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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

ISIS killed 40 terrorists in Atmeh border crossing near on Syrian-Turkish border. It's great to see terrorists killing terrorists. Reports that a senior Ahrar al-Sham (Nusra clone) commander was among those who bit the dust.
ISIS killed 40 terrorists in Atmeh border crossing near on Syrian-Turkish border. It's great to see terrorists killing terrorists. Reports that a senior Ahrar al-Sham (Nusra clone) commander was among those who bit the dust.
Funny how not long time ago u claimed that ISIS is not fighting rebels who are advancing together with Turks (thats despite ISIS used best ATGMs in its arsenal vs Turkish tanks and launched strong counter attacks with many VBID). Now u openly cheer to ISIS.

Regardless Rebels seized nearly 10,000 km2 in 40 days. Today they captured important Akhtareen town.

Thousands of civilians are returning to liberated areas which are free both from Assad/ISIS tyranny and Assad terrorist bombs. It makes u sad, coz u hope for ethnic cleansing of Syria.
Funny how not long time ago u claimed that ISIS is not fighting rebels who are advancing together with Turks (thats despite ISIS used best ATGMs in its arsenal vs Turkish tanks and launched strong counter attacks with many VBID). Now u openly cheer to ISIS.

Regardless Rebels seized nearly 10,000 km2 in 40 days. Today they captured important Akhtareen town.

Thousands of civilians are returning to liberated areas which are free both from Assad/ISIS tyranny and Assad terrorist bombs. It makes u sad, coz u hope for ethnic cleansing of Syria.
What is wrong with ISIS and al nusra (FSA) killing each other?
What is wrong with ISIS and al nusra (FSA) killing each other?
There is no any Nusra there. Your biggest dream that in Syria will remain only Assad and ISIS. Thats why you make all these insane bombings and massacres - to radicalize opposition.

In less than a week Jarablus taken by rebels and Turkey became a town full of life:





While Palmyra "liberated" by Khamenai and Putin thugs is still empty after more than half year.
Funny how not long time ago u claimed that ISIS is not fighting rebels who are advancing together with Turks (thats despite ISIS used best ATGMs in its arsenal vs Turkish tanks and launched strong counter attacks with many VBID). Now u openly cheer to ISIS.

Regardless Rebels seized nearly 10,000 km2 in 40 days. Today they captured important Akhtareen town.

Thousands of civilians are returning to liberated areas which are free both from Assad/ISIS tyranny and Assad terrorist bombs. It makes u sad, coz u hope for ethnic cleansing of Syria.

I am still firmly on my word: ISIS barely fought those groups in N Aleppo and evacuated most villages even before they entered it. The recent suicide bombing was in Atmeh border crossing, far from the front lines.

When one compares ISIS fighting in Deir Al Zoor, Iraqi cities like Ramadi, Baiji and Tikrit, ISIS is merely playing hide and seek in northern Aleppo.

Scums like Zanki group (child beheaders) or Ahrar al-Sham (Nusra clones) are the same shit as ISIS, so yes, I will cheer when they and ISIS kill each other in any given time and location. Deal with it.
Look like USA attacked west of allepo ... They are directly support all qaede
Just like they supported ISIS on that attack that killed 62 syrian soldiers. SMH.

Destruction of Aleppo by Assad started in 2012. In 2016 it escalated.
yes, Assad "destroyed" Allepo. why not say the truth which is that "in the syrian war, due to competition over aleppo, the city has been destroyed'? ur SO BIASED, you cant objectively state issues. i'll work on that for you since u are incapable of doing that
yes, Assad "destroyed" Allepo. why not say the truth which is that "in the syrian war, due to competition over aleppo, the city has been destroyed'? ur SO BIASED, you cant objectively state issues. i'll work on that for you since u are incapable of doing that
Rebels tool East Aleppo within a week with virtually no damage. Then Assad started barrel bombing East Aleppo.


This is UN map showing damaged buildings. U can easily see areas controlled by rebels are all yellow-red.

I am still firmly on my word: ISIS barely fought those groups in N Aleppo and evacuated most villages even before they entered it. The recent suicide bombing was in Atmeh border crossing, far from the front lines.

When one compares ISIS fighting in Deir Al Zoor, Iraqi cities like Ramadi, Baiji and Tikrit, ISIS is merely playing hide and seek in northern Aleppo.

Scums like Zanki group (child beheaders) or Ahrar al-Sham (Nusra clones) are the same shit as ISIS, so yes, I will cheer when they and ISIS kill each other in any given time and location. Deal with it.
There was very strong ISIS counter offensive couple weeks ago with many VBIED. They almost reach al Rai. North Aleppo is much more dense populated than South so easier to make resistance there.

Simply Syrian rebels are fighting better than foreign hired sectarian mercenaries and Turkish air fiorce and artillery is more effective than Russian. trith hurts.

It also hurts u to see Syrians returning to homes, instead being cleansed like in Palmyra and Hader.
What people are discounting is the fact that once the Iraqi Militas are done with ISIS in Iraq, they will descend into Syria in hordes. ISIS has no future in Iraq, they are getting slapped right left and center. The rebel groups in Syria don't stand a chance when these Militas will descend into Syria backed up by Syrian, Iraqi and Russian Air Power combined.
I am still firmly on my word: ISIS barely fought those groups in N Aleppo and evacuated most villages even before they entered it. The recent suicide bombing was in Atmeh border crossing, far from the front lines.
FYI, the momentum of the invasion has weakened since the last 2~3 weeks (guess you don't frequent the Euphrates Shield thread in our section). Lately isis even recaptured towns from fsa (recaptured later again by fsa). isis' resistance is definitely increasing the deeper the fsa and our army goes, as 500 also mentioned. You must be feeling bad that your conspiracy theory of 'the Turkish army instructing isis to evacuate towns' is falling apart. Or are you jealous that the Turkish army and fsa is just as good, if not better, at conquering isis territory, thus 'stealing your show'? Anyway, wish us the best for al-Bab before our common enemy ypg ('big satan's' pawns) seizes it.
This is North Aleppo before Euphrates Shield operation:


For nearly two years ISIS attacked like crazy rebels in that area and never attacked Kurds or Assadists.

After Euphrates Shield they launched very strong counter offensive on 19th September. They threw everything they had and regained some 20 villages:


Rebels lost many commanders including chief commander of Liwa Hamza.


So saying hat ISIS is not resisting Euphrates Shield enough is total nonsense. They indeed did not resist much right on he border because they knew they dont have any chance there.
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FYI, the momentum of the invasion has weakened since the last 2~3 weeks (guess you don't frequent the Euphrates Shield thread in our section). Lately isis even recaptured towns from fsa (recaptured later again by fsa). isis' resistance is definitely increasing the deeper the fsa and our army goes, as 500 also mentioned. You must be feeling bad that your conspiracy theory of 'the Turkish army instructing isis to evacuate towns' is falling apart. Or are you jealous that the Turkish army and fsa is just as good, if not better, at conquering isis territory, thus 'stealing your show'? Anyway, wish us the best for al-Bab before our common enemy ypg ('big satan's' pawns) seizes it.

If you think I am jealous, in any way about being associated with child beheaders and nutjobs who in many cases are no different than ISIS, you have never been more wrong in your life.

I have been following Syrian civil war for 5 straight years, and know Syrian towns and areas even better than some areas in Iran itself. When I say something about Syria, it will be based on facts I have witnessed, not because of 'jealousy' and certainly not because of jealousy for some nutjob beheaders.

If SAA sucks at some battle, I have said it, if ISIS has fought good in some battle, I have said it. But I am telling you this: the fighting ISIS put up against Turkish proxies is nothing even remotely close to what ISIS has done in Deir al-Zoor, Manbij, or Iraqi cities of Ramadi, Baiji and areas around Shirqat. I never said they didn't fight back at all (3 destroyed Turkish tanks and casualties among proxies shows that), it's just that they can not be compared.

Now if you like me to tell something that sounds good on your ears, here you are: Turkish army and its proxies in Northern Aleppo are strongest on planet and ISIS has been the most powerful enemy one could witness, which was defeated by Turkey and its proxies.

Hope you are satisfied.
If you think I am jealous, in any way about being associated with child beheaders and nutjobs who in many cases are no different than ISIS, you have never been more wrong in your life.

I have been following Syrian civil war for 5 straight years, and know Syrian towns and areas even better than some areas in Iran itself. When I say something about Syria, it will be based on facts I have witnessed, not because of 'jealousy' and certainly not because of jealousy for some nutjob beheaders.

If SAA sucks at some battle, I have said it, if ISIS has fought good in some battle, I have said it. But I am telling you this: the fighting ISIS put up against Turkish proxies is nothing even remotely close to what ISIS has done in Deir al-Zoor, Manbij, or Iraqi cities of Ramadi, Baiji and areas around Shirqat. I never said they didn't fight back at all (3 destroyed Turkish tanks and casualties among proxies shows that), it's just that they can not be compared.

Now if you like me to tell something that sounds good on your ears, here you are: Turkish army and its proxies in Northern Aleppo are strongest on planet and ISIS has been the most powerful enemy one could witness, which was defeated by Turkey and its proxies.

Hope you are satisfied.
How many times ISIS attacked rebel held Mar'a and how many times nearby Assadist held Sheikh Najar?
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