coalition Destroys Everything in Syria Except for Daesh - Damascus
The same day, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem accused the US-led coalition of destroying everything in Syria apart from the terrorists themselves. Muallem's remarks echoed similar comments made by the Russian Defense Ministry earlier. At his October 10 press briefing, Konashenkov complainedthat US assistance for terrorists coming into Syria from Iraq "raises serious questions" about the US-led anti-Daesh coalition's real objectives.

Asked to comment on the situation, University of Montreal history professor Michael Carley told Radio Sputnik that there was "absolutely nothing new" in the concerns brought up by Konashenkov.

"This [US] involvement with ISIS [Daesh/ISIL] and various other Islamist terrorist groups in Syria has been going on for a long time," the observer said. For instance, one can recall "the reports from a couple years ago – that after the destruction of Libya, the CIA aided Islamic terrorists from that country and transported them to Syria along with various Libyan arms to get the war started in Syria."

"Another example from several years ago: when Palmyra was attacked and taken the first time by ISIS, it took them three days to cross the deserts; the Americans knew about it and let them [carry on]."

Moscow Wants Washington to Explain Why Militants Operate Near US Forces in Syria
According to Carley, there is every reason to suspect that the US anti-Daesh campaign is a phony war. "They pretend to fight [Daesh]. They like to bomb desert, blow up sand; they pretend they're fighting IS, but often turn a blind eye to them. The only people that don't seem to know anything about what's going on between the US, ISIS, Nusra, al-Qaeda and so on are the American public."

Asked about the possible motives Washington may have behind this apparent drive to keep these terrorist groups going, Carley said that there are two primary reasons:

"The United States government has two objectives. One is to wreak havoc in Syria. Everyone knows that the US objective is to get rid of Bashar al-Assad and partition Syria. The other primary objective is to get Russia. Neocons in Washington are absolutely furious with Russia for having queered their pitch in Syria, and for preventing US intervention from succeeding in overthrowing Assad."

On Monday, the Syrian Defense Ministry provided video evidence of arms confiscated from terrorist groups confirming that most of the weapons were manufactured by the US or its allies.

Russian Airstrikes Destroy Daesh Command Center, Kill 70 Terrorists Near Mayadin
Asked to comment on that development, Carley emphasized that of course "it's not a secret. These arms come from all over the place…The Americans, the Saudis, the Qataris until recently paid for the armaments, they were shipped from various places to Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and they ran them with trucks into Syria. It's been going on for years; there's absolutely nothing new here to talk about."

Syrian War 'Not a Civil War'

Speaking about the strife that the Syria endured over the last half-decade or so, the academic said that it was important to emphasize that this is not a civil war, as it has often been characterized, but a "proxy war, waged by the United States and its allies."

From the beginning, he said, large numbers of non-Syrian foreigners have been engaged in a fight against the Syrian government. These foreigners have arrived in the country through Jordan, Turkey and Iraq "to fight as mercenaries paid by the Saudis, Qataris or the Americans to fight the Syrian government…There were obviously domestic problems inside Syria, but there would never have been a proxy war against Syria if the United States hadn't decided to wage it," Carley insisted.

Unfortunately, the analyst believes that even if Damascus and Baghdad do manage to thoroughly defeat Daesh, "there's still the problem of the Kurds, and the Americans are thoroughly backing the Kurds. The Israelis are backing them too. The idea is to mess up the Middle East, to weaken any sort of resistance to American and Israeli domination of the region."

US-Daesh Cooperation "Confirms Syrian 'Civil' War is a US-Backed Proxy Conflict"
The only one who cooperates with ISIS are Assadists. ISIS marched 30 kms through Assad controlled territory and attacked the rebels:



They even brought tanks with them.

So far Turkish operation is limited to small strip near Afrin:


But even this is better than nothing. Daret Izza was subject to most sadistic Assad Putin terror strikes:

Cluster bombs:

Thermobaric bombs:

Incendiary cluster bombs:

UR-77 charge barrel bombs:

All these weapons are illegal in urban areas, they are war crime and pure terrorism. Especially since this town is far from any front lines.


CAIRO: Syrian factions agreed to a cease-fire in southern Damascus as part of a deal brokered by Cairo and Moscow, Egyptian state media reported on Thursday.

The cease-fire, which includes Jaish Al-Islam, Jaish Ababil and Aknaf Beit Al-Maqdis, went into effect at midday Thursday.

“We announced a preliminary agreement over the will to enter into a cease-fire and de-escalation deal for the area,” said Jaish Al-Islam political leader Mohammed Alloush, adding that details will be worked out in the near future.
The announcement did not name the areas included, and did not mention the Syrian government. There was no immediate comment from Damascus.

Following a meeting with rebel factions, Alloush thanked Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi for his role in the negotiations, and for pushing for a political solution to Syria’s war, Egypt’s Al-Ahram newspaper reported.

Backed by Russia, Iran and Shiite militias, the Syrian government has pushed back rebels across the country over the past year, shoring up its rule over the main urban centers.

A string of cease-fire deals in recent months has eased fighting in western Syria, including a truce in the southwest brokered by Russia and the US.

In recent months, Egypt has held negotiations with several Syrian opposition factions while maintaining good ties with Damascus.

Cairo mediated a cease-fire agreement in August in Eastern Ghouta after hosting talks between Syrian opposition factions and Russia’s Defense Ministry.

“Egypt is placing itself as an impartial meditator in the Syria crisis, and this is being welcomed by regional and international sides of the conflict, except for Turkey,” Egyptian political analyst Sameh Rashed told Arab News.
“Egypt began playing a mediator role in recent months, as the ongoing situation is pushing all sides of the conflict to seek a political solution instead of a military victory.”

Cairo will be in charge of monitoring parties’ commitment to the agreement, Rashed said.

Rebel factions hold a small pocket of territory south of Damascus, bordered to the west by a Daesh enclave and surrounded from the other sides by Syrian government troops and allied forces.

Through a series of military offensives and evacuation deals, the government has cleared out several opposition pockets around the capital.

Thousands of rebels and civilians have poured into rebel-held Idlib province in northwest Syria, transferred out of areas captured by government forces.



ANKARA: Turkey is accelerating its military buildup around Idlib with the deployment of more units and drones to determine surveillance points in the Syrian province.

The deployment is part of the de-escalation deal brokered in Astana last month between Ankara, Tehran and Moscow.

On Wednesday, armored personnel carriers and other military vehicles were transferred to border units to increase preparedness, while additional reconnaissance teams entered Syria.

Idlib is mainly controlled by Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS), which rejects the Astana process. Turkey’s operation is mainly aimed at clearing out HTS and implementing a de-escalation zone in the province.

Another Turkish priority is to contain territorial contiguity between the Syrian regions of Afrin and Kobane, which are controlled by the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG).

Ankara considers the YPG a terrorist organization with links to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which has been waging an insurgency against the Turkish state for more than three decades.

Turkish media report that the army will determine 14 locations in Idlib to establish surveillance points to deploy Turkish soldiers.

Experts are conducting feasibility studies, with unmanned drones flying over the area. Spots where the Turkish military may be vulnerable to attack will also be determined.

Reconnaissance teams are working closely with local forces, and Turkish military units will be stationed on Syrian soil once the feasibility studies are complete, the Turkish daily Hurriyet reported.

Following Operation Euphrates Shield, this is the second time in a year that Turkey’s military has crossed into northern Syria.

“Idlib is important for several reasons,” Oytun Orhan, a researcher on Syria at the Ankara-based think tank Orsam, told Arab News.

“By solving or at least freezing the problem in Idlib, Turkey will avoid the risk of a refugee influx. By deploying the Turkish military on the borders of the de-escalation zone in Idlib, Turkey will prevent a possible YPG advance from Afrin. Also, Ankara will prepare suitable conditions for a future attack on Afrin.”

Given that Turkey’s Idlib operation is in coordination with Russia and Iran, Orhan said it has indirect consent from the Syrian regime.

“So there will be no negative reaction to Turkey’s move. The long-term plan is to divide the radicals from the moderates, then find a political solution to the Syrian conflict. Then Turkey will probably leave Idlib in the context of a political solution.”

Cengiz Tomar, professor of international relations at Marmara University, told Arab News: “The Turkish Army will bear a kind of peacekeeping mission in the region.”

But he does not expect an operation in Afrin anytime soon. “Afrin is under US protection, while Russia still maintains contact with the YPG in the region,” Tomar said.

“HTS has about 10,000 fighters in Idlib. There might be an understanding between it and Turkish forces to pull back to another region because HTS isn’t likely to prefer clashing with them.”




BEIRUT: Turkish forces that entered Syria’s Idlib province late on Thursday have started setting up observation positions that appear aimed at containing a Kurdish militia, a senior rebel involved in the operation said early on Friday.

“The allied Turkish armed forces have entered Syrian territory and begun setting up observation posts,” said Mustafa Sejari, an official in a Free Syrian Army (FSA) rebel group.

Turkey sent a convoy of about 30 military vehicles into rebel-held northwest Syria through the Bab Al-Hawa crossing in Idlib, rebels and a witness said.

President Tayyep Erdogan announced the deployment on Saturday, saying Turkey was conducting a “serious operation” with rebel groups it supports, as part of a “de-escalation” deal it agreed last month with Iran and Russia in Kazakhstan.

Turkey has been a big supporter of rebels fighting Syrian President Bashar Assad throughout the war. But since last year Ankara has focused on securing its border, both from jihadists and from Kurdish forces that control much of the frontier area inside Syria.

The Astana agreement with Assad’s foreign allies Russia and Iran involves reducing warfare in several regions of Syria, including Idlib and adjacent swathes of the northwest, the most populous rebel-held area.

Tahrir Al-Sham, a powerful jihadist alliance that controls much of that territory, is not party to the de-escalation deal, and is at odds with some of the rebel groups that Turkey supports.

However, its forces gave an escort to the Turkish convoy late on Thursday, witnesses said, indicating that there might not be any fighting between them.

Residents of northwest Syria and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights have reported intense air raids on Idlib and nearby areas for months.

The convoy was heading toward Sheikh Barakat, a high area overlooking rebel-held territory and the Kurdish YPG-controlled canton of Afrin, the witnesses said.

“(Turkey’s deployment is) in line with Astana 6 resolutions to ensure the area is protected from Russian and regime bombing and to foil any attempt by the separatist YPG militias to illegally seize any territory,” said Sejari.


Main force of Turkish troops enter Syria's Idlib
Turkish trucks carrying rocket systems parked behind earth defenses in Reyhanli, close to the border with Syria’s Idlib province, following the deployment of troops to Syria as part of a monitoring mission. Hatay, Turkey. Oct. 13, 2017.

Syrian jet pilot whose jet crashed in Turkey released from custody

A Turkish court early on Oct. 13 decided to release on judicial control a Syrian military pilot whose jet crashed near the Turkish border in March, according to judicial sources.

Mehmet Sufhan, 56, who faces charges of espionage and border violations, was released pending trial, said the source.

Sufhan was found alive after ejecting safely when his jet was reportedly shot down by opposition forces as it took off from the port city of Latakia to strike Idlib on March 4.

After being found and undergoing medical treatment, he was remanded in custody.

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Around 100 Islamic State fighters have surrendered in Syria’s Raqqa in the last 24 hours and were “removed from the city”, a spokesman for the U.S-led coalition against Islamic State told Reuters on Saturday.

“We still expect difficult fighting in the days ahead and will not set a time for when we think (Islamic State) will be completely defeated in Raqqa,” Colonel Ryan Dillon said in an emailed statement.
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