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Khalid Bin Walid Mosque/Shrine completely destroyed in Syria!

we have to call a spade a spade..
asad father killed 30,000 people to supress a rebellion from majority sunni
and now its asad himself
point is if the rebels kill they will massacr the shia..and this blood will be on asad
he should give syria a peaceful democratic transition
Shame on cowards...who did this... Inshahllah these people who did it...will rott in hell...and also those who damaged Hazrat Zainab's shrine... Ye Allah ke azaab ko daawat de rahay hain.. I am sure it wont be very far...

Even more shameful is the silence of Muslim world.. Kahan gayi Musalmano ki ghairat? Kiun sab chup hogaye? Har baat per ehtijaj karnay walay kahan soo gaye?
Both sides need to stop hiding inside these landmarks. Come out and try to kill each other while not hiding inside historical sites. Insane people are being replaced daily with more and more propaganda and promises of 72 virgins. The easy way to paradise is a huge seller but these magnificent works of art cannot be replaced even when rebuilt. Its never the same.
A sad, sad day.

Army shelling destroys historic Syrian shrine: NGO

BEIRUT: Syrian army shelling destroyed the historic mausoleum of a companion of the Prophet Mohammed in the central city of Homs on Monday, a monitoring group and activists said.

Reports of the destruction of the Muslim pilgrimage site emerged as an intense army campaign to reclaim rebel-held areas of Homs, a strategic junction city, entered its fourth week.

"Activists from the Khaldiyeh neighbourhood in the city of Homs have reported the destruction by army shelling of the mausoleum of the prophet's companion Khaled bin Walid," said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Housed in the rebel area of Khaldiyeh, the Khaled bin Walid mosque had already suffered significant damage during earlier fighting for control of the city.

Amateur video distributed by activists showed the Ottoman-era mosque, renowned for its two towering minarets, and images of what was identified as the destroyed mausoleum.

"The Khalid bin Walid mosque was shelled, and the shrine was completely destroyed," said the unnamed activist filming the footage.

The images show mounds of rubble, stone and metal at the site identified as the mausoleum.

The video also shows an unidentified man lashing out at the world over the destruction of the shrine.

"I want to tell Arabs and Muslims, how will you face God after Khalid bin Walid's shrine has been destroyed? Why have you abandoned besieged Homs?" says the man.

Khaldiyeh and the Old City neighbourhoods of Homs, still under rebel control, have been under suffocating army siege and near-daily bomb attacks for more than a year.

For more than three weeks, the army has intensified its campaign to take back the rebel-held areas, but despite temporary advances the neighbourhoods remain out of regime control, activists say.

Khalid bin Walid's shrine, an important pilgrimage site for Muslims, is the latest of a series of Syrian religious and cultural sites damaged or destroyed in the course of the country's 28-month war.

In the war-torn northern city of Aleppo, the minaret of the landmark Umayyad mosque was destroyed in April, while parts of the ancient souks were burnt down in September last year. (AFP)

One more act of Shetan Assad which has hurt the entire Ummah ... The third incident after Assadi Nasiris and Hezbu Shaitan Majoos attacked the Umayyad mosque, The tomb of Hazrat Hujr bin Aadi (RA) :angry::angry::angry::angry:

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more worrying is sheer number of lives being lost on both sides , families being uprooted and becoming refugees , A lost generation of Syrians who are growing in different refugee camps cut off from their roots .
Both sides need to stop hiding inside these landmarks. Come out and try to kill each other while not hiding inside historical sites. Insane people are being replaced daily with more and more propaganda and promises of 72 virgins. The easy way to paradise is a huge seller but these magnificent works of art cannot be replaced even when rebuilt. Its never the same.

my thoughts exactly, people routinely use religious and other installations like school for fighting and then blame other side. Many times children and women get hurt because of that. Good propaganda value though.
I wonder what would be his body's worth. It sure would translate into a lot of motivation.
we have to call a spade a spade..
asad father killed 30,000 people to supress a rebellion from majority sunni
and now its asad himself
point is if the rebels kill they will massacr the shia..and this blood will be on asad
he should give syria a peaceful democratic transition

Stop your double speaks, You cried when USA imposed Democracy, U are supporting USA in Syria just because you want Shia Asad out of power.

I am amused to see these forces at one front (Pakistan, Arabs, Taliban, AlQuaida, TTP, USA, West) against Syria/China/Russia/Iran.

You need to observe few things: Pakistan is supporting Israel view (Distruction of Asad)
Pakistan and Taliban (TTP) are on same page, distruction of Asad.
China and Pakistan have different view
USA/West/Israel and Taliban/TTP/AQ are fighting (togather) for same cause
how many companions muhammad had?i have been reading the blasting of these companion masjids every other day.I think all these so called companions may either be fake or fictional(just like how noble families all over the world claimed they were syyeds similar is the case with these companions)
how many companions muhammad had?i have been reading the blasting of these companion masjids every other day.I think all these so called companions may either be fake or fictional(just like how noble families all over the world claimed they were syyeds similar is the case with these companions)

SHUT UP!!! esp abt things u dont know...or u intentionally are being disrespectful...so better stop..because we cant tolerate...or u wnat us to disprespect ur holy figures too?
Jami` at-Tirmidhi 317 ... In-book reference : Book 2, Hadith 169
Allah's Messenger said: "All of the earth is a Masjid except for the graveyard and the washroom." (Sahih)

I am what is commonly called Sunni(Though I don't like that title since I am just a Muslim). I am against revering of brick-&-stone buildings. All clean places on earth are my mosque. I am NOT saddened by demolition of any brick-&-stone building if done for reasonable cause, or by moving a constructed mosque to a different location for a reason, except Kabba since that masjid was appointed by Allah (Quran 3:96) for worship for earliest humans...

I am NOT in favor of Syrian govt per say... BUT... It's the rebels who are working there on behalf of The-Left-Eyed-Deceiver, Ad'Dajjal (zionist-US) ... as Al-Dajjal(Left-Eyed-Deceiver) has announced support & even announced supplying weapons to rebels.

The only goal of all those one-sided, so-called-wars-&-springs being fought on behalf of Dajjal, is to pave the way for future expansion of Israel (intended goal but predestined to fail)...

Money-making & mineral reserves in Afghan & oil-rich-countries-invaded are all cover stories & secondary benifits, NOT the primary intention...

Syrian govt. is considered secular & NOT shia... Hence anyone attributing shia motives being behind anything that Govt does is delusional. Left-Eyed-Deceiver is very well known for "False-Flags", hence chances are they themselves demolish things & blame Govt for those actions; produce fake videos & fake news to incite sentiments against govt. etc.

Anyone supporting Dajjal & having faith in Dajjal's side of the (false) story will feel like he's in paradise (being benefited), though in fact he'll end up in hell... Dajjal will benefit him but those are temporary & bogus benefits & his ultimate fate is doomed...
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