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Swachh Internet: Modi Govt To Block Adult Websites

i m worried feku might ban alcohol too just like gujarat:(
Bhai your AK-49 aka The Great Bhagoda won't allow Mr.Modi to ban **** in India otherwise what he'll have a hard time in pacifying his party workers,most of whom are **** addicts and unemployed:lol:!
More FDI in Make in India program is whats needed... not blocking.. after that .. ache pvooorn aayegaa..
That's not the point. The people or the journalists are qualified to ask any questions to their elected government they want regardless how much absurd or less comfortable it may sound.

MATE, please tell me if the SC is communal, it's the diktat of SC which the GOI is simply following :D
Banning may not have stopped Christians from drinking in short term, but then if you look at how much drinking happens in Gujarat as opposed to Kerala, you would see that banning has a very positive co-relation in these matters. Who knows, Kerala might turn around its economic fortunes and may not be such a broke state anymore.

I support banning alcohol because of the rising domestic abuse here in Kerala.. Otherwise, it is a bad move. Already government is trying to increasing taxes on everything. Its a huge revenue for the government of Kerala and now they need alternative source of income.
Really ? did you think it through before making that comment ?

P-orn should only be made available for educational purposes,

some would like to continue that education through online refreshment courses ...

education should nt be deprived.
I support banning alcohol because of the rising domestic abuse here in Kerala.. Otherwise, it is a bad move. Already government is trying to increasing taxes on everything. Its a huge revenue for the government of Kerala and now they need alternative source of income.

LOL.....so when CHURCH says BAN alcohol in Kerala, you are OK with it but when SC or Modi govt. says BAN pron, you have objections. :enjoy:
P-orn should only be made available for educational purposes,

some would like to continue that education through online refreshment courses ...

education should nt be deprived.

Education ? there would definitely be a very high enrollment number for the course :lol:
P-orn should only be made available for educational purposes,

some would like to continue that education through online refreshment courses ...

education should nt be deprived.

In reality pron provides more mis-information than information.
I support banning alcohol because of the rising domestic abuse here in Kerala.. Otherwise, it is a bad move. Already government is trying to increasing taxes on everything. Its a huge revenue for the government of Kerala and now they need alternative source of income.

Likewise, I support banning of **** because of huge rise in child abuse and rape and objectification of women. It is a good move as it would considerably reduce the number of perverts in the society. Money is not everything and dirty money like this should never be encouraged.
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