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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

You deleted your comments but my Muslim brothers will watch them inside my comments.
You shew your real face.
You are on ISIS and Al-Nusra terrorists side :agree:
Your boss Obama said that they , Al-Nusra head choppers the socond branch of Al-Qaeda terrorists , are moderate and useful terrorists.
So your country and also NATO is the same moderate head chopper terrorist. :woot:

I shall mention that , Everyone knows your beloved Queen is a colonial beast.
Your country is the remaining sh!ts of pirates. :dance3:

Britain is shit? Lol so says someone who comes from a third world impoverished so called "Islamic state" country? LMAO:lol:

Is that why your youths are dying in the sea to come here and claim fake asylum saying they are "oppressed" by your Mullahs? :cheesy: more like they are fleeing poverty.lol. I can't blame them , though, I too might do the same if I was in their shoes. :rofl:

Moreover, colonial beast! What does that even mean? Every power who has the capabilities expanded during history and will keep doing so. Or you mean you Persians(well, Arabs conquered and changed you to muslims. Lol) were any different?lol. Using your logic your Russian patron is also a colonial beast then, since they have also invaded and conquered many countries in the past(including Iran):cheesy::lol:
Britain is shit? Lol so says someone who comes from a third world impoverished so called "Islamic state" country? LMAO:lol:

Is that why your youths are dying in the sea to come here and claim fake asylum saying they are "oppressed" by your Mullahs? :cheesy: more like they are fleeing poverty.lol. I can't blame them , though, I too might do the same if I was in their shoes. :rofl:

Moreover, colonial beast! What does that even mean? Every power who has the capabilities expanded during history and will keep doing so. Or you mean you Persians(well, Arabs conquered and changed you to muslims. Lol) were any different?lol. Using your logic your Russian patron is also a colonial beast then, since they have also invaded and conquered many countries in the past(including Iran):cheesy::lol:
Yeah Londonistan is a sh!t hole. Believe it English trash. I'm not going to believe your BS lies. You are nonsense.
Of course your beloved queen is a symbol of colonial beast. You cannot never and ever deny this one !. Whole the world hates your country. Just try to ask some other people. I'm waiting on Scottish elections. Are you afraid?
After Brexit pound got crushed by USA. I admire their intelligence they are wise enemy. After that , no one is interested in UK anymore. :bunny:
Soviet is dead and i have good imaginations from Orthodoxy-Christian Russia. Your sh!t hole named as England is an ignorable Island :omghaha:.
You didn't say that why did you delete your comments coward. You are a coward whining camel :omghaha:.

Hey guys let's meet an English w...e whom is not afraid of killing 100,000 women and children by NUKEs :


She says that she will kill hundreds of thousands of women and children by NUKEs if necessary.

What can we name these beasts?

They are worse than animals coz animals are useful creatures and they have no harms to defend-less humans.
Imagine a dog. Even a dog is better than them. You can use dogs to save human lives in humanitarian aids but these trashes want to kill millions of people by NUKEs. See the big difference between an animal and these sub-animal creatures.
Bulgarians are making a killing (literally and figuratively) with their BM 21 Grads and their ammunitions in Syria

Business is so booming that they opened 2 new assembly lines in Sopot.

Well,if the money are good...business is business i guess.

But I thought the poor rebels were armed with nothing but pitchforks. That and hundreds of tanks and APCs.

Amazing how Al-Quida is just being given weapons including heavy armor. In the mean time the western media portrays Syrians and Russian as bombing civilians, actually the US has blatently stated that is what Russia is doing. I guess Russia has nothing better to do then expend large amount of money on bombing civilians (on purpose as claimed).

Back on topic, Al-Quida has besieged parts of Syria but instead the West and the media is cheering for the terrorists and highlights so called war crimes. I don't ever recall this kind of bias when the US and British invaded Iraq.

Of course when rebels fire these weapons into civilian areas the western press does not cover it. On the contrary, they will blame it on Russia and Syria :lol:
But I thought the poor rebels were armed with nothing but pitchforks. That and hundreds of tanks and APCs.

Amazing how Al-Quida is just being given weapons including heavy armor. In the mean time the western media portrays Syrians and Russian as bombing civilians, actually the US has blatently stated that is what Russia is doing. I guess Russia has nothing better to do then expend large amount of money on bombing civilians (on purpose as claimed).

Back on topic, Al-Quida has besieged parts of Syria but instead the West and the media is cheering for the terrorists and highlights so called war crimes. I don't ever recall this kind of bias when the US and British invaded Iraq.

Of course when rebels fire these weapons into civilian areas the western press does not cover it. On the contrary, they will blame it on Russia and Syria :lol:
1) There is no any hundreds of tanks. 2) There is no any Al Qaeda. This handful of Grads were given to Free Idlib Army after Russia and Assad broke US-Russia brokered cease fire and deliberately bombed UN aid convoy and killed hundreds of civilians in Aleppo in few days of insane bombings.

I wrote earlier that while rebels freely move in Hama plains Russia is indiscriminately bombing residential neighborhoods in Aleppo.



This photo shows that Russia air force is still in 1970-1980-es. They cant track mobile targets even in open plains.
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Yeah Londonistan is a sh!t hole. Believe it English trash. I'm not going to believe your BS lies. You are nonsense.
Of course your beloved queen is a symbol of colonial beast. You cannot never and ever deny this one !. Whole the world hates your country. Just try to ask some other people. I'm waiting on Scottish elections. Are you afraid?
After Brexit pound got crushed by USA. I admire their intelligence they are wise enemy. After that , no one is interested in UK anymore. :bunny:
Soviet is dead and i have good imaginations from Orthodoxy-Christian Russia. Your sh!t hole named as England is an ignorable Island :omghaha:.
You didn't say that why did you delete your comments coward. You are a coward whining camel :omghaha:.

Hey guys let's meet an English w...e whom is not afraid of killing 100,000 women and children by NUKEs :


She says that she will kill hundreds of thousands of women and children by NUKEs if necessary.

What can we name these beasts?

They are worse than animals coz animals are useful creatures and they have no harms to defend-less humans.
Imagine a dog. Even a dog is better than them. You can use dogs to save human lives in humanitarian aids but these trashes want to kill millions of people by NUKEs. See the big difference between an animal and these sub-animal creatures.

Ahahahahahah............I can see I hit a nerve. Lol. Why are you ranting all over the place? It's hard to even figure out what you are really talking about.:cheesy: Calm down. Lool:lol:
Sorry for hurting your feelings, but you started it, I had no choice but to respond. :happy:

Next time be more careful about the words you use. :jester:
Ahahahahahah............I can see I hit a nerve. Lol. Why are you ranting all over the place? It's hard to even figure out what you are really talking about.:cheesy: Calm down. Lool:lol:
Sorry for hurting your feelings, but you started it, I had no choice but to respond. :happy:

Next time be more careful about the words you use. :jester:
Ok i accepted your apologize. No need to your dodging.
Try to behave like a human. Killing people by NUKEs is not a job to be proud of. I was really shocked when i heard of English people protected Theresa's quote on using NUKEs against women and children. About 54 percent of participants protected her in the plebiscite. Why? I'm confused. Are you really humans? Don't tell me Russia is threatening you. That's a terrible joke. Whole the EU people that i have talked to them, believe that Russians are their European , except Britons , brothers. Absolutely Russia is not a danger.
You were happy of our people's death. I will never and ever forgive it.
We could talk about good points instead of insulting each other but you started hostility. There are good people in UK i know, however after that 54 percent protection in plebiscite :undecided: i'm seriously in doubt , for example Boris Johnson , Jeremy Corbin and etc. They are free humans against USA's bullying especially Boris. Queen was afraid of Boris's quotes for freedom. That was why they replaced him with a trash.
Jund Alaqsa captured 4 tanks and other armed vehicles afteter Assadists flee from their positions in N. Hamah.


Video of the liberation, Shabihas went crazy after they saw this video.

Ok i accepted your apologize. No need to your dodging.
Try to behave like a human. Killing people by NUKEs is not a job to be proud of. I was really shocked when i heard of English people protected Theresa's quote on using NUKEs against women and children. About 54 percent of participants protected her in the plebiscite. Why? I'm confused. Are you really humans? Don't tell me Russia is threatening you. That's a terrible joke. Whole the EU people that i have talked to them, believe that Russians are their European , except Britons , brothers. Absolutely Russia is not a danger.
You were happy of our people's death. I will never and ever forgive it.
We could talk about good points instead of insulting each other but you started hostility. There are good people in UK i know, however after that 54 percent protection in plebiscite :undecided: i'm seriously in doubt , for example Boris Johnson , Jeremy Corbin and etc. They are free humans against USA's bullying especially Boris. Queen was afraid of Boris's quotes for freedom. That was why they replaced him with a trash.

What are you even on about? Seriously. You confuse me alot. Lol :sick:
Who apologised? For what? Are you seeing things we can't see? :undecided: Lol
What has Boris Johnson/Jeremy Corbyn got to do with anything we are talking about? :sick:.
You say: we were happy of your people's death? Are we humans? You have talked to many Europeans(don't know if you mean in Iran or something. Lol)? :blink:

Seriously you are just ranting all over the place. It's hard to eve understand what you are talking about. Lol

As I said before, it's probably because I hit a nerve earlier, so your reaction is understandable. :enjoy:
What are you even on about? Seriously. You confuse me alot. Lol :sick:
Who apologised? For what? Are you seeing things we can't see? :undecided: Lol
What has Boris Johnson/Jeremy Corbyn got to do with anything we are talking about? :sick:. We were happy of your people's death? Are we humans? You have talked to many European(don't know if you mean in Iran or something. Lol)? Seriously you are just ranting all over the place. It's hard to eve understand what you are talking about. Lol

As I said before, it's probably because I hit a nerve earlier, so your reaction is understandable. :enjoy:

You dodged coz you cannot stand against me. You Retreated and i considered it as an apologize. If you still insist on hostility , i would welcome you with open arms :yahoo:.
You called my logical statements as a rant , i don't care. Try to make a sense. Answer them if you can.
Prove you can be better than a dog. Can you?

Hey Miky this is the reason of you are lower than a dog :
1) There is no any hundreds of tanks. 2) There is no any Al Qaeda. This handful of Grads were given to Free Idlib Army after Russia and Assad broke US-Russia brokered cease fire and deliberately bombed UN aid convoy and killed hundreds of civilians in Aleppo in few days of insane bombings.

I wrote earlier that while rebels freely move in Hama plains Russia is indiscriminately bombing residential neighborhoods in Aleppo.



This photo shows that Russia air force is still in 1970-1980-es. They cant track mobile targets even in open plains.

All a load of BS. Video after video shows the "rebels" using tanks, APCs, and IFVs, you claiming they have nothing but pitchforks is just a joke.

And sorry but Nusra does not just get all those tanks and other heavy armor from the local quicky mart nor does it grow on threes.

As for Russia not being able to track all targets. How did the US and other NATO members do when ISIS just drove into Raqqa, Palmyra and many other places? :lol:

How was that NATO "tracking" when they bombed Syrian army positions even after informated by Russia that they are fvking up :lol:
Mike2000's former prime minister slept with a pig :woot::omghaha::omghaha: proof :


You deleted your comments but my Muslim brothers will watch them inside my comments.
You shew your real face.

Who deleted his comments? I don't remember deleting anything, why will I do that? Probably one of your MODs or something.
I don't care to be honest, I come here for fun and to poke wen necessary. :p:. I'm the last person in the world who will care enough to delete my own comment(especially when thee is nothing much in That). Lol couldn't care less. This is just a forum, it's not like it pays my bills or something, why should I bother deleting comments I made simply because somebody doesn't like it? :lol:

Which muslin brothers are you talking about? You are dreaming of some sort of ummah? :rofl:. There's no such thing mate, you are all after your interests and furthering your version of Islam in the region. Are the Saudis which you criticise everyday on here as an Evil regime, are they Muslim brothers as well. ?:lol: Lol if you believe in so called Muslim brothers ummah you won't be getting involved in sectarian wars in the region and supporting your dictator puppet Assad in his killing his own people. Unfortunately for Iran the little respect most your 'Muslims brothers' had for you in the region vanished after your intervention in Syria. :sick:
All a load of BS. Video after video shows the "rebels" using tanks, APCs, and IFVs, you claiming they have nothing but pitchforks is just a joke.

And sorry but Nusra does not just get all those tanks and other heavy armor from the local quicky mart nor does it grow on threes.
I never said rebels dont have tanks at all. They have some captured tanks. I said they dont have a single formation like tank company. Not talking about battalion or brigade. Surelly not any hundreds as u claimed.

As for Russia not being able to track all targets. How did the US and other NATO members do when ISIS just drove into Raqqa, Palmyra and many other places? :lol:

How was that NATO "tracking" when they bombed Syrian army positions even after informated by Russia that they are fvking up :lol:
US is supporting Kurds, they dont operate deep in Syria almost. As for Raqqa - it was captured almost 2 years before US started bombing.
Who deleted his comments? I don't remember deleting anything, why will I do that? Probably one of your MODs or something.
I don't care to be honest, I come here for fun and to poke wen necessary. :p:. I'm the last person in the world who will care enough to delete my own comment(especially when thee is nothing much in That). Lol couldn't care less. This is just a forum, it's not like it pays my bills or something, why should I bother deleting comments I made simply because somebody doesn't like it? :lol:

Which muslin brothers are you talking about? You are dreaming of some sort of ummah? :rofl:. There's no such thing mate, you are all after your interests and furthering your version of Islam in the region. Are the Saudis which you criticise everyday on here as an Evil regime, are they Muslim brothers as well. ?:lol: Lol if you believe in so called Muslim brothers ummah you won't be getting involved in sectarian wars in the region and supporting your dictator puppet Assad in his killing his own people. Unfortunately for Iran the little respect most your 'Muslims brothers' had for you in the region vanished after your intervention in Syria. :sick:
Saudis?! ohahahah
They are your brothers. They are not even Muslims. The people of K.S.A was my intended purpose. Yeah we will unite Muslims whether you like it or not. The tyrant regimes in K.S.A , Bahrain and other Arabic countries have an expiry date. After democratizing Muslim world , you will see brothers in arms.
Why i said that Al-Saud family is your brother? It's proof is here :
"The memoires of Mr.Hempher the British spy on middle east"
When you talk about a dictator , i Involuntarily laugh. You cannot even choose your Prime Minister by direct elections! There is no democracy in your country until that woman in Bakingham is alive. Let me introduce the royal family to you :

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