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Sushma Swaraj gets hauled over the coals over Sri Lanka

Does it mean that the current Indian leadership is not capable of handling the environment as compared to the earlier one. And India now being a mature democracy, can sustain such weak leadership.

Then, why are they now asking for secession again if their concerns are not met.

No, Apart from central leadership, now states have been integrated with each other and are dependent on each other in such a way that their own existence will come into question if they disintegrate from union. Ex, UP is totally dependent on UK and center for electricity similarly UK is dependent on UP for food and economic activities. Earlier was not like that.

In a developing country such as India, no one could ever be satisfied, if one is not satisfy naturally he(or political groups) will ask for separation. And this is story of all the big (large area and population) developing countries even countries like china, brazil and your own country are no exception.
In a way we should thank 1962 war with China. It increased the nationalist sentiments in India especially south. The pro-secession Dravidian parties changed their attitude post-1962.

Yes every time India fought a war, the people and states gets integrated with new bonding.
Its not the number of people who express this. It is the expression of such an intent, even by a minority, which raises the level of surprise.

In a internet forum it surely matters when you dont know the reality.But when you have met people from all ethnicities and have them as your friends then you know it doesnt show the complete picture.

Tamils,Maharathis etc are very proud of their culture but that doesnt mean they want a seperate nation.

I have many Tamil friends and i have never heard anything like this from them...Obviously some of them have a problem whom you get to meet in the cyber world only..They are too proud of their ethnic background..thatsit.
Not really. They are merely remnants of Tamil invasions from South India. Many Jaffna Tamils will even proudly proclaim their "Chola ancestry"

The fact that they are relatively recent arrivals is born out of the fact that they are (1) still Tamil (2) still speak Tamil (2) are concentrated in northern Sri Lanka when other ethnic groups like the Malayalis who originated from Tamils themselves have developed their own language and own ethnicity despite sharing a land border with Tamil Nadu.

The Tamil Homeland of the Tamil people as an ethnicity is Tamil Nadu (literally "Country of Tamils.") They have no right to claim any parts of Punjab, Gujarat, Bengal, Orissa, Karnataka or Andhra pradesh - or Sri Lanka - as their additional homeland. You may have different views.

You mentally Retard or something !! ..........Srilankan tamil have been there for more than a millenia of history !!! they are lankans by hstiory,birth or by the scent of the land !!

Any mallus born and brought in mumbai ..calls himself mumbaikar and gets the bloody right to vote in state elections !!! I have the Fricking right to vote in kerala while by ancestry i belong to TN .

My cousin has the Fricking right to Vote and participate in the democratiic procedures in Bhopal and be the bloody MP of Bhopal if he wants to .

Its Narcissistic Blowheads like you who cant accept the tamils as lankans and precipitate all this problems....................Its this attitude that lead to to the riots and ethnic cleansings ...............Its ppl like who lead to the creation of LTTE !!!
I have been reading the Indian opinion here and certain things do spring a surprise. Some Tamil Indians are talking about secession from India if there concerns are not addressed.

This is the first time that I have heard this thing from peoples form a mainstream Indian state. This could be an emotional outburst. However, it outlines the serious concerns expressed by these people to a level where secession from India is being talked about.

Can anybody explain as to why such expressions are cited - is the nature of grievance so serious that break up of a country is being threatened.
Everybody talks of secession in india but everybody knows they wont survive as a separate unit.India as big unit provide every one a big tree to leech from.

PS:I dont demand secession i demand capturing Delhi first then Islamabad and Dhaka and Kabul and Kathmandu, Thimphu, Rangoon, Colombo,male, Mauritius......:cool:
In a internet forum it surely matters when you dont know the reality.But when you have met people from all ethnicities and have them as your friends then you know it doesnt show the complete picture.

Tamils,Maharathis etc are very proud of their culture but that doesnt mean they want a seperate nation.

I have many Tamil friends and i have never heard anything like this from them...Obviously some of them have a problem whom you get to meet in the cyber world only..They are too proud of their ethnic background..thatsit.

To be honest, even the ones suggesting it here are saying so to vent their pent-up feelings. There is huge resentment of the massacre on the beach, and the conduct of Sri Lanka in general.
To be honest, even the ones suggesting it here are saying so to vent their pent-up feelings. There is huge resentment of the massacre on the beach, and the conduct of Sri Lanka in general.

Interesting argument indeed.

When Indians are concerned about safety or otherwise of Indian origin people in other countries, India should be able to absorb similar concerns from others.

Why then, most Indians, including the Indian government balk at such concerns when expressed by non-Indians.
Interesting argument indeed.

When Indians are concerned about safety or otherwise of Indian origin people in other countries, India should be able to absorb similar concerns from others.

Why then, most Indians, including the Indian government balk at such concerns when expressed by non-Indians.
Coz GOI is not indian........
Interesting argument indeed.

When Indians are concerned about safety or otherwise of Indian origin people in other countries, India should be able to absorb similar concerns from others.

Why then, most Indians, including the Indian government balk at such concerns when expressed by non-Indians.

Exactly....the height of Hypocrisy !!! I hope i can correct atleast a few in this forum ..by constant pestering and non stop badgering :blah:
Yeah sure ... as if you may be the "charkha katnay wali maasi sitting on the moon."
No that was Mahatma Gandhi.

Congress and BJP are doing the same thing.

Tamils needs separate nation like Israel.When center ignoring our feelings means there is nothing wrong to take anti-India stance to harm India. Tamils have no enmity towards China and Pakistan personally those are north Indian and NE Indian problems if china favors tamils interests then we wholeheartedly welcoming China presence in IOR.

You moron.......... stop day dreaming. It is not halwa, that anyone can eat it.

East, West, North & South...... India was/ is & will be one forever.
No that was Mahatma Gandhi.


Please, you need to get two things done:

1) Get your eye sight checked again.

2) Get you sex distinguishing cells in brain analysed.

And please don't tell me that a Mahatma can be reincarnated in any form on the moon.
Interesting argument indeed.

When Indians are concerned about safety or otherwise of Indian origin people in other countries, India should be able to absorb similar concerns from others.

Why then, most Indians, including the Indian government balk at such concerns when expressed by non-Indians.

This is an emotional issue for Indians. I would suggest that Pakistanis leave it alone.
This is an emotional issue for Indians. I would suggest that Pakistanis leave it alone.

Does it mean that they should be able to express their concerns about so-called Sri Lankan ill-treatment of Tamils, Hindu and Sikh ill-treatment in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Malaysia etc etc. And when these countries express their concerns about ill-treatment meted out to Indian minorities inside India, it is taken as interference in India's internal affairs. And it also becomes an emotive issue for Indians and therefore we may leave it.

I don't think so.
After Rajiv Gandhi was killed by LTTE the Tamils (at least 99%) stood solidly behind their country and treated LTTE as their own enemy.

This change in thought process enabled the Indian Government to join hands with SL to eliminate LTTE.

After the job was done successfully the rest of Indians and the Indian Government have back-stabbed in unbelievably harsh way.

Probably the spineless elder generation of Tamil Nadu may swallow this unjustice. But as the younger generation moves up the political ladder the Indian Government will have a extremely tough time.

We will never consider independence because India is our home but we will keep reminding about this backstabbing at every possible domestic and International political forum. Whichever party rules at the center will have to eat $hit at every possible moment when they have to handle Tamils. This is the price the rest of Indians have to pay for backstabbing us.

I dream of a time when every MP from Tamil Nadu will address the PM in the house of Parliament as PM of SL.
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