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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

that's that. Now don't quote me again you sectarian, lying and unremarkable dog.[/QUOTE]
Ok honor-less. Don't forget you started quoting me. I was talking to Omar @Timur.
I am muslim this shoudl answer your question.. and I talk about that currently all nations are unislamic and more or less masonic..

in matter of allah this were the lightest words I used against you.. you declared with your post 99 names o allah as satanic.. no respect for this..
Silly 66, 666 etc... are also holy for 'devil worshippers' but ' 66 (in abjad) = الله Allah ' .
6, 66, 666, 6666 etc... are very holy numbers for Muslims. 66 = Allah and 6 + 6 = 12 (number of Shia Imams, first his cousin and then his grandsons) is a very number for Shia Muslims.

33 (3+3) is also a very holy number for Shia Muslims but it's also for freemason devil worshippers. For example Lebanon war in 2006 last for 33 days and Gaza war in 2008 last for 22 days. Shia Muslims after their prays say ' Sobhan Allah ' for 33 times.

Holy Quran [33:33]: O wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) [don't do sins like you did in Jahiliya times] stay quietly in your houses, and make not a dazzling display, like that of the former Times of Ignorance; and establish regular Prayer, and give regular Charity; and obey Allah and His Messenger. """ And Allah only wishes to remove all abomination from you Family of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (علی فاطمه حسن حسین سجاد باقر صادق کاظم رضا جواد هادی عسکری و حجت (علیهم السلام , and to make you pure and spotless.

Before Islam arabs used to worship idols in Kaaba but does that mean the only God ' Allah ' is a handmade stone shape in 1*1 meters?!

Your knowledges is very low and your IQ is below 70 and you are a brainwashed wahhabi person. Don't quote me again.
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Silly 66, 666 etc... are also holy for 'devil worshippers' but ' 66 (in abjad) = الله Allah ' .
6, 66, 666, 6666 etc... are very holy numbers for Muslims. 66 = Allah and 6 + 6 = 12 (number of Shia Imams, first his cousin and then his grandsons) is a very number for Shia Muslims.

33 (3+3) is also a very holy number for Shia Muslims but it's also for freemason devil worshippers. For example Lebanon war in 2006 last for 33 days and Gaza war in 2008 last for 22 days. Shia Muslims after their prays say ' Sobhan Allah ' for 33 times.

Holy Quran [33:33]: O wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) [don't do sins like you did in Jahiliya times] stay quietly in your houses, and make not a dazzling display, like that of the former Times of Ignorance; and establish regular Prayer, and give regular Charity; and obey Allah and His Messenger. """ And Allah only wishes to remove all abomination from you Family of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (علی فاطمه حسن حسین سجاد باقر صادق کاظم رضا جواد هادی عسکری و حجت (علیهم السلام , and to make you pure and spotless.

Before Islam arabs used to worship idols in Kaaba but does that mean the only God ' Allah ' is a handmade stone shape in 1*1 meters?!

Your knowledges is very low and your IQ is below 70 and you are a brainwashed wahhabi person. Don't quote me again.

BUH! sorry for scaring you! everyone is a wahabi even if wahabi do not exists.. for you when they are against you.. keep this way and keep being brainwashed.. I showed you the exit door if you do not except it than it is on you:

your belive for you and my belive for me

Lakum dinukum wa-liya din
Graphic warning ....
New jihads kharjis technique using cows for smuggling weapons .even cows are not spared from fsa brutality .Imagine what they are doing experimenting all sorts of wicked techniques with civilians of Aleppo held as human shield to slow down SAA liberation ofb town
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Union between Muslims Khamenai style. Burn Rastan city full of Muslim kids and women with incendiary cluster bombs:




The amount of hate, sadism and hypocrisy of Iranian regime is beyond my comprehension.
Great show....only napalm they miss
Assadists proud about capturing bunch of rubble:

Apparently, SAA moving very fast in Aleppo, rebels keep falling back.
End game is near baby.

Assad barely controls his own bedroom. What he can win? U can slaughter hundreds of thousands of people in name of Assad but thats about it.
You wish! Assad controlling most major cities. Ok the 100s of thousands slaugtered are slaughtered in "assad's name" but not in the name of war? i see. what about the 100s of thousand the rebels killled too?your bias is soo storng and clear u cant even see any other side. fuk your rebels. bcos they are mostly foreign supported and directed. UN aint buying their story either if not Assad would have been sanctioned. ur on losing side and you know it. just wait for likes of you to be declared formal losers. In reality You and Israel want Assad out cuz he will never be your yes man,but the rebels have shown they are willing to be that. Israel gives rebels medical help, ammunition, air strikes help etc and ur here talking like a hypocrite? the more u run your mouth the more u contradict yourself. If no UN/ICC war crimes charges against assad come up all your talk is useless hot air.
Once jihadi kharjis dogs underground rats tunnels plus their infestation is cleared Syria will another Germany after ww2 from rubbl and dust to bright future
You wish! Assad controlling most major cities.
2/3 of Syria is controlled by rebels, Kurds, ISIS, the remaining 1/3 is controlled by Khamenai and his thugs. Assad barely controls his own bedroom.

Ok the 100s of thousands slaugtered are slaughtered in "assad's name" but not in the name of war? i see. what about the 100s of thousand the rebels killled too?
The warfare is in rebel areas thats why virtually all civilian casualties are on rebel side. Add to this massacres. indiscriminate shelling, starvation and deliberate attacks on civilians.

fuk your rebels. bcos they are mostly foreign supported and directed.
Its the opposite. Aleppo is good example where Syrians are defending vs. foreign mercenaries.

UN aint buying their story either if not Assad would have been sanctioned.
UN pointed many times on Assad crimes including use of chemical weapons. Assad is not sanctioned because Russia has veto.
In reality You and Israel want Assad out cuz he will never be your yes man,
In fact our border with Assad was calmest border in past 40 years.

Israel gives rebels medical help,
We provide medical help to everyone who is in need.

ammunition, air strikes help etc and ur here talking like a hypocrite?
Thats crap.
Assadists proud about capturing bunch of rubble:

Syrians should be proud. Because Al Kindi Hospital was where 70 Syrians defended the hospital for months against extremists. At the end, tired of not being able to capture it, the terrorists launched suicide maniacs drove VBIED into the hospital completely destroying it. A few Syrians survived who were captured and then executed. The way they executed them was had them kneel on the ground, and then shoot them one by one, and then once dead, have all of them completely unload their bullets on them, tearing the corpses apart.

This is the video. Obviously graphic.

So, yes, the picture is historical. It shows that eventually, no matter how long it takes, the Syrians will win over these fanatics and dogs of hell.

Tribute to those that fell in Al Kindi hospital.

They are avenged. Good job, Syrians. Be proud.
Syrians should be proud. Because Al Kindi Hospital was where 70 Syrians defended the hospital for months against extremists.
They did not defend hospital. They turned hospital into a military base.

At the end, tired of not being able to capture it, the terrorists launched suicide maniacs drove VBIED into the hospital completely destroying it.
Again false. This is hospital after rebels captured it:


This is hospital totally obliterated by Khamenai and Putin invaders:


All Khamenai terrorists captured so far in Aleppo is ruins:

lol An Iranian talking about supporting terrorists??:rofl: I will leave your Muslim brother countries in the region, to be your judge. As they say, Your neighbors and peers know you better than everybody.:rofl:
Keep trying to keep your puppet Assad in power as he slaughters his own people just to cling on to power by all means.
At least your citizens arent dying much in the country, since you prefer to import naive/poor/illiterate Afghans,Pakistanis/Yemenis/Lebanese Shia to go and die for your shia messiah Mullah Khamenei :astagh:

Anyway, keep up with your sectarian sunni-shia massacres, who cares(couldn't care one bit. lol )? We will just keep watching the show from the air, while picking our targets when necessary.:crazy_pilot::D

of course, i still find it funny that some delusional people here think there's a military solution to this crisis. Let them keep thinking this war can be won only militarily. lol
Thing is, i still find it funny that some of them keep saying the west or Syrian rebels are losing or that western powers cant do shit, or that even with all our support there is nothing the rebels or anyone can do against their 'might'. LOOL

I don't know if these people live in a parallel world to be honest. Do they really think that if we wanted to arm Syrian opposition FOR REAL, then this ar will probably be over long agooooo before Russia even had the time to intervene. lol
Do they even know the types of sophisticated weapons U.S/U.K/France have in their arsenal that could wipe out Assad air force in a few weeks? We could have supplied he rebels with farrrrr more deadly weapons that will bring Assads military/Airforce to an end. We dont because of strategic reasons.
NOTE THAT WE HAVE BEEN BOMBING MORE SIS/AL NUSRA rebels fighting Assad but we HAVE NEVER EVER BOMB ASSAD FORCES since the beginning of this conflict until recently which we did BY MISTAKE and admitted it. so go figure out the game.:D Poor Assad thinks its because he is too strong that he can win the war.:rofl:
The support we have been giving the rebels is almost insignificant to e honest. It even a miracle they managed to beat Assad forces in many battles(shows Assad's forces and his foreign militias incompetence. lol):lol:
I know you what kind of enemy is talking to me.
We love our Sunni brothers. They will come back to us soon. You take care of Scotland since they have decided to get independent. UK will be destroyed by it's own citizens soon enough. Wait and watch.
Also we will return stability and peace to our region in any case. Londonistan is sh!t hole of the world. Have fun with your Zionist mayor :rofl:. Everyone hates your country. Ask Indians , Pakistanis , Russians , Albanians , Germans (They know that you did Dresden massacre) and etc. Whole the world believes that your country is a colonial beast. :agree:
About Syria , Everyone knows that Assad is legitimate president of Syria but you liars want to show reality backwards.

My Muslim brothers watch his words.
See what kind of the way he talks.
Know our real enemy.
They are happy of our children and women's death. Know the level of their brutality. These sub-animal creatures have no sign of humanity.

Bulgarians are making a killing (literally and figuratively) with their BM 21 Grads and their ammunitions in Syria

Business is so booming that they opened 2 new assembly lines in Sopot.

Well,if the money are good...business is business i guess.
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