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Swachh Internet: Modi Govt To Block Adult Websites

Then why are gutkas, pan, cigarettes etc are not banned? Why is it still here?

I would support the ban ... Pan and Gutka only effects once own health does not effect those around him . Cigerates effect the people around him and Alcohol has been proven to be cause of many deaths . So yes
Personally, I would prefer a person Jerk off watching **** rather than go to public try to grope someone because of sexual frustration..

I feel like i am talking to a wall Why don't you people ever read ?, Point is , the person jerking off to **** is more likely to grope a woman in public than the one who does not jerk or watch **** ...

Watch these videos
Absolutely not !! When something is proven to have detrimental effects on the society and on himself and how one looks at the society . IT should be banned ..

The rapes since birth of nation has been in proportionate to population, the advance of internet in the recent years have got nothing to do with rape statistics... this land has witnessed mass rapes from time back to prehistorical and continued all through till here...to believe ..people has started raping after smartphones and laptops arrived is pure stupidness.

A new genre of online extreme minded hindus are giving a big bad name for normal ones.
Personally, I would prefer a person Jerk off watching **** rather than go to public try to grope someone because of sexual frustration..

Having a look at the TEDx "Great P**n experiment" might change your mind.

Pornography generally brings in unrealistic expectations. In addition, there is ample child/rape pornography on the internet to inspire some in certain cases.

What is needed are well regulated red light areas. Sadly, that too has its evils.

Then what is needed is castration.

Wait... :(
The rapes since birth of nation has been in proportionate to population, the advance of internet in the recent years have got nothing to do with rape statistics... this land has witnessed mass rapes from time back to prehistorical and continued all through till here...to believe ..people has started raping after smartphones and laptops arrived is pure stupidness.

A new genre of online extreme minded hindus are giving a big bad name for normal ones.

OMG. ..... Good Hindus and Bad Hindus :D Now where have I hear that before ? :cheesy:
A new genre of online extreme minded hindus are giving a big bad name for normal ones.

Them and their counterparts/mirrors are ruining the quality of discussions on this forum.
:lol: ....so now sudden you remember the "topic" and want to come back to it ? no more wisecracks or strawmen ?.... can't take the humiliation any more ? :lol:

You are mistaking me for someone who give a $hit for your personal beliefs or for who you are. Every other retard is free to compare the Supreme Court with Saudi Arabia. Everyone enjoys the freedom to open their mouth and confirm our doubts.

Now if you have nothing of value, stop posting nonsense and wasting bandwidth.

Again the same tone as if you have achieved something... ur levels are stooping to kindergarden levels.. a

You cant even accept if somebody has opposite view towards you, just like the extremists we see in other worlds who wants everybody to accept only the choice you give.
how about Silk Road 2.0 :D

Doesn't work in India.

Silk road was a forum on which buyers and sellers use to converge in order to trade in contraband . It was like E-bay of Drugs,Guns, and other banned objects.It need volume in order to function efficiently.

It never had that in India because

1. In India,Internet penetration is low. Thus a common village imbecile who want cocaine has to find a drug dealer. Rich people have their personal trusted drug dealers here.

2. Incident of addiction in India, barring Punjab, is very low.

3. Druggie could easily get ganja and afeem in India. Cocain and LSD are little difficult to procure. One of my friend is addict and he buys his daily fix from Taimur Nagar ( probably from illegal Bangladeshis ) who openly sell ganja near sewer.

4. In India, you do not need prescription for most of the drugs. I could walk into pharmacy and buy modafinil before an exam.Even prescription for restricted drugs could be acquired if you are savvy enough to fake proper symptoms.

5. While India has second largest private firearm arsenal, it is very difficult to get kind of guns a typical Urbanite is interested in India. It is easier to file a request for license for Glock Pistol and ask your friendly uncle to expedite it, rather than buying tamancha over internet.

6. Bitcoins are very very traceable.Once that myth of their anonymity got shattered, Silk road sank without trace.
The rapes since birth of nation has been in proportionate to population, the advance of internet in the recent years have got nothing to do with rape statistics... this land has witnessed mass rapes from time back to prehistorical and continued all through till here...to believe ..people has started raping after smartphones and laptops arrived is pure stupidness.

A new genre of online extreme minded hindus are giving a big bad name for normal ones.

When you run out of arguments just scream "evil extreme Hindus" . I would rather be framed as a extremist Hindu than justify such a disgusting pervasive act .

Am not talking about theoretical Mumbo jumbo , Rapes have increased considerably in the past couple of years . The western society itself has a lot of Rape .. If you want to to get involved in perversive nonsense which has destroyed the lives of many women then do it outside the country . The very fact you are defending this is quiet scary ...
Having a look at the TEDx "Great P**n experiment" might change your mind.

Pornography generally brings in unrealistic expectations. In addition, there is ample child/rape pornography on the internet to inspire some in certain cases.

What is needed are well regulated red light areas. Sadly, that too has its evils.

Then what is needed is castration.

Wait... :(

You should have quoted and linked all the human rights champions on this threads . They are usually to ignorant to watch these videos . Its to painful for them to be proven wrong .
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