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Swachh Internet: Modi Govt To Block Adult Websites

If this is implemented than more than 30% of current bollywood movies will be banned as well.. they are nothing but vulgar display of flesh.. :)

Seriously , women are literally objects over there . What ever happened to giving women better roles and dialogs than making them walk around in skimpy cloths to make them attractive ...
I'm not against cell phones.
It has reduced the communication gap...today if my mom wants to leave me a msg then she would just record her msg on whatsapp and i open it when i'm free and reply back to her.We are literally communicating throughout the day...which is something I enjoy and it doesnt effect my other activities.

communication is good... i write long articles and give speeches locally... no one can understand communication beter than a hardcore socialist like me... but cell phone talks and sms are not communication... they are a waste of time.

i have never owned a cell phone... i never will... internet and messages can be used from a tablet ( portable ) or desktop... better yet is to have a bunch of people who we can trust enough to keep us informed of common things.

you mention your mother's messages ( video?? )... i have written in my earlier post about one-way video messages that can be recorded on a desktop or tablet... :-)

one-way message... mail or video recording... is the best form... it encourages people to be polite and thinking during the lengthiness of the message... all this sms language has destroyed decency... and every two-bit person think themselves so important that they can yak on the cell phone anywhere without being concerned about others.

And a cell phone is a life saver in case of earthquake...and other natural disasters.The restriction over the cell phones was removed after Azad Kashmir area suffered a huge loss of life when an earthquake had hit the area recently.The government realised that it could've saved far more lives had the mobile services been more active in the area.

the flooding in san francisco happened a few years back despite cell phones being present... and there was much crime in the stadiums where the clue-less authorities had put people for refuge... there were stabbings... and the american emergency department, fema, arrived late despite having cell phones and access to large number of boats and helicopters.

earthquakes and floods will damage cell phone base stations... and cell phone networks go dead... this is in addition to the jamming of networks when the base stations are not damaged and are therefore excessively by civilians.

and remember the crime that happened in the "rescue" in uttarakhand... shops were set up in the "rescue" camps and the sellers were charging four hundred rupees for a biscuit pack which otherwise costs ten rupees... could the rescued people avoid this crime because they had "the cell phone"??

two-way instant network-communications is not good in hands of civilians in emergencies... and anytime else... cell phones don't rescue people... it is proper techniques and proper political arrangement of society that rescues.

india has the largest number of cell phone users in the world... about thrice the total population of usa... did the cell phone helped amaanat when she was tortured in delhi in december 2012... do cell phones help prevent suicides in bangalore... do cell phones help the people killed or attacked by dogs in bangalore...

cell phones has encouraged all the wrong things... aggressiveness, rudeness, lack of care for traffic rules, lack of concern for others when in public, uneducated-ness, crime, an unnecessary thing made "essential"...

important is every citizen having a portable and light computer... but having constant access to two-way communication is wrong.
and all hell went loose.. Suddenly, I was supporting drugs, prostitution and criticizing Modi ji.. Its amazing these guys come to all these conclusion from that single post!!
its ur fault:pissed:,,,,u bad sickular,,,,,on that u r christian,,,so obviously u must be a agent of evil church which denigrates hindooooos
ps-warning,,,,,not one word against modiji,,,othrwise:butcher:
Again comes to the point I was making in the beginning that, does it helps from spoiling the youth?

Yes it does ,less access to **** sites means folks get less influenced by it . **** addiction is more dangerous than heroin,Alcohol or Smoking addiction because it effects around 40-50% of the people who watch it .Less access to **** will make Youth less perverted and influenced by it .
Seriously , women are literally objects over there . What ever happened to giving women better roles and dialogs than making them walk around in skimpy cloths to make them attractive ...

Woman are seeing objects in everywhere.. Even in advertisements also.

Most behavioural psychology studies show that when beautiful women are featured in advertisements for a product:

  • Customers report that they “like” the product or brand more
    • A 2010 study by Trampe et al. saw roughly a 50% increase in brand liking.
  • Customers become more likely to buy the product
    • Up to 79% more likely to buy, according to a study published in the Journal of Marketing.
  • Customers will pay more for the product
    • A 2011 study in the journal Psychology and Marketing found a 15% increase in the price customers were willing to pay.
- See more at: Sexy Women in Advertising and Marketing: Does It Work? | Threefifty
Yes it does ,less access to **** sites means folks get less influenced by it . **** addiction is more dangerous than heroin,Alcohol or Smoking addiction because it effects around 40-50% of the people who watch it .Less access to **** will make Youth less perverted and influenced by it .

Good luck with "containing" youth ..
Woman are seeing objects in everywhere.. Even in advertisements also.

Most behavioural psychology studies show that when beautiful women are featured in advertisements for a product:

  • Customers report that they “like” the product or brand more
    • A 2010 study by Trampe et al. saw roughly a 50% increase in brand liking.
  • Customers become more likely to buy the product
    • Up to 79% more likely to buy, according to a study published in the Journal of Marketing.
  • Customers will pay more for the product
    • A 2011 study in the journal Psychology and Marketing found a 15% increase in the price customers were willing to pay.
- See more at: Sexy Women in Advertising and Marketing: Does It Work? | Threefifty

Which is precisely the problem , just because these things are common in the society does not mean it is normal or it should be tolerated
Funny how some people are actually defending this :lol: . Makes me wonder if they are doing it for the sake of Hating Modi or for the sake of being a liberal without actually thinking it through ...
Which is precisely the problem , just because these things are common in the society does not mean it is normal or it should be tolerated

Who is to be blame here? The ad agencies, the companies or the general public?
Banning of bars didn't stop any Christians from drinking.. They are all the same.. Do not worry. And my argument nothing against the government.. So give the communal thought a rest..

Banning may not have stopped Christians from drinking in short term, but then if you look at how much drinking happens in Gujarat as opposed to Kerala, you would see that banning has a very positive co-relation in these matters. Who knows, Kerala might turn around its economic fortunes and may not be such a broke state anymore.
communication is good... i write long articles and give speeches locally... no one can understand communication beter than a hardcore socialist like me... but cell phone talks and sms are not communication... they are a waste of time.

i have never owned a cell phone... i never will... internet and messages can be used from a tablet ( portable ) or desktop... better yet is to have a bunch of people who we can trust enough to keep us informed of common things.

you mention your mother's messages ( video?? )... i have written in my earlier post about one-way video messages that can be recorded on a desktop or tablet... :-)

one-way message... mail or video recording... is the best form... it encourages people to be polite and thinking during the lengthiness of the message... all this sms language has destroyed decency... and every two-bit person think themselves so important that they can yak on the cell phone anywhere without being concerned about others.

the flooding in san francisco happened a few years back despite cell phones being present... and there was much crime in the stadiums where the clue-less authorities had put people for refuge... there were stabbings... and the american emergency department, fema, arrived late despite having cell phones and access to large number of boats and helicopters.

earthquakes and floods will damage cell phone base stations... and cell phone networks go dead... this is in addition to the jamming of networks when the base stations are not damaged and are therefore excessively by civilians.

and remember the crime that happened in the "rescue" in uttarakhand... shops were set up in the "rescue" camps and the sellers were charging four hundred rupees for a biscuit pack which otherwise costs ten rupees... could the rescued people avoid this crime because they had "the cell phone"??

two-way instant network-communications is not good in hands of civilians in emergencies... and anytime else... cell phones don't rescue people... it is proper techniques and proper political arrangement of society that rescues.

india has the largest number of cell phone users in the world... about thrice the total population of usa... did the cell phone helped amaanat when she was tortured in delhi in december 2012... do cell phones help prevent suicides in bangalore... do cell phones help the people killed or attacked by dogs in bangalore...

cell phones has encouraged all the wrong things... aggressiveness, rudeness, lack of care for traffic rules, lack of concern for others when in public, uneducated-ness, crime, an unnecessary thing made "essential"...

important is every citizen having a portable and light computer... but having constant access to two-way communication is wrong.
I beg to differ....
Because you men hate to open your mouth and talk,so you find 2 way communication wrong....so I guess it would be like banging my head against a wall if i try to make you understand why a cell phone is a boon.
And because you dont own a mobile and i own a smartphone so you might be able to pinpoint its ill effects while I might make you count a billion advantages it has.
This debate will have no end. Trust me! :)
Who is to be blame here? The ad agencies, the companies or the general public?

No one , most people are doing it without realizing the effect on the society . Same way people believed " **** was alright to watch " . No woman grows up dreaming they will be a prostitute or a model in a **** industry . They are forced to be there either financially or otherwise ..
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