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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

They did not defend hospital. They turned hospital into a military base.

Again false. This is hospital after rebels captured it:


This is hospital totally obliterated by Khamenai and Putin invaders:


All Khamenai terrorists captured so far in Aleppo is ruins:

Was it destroyed recently?
Who is using Taghya? You all know this Mohammad 45 has a poor knowledge of English and you all understood perfectly fine when he said Sauds are not Muslims. He clearly meant the Saudi's and not the people of Arabia. Clearly instead of maybe asking him for clarification, you use his comments to falsely accuse him whereas you easily could have asked. By the way I am from Ahvaz and cut the bullshit about Persians oppressing anyone. The ruling class in Iran is Turkish and Arabs. Last Persian ruler was the Shah.

Saud Family clearly is not the whole people of Arabia.
What kind of oppression bro?
I exposed them all with my poor English. :D
I am , personally , learning from this kind of discussions. Also i can read and write in Turkish :p: since i have been in Stanbul for 3 three years. That Turkish guy Timur stupidly pretends to be merciful to Muslims and he always talks about freemasons. What a joke! The greatest freemason, Erdogan , is ruling his own country but he accuses whole the world of being a freemason. He is hidden behind Caliph's name. That was why i didn't insult him. He misused Caliph's name. His thoughts was the most familiar one to my imaginations from Erdogan. However Turks are being well handled by Russia thankfully. :yahoo:

Those AlArabian and الاعرابی guys were a part of Saudi-Mossad propaganda. I have no doubt they are hired by Mossad. Read their comments again. You will feel an Israeli is talking to you. I'm even in doubt with their location. They must be commenting from Tel-Aviv. Although No need to explain you the Saudis! You know who are they. King Salman openly confessed he is Jew. I put it's video link you can read my comments again.
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Moscow delivers S-300 missile system to Syria for defense of Russian naval base. RT
A battery of Russian S-300 air defense missile launchers has been transported to Syria, Russia’s Defense Ministry said in a statement. Its sole purpose is to defend a Russian naval base and warships, the ministry added.

The information about the S-300’s deployment was confirmed by ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov.

“Indeed, the Syrian Arab Republic received an S-300 anti-aircraft missile system. This system is designed to ensure the safety of the naval base in [Syrian city of] Tartus and ships located in the coastal area [in Syria]…” he told the media.

Konashenkov said it is unclear why the deployment of the missile system has created such a fuss in the West.

“The S-300 is a purely defensive system and poses no threat,” he said.

He recalled that before the deployment of S-300, Russia had delivered Fort air defense missile systems to Syria.

The statement comes after a report by Fox news that a Russian S-300 was deployed to Syria. The media cited three US officials who claimed that Moscow “continues to ramp up its military operations in Syria.”

BREAKING: US suspends bilateral contact with Russia over Syriahttps://t.co/OpHCLJSMCEpic.twitter.com/7VNWOBdZXD

— RT America (@RT_America) October 3, 2016

In November 2015, Moscow deployed its newest S-400 air defense missile system to Khmeimim in Syria as part of a security boost following the downing of a Russian jet by Turkey near the border with that country. At the time, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the S-400 systems are not targeting Russia's partners, “with whom we fight terrorists in Syria together.”

The S-400 is the most advanced anti-aircraft defense system in Russia.

Look like USA attacked west of allepo ... They are directly support all qaede
No wonder while they are protecting ISIS by attacking SAA positions in Deir-oz-Zor :



Obama himself is leading ISIS and Al-Qaeda , with it's branches like Ahrar-Al-Sham ... , in Syria :





John McCain , the republican senator of USA, Admits to Meeting with ISIS, Still in Contact with them :

The guy behind John Mc Cain is Abu-Bakir Al-Baghdadi the commander of ISIS.


I thought u ask about Aleppo in general. As for hospitals they became extensively targeted since Russia entered the war.
Russia is killing ISIS = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service.
Are you afraid of killing ISIS? Coz you know that after them, that's your turn.

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I thought u ask about Aleppo in general. As for hospitals they became extensively targeted since Russia entered the war.
Sky news has claimed Al-kindi hospital was destroyed by Syrian army last week but it's obvious that this hospital was targeted by ALQ suicide bombing years ago ...
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