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Swachh Internet: Modi Govt To Block Adult Websites

1How many Rapist's do you know ?

2.How many Paedophiles do you know ?

Do not trivialize the argument by such baseless opinions.

3.What happens to a person who is sexually frustrated after watching **** ?
4 how does he get rid of that sexual tension ?
5 What happens when he sees a 10 year old girl child immediately after watching **** ?
6 he might be sacred to act, then again he might be foolish enough to make a plan to do something perverted.

What good will ever come out of it ?

1. None. But i know a few **** watchers, but they have never raped.
2. None dont know whether they watch ****, dont think an elderly man rapes after watching **** online.
3. **** is usually watched to relieve that frustruation, not the other way around.
4. **** watchers if not handicapped has methods to get rid of tension.
5. The same feeling he has if he had the real thing with his wife or lover.
6. Dont know about that,
Never heard anyone raping anyone after watching online **** in laptop or smartphone.

Those who rape are the ones deprived of any such activities in villages and from surroundings who doesnt have any access.

**** watchers stays indoor and they are busy.

True, but these facts wont convince the "ban" brigade. Bans dont work....demand and supply....ban **** an you'll just drive it underground....raise the price and encourage criminals.
Heard there was a similar swachh recycling program.What exactly does this word swachh mean?
I thought the analogy was with various different internet pron site.

You were specific with that. You said everything we have is misinformation, when i talked about schools.

Even during medivial time, when there was no internet, there were sculptures, scriptures which teaches **** and during those times even brothel was not illegal and was part of our culture.

Are we moving away and going towards another way of screening stuff, like in Saudi where they did it first ????

i did say i give speeches locally... in bangalore to small groups i know... i and some people in my previous job-place almost created a employee's union... would have been the first union in india's modern private industry... all that happened via discussions... two-way dialogue/communciation... and initiated by me... :)

let me tell you... socialist men love sound of their own voice... and i have a good voice, if i say so myself... :D
Read your post again...then you will understand that it was mostly a one way communication that you had.You influenced ppl by talking while others were mere listeners. :lol:

jamahir said:
chal jhoothi... :D
Me jhoot nai bolti....
and cell phones 've more advantages than disadvantages.Buy one and then you'll know. :)
1. None. But i know a few **** watchers, but they have never raped.
2. None dont know whether they watch ****, dont think an elderly man rapes after watching **** online.

So you expect a Rapist to admit his crimes to you ?

Kerala: Man arrested for raping 6-year-old daughter for 6 months - IBNLive

77-year-old man held for raping minor help | The Indian Express

3. **** is usually watched to relieve that frustruation, not the other way around.
4. **** watchers if not handicapped has methods to get rid of tension.

Its a self serving cycle. Soon the usual methods will not suffice. That is how every addiction is.

5. The same feeling he has if he had the real thing with his wife or lover.
6. Dont know about that,

LOL. You sound like a kid who knows nothing about the real thing. You are only theorising based on a pre conceived notion.
So you expect a Rapist to admit his crimes to you ?

Kerala: Man arrested for raping 6-year-old daughter for 6 months - IBNLive

77-year-old man held for raping minor help | The Indian Express

Its a self serving cycle. Soon the usual methods will not suffice. That is how every addiction is.

LOL. You sound like a kid who knows nothing about the real thing. You are only theorising based on a pre conceived notion.

You are posting some random rape news and imagining things and saying stuff like do i know rapist or do they admit it to me.

I guess grey cells decay even without watching any ****.
You were specific with that. You said everything we have is misinformation, when i talked about schools.

Even during medivial time, when there was no internet, there were sculptures, scriptures which teaches **** and during those times even brothel was not illegal and was part of our culture.

Are we moving away and going towards another way of screening stuff, like in Saudi where they did it first ????

Students and teenagers where required to observe brahmacharya. That is how our society kept balance. This is explained in my previous post.
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