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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

I've got proof for my claim. Al-Saud family proved they are not Muslims when they bombed Yemen's Sunni and ShiA people under USA's commands. They claim they want to wipe Houthis , So why do they attack civilians, hospitals and civilization positions of Yemen?
Al-Saud family proved that they have no sign of Islam when they normalized their relations with Israel. You call it playing with cards, but i call it treason. However Al-Saud family is not Muslim and king Salman said that openly.
You should be an Arab. Watch the clip in this webpage. Salman says that " God show his mercy on Jewish kings before me"!. King Salman said that he is not a Muslim not me. I'm not takfiring him :disagree:.
I'm not bothered of Arabian people's economic progress so don't talk to me in that way.

I honestly sometimes can't tell if our Iranian counterparts on this forum are actually serious every time they leave a reply or a comment on here and they're actually literally believing their own laughable words!!!

Every half digit IQ loser can tell that the ongoing Yemen campaign is a legitimate action and in accordance with international laws, and not to mention that it was a direct result of the formal request by the elected Yemeni president Hadi for an urgent military assistance from his neighbors in response to the ongoing aggressions by the Iranian backed, financed and supported Houthi terrorists which under direct orders from the Iranian regime allied themselves with the former exiled Yemeni dictator Saleh and his loyal generals and his elite republican guard (which is in itself an enough evidence and reason for any truthful individual to expose the Houthis for joining hands with the same dictator the Yemenis fought to kick out back in 2011, so I don't really think I need any further explanations for this quite obvious crystal clear eternal shameful act), as for your hypocrisies in mentioning the Yemeni civilians killed by Houthi daily bombings of their homes and cities and then they arrogantly try to twist the events and do a little mini Hollywood production on it and then blame it on the Saudi led collection. And this low action has been exposed plenty of times on multiple Arabic military forums on the web. Now I've never denied accidental civilian casualties, yes it actually happened before, but you see the reason I called you a hypocrite is that you must've been aware that the Royal Saudi Airforce alongside other GCC air forces are always updating their military hardwares to the latest state of the art technology, also unlike Asshead that YOU again hypocritically support with all your heart alongside his Russian overlords, which both went far enough to unmercifully gasing their own people with chemical weapons but ironically I haven't heard a single beeb nor seen a single tear from you. Have some shame man. The Saudi led coalition have never used unguided or "dumb" bombs since the campaign strated in order to minimize civilian casualties, after all what will we gain by killing the same people that we're trying to help repel the forgen orchestrated war on their homeland. Be serious for once mate.

And when did exactly Al Saud normalized their relations with Israel? That's the most common thing Al Saud get accused about but we're yet to see any actual concrete evidence, where's the Israeli embassy in Riyadh? Where's the Saudi embassy in Tel Aviv? Lol give me a brake man and take it easy on the ongoing propaganda swallowing. Oh and btw don't get me wrong, my personal views are actually in favor of normalizing our realition with Israel. We will gain a lot of benefits from interacting with them and even becoming future allies. On the other hand being enemies with Israel will not improve anything on our interests. Sorry pal but that's politics my little hypocrite friend. Actually you know what, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you're just brainwashed to the core, a lot of work is needed to show you the truth. That's of course if you're only misguided, but if you're a paid Mullahbot (Your mullhs are trying to copy the tactic from the infamous and exposed Putunbots) then that's a whole different story, nothing I'll say will convince you even though you're aware of your wrong since you're under monthly payments to spend your overused propaganda every where you go. You know I already know 80% of Iranians on this forum are actually paied propaganda pots, and to back these claim a person needs to look no further than their posts history and how many years they've been active on here without any bordom whine in comparison almost all the Saudis and Arabs on this forum are no longer active since I've joined the forum. Only a handful left while on the other side they keep increasing in numbers with each new employee taking a spot.

As for this last part of yours:

Al-Saud family is not Muslim and king Salman said that openly.
You should be an Arab. Watch the clip in this webpage. Salman says that " God show his mercy on Jewish kings before me"!. King Salman said that he is not a Muslim not me. I'm not takfiring him :disagree:.
I'm not bothered of Arabian people's economic progress so don't talk to me in that way.

I don't know what you're exactly on about but I doubt you read and understand Arabic really, get me a official source of what it said in here was said by King Salamn even though I don't see anything wrong of what he said? Get me something else then we will see what King Salman actually said and whether their is something wrong with or no......

Also I've updated my original comment on here, so do me a favor and go check the newst updated and upgraded version of my fine optimized well put and thoughtful comment lol.
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I cannot go hostile with you bro becoz of your picture's name

what does it mean why do you have to calm down? I want to know it because I dont understand what has my profile picture to do with calming down?

you have been told this.. but reality is all hailing and all euphoria of new persian empire or a bigger iranian influence in ME and all political and military actions had lead to this you both SA and Iran are guilty for this..and you both play games..
As i said we love our Sunni brothers and we will help them in Palestine and anywhere of the planet if they be fighting Israel.

LMAO, you don't give a rst's bottom in all honesty. If you wanna fool the 1,3 billion Sunnis around the world you first need to prove to them your good intentions by starting to treat the oppressed Sunnis in Iran equally to other groups, but your problem is mostly with Arabs first then Sunnis last, that's why even your "fellow Shiites" Arabs in Ahwaz are treated like garbage by the ruling Persian elites in your regime. You're not just a sectarian regime but also you're a racist Farsi supremacist regime.
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And when did exactly Al Saud normalized their relations with Israel? That's the mos
And this low action has been exposed plenty of times on multiple Arabic military forums on the web. Now I've never denied accidental civilian casualties, yes it actually happened before, but you see the reason I called you a hypocrite is that you must've been aware that the Royal Saudi Airforce alongside other GCC air forces are always updating their military hardwares to the latest state of the art technology, also unlike Asshead that YOU again hypocritically support with all your heart alongside his Russian overlords, they've went far enough to even unmercifully gas their own people with chemical weapons but ironically I haven't heard a single beeb nor seen a single tear from you. Have some shame man. The Saudi led coalition have never used unguided or "dumb" bombs since the campaign strated in order to minimize civilian casualties, after all what will we gain by killing the same people that we're trying to help repel the forgen orchestrated war on their homeland. Be serious for once mate.

I honestly say that you are getting paid man. Watch our number at least. One Iranian Guy telling the truth against an army of England, K.S.A and Israel. o_O I am actually one person!.

t common thing Al Saud get accused about but we're yet to see any actual concrete evidence, where's the Israeli embassy in Riyadh? Where's the Saudi embassy in Tel Aviv? Lol give me a brake man and take it easy on the ongoing propaganda swallowing. Oh and btw don't get me wrong, my personal views are actually in favor of normalizing our realition with Israel. We will gain a lot of benefits from interacting with them and even becoming future allies. On the other hand being enemies with Israel will not improve anything on our interests. Sorry pal but that's politics my little hypocrite friend.
hahahah. Read your own quote again. You exposed yourself. First you said we are not normalizing relations with Israel then you talked about your mutual benefits with Israel. For God's sake how much of hypocracy a human could have?! :woot:. Watch this link :


Every half digit IQ loser can tell that the ongoing Yemen campaign is a legitimate action and in accordance with international laws, and not to mention that it was a direct result of the formal request by the elected Yemeni president Hadi for an urgent military assistance from his neighbors in response to the ongoing aggressions by the Iranian backed, financed and supported Houthi terrorists which under direct orders from the Iranian regime allied themselves with the former exiled Yemeni dictator Saleh and his loyal generals and his elite republican guard (which is in itself an enough evidence and reason for any truthful individual to expose the Houthis for joining hands with the same dictator the Yemenis fought to kick out back in 2011, so I don't really think I need any further explanations for this quite obvious crystal clear eternal shameful act), as for your hypothesis in mentioning the Yemeni civilians killed by Houthi daily bombings of their homes and cities and then arrogantly do a mini Hollywood Hollywood production on it and then blame it on the Saudi led collection.

I honestly say that you are getting paid man. Watch our number at least. One Iranian Guy telling the truth against an army of England, K.S.A and Israel. o_O I am actually one person!.

Ok. You claim that you are fighting Houthis so why do you attack their civilized positions?
Obviously whole the world knows that what's going on Yemen Links :








You cannot fool us man. Go make your propaganda somewhere else.
I don't know what you're exactly own about but I doubt you read and understand Arabic really, get me a official source of what it said in here was said by King Salamn even though I don't see anything wrong of what he said? Get me something else then we will see what King Salman actually said ad whether their is something wrong with or no......
You exactly saw and heard what he said. If you are that much retarded , watch it again.
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There is a big problem in Muslim community and that's Israel.

not israel is a problem.. it never was..

the problem is muslims themselves.. knowledge is a problem.. in many many sunni muslim countries they killed our scholars.. we can talk and call it a genocide of our alim.. so the ppl only care for dunya.. they left religion.. or religion does only play a role for our problems in this dunya.. thats the problem..
what does it mean why do you have to calm down? I want to know it because I dont understand what has my profile picture to do with calming down?

you have been told this.. but reality is all hailing and all euphoria of new persian empire or a bigger iranian influence in ME and all political and military actions had lead to this you both SA and Iran are guilty for this..and you both play games..
Becoz it makes me feel you are a Muslim not a Zionist Saudi or a corrupt guy. Persian Empire?! If we wanted to do it, Don't doubt we cooperated with USA against Muslim's world although we will never sell our honor to dollar!. Don't compare us to the guys who see Ottoman's empire in their midnight dreams :

kim osmani yookhoo sin gurey? bana yalan satma oghlan!


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Becoz it makes me feel you are a Muslim not a Zionist Saudi or a corrupt guy. Persian Empire?! If we wanted to do it, Don't doubt we cooperated with USA against Muslim's world although we will never sell our honor to dollar!. Don't compare us to the guys who see Ottoman's empire in their midnight dreams :
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kim osmani yookhoo sin gurey? bana yalan satma oghlan!

you seem to talk confused because of your issues.. I leave you alone with your secterianism..
what does it mean why do you have to calm down? I want to know it because I dont understand what has my profile picture to do with calming down?

you have been told this.. but reality is all hailing and all euphoria of new persian empire or a bigger iranian influence in ME and all political and military actions had lead to this you both SA and Iran are guilty for this..and you both play games..

He can't be calmed down due to the terrifying name in your profile picture, Omar is the nightmare of a name that humiliated their old, lost and blind fire worshipping ancestors and in an amazingly record time ending their history of thousands of years of absolute un challenged rule. So give him a slack, it's too much 4 him to take at once....
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Yeah you'd better leave us. imajini değiş oghlan. gizlenme halifenin dalisindan. chik onin dalisindan sonra benim gerçek yuzumi gor!. kupek israiili lar nan bir olma. sen musalmansan akhi!

He can't be calmed down due to the terrifying name in your profile picture, Omar is the nightmare of a name that humiliated their old, lost and blind fire worshipping ancestors and in an amazingly record time ending their history of thousands of years of absolute un challenged rule. So give him a slack, it's too much 4 him to take at once....
Thanks for what he gave us from Islam. You cannot force me to insult Sunni Sanctities. Nice try though. :no:
hahahah. Read your own quote again. You exposed yourself. First you said we are not normalizing relations with Israel then you talked about your mutual benefits with Israel. For God's sake how much of hypocracy a human could have?! :woot:. Watch this link :


Well if you actually paid just a little bit of extra attention you'd easily realize I've specifically said my "Personal views" only. Which doesn't represent in the slightest bit the official Saudi Arabian government views whatsoever. But of course you being the deceiving mouth of the Iranian propaganda you'll try to ignore what I've specifically said and even maybe altering the meanings of my own words in order to score some points against me. Nevertheless with that being said I wish we could normalize our relations with Isrsel ASAP, and flourish our quite different economies with al kinds of possible cooperation.

And as for the link you provided where's these so called secret meetings? Who participated in them? Nothing? Yea that's what I've guessed. The only vist I can recall of a Saudi person to Israel is the recent vist of the retired Saudi officer whom I sadly forgot his name, also he's retired therefore he's not considered a government official aka not an official vist. However hopefully in the near future more and more vists would follow suit between our different representatives. :-)

Ok. You claim that you are fighting Houthis so why do you attack their civilized positions?
Obviously whole the world knows that what's going on Yemen Links :

Huh? Most of your sharered inks are unidentifiable, unknowing sources, with excessive use of fake eye witnesses and with no visual evidence whatsoever. Also not to mention that if we actually end up with an unfortunate collateral damage incident then most of the blame will be on the Houthis for using civilians as human shields to hide their heavy weapons, and SCUD missiles. I've got plenty of videos that clearly shows Houthi arms deposits going in flames inside residential areas after being hit by the Saudi led coalition warplanes. Incase you you want to see the vids I'll gladly share them here.

And this spouses to mean?! You're showing Pro Hadi vs Pro Houthis/Saleh battles, thus resulting in the destruction of the battlefield. Nevertheless I only see a couple of meaningless photos.

You cannot fool us man. Go make your propaganda somewhere else.

I only speak with logical facts, proofs and evidences to back said facts. Not just empty useless words.

You exactly saw and heard what he said. If you are that much retarded , watch it again.

Nope not really, the only thing you've giving me is poorly translated unknown texts with no official source nor a linked visual footage.

Yeah you'd better leave us. imajini değiş oghlan. gizlenme halifenin dalisindan. chik onin dalisindan sonra benim gerçek yuzumi gor!. kupek israiili lar nan bir olma. sen musalmansan akhi!

Thanks for what he gave us from Islam. You cannot force me to insult Sunni Sanctities. Nice try though. :no:

I am not with israel.. whats wrong with you.. you are from iran so I understand that you want to defend them (iran)... so lets leave it..

and if you say oglan to me its not good talk use some proper words in front of a man.. its kind of agressive for me..
What a shame, the greedy elites only care about business opportunities and making money with zero regard to anything else whatsoever :(

And the ones paying the ultimate price are no other than the simple pressured Syrans whom are trapped between competing powers.... The world is a cruel place indeed, one day it's in your favor the other it's completely against you......

Well,they're selling to GCC countries not to factions on the ground directly,altough I'm pretty sure that in their mind they know where will these weapons end .
Well if you actually paid just a little bit of extra attention you'd easily realize I've specifically said my "Personal views" only. Which doesn't represent in the slightest bit the official Saudi Arabian government views whatsoever. But of course you being the deceiving mouth of the Iranian propaganda you'll try to ignore what I've specifically said and even maybe altering the meanings of my own words in order to score some points against me. Nevertheless with that being said I wish we could normalize our relations with Isrsel ASAP, and flourish our quite different economies with al kinds of possible cooperation.

And as for the link you provided where's these so called secret meetings? Who participated in them? Nothing? Yea that's what I've guessed. The only vist I can recall of a Saudi person to Israel is the recent vist of the retired Saudi officer whom I sadly forgot his name, also he's retired therefore he's not considered a government official aka not an official vist. However hopefully in the near future more and more vists would follow suit between our different representatives. :-)
Even Israel has confessed about governmental relations between K.S.A and Israel. Don't tell me you are not govenmental that sounds like joke to me. You are a paid troll by Mossad to spread Israel's favored propaganda.
Huh? Most of your sharered inks are unidentifiable, unknowing sources, with excessive use of fake eye witnesses and with no visual evidence whatsoever. Also not to mention that if we actually end up with an unfortunate collateral damage incident then most of the blame will be on the Houthis for using civilians as human shields to hide their heavy weapons, and SCUD missiles. I've got plenty of videos that clearly shows Houthi arms deposits going in flames inside residential areas after being hit by the Saudi led coalition warplanes. Incase you you want to see the vids I'll gladly share them here.
Most of my shared links belong to UK, USA and EU. I didn't give you an Iranian link to prove my honesty.
Your lies make me wonder. Undoubtedly Houthis are a small group in Yemen located in an small area of Sana'a province and you already know that they have no SCUDs or such things. All of those MRBM missiles belong to Yemen's army and this proves that you are fighting Whole Yemen's people not only Houthis. Poor Houthis are an excuse to your aggressions , invasions and slaughtering Yemeni people. However i laugh when i read your soldiers are Escaping from the arena ! Your army is armed to it's teeth by USA but they fail to defeat the poorest and an oppressed Arabic country. Houthis always say that Iran is not helping us.
And this spouses to mean?! You're showing Pro Hadi vs Pro Houthis/Saleh battles, thus resulting in the destruction of the battlefield. Nevertheless I only see a couple of meaningless photos.
The only stupid here is you not me!. Pro Hadi or pro anybody else in Yemen do not have M1A1Abrams main battle tank. Go make fun with yourself man. That God dam Howitzer belongs to K.S.A's army not poor pro-Hadi or Pro-Saleh militants.
I only speak with logical facts, proofs and evidences to back said facts. Not just empty useless words.
I'm afraid but the only thing that you do not have is logic. Sorry to say that but you force me :big_boss:.
I'm almost wrecked by your lies. :alcoholic:

I am not with israel.. whats wrong with you.. you are from iran so I understand that you want to defend them (iran)... so lets leave it..

and if you say oglan to me its not good talk use some proper words in front of a man.. its kind of agressive for me..
I thought you're left!.
Who is using Taghya? You all know this Mohammad 45 has a poor knowledge of English and you all understood perfectly fine when he said Sauds are not Muslims. He clearly meant the Saudi's and not the people of Arabia. Clearly instead of maybe asking him for clarification, you use his comments to falsely accuse him whereas you easily could have asked. By the way I am from Ahvaz and cut the bullshit about Persians oppressing anyone. The ruling class in Iran is Turkish and Arabs. Last Persian ruler was the Shah.

Saud Family clearly is not the whole people of Arabia.
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