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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

KH-101 only went into service in 2012. Their stuff only has a 5 year shelf life? Maybe they should phase out their 61 year old bomber's propeller engines instead.
they keep that to tell USA if you can keep b-52 active we also can keep Ty-95 active
by the way don't forget t=Ty-95MS are from 1981-93 not 1952 the old ones are all phased out
they keep that to tell USA if you can keep b-52 active we also can keep Ty-95 active
by the way don't forget t=Ty-95MS are from 1981-93 not 1952 the old ones are all phased out

It's good to know our 1950's jet bombers fly faster than their 1981 propellor bombers.
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WTF? Why is Russia wasting their long range cruise missiles???? They can just fly over ISIS and drop precision bombs on them.
They failed many times so they are testing them.

I read your answer. And you are absolutely incorrect about the role Mig-29K is playing today.

We have it designated for CAS too, in littoral amphibious operations.

Anyways, just wanted to indicate that you are wrong.
No, I am not wrong. For effective ground attack role u need 5 ton load with full tanks.
They failed many times so they are testing them.

No, I am not wrong. For effective ground attack role u need 5 ton load with full tanks.

Again stop talking BS. We have dozens of videos of cruise missiles that hit their targets. They have been in active duty for a while now and the missiles have been praised for their accuracy and range. Now you have to prove where they failed. You have proof? Nope, just like with everything you make false claims with nothing to it support your claims with. You just never know when to stop. It's like you claiming the SU-24 can't drop precision munitions despite the fact that all are equipped with TV displays for laser targeting. All sources cite it has the ability to drop precision weapons, many photos and videos of SU-24s with precision munitions exist and even the manufacture confirms the SU-24 can use precision munitions yet you claim otherwise.

The fact is you love to talk nonsense with zero evidence and love to argue with people that provide mountains of evidence. Let's use your logic...... Israeli F-35s cannot drop precision munitions, they can't fly faster then Mach 1, they have weaker engines and they are heavier. Now prove me wrong.

The only thing that failed is that overhype's turd called the Merkava and the conscript rejects that operates it in Lebonon. The world was laughing in 2006 and they are still laughing today in the fact that after over 30 years Israeli still cannot defeat Hezbollah and even funnier Hezbollah is stronger today then it was in 2006. :lol:
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For effective ground attack role u need 5 ton load with full tanks.

Tell that to the USAF.


Air-to-Ground weaponry
7,000 lbs = about 3.1 tons


Air-to-Ground weaponry
8,324 lbs = about 3.7 tons


Air-to-Ground weaponry
5,662 lbs = about 2.5 tons


Tell that to the USAF.


Air-to-Ground weaponry
7,000 lbs = about 3.1 tons


Air-to-Ground weaponry
8,324 lbs = about 3.7 tons


Air-to-Ground weaponry
5,662 lbs = about 2.5 tons



Don't mind the kid. He is a clueless troll. The fact is an A-10 or SU-25 can take out an entire column of tanks with nothing but a strafing run from it guns. "Effective" is subjective, he is blowing sewage out of his mouth. If you have a single vehicle that needs to be taken out, whatever load you have would be sufficient. It would make zero difference if you drop a 250lbs bomb or 5000lbs bomb, either way it would be sufficient enough.

Aircraft such as Sukhois don't need any external fuel tanks because of their large internal capacity and loitering time as well as aerial refueling, thus his claim is void of logic. In other words fuel capacity and weapons load all depends on target, aircraft, and many other factors such as mission and aerial refueling.
The Cancer of War: U.S. Admits to Using Radioactive Munitions in Syria
01 Sunday Oct 2017
Posted by friends of syria in war crimes
Cancer, Chemical weapons, Depleted Uranium, Donald Trump, SAA, syria, USA

(RPI) Despite vowing not to use depleted uranium (DU) weapons in its military action in Syria, the U.S. government has now admitted that it has fired thousands of the deadly rounds into Syrian territory. As Foreign Policy Magazine reports:
“U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) spokesman Maj. Josh Jacques told Airwars and Foreign Policy that 5,265 armour-piercing 30 mm rounds containing depleted uranium (DU) were shot from Air Force A-10 fixed-wing aircraft on Nov. 16 and Nov. 22, 2015, destroying about 350 vehicles in the country’s eastern desert.”

Operation Inherent Resolve spokesman John Moore said in 2015 that:
“U.S. and coalition aircraft have not been and will not be using depleted uranium munitions in Iraq or Syria during Operation Inherent Resolve.”

Now we know that is not true.

Numerous studies have found that depleted uranium is particularly harmful when the dust is inhaled by the victim. A University of Southern Maine study discovered that:
“…DU damages DNA in human lung cells. The team, led by John Pierce Wise, exposed cultures of the cells to uranium compounds at different concentrations.
“The compounds caused breaks in the chromosomes within cells and stopped them from growing and dividing healthily. ‘These data suggest that exposure to particulate DU may pose a significant [DNA damage] risk and could possibly result in lung cancer,’ the team wrote in the journal Chemical Research in Toxicology.”

We should remember that the United States is engaged in military activities in Syria in violation of international and U.S. law. There is no Congressional authorisation for U.S. military action against ISIS in Syria and the United Nations has not authorised military force in violation of Syria’s sovereignty either.

The innocent citizens of Syria will be forced to endure increased risks of cancer, birth defects, and other disease related to exposure to radioactive materials. Depleted uranium is the byproduct of the enrichment of uranium to fuel nuclear power plants and has a half-life in the hundreds of millions of years. Damage to Syrian territory will thus continue long after anyone involved in current hostilities is dead.
No, I am not wrong. For effective ground attack role u need 5 ton load with full tanks.

Can you source that requirement of 5 tons load failing which CAS can not be achieved? :)

I am now intrigued to learn of this new concept.

Then, in your esteemed opinion, any aircraft flying from high altitude locales of Tibetan plateau for China (PLAAF) and from Leh for India (IAF) for close air support with less than full fuel load/armament load below 5 tons (due to altitude constraints and trade offs required thereof to carry maximum complement of armament/fuel as required) is not cleared for CAS?

I sincerely hope you can expand on this gem.

@randomradio @Abingdonboy @Gessler @nair @Foxbat Alok

Interesting take here .

The innocent citizens of Syria will be forced to endure increased risks of cancer, birth defects, and other disease related to exposure to radioactive materials. Depleted uranium is the byproduct of the enrichment of uranium to fuel nuclear power plants and has a half-life in the hundreds of millions of years. Damage to Syrian territory will thus continue long after anyone involved in current hostilities is dead.

The innocent? :D

Who started the war? Their own right?
Tell that to the USAF.

I am talking about full load:

5*230 = 1150 kg
6*227 = 1362 kg
LANTIRN 205+240 = 445 kg
2 AIM-9 + 2 AIM-120 = (152+86)*2=476 kg
2 Drop tanks with 1810 kg fuel each ~ 4 ,000 kg

More than 7.4 tons of total load.

Can you source that requirement of 5 tons load failing which CAS can not be achieved? :)
That's typical load for Hornets and Rafales during anti ISIS campaign.

MiG-29K barely takes 1 ton. During entire campaign they did not show even a single time taking off with bombs. I said this campaign is joke and I was 100% right. In fact it failed much more than I thought.
MiG-29K barely takes 1 ton. During entire campaign they did not show even a single time taking off with bombs. I said this campaign is joke and I was 100% right. In fact it failed much more than I thought.

So your 5 ton quip is based on singular experience of US and French fighting a bunch of ragtag fighters who do not have any airforce, have no AD assets worth the time of the day (except in case of downing an odd Syrian aircraft or helicopter of any of the belligerents) for downing fixed wings and who are operating in an environment of air superiority which is overwhelming (to be conservative and not risk going overboard)?

Extrapolating the inferences as above, should we write off Israeli Army seeing their rather difficult operations in Lebanon in the last conflict? Would that not be retarded inference?

And you have used this datum to broadly stroke the payload classification wherein you demarcate a fighter's operational role as being CAS or not?

I sincerely hope you introspect and understand how ridiculous your position is presently and what a load of crap you have posted in your posts to me. Last I checked, and here any military personnel will agree, the multi-role aircrafts were defined as being able to undertake a multitude of missions due to the inherent nature of their avionics, radar suites and armament integration. For the first time, you sir, have come up with weight and fuel as a system of classification.

It is apparent you have no clue about the topic at hand.

So your 5 ton quip is based on singular experience of US and French fighting a bunch of ragtag fighters who do not have any airforce, have no AD assets worth the time of the day (except in case of downing an odd Syrian aircraft or helicopter of any of the belligerents) for downing fixed wings and who are operating in an environment of air superiority which is overwhelming (to be conservative and not risk going overboard)?
In conventional war u need even more. See F-15 load above.
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First day of school in Euphrates Shield controlled Jarablus:




First day of school in SDF controlled Tabqa:




First day of school in Assad "liberated" Palmyra:

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