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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

You deleted your comments but my Muslim brothers will watch them inside my comments.
You shew your real face.

Who deleted his comments? I don't remember deleting anything, why will I do that? Probably one of your MODs or something.
I don't care to be honest, I come here for fun and to poke wen necessary. :p:. I'm the last person in the world who will care enough to delete my own comment(especially when thee is nothing much in That). Lol couldn't care less. This is just a forum, it's not like it pays my bills or something, why should I bother deleting comments I made simply because somebody doesn't like it? :lol:

Which muslin brothers are you talking about? You are dreaming of some sort of ummah? :rofl:. There's no such thing mate, you are all after your interests and furthering your version of Islam in the region. Are the Saudis which you criticise everyday on here as an Evil regime, are they Muslim brothers as well. ?:lol: Lol if you believe in so called Muslim brothers ummah you won't be getting involved in sectarian wars in the region and supporting your dictator puppet Assad in his killing his own people. Unfortunately for Iran the little respect most your 'Muslims brothers' had for you in the region vanished after your intervention in Syria. :sick:
Bulgarians are making a killing (literally and figuratively) with their BM 21 Grads and their ammunitions in Syria

Business is so booming that they opened 2 new assembly lines in Sopot.

Well,if the money are good...business is business i guess.

What a shame, the greedy elites only care about business opportunities and making money with zero regard to anything else whatsoever :(

And the ones paying the ultimate price are no other than the simple pressured Syrans whom are trapped between competing powers.... The world is a cruel place indeed, one day it's in your favor the other it's completely against you......

I really can't never have enough of this amazing heart touching Nashed no matter how many times I listen to it. :cheesy: Lol
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Who deleted his comments? I don't remember deleting anything, why will I do that? Probably one of your MODs or something.
I don't care to be honest, I come here for fun and to poke wen necessary. :p:. I'm the last person in the world who will care enough to delete my own comment(especially when thee is nothing much in That). Lol couldn't care less. This is just a forum, it's not like it pays my bills or something, why should I bother deleting comments I made simply because somebody doesn't like it? :lol:

Which muslin brothers are you talking about? You are dreaming of some sort of ummah? :rofl:. There's no such thing mate, you are all after your interests and furthering your version of Islam in the region. Are the Saudis which you criticise everyday on here as an Evil regime, are they Muslim brothers as well. ?:lol: Lol if you believe in so called Muslim brothers ummah you won't be getting involved in sectarian wars in the region and supporting your dictator puppet Assad in his killing his own people. Unfortunately for Iran the little respect most your 'Muslims brothers' had for you in the region vanished after your intervention in Syria. :sick:
Saudis?! ohahahah
They are your brothers. They are not even Muslims. The people of K.S.A was my intended purpose. Yeah we will unite Muslims whether you like it or not. The tyrant regimes in K.S.A , Bahrain and other Arabic countries have an expiry date. After democratizing Muslim world , you will see brothers in arms.
Why i said that Al-Saud family is your brother? It's proof is here :
"The memoires of Mr.Hempher the British spy on middle east"
When you talk about a dictator , i Involuntarily laugh. You cannot even choose your Prime Minister by direct elections! There is no democracy in your country until that woman in Bakingham is alive. Let me introduce the royal family to you :


Source: https://defence.pk/threads/syrian-c...id-not-allowed.333727/page-1203#ixzz4LupX5RS2
Saudis?! ohahahah
They are your brothers. They are not even Muslims. The people of K.S.A was my intended purpose. Yeah we will unite Muslims whether you like it or not. The tyrant regimes in K.S.A , Bahrain and other Arabic countries have an expiry date. After democratizing Muslim world , you will see brothers in arms.
Why i said that Al-Saud family is your brother? It's proof is here :
"The memoires of Mr.Hempher the British spy on middle east"
When you talk about a dictator , i Involuntarily laugh. You cannot even choose your Prime Minister by direct elections! There is no democracy in your country until that woman in Bakingham is alive. Let me introduce the royal family to you :


Source: https://defence.pk/threads/syrian-c...id-not-allowed.333727/page-1203#ixzz4LupX5RS2

Awwww.......so you are the ONLY REAL HOLY Muslim upholder isn't it? All other Arabs are infidels and not real Muslims.

Will be good to see your other so called Muslim brothers response to your Claims. Lol

I'm not surprised though, I expected that. it's just funny to see a country who was conquered by Arabs and it's cultured had to adopt Arab Islamic ones . Now you are claiming to be more Muslim than those who taught you real Islam/Muslim. Irony

Anyway, it's no wonder you will carry on with your sectarian killings and slaughtering each other for a long time to come. We will keep watching from the sidelines, while you fight or whose version of Islam is the best.lol
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Who deleted his comments? I don't remember deleting anything, why will I do that? Probably one of your MODs or something.
I don't care to be honest, I come here for fun and to poke wen necessary. :p:. I'm the last person in the world who will care enough to delete my own comment(especially when thee is nothing much in That). Lol couldn't care less. This is just a forum, it's not like it pays my bills or something, why should I bother deleting comments I made simply because somebody doesn't like it? :lol:

Which muslin brothers are you talking about? You are dreaming of some sort of ummah? :rofl:. There's no such thing mate, you are all after your interests and furthering your version of Islam in the region. Are the Saudis which you criticise everyday on here as an Evil regime, are they Muslim brothers as well. ?:lol: Lol if you believe in so called Muslim brothers ummah you won't be getting involved in sectarian wars in the region and supporting your dictator puppet Assad in his killing his own people. Unfortunately for Iran the little respect most your 'Muslims brothers' had for you in the region vanished after your intervention in Syria. :sick:
Can You see? You are unable to answer me. You are too weak. :bunny:

As my final statement let's wait on Scottish referendum. They will change the history :pop:

ISIS is getting destroyed by SAA in Deir-ez-Zor :
Saudis?! ohahahah
They are your brothers. They are not even Muslims. The people of K.S.A was my intended purpose. Yeah we will unite Muslims whether you like it or not. The tyrant regimes in K.S.A , Bahrain and other Arabic countries have an expiry date. After democratizing Muslim world , you will see brothers in arms.
Why i said that Al-Saud family is your brother? It's proof is here :
"The memoires of Mr.Hempher the British spy on middle east"
When you talk about a dictator , i Involuntarily laugh. You cannot even choose your Prime Minister by direct elections! There is no democracy in your country until that woman in Bakingham is alive. Let me introduce the royal family to you :


Source: https://defence.pk/threads/syrian-c...id-not-allowed.333727/page-1203#ixzz4LupX5RS2

Oh Saudis aren't even Muslimd then according to the twelver Shiites? Seems like the ones complaining about "Takfris" every 2 seconds are they themselves the biggest Takfiris out there :disagree:.

And oh for whoever rules this universe's sake please just spare us your "Al Saud" ridiculous conspiracy theories already. Al Saud we'rent dumb enough like your Khamanie, Al Sauds know how to play their cards right and re adopt their policies to a variety of different circumstances, basically they're using their brains in the game of politics, and that's why KSA's economy, welfare, income, social issues,m and GDP are all considered among the top in the world, plus also being among the top 20 major world economies. Also compared to your Mullahs Al Sauds actually know how to win the hearts and minds of their people, and the Saudi society being biased on tribalism, extreme family values, honor, hospitallity, chivalry etc helped a lot in shaping how our people relate to their leaders as father figures. further more Al Saud are enjoying a semi international immunity plus plenty of powerful allies and strategic partners from both the west and the east. That's why your mullahs are eventually distant to crumple due to many internal and outside factors, while the House of Saudi will countinue on for centuries upon centuries to come....
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Saudis?! ohahahah
They are your brothers. They are not even Muslims. The people of K.S.A was my intended purpose. Yeah we will unite Muslims whether you like it or not. The tyrant regimes in K.S.A , Bahrain and other Arabic countries have an expiry date. After democratizing Muslim world , you will see brothers in arms.
Why i said that Al-Saud family is your brother? It's proof is here :
"The memoires of Mr.Hempher the British spy on middle east"
When you talk about a dictator , i Involuntarily laugh. You cannot even choose your Prime Minister by direct elections! There is no democracy in your country until that woman in Bakingham is alive. Let me introduce the royal family to you :


Source: https://defence.pk/threads/syrian-c...id-not-allowed.333727/page-1203#ixzz4LupX5RS2

Awwww.......so you are the ONLY REAL HOLY Muslim upholder isn't it? All other Arabs are infidels and not real Muslims.:lol:

Will be good to see your other so called Muslim brothers response to your Claims. Lol

I'm not surprised though, I expected that. it's just funny to see a country who was conquered by Arabs and it's cultured had to adopt Arab Islamic ones . Now you are claiming to be more Muslim than those who taught you Islam/Muslim. Irony:lol:
Plus you claim you want to unite all muslims , huhm... that will be under your holy Mullah khamenei leadership right? LMAO :rofl: Keep dreaming it's not illegal yet. Lol
Me who thought I had seen it all on PDF.:omghaha:

Anyway, it's no wonder you will carry on with your sectarian killings and slaughtering each other for a long time to come. We will keep watching from the sidelines, while you fight over whose version of Islam is the best(don't blame us for enjoying the show though). lol :pop:
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Oh Saudis aren't even Muslimd then according to the twelver Shiites? Seems like the ones complaining about "Takfris" every 2 seconds are they themselves the biggest Takfiris out there :disagree:.

And oh for whoever rules this universe's sake please just spare us your "Al Saud" ridiculous conspiracy theories already. Al Saud we'rent dumb enough like your Khamanie, Al Sauds know how to play their cards right and re adopt their policies to a variety of different circumstances, basically they're using their brains in the game of politics, and that's why KSA's economy and GDP is considered among the top 20 major world economies, further more Al Saud are enjoying semi international mutiny plus plenty of powerful allies and strategic partners from both the west and the east. That's why your mullahs are eventually distant to crumple due to many internal and outside factors.
I've got proof for my claim. Al-Saud family proved they are not Muslims when they bombed Yemen's Sunni and ShiA people under USA's commands. They claim they want to wipe Houthis , So why do they attack civilians, hospitals and civilization positions of Yemen?
Al-Saud family proved that they have no sign of Islam when they normalized their relations with Israel. You call it playing with cards, but i call it treason. However Al-Saud family is not Muslim and king Salman said that openly.
You should be an Arab. Watch the clip in this webpage. Salman says that " God show his mercy on Jewish kings before me"!. King Salman said that he is not a Muslim not me. I'm not takfiring him :disagree:.
I'm not bothered of Arabian people's economic progress so don't talk to me in that way.
Awwww.......so you are the ONLY REAL HOLY Muslim upholder isn't it? All other Arabs are infidels and not real Muslims.:lol:

Will be good to see your other so called Muslim brothers response to your Claims. Lol

I'm not surprised though, I expected that. it's just funny to see a country who was conquered by Arabs and it's cultured had to adopt Arab Islamic ones . Now you are claiming to be more Muslim than those who taught you real Islam/Muslim. Irony:lol:

Anyway, it's no wonder you will carry on with your sectarian killings and slaughtering each other for a long time to come. We will keep watching from the sidelines, while you fight or whose version of Islam is the best.lol :pop:

Don't really know what's ur religion bro but good job exposing that hypocrite :tup:
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Awwww.......so you are the ONLY REAL HOLY Muslim upholder isn't it? All other Arabs are infidels and not real Muslims.:lol:

Will be good to see your other so called Muslim brothers response to your Claims. Lol

I'm not surprised though, I expected that. it's just funny to see a country who was conquered by Arabs and it's cultured had to adopt Arab Islamic ones . Now you are claiming to be more Muslim than those who taught you real Islam/Muslim. Irony:lol:

Anyway, it's no wonder you will carry on with your sectarian killings and slaughtering each other for a long time to come. We will keep watching from the sidelines, while you fight or whose version of Islam is the best.lol :pop:
Oh shut up pathetic creature. You are proud of killing humans by NUKEs. I don't even suppose you as a human coz a dog is better you yet you haven't shown us your better points to a dog.
some ppl cant understand that.. some ppl would just let you or me die just because of fanatism..

I dont say anything but just post quotes
Look at Yemen bro. Who is killing Sunnis and ShiAs in Yemen?
Who is bombing Yemeni army and it's women and children?
I know Al-Saud family has a lots of dollars. Is that the reason of your friendship with them?
Saudis?! ohahahah
They are your brothers. They are not even Muslims.

Safavism at its best, so Saudis aren't Muslims according to this Khomeinist and I believe he spoke his mind here and didn't use Taqiyah as other safavids do.

Keep the good work and expose your safavid thought.
Safavism at its best, so Saudis aren't Muslims according to this Khomeinist and I believe he spoke his mind here and didn't use Taqiyah as other safavids do.

Keep the good work and expose your safavid thought.
What the hel safavid? :woot:.
Well well well. I could gather Jews, Zionists, together. I'm proud of myself.
As i said we love our Sunni brothers and we will help them in Palestine and anywhere of the planet if they be fighting Israel. However Jews themselves hate Israel and i have heard this from Jews living in Iran. Well
I don't care about safavids or any other ancient BSs.
Watch your picture. Ain't you shamed of using that LGBT supporter guy's picture on your account?!
Look at Yemen bro. Who is killing Sunnis and ShiAs in Yemen?

Do you know what a deputy war is?

Actually it's s.a. Vs iran Like in labia now there is uae vs Egypt an so on Whoever plays the game
Do you know what a deputy war is?

Actually it's s.a. Vs iran Like in labia now there is uae vs Egypt an so on Whoever plays the game
I cannot go hostile with you bro becoz of your picture's name. Ok pooooooof I'm calming down. :-)
The first point is who began the war on Yemen? K.S.A
Are Arabian people happy of killing innocent Yemeni people? Of course not.
K.S.A is forcing other Arabs to fight each other. As our leader has mentioned we have no interactions in Yemen and we will not start fighting K.S.A directly. We have put our faith in Arabian people of K.S.A. They can overthrow this tyrant regime for sake of whole Muslims.
In fact K.S.A is USA's puppet. Do you deny it? How many Hajis they kill per year? hundreds of them. I believe that they do it Deliberately.
You are right. There is a big problem in Muslim community and that's Israel. They try to separate us and unfortunately Turkey and K.S.A helped them. Please don't deny it. It's lighter than skylight. :(
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