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Sushma Swaraj gets hauled over the coals over Sri Lanka

Oye Retard,

Northern and Eastern Province are more Tamil than even many parts of TamilNadu.

Not really. They are merely remnants of Tamil invasions from South India. Many Jaffna Tamils will even proudly proclaim their "Chola ancestry"

The fact that they are relatively recent arrivals is born out of the fact that they are (1) still Tamil (2) still speak Tamil (2) are concentrated in northern Sri Lanka when other ethnic groups like the Malayalis who originated from Tamils themselves have developed their own language and own ethnicity despite sharing a land border with Tamil Nadu.

The Tamil Homeland of the Tamil people as an ethnicity is Tamil Nadu (literally "Country of Tamils.") They have no right to claim any parts of Punjab, Gujarat, Bengal, Orissa, Karnataka or Andhra pradesh - or Sri Lanka - as their additional homeland. You may have different views.
I would advice kazhakam ideologist to join maoist and capture delhi then teach lesson to sinhala by capturing Ceylon.There has to be another invasion of ceylon after Ram an Cholas to teach sinhala Ravan tribe a lesson.

There is nothing like internal matter if it serves my purpose/interest i'll make use of it and make it international matter.

He meands that kazhakam ideologist are so emotive that they are always ready to put on suicide vest and press the switch.After all suicide bombing is invention of kazhakam ideologists
if you are subjucated the same way we are subjucated you will be singing a different tune.
put yourself in the shoes of a man who is treated as second class citizen and his women being raped in front of his eyes.
when you Muslims sing the song of Palestine in the same tune, why not give support to the weak who are supressed in the name of difference in language and race
if you are subjucated the same way we are subjucated you will be singing a different tune.
put yourself in the shoes of a man who is treated as second class citizen and his women being raped in front of his eyes.
when you Muslims sing the song of Palestine in the same tune, why not give support to the weak who are supressed in the name of difference in language and race
I'm giving you support .to change your condition .just raise the kazhakam flag on chennai central and saint thomas mount then march on to delhi to kick out northies to pakistan and then march on to colombo to teach sinhala a lesson again.

Not really. They are merely remnants of Tamil invasions from South India. Many Jaffna Tamils will even proudly proclaim their "Chola ancestry"

The fact that they are relatively recent arrivals is born out of the fact that they are (1) still Tamil (2) still speak Tamil (2) are concentrated in northern Sri Lanka when other ethnic groups like the Malayalis who originated from Tamils themselves have developed their own language and own ethnicity despite sharing a land border with Tamil Nadu.

The Tamil Homeland of the Tamil people as an ethnicity is Tamil Nadu (literally "Country of Tamils.") They have no right to claim any parts of Punjab, Gujarat, Bengal, Orissa, Karnataka or Andhra pradesh - or Sri Lanka - as their additional homeland. You may have different views.

How can they be recent arrivals if they are of Chola ancestry ?

For the Tamils in Lanka, Lanka is their homeland. If Lanka is not their homeland then sure it aint yours too. You are nothing but a half-breed of Tamils and people from Kalinga.


It was a lady (!) in Syria who was the first suicide bomber. Not the Tigers.
It is not a thread that I really want any part of, but some fallacies are flying around and should be brought down to earth.

This is intended for KS, Sashan and Ashokdeiva.

It is difficult to support the legitimate demand of the Jaffna Tamils for human rights, removal of bigoted anti-Tamil laws and the oppression of the Sinhala majority, all of which are cold, hard, documented facts, against the background of the criminal conduct of the LTTE. Unfortunately, the LTTE lasted as a potentially harmful entity as late as the sea beach massacres perpetrated by the Sri Lankans, so it is not as if there was a period when there was no LTTE and there was Tamil oppression. Only now, once there is no visible sign of the LTTE, can we begin to ask the Sri Lankans about justice for the Tamils.

As part of this issue, Indian Tamils need to answer several questions that their consciences should be asking of them.

Why is it that Indian Tamil support of Jaffna Tamils is legitimate and Muslim support of Rohingyas is wrong? I am ashamed and angry at the behaviour of the mob in Bombay, but not about Indian citizens protesting against ill-treatment of Rohingyas. If the very act of protesting is illegitimate, then so is Indian Tamil protesting against the Sri Lankans brutality. If Indian Tamil protests are legitimate, then so are protests against the oppression of Rohingyas.

Second, on the voices raised by several members against the ordeals faced by Indian Tamil fishermen, these ordeals are largely phony, and are concocted by the rich members of the fishing community to cover their own depredations. It isn't about poor fishermen, it's about ecological devastation, and the existence of the poorer fishermen being at stake.

Some facts,gathered from personal experience and investigation :

The Sri Lankans fishermen objecting to the poaching of Indian fishermen are Jaffna Tamils, not Sri Lankans. What on earth are you protesting?

The Sri Lankans and a remaining poorer section of Indian fishermen, all Tamils to a man, use unpowered or outboard-powered boats for fishing in the shallows, which, for Sri Lankan fishermen, includes the waters around Kachchateevu. Their fishing is in danger.

The culprits, who are funding agitations by politicians for their own gains, are rich fishermen, actually traders who have integrated backwards, and whose mechanized trawlers cause ecological devastation. Their boats, and methods, lead to drastic over-fishing and irreversible damage to fish stocks in the Kachchateevu waters (shoal waters off Rameswaram are already depleted).

Vaiko should have been executed ten years earlier as an anti-national traitor.

Not really. They are merely remnants of Tamil invasions from South India. Many Jaffna Tamils will even proudly proclaim their "Chola ancestry"

The fact that they are relatively recent arrivals is born out of the fact that they are (1) still Tamil (2) still speak Tamil (2) are concentrated in northern Sri Lanka when other ethnic groups like the Malayalis who originated from Tamils themselves have developed their own language and own ethnicity despite sharing a land border with Tamil Nadu.

The Tamil Homeland of the Tamil people as an ethnicity is Tamil Nadu (literally "Country of Tamils.") They have no right to claim any parts of Punjab, Gujarat, Bengal, Orissa, Karnataka or Andhra pradesh - or Sri Lanka - as their additional homeland. You may have different views.

This is not correct. The Chola invasions did not establish a Tamil presence, it only reinforced the Tamil presence

On the other hand, the Sri Lankan foundation myth itself talks about their migration from eastern India's coastal regions. Add to that the isolated character of Sinhala language, speaking an Indo-Aryan language in the deep south with the next member of the group in Maharashtra and in Odisha, and the picture becomes clear.
It is difficult to support the legitimate demand of the Jaffna Tamils for human rights, removal of bigoted anti-Tamil laws and the oppression of the Sinhala majority, all of which are cold, hard, documented facts, against the background of the criminal conduct of the LTTE..

The Tigers were borne out of the injustice and oppression - cultural,linguistic,social and religious - meted out to the ethnic Tamilians by the Singalas and not the other way around. You can also throw in the "teach-those-chumps-a-lesson'" Indira attitude for their collusion with Pakistaan in the '71 war and their alleged nod to establish an US Naval base in their island. That there was a peaceful democratic movement before the Tigers (or ERPLF or PLOTE) were born, which aimed at protecting the rights of the Tamilians and which was disregarded and crushed by the Singala govt should also be mentioned.

To a outsider it may be different but for the Tamilians there the choice was simple. The tigers were a necessary evil for them.Period.

Why is it that Indian Tamil support of Jaffna Tamils is legitimate and Muslim support of Rohingyas is wrong? I am ashamed and angry at the behaviour of the mob in Bombay, but not about Indian citizens protesting against ill-treatment of Rohingyas. If the very act of protesting is illegitimate, then so is Indian Tamil protesting against the Sri Lankans brutality. If Indian Tamil protests are legitimate, then so are protests against the oppression of Rohingyas.

I'm surprised you even asked it. We guys across the channel share a 2000+ year history, culture, language, caste and religion. What do the Muslims in mumbai had in common with the Rohingyas except religion ? We were Tamils for 2000+ years before we assumed the added identity of being an Indian. Specifically if you take me and ashok our region was one of the sourcing point for the Chola warriors and many of the Lankan Tamils too have chola ancestry. Did the Muslims in mumbaiwere Rohingyas for any number of time before they too assumed the identity of Indians ?

If those Bihari muslims had protested against some injustice meted out to the Bihari muslims in BD then I could have understood. Though that understanding extends only peaceful protests, mind you. Not the hooliganism that those thugs exhibited that day.

Second, on the voices raised by several members against the ordeals faced by Indian Tamil fishermen, these ordeals are largely phony, and are concocted by the rich members of the fishing community to cover their own depredations. It isn't about poor fishermen, it's about ecological devastation, and the existence of the poorer fishermen being at stake

Phony as in ?

Some facts,gathered from personal experience and investigation :

The Sri Lankans fishermen objecting to the poaching of Indian fishermen are Jaffna Tamils, not Sri Lankans. What on earth are you protesting?

Figure heads mostly. We had a Col.Karuna too.

The Sri Lankans and a remaining poorer section of Indian fishermen, all Tamils to a man, use unpowered or outboard-powered boats for fishing in the shallows, which, for Sri Lankan fishermen, includes the waters around Kachchateevu. Their fishing is in danger.

Couldn't care less. Katchatheevu was illegally handed over to Lanka without being ratified by the Parliament and hence it should be recovered to protect the traditional fishing rights of Indian fishermen.

The culprits, who are funding agitations by politicians for their own gains, are rich fishermen, actually traders who have integrated backwards, and whose mechanized trawlers cause ecological devastation. Their boats, and methods, lead to drastic over-fishing and irreversible damage to fish stocks in the Kachchateevu waters (shoal waters off Rameswaram are already depleted).

None of this takes away the fact that Indian fishermen are being shot by the Lankans and the Indian govt has been utterly indifferent to it except for the "We'll take it up with the Lankans during the forthcoming Secretary visit".

Vaiko should have been executed ten years earlier as an anti-national traitor.

For all his ramblings - there are many more worthy to be hung in this country than Vaiko.
The Tigers were borne out of the injustice and oppression - cultural,linguistic,social and religious - meted out to the ethnic Tamilians by the Singalas and not the other way around. You can also throw in the "teach-those-chumps-a-lesson'" Indira attitude for their collusion with Pakistaan in the '71 war and their alleged nod to establish an US Naval base in their island. That there was a peaceful democratic movement before the Tigers (or ERPLF or PLOTE) were born, which aimed at protecting the rights of the Tamilians and which was disregarded and crushed by the Singala govt should also be mentioned.

To a outsider it may be different but for the Tamilians there the choice was simple. The Tigers were a necessary evil

Please read my original comment carefully. I got the sequence correct.
Isn't that precisely the justification for every terrorist group that wants to be known as freedom fighters? How do we protest against Pakistan promoting terror when some of us believe that it is all right when we promote it?
Isn't that precisely the justification for every terrorist group that wants to be known as freedom fighters? How do we protest against Pakistan promoting terror when some of us believe that it is all right when we promote it?

Believe me India did not do one in a hundred what the Sinhalese did to the Tamils. That not single tank or an artillery piece has been used in Kashmir at even the peak of insurgency or India never denied citizenship to the Kashmiri Muslims or oppressed them based on their cultural, religious identities or did not undertake a reactionary ethnic cleansing when the members of the the Pandit community were subjected to horrifying brutalities stands testament to Indian patience and commitment to maintaining atleast a semblance of human rights.

And what is the alternative you suggest to the Tamils ? Show their other cheek and get culled like diseased chickens ? No one cared about them. It was upto them to save their back. And I'm sure you would have thought like exactly like this when the Bengalis were being meted a similar treatment by the Punjabis and Pathans. Do you consider the Mukthis a terrorist group ?
I'm surprised you even asked it. We guys across the channel share a 2000+ year history, culture, language, caste and religion. What do the Muslims in mumbai had in common with the Rohingyas except religion ? We were Tamils for 2000+ years before we assumed the added identity of being an Indian. Specifically if you take me and ashok our region was one of the sourcing point for the Chola warriors and many of the Lankan Tamils too have chola ancestry. Did the Muslims in mumbaiwere Rohingyas for any number of time before they too assumed the identity of Indians ?

If those Bihari muslims had protested against some injustice meted out to the Bihari muslims in BD then I could have understood. Though that understanding extends only peaceful protests, mind you. Not the hooliganism that those thugs exhibited that day.

How can you or I sit in judgement on somebody else's emotional involvement? How can we say that our support was legitimate, but somebody else is encouraging terrorism? Isn't that the height of hypocrisy?

Are there numerically graduated scales to determine when we can claim a cause as ours? Where do we put the Kashmiri issue that we have been telling the Pakistanis to put away where the Windjammer jams his wind?

Believe me India did not do one in a hundred what the Sinhalese did to the Tamils. That not single tank or an artillery piece has been used in Kashmir at even the peak of insurgency or India never denied citizenship to the Kashmiri Muslims or oppressed them based on their cultural, religious identities or did not undertake a reactionary ethnic cleansing when the members of the the Pandit community were subjected to horrifying brutalities stands testament to Indian patience and commitment to maintaining atleast a semblance of human rights.

And what is the alternative you suggest to the Tamils ? Show their other cheek and get culled like diseased chickens ? No one cared about them. It was upto them to save their back. And I'm sure you would have thought like exactly like this when the Bengalis were being meted a similar treatment by the Punjabis and Pathans. Do you consider the Mukthis a terrorist group ?

Oh, I believe you wholly.

Let me say my piece clearly: what the Sri Lankans did was genocidal. It was a wholesale massacre of innocent civilians which ranks up there with the worst excesses we have witnessed. Do not doubt for a moment that there is any ambiguity about that occurrence at all.

About what I would suggest to the Tamils, it's a bit too late, isn't it? What I had been suggesting, to anybody not wholly wrapped up in the ferocity of the LTTE and the way they had cleaned up the IPKF,and the SriLankans after that, was to try and get rid of Prabhakaran and his thugs, and get a leadership in place that would be acceptable to the non-Tamil world and could exert pressure on the Sri Lankans.

Don't think that I have no stakes in this issue. My descendants will be half-Tamil.
How can you or I sit in judgement on somebody else's emotional involvement? How can we say that our support was legitimate, but somebody else is encouraging terrorism? Isn't that the height of hypocrisy?

I get you are playing the devils advocate. Try convincing me that a Muslim from Bhatkal in Karnataka has more or atleast as much in common with one from Algiers than a Tamil from Cuddalore has with a Tamil from Vanni.

I think it comes in the domain of common sense.

And the most important point - we did not go about kicking Gandhi statue on Marina beach much less the Amar Jawan Jyoti to express our protest.

Are there numerically graduated scales to determine when we can claim a cause as ours? Where do we put the Kashmiri issue that we have been telling the Pakistanis to put away where the Windjammer jams his wind?

You could say so - we share the culture,language,religion, caste and history and the Muslims protesting can claim similarity on religion. That is 5 to 1.
Phony as in ?

Nine out of ten incidents are manufactured by the trawler owners. There are no witnesses out at sea, and they have these stories to put pressure on the SL Navy not to interfere. Very much like the azadi lobby in Srinagar.

There was even a ****-and-bull story about the SL Navy chucking rocks at them, for heavens' sake.

Next time you are on leave' go down and take a look for yourself. Ask questions but more than that, listen. You will learn. Quite clearly that these incidents only keep the Sri Lankans on the defensive.

Figure heads mostly. We had a Col.Karuna too.

Let me tell you categorically, these are 100% Jaffna Tamils. I know; I've been there.
Let me tell you categorically, these are 100% Jaffna Tamils. I know; I've been there.

Pls share your experiences there. Was it before or after the Eelam war?

I would very well like to know an unbiased situation analysis of Tamils there after the Eelam war.
I get you are playing the devils advocate. Try convincing me that a Muslim from Bhatkal in Karnataka has more or atleast as much in common with one from Algiers than a Tamil from Cuddalore has with a Tamil from Vanni.

I think it comes in the domain of common sense.

And the most important point - we did not go about kicking Gandhi statue on Marina beach much less the Amar Jawan Jyoti to express our protest.

Actually, no. I am sincerely pointing out that neither loyalty has logic or reason behind it, they are emotional matters. One cannot argue with emotional matters or emotional bonds. Far less can one legitimize or illegitimise emotional links. Take your own reluctance to agree that the two Tamils have as little to do with each other as the two Muslims; or, putting it positively, the Muslims in Burma AND the Tamils in Jaffna deserve the support of all civilized people who believe in human rights, not just those who choose to identify with them.

You could say so - we share the culture,language,religion, caste and history and the Muslims protesting can claim similarity on religion. That is 5 to 1.

Can you get anyone else to agree?
Nine out of ten incidents are manufactured by the trawler owners. There are no witnesses out at sea, and they have these stories to put pressure on the SL Navy not to interfere. Very much like the azadi lobby in Srinagar.

There was even a ****-and-bull story about the SL Navy chucking rocks at them, for heavens' sake.

Next time you are on leave' go down and take a look for yourself. Ask questions but more than that, listen. You will learn. Quite clearly that these incidents only keep the Sri Lankans on the defensive.

Is there any records of how much Tamil fishermen are killed by SLN every year.
^^ I do want to know how much TN fishermen got killed by SL Navy each year.
so What's the score for this year so far? Any Tamil from TN can give reliable source?
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