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Survey on Caliphate in Pakistan

sooner or later we bring the khilafat system INSHALLAH

What is Khilafat by the way? another system of governance? We don't need a new system. Systems don't make any difference.

What we need is selfless, sincere, honest, committed, broad-minded and visionary rulers, and then again rulers come from within the masses, don't they?

Are we forgetting what Allah tells us in quran?

مشکواۃ میں حلیتہ ابی نعیم کی روایت ہے کہ رسول اللہ نے فرمایا کہ اللہ تعالٰی فرماتا ہے کہ میں اللہ ہوں۔ میرے سوا کوئی معبود نہیں۔ میں سب بادشاہوں کا مالک اور بادشاہ ہوں،سب بادشاہوں کے قلوب میرے ہاتھ میں ہیں۔ جب میرے بندے میری اطاعت کرتے ہیں تو میں اُن کے بادشاہوں اور حکام کے قلوب میں اُن کی رحمت اور شفقت ڈال دیتا ہوں،اور جب میرے بندے میری نافرمانی کرتے ہیں تو میں اُن کے حکام کے دل اُن پر سخت کر دیتا ہوں۔وہ اُن کو ہر طرح کا بُرا عذاب چکھاتے ہیں۔
اِس لیے حکام اور اُمراءکو بُرا کہنے میں اپنے اوقات ضائع نہ کرو،بلکہ اللہ تعالٰی کی طرف رُجوع اور عمل کی اصلاح کی فکر میں لگ جاو تاکہ تمھارے سب کاموں کو درست کردوں۔

Hadith - Al-Bukhari and Muslim, and other narration by at-Tirmidhee (no. 2867) and Ahmad (4/130).

Allaah’s Messenger (SAAWS) said, "He who sees from his ruler something he dislikes, let him be patient with him, for he who splits away from the Jamaa’ah by a handspan and then dies, dies a death of Jaahiliyyah" and in a narration, "then he has thrown off the yoke of Islaam from his neck."

If we all correct ourselves, Allah will have mercy on us. There are amny muslim and non-muslim countries which don't have Khilafat, but they are living a very peacefull and happy life.
Hi Ares I am back what do u want to discuss let's do it brother yes khalafit will come to Pakistan very soon and it is practical don't know about ppl who say otherwise come and ask me anything u want to ask
Ares alim online here all these ppl use google I will give you references from books where are you ago a jao meri bahi
Aresss I Am here as I promised I can't send pms I am junior member her all I can do is write on the wall of web master a jao India lost yar match is over
Bring this Khilafat system and see the remaining brains leave this patch of land as well. It wont be fun when you have to live off someone elses oil for the rest of your grandchildren's lives, who will end up becoming nothing and rather than contributing become a burden on the system that remotely feeds them. If you teach your children the teachings of Quran for 2 hours a day, cut it in half and teach them other worldly things that will make them productive in their later years. Start with them washing walls outside your house and when older teach them how to build small furniture. If you dont crush their egos at an early age and show them what it means to be a human being they will also end up like half the posters in this forum and amount to blaming other people and countries. Looking at the population of this country is a joke, what makes this uneducated mass the flag bearers of prehistoric Khilafat system, which was crushed by the ottomans and the arabs before. Now you expect it to carry the burden of being trampled under the sindhi, balouchi shia sunii topi as well?? No system is successful with the current world population, but things are made to work by hardworking leaders who benefit their entire community rather than select people who agree with their ideology.
Afghan will benefit the most from Khilafa, arab oil, pakistani nuke, better economy and money from malasia/indonesia. in return, we will offer plenty of the taliban to our khilafa.
Afghan will benefit the most from Khilafa, arab oil, pakistani nuke, better economy and money from malasia/indonesia. in return, we will offer plenty of the taliban to our khilafa.
Sir ur so much against this idea that youare trying to insult your own country I am sure many afghans don't share your views and they must have something positive to contribute towards the system like the man power from example very sad to see your post that one can go so low in order to oppose Sharia be positive in your approach
Sir ur so much against this idea that youare trying to insult your own country I am sure many afghans don't share your views and they must have something positive to contribute towards the system like the man power from example very sad to see your post that one can go so low in order to oppose Sharia be positive in your approach

i am surely not insulting my country, aside from a little humor in my post, afghanistan can never offer something in her present situation, we are the ones who are in need.
I am sure many afghans don't share your views and they must have something positive to contribute towards the system like the man power from example

believe it or not, afghans are the ones who are against khalifat.
believe it or not, afghans are the ones who are against khalifat.

Afghan king didn't support Indian Muslims during Khilafat movement in India, people do live in delusion.
i am surely not insulting my country, aside from a little humor in my post, afghanistan can never offer something in her present situation, we are the ones who are in need.

You said afghans are the one in need so why oppose it when you itself said it that Afghans will benefit the most out of khilafat and in next breathyiu say we oppose it so how do plan to help Afghanistan by implementing the same rules which us did in Afghanistan after occupying it illegaly sir you aren't making much sense
Why the people want to be ruled like the way the states rules ages ago??
Because it was right and best for us and it was repressive like western democracy is and no mr T FAZ they never experienced khilafat all they had were extremists and criminals just like Taliban here please know khalifat is opposite of what talibans are doing here

---------- Post added at 12:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:17 AM ----------

*was not sorry typo
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