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Syed Zaid Hamid - Inside Story ( US report against ISI ) - eyesopner

ZH is a representative of Pakistan's Military establishment. Everything he says is to promote the agenda of Military establishment. The real reason, I think, he was brought in the lime light was to create a nationalistic zeal in Pakistani youth (and probably create a youth militia) and prepare them for the eventuality which is threatened upon us from our long time ally US of A.

He is using the Ahadith-e-Nabavi (PBUH) to forward that agenda. Neither he nor Pakistani army would be interested in a Ghazwa-e-Hind which probably has already taken place hundreds of years back.

The most important thing is that these are Ahadith, their authenticity has always been question; a million of them were fabricated and a plenty of them are in direct contradiction to Quran and if you think that makes the Prophet (PBUH) the biggest denier of Quran. Think about it, is that even possible!
Sir Ghazwa Hind hasn't taken place many years back read those Hadees you will know and Sir Hadees are very much safe without Hadees you will not even know know how to offer Salah Sir leave other things aside
Syed Zaid Hamid os good speaker thats for sure man always speaks strong words and his speach hits my soul :angel:
ya we know those millions of pakistanis and their kinds also, one question, would you,the ppl who thanked your think tank level post and the rest MILLIONS would vote for zaid zaman hamid if he contests in forth coming elections???

What makes you think that a good soldier can become a good leader or vice versa? Sometimes it is very encouraging to listen to ZH's replies when Pakistan Army or ISI is being ambushed by international media. However, would I want him to operate on people or fly a plane or design a railway system etc.? No, because everybody has a role and ZH is playing his role perfectly, that does not necessarily mean that he can fit in to any role.[/QUOTE]
and its amazing to see zaid hamid to this status where he is been hosted on an American news channel (guidance needed), and few years back pakistani channels used to and still make fun of him. a lot many ppl have started to know more about him and his views.

Let me correct you, a lot many people were not making fun of ZH at any time, it was a conspiracy and an attack on ZH's as he was accused of creating a sect in Islam, which he has denied at every level. So the matter was not comical, it was highly sensitive and one that could have sent him to the gallows.

---------- Post added at 11:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:45 AM ----------

Can't he make his point without screaming:fie:

He was screaming, really?
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