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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

No, I am not wrong. For effective ground attack role u need 5 ton load with full tanks.

The Mig-29K can lift 5T off a carrier with 4.5T of internal fuel. A2G weapons are a part of its loadout.

New uprated engines will only increase payload capacity. The Russians use a slightly better version than IN does.
The Mig-29K can lift 5T off a carrier with 4.5T of internal fuel. A2G weapons are a part of its loadout.

New uprated engines will only increase payload capacity. The Russians use a slightly better version than IN does.

I think it's time to ignor the Israeli idiot, he clearly just humiliates himself with his claims and is here to troll only.

@Deino please make a thread and merge all his posts so people can see how big of a troll he is.

Couple of his claims: SU-24 can't drop precision munitions. He has maintained this even after I provided evidence of photos SU-24s with precision munitions, videos of SU-24 dropping precision munitions, links proving it can use precision munitions and photos of its cockpit showing it is equipped with avionics that allow for precision munitions.

Then he claimed Russian cruise missiles 'failed many times'. He provided zero proof. In fact Russia provided drone footage of almost every cruise missile hitting it's target with 100% accuracy.

Then he claimed the Mig-29K can't take off with any payload more then 1 ton. There are dozens of photos of Mig-29Ks with heavy payloades and a few videos of those Mig-29Ks in afterburner about to launch. He is ignorant enough to believe the Indiana bought an aircraft that can't takeoff with weapons.

Of course, with relation to anything Russian his arguments is that if he didn't see it with his own eyes...it must be a lie and even if he seen it, it sucks and Russian are 'dumb liars'.

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I think it's time to ignor the Israeli idiot, he clearly just humiliates himself with his claims and is here to troll only.

@Deino please make a thread and merge all his posts so people can see how big of a troll he is.

Couple of his claims: SU-24 can't drop precision munitions. He has maintained this even after I provided evidence of photos SU-24s with precision munitions, videos of SU-24 dropping precision munitions, links proving it can use precision munitions and photos of its cockpit showing it is equipped with avionics that allow for precision munitions.

Then he claimed Russian cruise missiles 'failed many times'. He provided zero proof. In fact Russia provided drone footage of almost every cruise missile hitting it's target with 100% accuracy.

Then he claimed the Mig-29K can't take off with any payload more then 1 ton. There are dozens of photos of Mig-29Ks with heavy payloades and a few videos of those Mig-29Ks in afterburner about to launch. He is ignorant enough to believe the Indiana bought an aircraft that can't takeoff with weapons.

Of course, with relation to anything Russian his arguments is that if he didn't see it with his own eyes...it must be a lie and even if he seen it, it sucks and Russian are 'dumb liars'.

View attachment 429217

To add to that:

A2G PGM: KAB-500


Touch and go with AShM

Rocket pods, KH-31A/P, KH-38, KH-59... all A2G weapons.

Buddy refueling
2 500 kg bombs is its best. But u need well trained pilots and good wind for it. During the only combat mission of Kuznetsoz it failed to achieve it.
2 500 kg bombs is its best. But u need well trained pilots and good wind for it. During the only combat mission of Kuznetsoz it failed to achieve it.

Nah, it can do better.

But 2 KAB-500s or 2 KH-35s or 2 KH-31s are more than enough. It can carry 2 or 4 A2A missiles and a centerline fuel tank also. It's a pretty standard loadout. New weapons are being designed under PAK FA and those are going to make the loadout better.

The buddy refueling loadout proves it. The aircraft takes off with nearly 4.5T external load for this role.

The Kuznetsov is a very good carrier. The Mig-29s will definitely be doing well.

You don't have an argument here.
Syria violence at worst level since Aleppo: ICRC
Heavy fighting raging in several regions of Syria is causing hundreds of civilian casualties, ICRC reports.


Raqqa in northern Syria has been bombed by US-led coalition jets in recent months [Erik De Castro/Reuters]
The worst fighting since the battle for eastern Aleppo last year is raging in several regions of Syria, causing hundreds of civilian casualties, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has said.

Up to 10 hospitals have been reportedly damaged in the past 10 days, cutting off hundreds of thousands of people from access to healthcare, the aid agency said in a statement on Thursday, voicing alarm at the situation from Raqqa to Idlib and eastern Ghouta.

"For the past two weeks, we have seen an increasingly worrying spike in military operations that correlates with high levels of civilian casualties," Marianne Gasser, head of the ICRC's delegation in Syria, said.

"My colleagues report harrowing stories, like a family of 13 who fled Deir Az Zor only to lose 10 of its members to air strikes and explosive devices along the way."

In a separate development on Thursday, two Russian submarines fired 10 "Kalibr" cruise missiles from the Mediterranean Sea at rebel targets in Deir Az Zor province to support the Syrian army, Russian news agencies cited the defence ministry in Moscow as saying.

ICRC reported that some camps around Raqqa and Deir Az Zor are receiving daily more than 1,000 people, including many women and children, adding that humanitarian organisations are struggling to provide water, food and basic hygiene to the new arrivals.

"Military operations must not disregard the fate of civilians and of the vital infrastructure on which their survival depends," said Robert Mardini, ICRC's regional director for the Near and Middle East.

"Winning by any means is not only unlawful but also unacceptable when it comes at such human cost. We call once again on all those fighting in Syria to show restraint, and to abide by the basic tenets of international humanitarian law."

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based monitoring group, recorded the killing of 185 people, including 45 children and 46 women between September 29 and October 4 in several attacks, which it attributed to both the Russian and Syrian governments.

In response, the Syrian opposition condemned in a statement on Wednesday the "horrific massacre against those fleeing in the suburbs of Deir Az Zor".

"The warplanes of the Russian occupation committed a monstrous massacre near al-Ashira city south of Deir Az Zor, which led to the killing of no less than 50 civilians, mostly women and children".

"The targeting of civilians fleeing the fighting occurred while they were crossing the Euphrates river ... when the Russian warplanes directly shelled them, and in broad daylight," it continued, addig that tens of thousands of Syrians are under siege and are being targeted by both the Syrian and Russian armies.

The Syrian army, under President Bashar al-Assad, launched an offensive recently to gain control over Deir Az Zor, one of the cities on the Euphrates, which was mostly held by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) group since 2014.

Aided by the Russian military and Iran-backed fighters, the Syrian government managed to lift the siege after three years.

But despite the signing of an agreement to secure "safe zones" for civilians escaping the fighting, casualties and attacks on lifesaving facilities have continued to mount.

Last week, the New York-based Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) condemned Russia and the Syrian government for "the worst string of attacks" on hospitals in Syria in Idlib, northwest of Deir Az Zor.

"What that tells us is that this looks like a strategy to punish the civilian population and take out the hospitals so that healthcare is impossible," Marianne Mollman, PHR's director of research and investigations, told Al Jazeera.

Heavy fighting soared last year during the battle for Aleppo, which ended in December 2016 when Russia-backed Syrian government took control of the major city from rebels.

Abdulkafi Alhamdo, a professor at the University of Aleppo, who is from the city but is now living on the Aleppo countryside after being displaced by the war, said residents in parts of Aleppo were still enduring "horrific" conditions.

"People are living a nightmare of being arrested any time, and a lot of people are afraid of going back to Aleppo [city]," he told Al Jazeera via Skype.

"Of course, this is in addition that Aleppo now is without any services - no electricity, no water - because all the cables and the pipes were destroyed or stolen when Assad took control of the eastern part of Aleppo," Alhamdo added.

Wadi Barada "liberated" by Assad aka Khamenai thugs:





This town signed cease fire with Assad in 2013, but then in 2017 they broke cease fire ad leveled flourishing town to dust.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says Ankara-backed Free Syria Army rebels have launched a major operation in northwestern Syria against former al-Qaeda-linked fighters.

The push on Saturday comes as Turkey along with Russia and Iran prepare to set up a so-called "de-escalation" zone in Idlib province, in line with deals in talks in Kazakhstan's capital, Astana, aimed at ending the Syrian civil war.


The media got something right this time, seems like this will go smoothly as many have already left the HTS group to join this wider coalition.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says Ankara-backed Free Syria Army rebels have launched a major operation in northwestern Syria against former al-Qaeda-linked fighters.

The push on Saturday comes as Turkey along with Russia and Iran prepare to set up a so-called "de-escalation" zone in Idlib province, in line with deals in talks in Kazakhstan's capital, Astana, aimed at ending the Syrian civil war.


The media got something right this time, seems like this will go smoothly as many have already left the HTS group to join this wider coalition.
I think this is a preparation for an attack from both sides(south and east) on the ''Afrin canton'' of the YPG/PKK.
(*quote from Reuters article)
Turkish military vehicles enter Syria's Idlib: sources

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Turkish military vehicles crossed the Syrian border into Idlib on Sunday, a local resident and a local rebel said, after Ankara announced an operation by rebel groups in the area, which is controlled by rival jihadist alliance Tahrir al-Sham.

Both sources said the vehicles travelled under escort from Tahrir al-Sham, whose fighters accompanied them along a road. However, the jihadists and the Turkish military had earlier exchanged fire in a nearby area.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday that Syrian rebels backed by Turkish forces would launch an operation in Idlib and warned that Turkey would not allow “a terrorist corridor” near its borders.

The operation follows a deal between Turkey and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s allies Russia and Iran to impose a “de-escalation” zone in Idlib and surrounding areas to reduce warfare there, an agreement that did not include Tahrir al-Sham.

Reuters witnesses, the local resident and local rebel, and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based war monitor, said the Turkish military and Tahrir al-Sham exchanged fire near the village of Kafr Lusin in Idlib early on Sunday.

The clashes involved Tahrir al-Sham firing on a Turkish bulldozer removing sections of a border wall and Turkish artillery returning fire, the local resident and rebel and the Reuters witness said.

(*end quote)
HTS captured Abu Dali village. Assad/Russia bombed marked in Maarat an Numan in revenge, far away from fronlines




Pure terrorism and nothing else.
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