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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

"Accidents" or at least things that might perhaps appear to be accidents happen all the time in the fog of war,the us recently "accidentally" bombed and killed several dozen saa soldiers,the us said it was a mistake the russians/saa said it was deliberate,who can say what the real story is?.The simple truth of the matter is that if you`re going to have western personnel either operating close to or as in this case right along side the terrorists then its only a matter of time before some of them get killed either accidentally or accidentally on purpose,but to think that the russians or the saa wouldnt take out a juicy terrorist command and control target like this for fear of the risk that a few westeners or their nato/gulfie allies might wind up as collateral damage is frankly pretty naive thinking,the us is no more going to risk a shooting war with the russians or the syrians over a few dead spooks/spec ops who happened to be in the company of terrorists when they met their demise,be it accidentally or otherwise,than the russians/syrians were going to get in a shooting war with the us over those 60-80 dead saa soldiers.
If you think Moscow will get in a shooting with Washington over dead SAA soldiers you are dead wrong. Russia only cares about Russian lives and Russian interests....60-80 SAA men can be, as we have seen in this war, within a day.
What are the rebels going to do with the yellow part? I see they have already drove ISIS out of the borders. Are they going to expand to the North West and North East borders?

That's yellow area is Kurdish controlled and not "rebels" controled and don't ask stupid questions, how would some random Israeli on a forum know the battle plans of the Kurds? :lol:
Kerry did warn Lavrov about the US suspending all means of communication and cooperation over Syria if they don't stop bombing Aleppo
because US knows that in near future Aleppo will fall if they dont intervene and give rebels a good lifeline to survive.
Another funny Assadist propaganda. Interview with "Nusra" commander:

People geolocated that its in Assad area. I showed to video to Arab friend he laugh hard. He said that this guy tried to mimic standard Arabic in the beginning like Nusra commanders talk but it went very bad and later he stopped even trying. The funniest thing is that he wears a big golden ring. Every kid knows that its forbidden for Muslims, but Alawis who made this fake dont know.

Show us this supposed geolocation.
because US knows that in near future Aleppo will fall if they dont intervene and give rebels a good lifeline to survive.
I don't think US will intervene in Aleppo unless something very dramatic happens . Washington is all about Daesh and Obama doesn't want to get more involved a few months before he leaves the White House....Aleppo will be the decision of the next US President (that is if there's any Aleppo left by then but we shall see)
Show us this supposed geolocation.



More details here:


because US knows that in near future Aleppo will fall if they dont intervene and give rebels a good lifeline to survive.
Near future LOL.
That's yellow area is Kurdish controlled and not "rebels" controled and don't ask stupid questions, how would some random Israeli on a forum know the battle plans of the Kurds? :lol:
I know it is a Kurdish area, that's why I'm asking what the rebels are going to do with them.

500 is a beneficial poster on this thread unlike Iranians and pro-Assadist who are only trying to create off topics and arguments.
Self edit

Use more respectably words
This 15 years old simpson cartoon shows F$A terrorists roaming in Syria and americans bombing them.

Certainly Syrian civil war was planned by filthy zionists and their wahhabi jihadi brothers, as the first 9/11 was planned by zionnis to destroy Middle East for sake of israel.

Two 9/11s occurred in same day and exactly same time:

First by saudi terrorists in New York in 9/11 2001, reason: bin laden the al qaeda leader attacked devil US!!! and second after 7+7 years occurred in Mecca and killed some hundreds pilgrims to satisfy jews. reason: bin laden company.

New York 9/11: 10 AM == ( 2 PM GMT )

Mecca 9/11 beside Kaaba: 5 PM == ( 2 PM GMT )


9 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 and 99 are holy for devil worshippers and jew freemasons. May Imam Mahdi (A) destroy all of devils soon.

9 and 11 are holy because they are one more and less from 10 which is holy number of Jews. 10 is number of commands of Allah to prophet Muses (A).


10 is holy number for believer jews and 9 and 11 are holy for freemason devil worshipper jews to oppose 10. In the US whenever people want help they should call 911 and want help from satan because US is based on freemasonry.

One eyed on American dollar:




Israeli flag:


Riyadh and Mecca towers:



Devil worshipper (paid by jews) American artists:


Devil worshipper zionists:

@galaxy_surfer What you think about my post?
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it's a rabbit hole the deeper we go the more strange unknown things become
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What are the rebels going to do with the yellow part? I see they have already drove ISIS out of the borders. Are they going to expand to the North West and North East borders?
Yellow part = US proxy.



Rebels are attacked by Russia, Iran, Iraq, Hezbollah, ISIS. They are not in position to open another front.
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