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Sushma Swaraj gets hauled over the coals over Sri Lanka

Perhaps the place where you learned to fly the machines could teach you better to respect other Aviators.

Not that it matters for me but you only were acting like a gentelman which doesnt seem the case.

Or maybe your fellow Aviators in your country like to call other Aviators cold feet and feel like a Gentleman.

And by the way..For me what matters is enjoying every single minute i am airborne.Its the minutes you enjoy at the end of the day more than the hours you put up in your log book and cold feet or hot shot at the end of the day i would only care about getting the machine to land safely and what should matter for me is what my superiors think about me and my performance rather than a Stranger judging my flying skills from a Internet forum.

You are not so coldhearted as you portray, are you. You have emotions and you express them.

I said what I said and I protested against a person who expressed himself in an uncalled for manner. I am not sorry about it.

You came in and supported the person who was on the wrong.

I don't know about where did you train to fly machines - where I did, due emphasis is laid on manners and etiquette as well.

I didn't comment on your flying skills. I won't.

But I never flew to satisfy my superiors. I flew because I loved doing it.

I won't reply any further.
Am I?

What's wrong in speaking the truth? Almost all of India's states are nation states, and if the Union of India is true democracy I think it would have no problem in allowing each state to decide whether it wishes to remain within the Indian union or secede. Tamil Nadu has everything required to be an independent country. The only reason it is a part of India - along with many other 'states' - is because of the British. It was never historically a part of North Indian empires.

I re-iterate, whe considering ethnic groups in the subcontinent:

Gujarat is the homeland of the Gujarati people.
Punjab is the homeland of the Punjabi people.
Karnataka is the homeland of the Kannadigas
Andhra Pradesh is the homeland of the Telugu people
Kerala is the homeland of the Malayalis
Tamil Nadu is the homeland of the Tamils
West Bengal is the homeland of the Bengalis
Orissa is the homeland of the Oriyas
Bihar, Jharkand, Chatisgarh etc cover the Hindi-speaking people
and Sri Lanka is the homeland of the Sinhalese people.

Each of the respective ethnic groups developed their societies, civilizations and languages in those respective areas. Each would not really have a history without their respective homelands.

Oye Retard,

Northern and Eastern Province are more Tamil than even many parts of TamilNadu.
are you ready to stand by your commitment to the Tamils till the end even if the UNION of INDIA is about to wage a war in your country based on the fact that you are supporting Tamil seperation movement.
if not or if you are about to turn hostile just like how INDIA turned its backs on LTTE then please get the fujk off, we know how to deal with our problems, we are Tamils and next we are INDIANS, we belive that some day we can make the rest of INDIA realize that we are also part of the union and we need the same compasion that is shown in north.
and our INDIAN brothers will hear us. if all else fail we will fight with our brothers but not depending on your help.

Do you know what a naive kid you are being by claiming emotional reasons?

Do you realise that the whole international community was and is against LTTE?

Once that happens you should save your own *** and the same LTTE is what burnt its bridges by killing Rajiv Gandhi,

Political blunders come back and haunt you,like this here.

Dont do all this and try to reason.
How many even know here that Tamil fishermen are killed regularly and the Central Govt does not do as much as lift a bloody finger to help them ? Its ok if this govt is afraid of Pakistan..after all they are the big badass guys with atum bums..but Lanka ? C'mon. I have my own strong views on this fisherman subject, which is why I'm refraining to express myself here.

I have expressed the same opinion in several posts before in the sense is there only one strategic option left for India in dealing with SL? And the highlighted portion is the same reason as well for me maintaining silence here.
You are not so coldhearted as you portray, are you. You have emotions and you express them.

I said what I said and I protested against a person who expressed himself in an uncalled for manner. I am not sorry about it.

You came in and supported the person who was on the wrong.

I don't know about where did you train to fly machines - where I did, due emphasis is laid on manners and etiquette as well.

I didn't comment on your flying skills. I won't.

But I never flew to satisfy my superiors. I flew because I loved doing it.

I won't reply any further.

I said "it doesnt matter to me" in my last post.

The detailed reply was for you to understand that you judging my professional skills from here doesnt really matter.

Regarding flying i also said that i loved flying more than worrying about the hours.Regarding satisfying the seniors...well if you satisfy your seniors you get promoted its simple.Unless you are doing hobby flying every single minute you spend in the air is training specially for me as i am not as old as you think of me to be.

Due emphasis is laid on manners and etiquette?..Well you showed that in your first post directed at me.

Regarding supporting and all...I did not support anyone.I was asking AJTR to just chill coz saying things doesnt make them come true.If this was the case then you called my skill as cold feet so maybe i will have cold feet while landing the next time around??..Doesnt happen right...So why give so much importance to it.Lastly i adviced AJTR to either not get into this $hit or stop complaining.
Do you know what a naive kid you are being by claiming emotional reasons?

Do you realise that the whole international community was and is against LTTE?

Once that happens you should save your own *** and the same LTTE is what burnt its bridges by killing Rajiv Gandhi,

Political blunders come back and haunt you,like this here.

Dont do all this and try to reason.
Remember the political/military blunder of Rajiv Gandhi (sudden change in stand from what IG left behind) and the Jaffna Masacre. that is the reason his blunders ended his life. though he was no PM when he was assasinated and the Boffers and Bhopal accused he helped in escaping INDIAN laws, still people love him is it not?
so for you kind of people, lives of INDIANS / SL Tamils are cheaper then that dijk head Rajiv Gandhi
at least there is some Indian who can say wrong to wrong. ^^ thanks mate :)
if this nation is about free speach, then i have the right to oppose the injustice done by the UNION to my part of the UNION, and will you still sing the song of the union if your people are treated as second class citizens. this is what we are being threated.
I am an M Tech graduate, and a man of my rational thinking abilities is not speaking about the UNIONS injustice then who is going to defend the weak on which you paracits pray.
Do you know what a naive kid you are being by claiming emotional reasons?

Do you realise that the whole international community was and is against LTTE?

Once that happens you should save your own *** and the same LTTE is what burnt its bridges by killing Rajiv Gandhi,

Political blunders come back and haunt you,like this here.

Dont do all this and try to reason.

Well actually you have your chronology a bit reversed. It was RG who reversed his mother's policy (in effect burning bridges with LTTE) and not the other way around.

Anyway there is no use in speaking about a dead organization - what matters is that the racist scums in Lanka (who chant Lanka for sinhalese) are neutered and the Tamilians too are ensured of an equal,dignified life as citizens there.
if this nation is about free speach, then i have the right to oppose the injustice done by the UNION to my part of the UNION, and will you still sing the song of the union if your people are treated as second class citizens. this is what we are being threated.
I am an M Tech graduate, and a man of my rational thinking abilities is speaking about the UNIONS injustice then who is going to defend the weak on which you paracits pray.

you are a man of emotion we get it
I would advice kazhakam ideologist to join maoist and capture delhi then teach lesson to sinhala by capturing Ceylon.There has to be another invasion of ceylon after Ram an Cholas to teach sinhala Ravan tribe a lesson.

Its our internal matter. Dont you get it ? ;)
There is nothing like internal matter if it serves my purpose/interest i'll make use of it and make it international matter.

and what do you mean by that?
He meands that kazhakam ideologist are so emotive that they are always ready to put on suicide vest and press the switch.After all suicide bombing is invention of kazhakam ideologists
Well actually you have your chronology a bit reversed. It was RG who reversed his mother's policy (in effect burning bridges with LTTE) and not the other way around.

Anyway there is no use in speaking about a dead organization - what matters is that the racist scums in Lanka (who chant Lanka for sinhalese) are neutered and the Tamilians too are ensured of an equal,dignified life as citizens there.
LTTE is not dead it still there.and if needed can be resurrected in LTTE version-2 but this time it will attack delhi instead of colombo.And Tamilnadu will be new jaffna
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