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Syrian Army shelling destroys Khalid bin Walid’s(Sword of Allah) shrine


Mar 2, 2013
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BEIRUT: Syrian army shelling destroyed the centuries old shrine of Hazrat Khaled bin Waled in the central city of Homs on Monday, a monitoring group and activists said.

"Activists from the Khaldiyeh neighbourhood in the city of Homs have reported the destruction by army shelling of the mausoleum of the Hazrat Khaled bin Walid," said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Housed in the rebel area of Khaldiyeh, the Hazrat Khaled bin Walid mosque had already suffered significant damage during earlier fighting for control of the city.

Amateur video distributed by activists showed the mosque, renowned for its two towering minarets, and images of what was identified as the destroyed mausoleum.

The images show mounds of rubble, stone and metal at the site identified as the mausoleum. The video also shows an unidentified man lashing out at the world over the

destruction of the shrine.

Khaldiyeh and the Old City neighbourhoods of Homs, still under rebel control, have been under suffocating army siege and near-daily bomb attacks for more than a year.

The mosque housing Khalid bin Hazrat Walid's shrine, an important pilgrimage site for Muslims, was built over several centuries. The shrine itself dates to the 11th century, while the mosque was constructed by the Mameluks in the mid-13th century.

Syrian Army shelling destroys Hazrat Khalid bin Walid
well the western media has nothing to say , but sectarian conflict and what goes around comes around
Too bad for the Assad supporters.

i'm not an assad supporter myself , but it's interesting how they eventually are gonna do what the western media emphasize , today it's "Aleppo" tomorrow it's sectarian conflict :D , France24 single handedly aided Israel in this conflict
So they got the idea from a Pakistani tv channel , but you know how western media work , they gonna repeat sectarian conflict until it becomes one

How is it not a sectarian conflict anyway? Alawi's vs Sunni etc.
How is it not a sectarian conflict anyway? Alawi's vs Sunni etc.

if it was a sectarian conflict it was so from the very start , if they are over emphasizing it these days , it means they wanna escape goat iran for everything , sectarian conflict = shia = iran
if it was a sectarian conflict it was so from the very start , if they are over emphasizing it these days , it means they wanna escape goat iran for everything , sectarian conflict = shia = iran

You just admitted on the other forum with the same thread topic that its a sectarian conflict. Did you take your medication today?

You just admitted on the other forum with the same thread topic that its a sectarian conflict. Did you take your medication today?


I think you're missing the point sir , the Syrian conflict has gotten so ugly and there's not dynamism to it , so now they say , it's a sectarian conflict it is to emphasize "sectarian" , sectarian means iran.
I think you're missing the point sir , the Syrian conflict has gotten so ugly and there's not dynamism to it , so now they say , it's a sectarian conflict it is to emphasize "sectarian" , sectarian means iran.
sectarian does not mean iran, sectarian means.. well..........sectarian.. :cheesy:
there are sectarian fight elsewhere too, iran is not everywhere.
sectarian does not mean iran, sectarian means.. well..........sectarian.. :cheesy:
there are sectarian fight elsewhere too, iran is not everywhere.

I think since the Iraq war sectarian has been synonymous with iran , not talking about the sectarian conflict between tamils and hindus
Bashar al-Assad's militias 'cleansing' Homs of Sunni Muslims - Telegraph

The "Shabiha", a loyalist militia drawn largely from the Syrian president's Alawite sect, is systematically looting and then destroying the homes of any Sunnis who have fled the province, a key battleground in the country's civil war.

"They pushed out the rebel fighters and now they are trying to push out all the Sunnis," said Bilal, a 23-year-old from the Sunni village of Talkalakh in Homs province. "They took our houses, threatened us, destroyed our villages."

Mr Assad's regime has trained its military might on rebel strongholds in Homs province, winning back the border towns of Qusayr and Talkalakh, and shelling areas of the provincial capital.

The offensive is so intense that rebels admit they cannot hold out for much longer. It has also taken on a sectarian character, with the army on Monday bombarding the Sunni mausoleum of Khaled bin Walid, a companion of Prophet Mohammed. Whether this was intentional or a mistake is unclear.

After each campaign, howver, Alawite civilians and loyalist paramilitaries from the National Defence Force have stormed the newly recaptured towns and villages, looting Sunni homes and often setting them on fire, with the apparent aim of ensuring that the owners have nothing left to return to.

"They even took the sinks of the bathrooms. The things they couldn't carry, they burnt," said Zacharia, a 23-year-old rebel fighter who escaped Talkalakh one week ago, after government troops stormed the town.

"After the army were finished, the Shabiha came: they divided the houses up between them, and started taking away the spoils."

Local people believe the regime is trying to cleanse the area of its Sunni residents with the aim of creating a rump state for the minority Alawites. This would run from the capital, Damascus, to the Alawite coastal heartland of Latakia. Homs is the vital link connecting the two regions.

Some experts are sceptical, believing that the regime, buoyed by its recent military victories, is focused simply on crushing the insurgency across the country.

But expelling Sunnis, who have tended to back the rebels, would be a way for Mr Assad's forces to consolidate their control over hard-won terrain: "The regime hasn't been in a position to allow people back into the areas they have taken," said Peter Harling from the International Crisis Group. "Wherever people come back, the problems come back with them."

The civil war has exposed the country's sectarian fault lines, igniting hatred between communities who previously co-existed. Talkalakh is surrounded by 52 largely Alawite villages, where people are now leading the campaign against their Sunni neighbours, according to refugees.

"This is not just about criminals wanting to make money. They want to kill all the Sunnis," said Fayez, a resident of Talkalakh who fled with his family to neighbouring Lebanon. "We used to hear them at night. They used to scream down from their villages 'we are coming for you. We don't want Sunni's on our land'."

Other residents told the Telegraph that Alawite neighbours are now storing the stolen goods on their farms.

Most of the Sunnis of Talkalakh have now fled, but those who have stayed are being given incentives to leave. Alawite businessmen from neighbourhing villages are offering to buy the homes of Sunnis, on the condition that they leave: "They come up to people and say 'we can buy your house. You need the money and why do you want to stay in this village? It's better to get out'," said one man speaking by phone from Talkalakh.

The attacks have not been discouraged by the government. Residents say the Syrian army has watched the looters from the sidelines, and in some cases helped them.

In Homs, stolen goods are taken to a loyalist Alawite district and sold at what has become known as "the Sunni Market". A female activist, calling herself Yam al-Homsi, secretly filmed the market: "I pretended I wanted to buy a cheap laptop. The market has everything you can imagine; from Adidas trainers to furniture," she said.

"They even took the doors, tiles and electric cables from the homes. The Shabiha are organised: some loot the houses, whilst others sell the goods. They are not ashamed. One man told me it was a 'gift from the war'."

Over 500,000 refugees, most of them Sunni, have now fled into neighbouring Lebanon. Some have little hope of returning to thier homes. "Maybe in the future if Syria is free, I hope the relationship can be good again between Sunni and Alawites ," said Bilal, speaking from the empty building on the Lebanon-Syria border that is now his home. "But I don't think it can happen".
It is interesting how there is a "gag" on discssing this much. Governments are silent. I mean the muslim ones. Why?

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