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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

HTS captured Abu Dali village. Assad/Russia bombed marked in Maarat an Numan in revenge, far away from fronlines




Pure terrorism and nothing else.
u hypocrite. When Israel bombed shit out of Lebanon's infrastructure during 06 war as retaliation for hezbollah's actions and destroyed Palestinian houses in retaliation for gaza militant actions u say nothing and we should accept it, but when Russia/Assad bomb a "market" you go human rights ballistic on them. How the hell do we know thats even a market? it doesnt look like a market to me, just regular neighborhood. Right now, more evidence points to US assisting(albeit indirectly) islamist militants in Syria even ISIS than Russia. We keep seeing weekly vids from Russia's MOD of strikes on ISIS. So where are america's videos? Its an objective question i need answers to. US has worlds best airforce, and for a country saying she is fighting ISIS in Syria yet no vids are coming out and we dont get data on actual airstrikes and what they took out? this Syrian war is looking SKETCHY AF.
u hypocrite. When Israel bombed shit out of Lebanon's infrastructure during 06 war as retaliation for hezbollah's actions and destroyed Palestinian houses in retaliation for gaza militant actions u say nothing and we should accept it, but when Russia/Assad bomb a "market" you go human rights ballistic on them.
Israel attacks specific targets with accurate weapons. Assad and Russia either deliberately struck markets and hospitals or randomly shell civilians. Thats why in 30 years of intifada were killed 10,000 while in 6 year of Syria war over 400,000 + 12 million displaced.

We keep seeing weekly vids from Russia's MOD of strikes on ISIS. So where are america's videos? Its an objective question i need answers to. US has worlds best airforce, and for a country saying she is fighting ISIS in Syria yet no vids are coming out and we dont get data on actual airstrikes and what they took out? this Syrian war is looking SKETCHY AF.
Because u watch Russian propaganda crap.

Here in this one video more strikes vs ISIS than in all Russian clown videos combined:


Troop deployment expands near front line with Kurds

The Turkish army is expanding its deployment in northwest Syria with the goal of encircling a Kurdish enclave and reining in Russian strikes in the Idlib border province under a deal to reduce clashes, rebels and witnesses said on Sunday.

A convoy of Turkish army troops entered Syria near the Bab al-Hawa border crossing on Thursday in the first such deployment since last year when Ankara launched a major ground and air offensive to clear Islamic State militants from its last stretch of border with Turkey.

At least four convoys carrying scores of armoured vehicles and equipment have been stationed in several locations in the first phase of a deployment that is expected to deepen inside rebel-held Idlib, opposition sources said.

“Nearly 200 troops are now stationed in areas that separate territory under control of Kurdish groups and opposition groups,” said Ibrahim al Idlibi, a military adviser in the opposition's Free Syrian Army (FSA).

Witnesses said Turkish bulldozers were working around the clock, digging fortifications and setting up observation posts.

A new deployment of Turkish armoured vehicles and personnel arrived along the Syrian border on Saturday, positioned on the Turkish side, witnesses said.

Turkey was expanding its presence in an area where it hopes to act as a barrier to Kurdish ambitions of uniting the isolated Afrin region, north of Idlib, with the rest of a self-declared autonomous Kurdish zone in the country's north.

Turkish positions near Samaan castle in the Sheikh Barakat mountains of the fertile, olive-growing province put them just a few kilometres from Kurdish militia forces based in Jendaris.

“Turkish forces are still in a state of advancing and expanding,” said Mustafa al Sejari, a Free Syrian Army official.

Turkey says its operations there, along with the Syrian rebel groups it backs, is part of a deal it reached last month with Russia and Iran in Kazakhstan to reduce fighting between insurgents and the Syrian government.

Syria on Saturday denounced the Turkish incursion saying it was a flagrant violation of its sovereignty and demanded Ankara pull its troops.

The Turkish incursion into the province dominated by the jihadist group Tahrir al Sham, whose backbone is ex-Nusra Front, Syria's former al Qaeda offshoot, has run smoothly.

‘Positions as agreed’

Rebel sources familiar with the deployment said the operation was preceded by weeks of coordination between Tahrir al Sham with Turkish intelligence officers to ensure no clashes happened.

Free Syrian Army rebel groups said the goal of the campaign was to push deeper into the province, with the expansion of supply lines and observation posts. The jihadists would be retreating further south in a phased withdrawal.

“The Turks will be taking up positions 40 km deep inside Idlib as agreed,” Idlibi said.

The goal was ultimately to create a contiguous stretch that goes from Bab al-Hawa all the way to Jarablus city, west of Euphrates River and as far south as the city of Bab, widening a pocket of the northern border under the control of Turkey-backed rebels.

Many residents in the towns of Idlib province, where more than two million people live, have welcomed the arrival of Turkish troops.

They are seen as a bulwark against heavy Russian and Syrian army bombardment to crush the rebel province that would cause massive devastation and high civilian casualties.

“The Turks presented the factions of the FSA the military and logistical support so that Idlib escapes the fate of Deir Zor or Raqqa,” said Colonel Abdul Jabar Akaidi, a senior commander in the FSA in the north.

Heavily populated Idlib has been the target of hundreds of strikes by the Russia and Syrian air forces in the past year that has killed hundreds of civilians and destroyed hospitals and civil defence centres.

Six months of relative peace under a Turkish-Russian understanding that gave a temporary reprieve to thousands of people was shattered when Russia resumed an intensive bombing campaign last month when jihadists launched an offensive against Syrian army positions.

On Saturday in southern Idlib, jets believed to be Russian killed at least three civilians and injured scores when bombs struck the outskirts of Maarat al Numan.

The air raids also targeted a camp run by Failaq al Sham, a Turkey-backed FSA group in Kafr Ruma village where a strike last month killed dozens of its fighters.
Israel attacks specific targets with accurate weapons. Assad and Russia either deliberately struck markets and hospitals or randomly shell civilians. Thats why in 30 years of intifada were killed 10,000 while in 6 year of Syria war over 400,000 + 12 million displaced.

Because u watch Russian propaganda crap.

Here in this one video more strikes vs ISIS than in all Russian clown videos combined:

you hit Lebanon with precision weapon and managed to kill 1800 Lebanese civilian and 200-300 militant .
on other hand Hezbollah used unguided weapon and killed 120 Israeli soldier and 60 civilian .

now somebody my ask himself where exactly you were targeting with those precision weapons.
you hit Lebanon with precision weapon and managed to kill 1800 Lebanese civilian and 200-300 militant .
These numbers are bullshit. Total number of killed in Lebanon including militants was around 1100 among then some 600 militants.

on other hand Hezbollah used unguided weapon and killed 120 Israeli soldier and 60 civilian .
The war was on Lebanese soil.

During WW2 were killed very little US civilians and millions German. Does it mean Nazis were better than Americans?
Israel attacks specific targets with accurate weapons.

This is from Wiki article on the war. What "specific targets" exactly were u targetting all over lebanon?

Even Northern Lebanon isnt pro/helping Hezbollah(as Syrian war confirmed) but you still bombed shit out of it.

back to syrian war- well i can go further and say all countries have helped at least some islamist militias in Syria, so why you mad about Assad/Russia doing it?


PKK/PYD terrorist group has seized control of Syria’s northern city of Raqqah, the de facto capital of Daesh, under a deal with the terrorist group, according to local sources.

After week-long negotiations, PKK/PYD and Daesh reached an agreement through local intermediaries under which local Daesh members left the city, the sources said on condition of anonymity due to security reasons.

The deal, however, did not include Daesh’s foreign fighters, who are still besieged inside the city, the sources said.

Daesh captured Raqqah in early 2014 and declared it the capital of its self-proclaimed caliphate.

In June, PKK/PYD launched an operation to recapture Raqqah from Daesh with the support of U.S. forces.
@500 More evidence of your country's collusion with terrorist islamist groups:

You cleared your border, for what? security? no, seems like to help your own mini terrorist militia.
Israel is not involved in Syria civil war. This ISIS guys once attacked us and we retaliated. Since then they afraid to deal with us. Same as Assad and Khameani terrorists who sit at our border but afraid to shoot at us.
These numbers are bullshit. Total number of killed in Lebanon including militants was around 1100 among then some 600 militants.

The war was on Lebanese soil.

During WW2 were killed very little US civilians and millions German. Does it mean Nazis were better than Americans?
well let just say American were not nice and Nazis didn't fight only against USA how many was the total number of civilian killed
And what I said was the neutral source data not sources affiliated with Hezbollah or Israel occupation Force .

And the front line was not even at litany river but you bombed north of Lebanon and your boats shelled Lebanon cities and your airplane attacked mainly Lebanon infrastructure that had nothing to do with Hezbollah.

Israel is not involved in Syria civil war. This ISIS guys once attacked us and we retaliated. Since then they afraid to deal with us. Same as Assad and Khameani terrorists who sit at our border but afraid to shoot at us.
The Isis guy attacked you and you retaliated by attacking Syrian government.
well let just say American were not nice and Nazis didn't fight only against USA how many was the total number of civilian killed
And what I said was the neutral source data not sources affiliated with Hezbollah or Israel occupation Force .

And the front line was not even at litany river but you bombed north of Lebanon and your boats shelled Lebanon cities and your airplane attacked mainly Lebanon infrastructure that had nothing to do with Hezbollah.
Virtually all Lebanese civilian casualties were up to Litani river.

The Isis guy attacked you and you retaliated by attacking Syrian government.
No. When ISIS attacked Israel we retaliated vs. ISIS.

Dozens of Islamic State group fighters have surrendered over the past day in their one-time bastion Raqa, the US-led coalition backing the offensive on the Syrian city said Saturday.

"Within the past 24 hours, approximately 100 ISIS terrorists have surrendered in Raqa, and were removed from the city," the coalition said in an emailed statement to AFP.

"Foreign fighters are not being allowed to leave Raqa," it said.

Earlier on Saturday, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said all Syrian IS jihadists -- numbering around 200 fighters -- had left their former stronghold with their families.

"All Syrian fighters from the Islamic State group left Raqa over the past five days," said Observatory head Rami Abdel Rahman, saying they headed to unknown destinations.

A Raqa official told AFP that Syrian IS members had surrendered overnight to the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) battling to take full control of the city, without specifying how many.

"They sent a message to the Raqa Civil Council and to the tribal mediators," the official said.

"Those that surrendered are local, not foreigners -- the foreigners have not handed themselves in yet," he said.

Members of the council -- a provisional administration for the city set up by the SDF -- had been working with tribal leaders throughout the week to try to secure safe passage for civilians.

Hundreds of civilians have managed to flee the battle-ravaged city, which once served as the de facto Syrian capital of the jihadist group.

According to Abdel Rahman, up to 150 foreign jihadists remain in the city and negotiations on their fate are still ongoing.

"The foreign fighters are asking to leave in one group towards areas under IS control in Deir Ezzor province," in eastern Syria, he said.

But a spokesman for the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG), which spearhead the SDF, denied on Saturday that any discussions were taking place for the surrender of the city.

"We completely deny any negotiations or deal for the exit of Daesh. Until this very moment, we are fighting Daesh," Nuri Mahmoud told AFP, using the Arabic acronym for IS.

Backed by US-led coalition air strikes, the SDF's Arab and Kurdish fighters have recaptured around 90 percent of Raqa from IS.
SDF captures Syria's Raqqa city from ISIL
by Mariya Petkova
6 minutes ago

More than 3,000 bombs have landed on Raqqa since January [Reuters/Erik De Castro]
The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), an alliance of Kurdish and Arab forces backed by the United States, have announced the capture of Raqqa after a four-month operation to drive out ISIL.

SDF spokesmen announced the takeover of the strategic Syrian city on Tuesday after a final battle at a sports stadium where Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) fighters made their final stand.

The SDF launched its offensive on Raqqa on June 6. Intense aerial bombardment and land operations by the US-led international coalition had cut the city off from the rest of the territories held by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS).

SDF: Battle for ISIL-held Raqqa city in 'final stages'
More than 3,000 bombs have landed on Raqqa since January, devastating schools, hospitals and residential buildings. In mid-October, the humanitarian REACH initiative estimated that less than one percent of Raqqa's 300,000 prewar population remained in the city. The city has no electricity or potable water and its last functioning bakery was destroyed recently.

According to the Syrian Network for Human Rights, since the start of the operation, more than 900 civilians have been killed in the violence, including at least 570 in coalition air raids.

Destroyed and depopulated, Raqqa also faces an uncertain political future. The US and SDF have pledged to hand over the city to civilian rule, but the shape and political make-up of this civilian entity remain unclear. Various ethnic, tribal and geopolitical factors will complicate the handover.

This is from Wiki article on the war. What "specific targets" exactly were u targetting all over lebanon?

Even Northern Lebanon isnt pro/helping Hezbollah(as Syrian war confirmed) but you still bombed shit out of it.
This map is crap. For example everything Israel attacked in Tripoli is port radars (using small anti tank rockets). This happened after Hezbollah used port radars to target Israeli corvete. But according to this map it looks like Israel bombed shit out of Tripoli. :lol:

back to syrian war- well i can go further and say all countries have helped at least some islamist militias in Syria, so why you mad about Assad/Russia doing it?
If Iran and Russia told Assad to leave in 2011 the whole war would be spared.
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