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Survey on Caliphate in Pakistan

Anyway, I hope Pakistan people are sane enough not to adopt that caliphate back. Anyway, I thought it was a joke initially and was dumbfounded that someones even considered it to be the best option.
Google tells me there's no such thing as MMERB survey. So why the F did the OP make false numbers up? Failed at calculating totals as well.
Don't ever begin to think that the Taliban Regime in 90s was an Islamic Caliphate... It was an utter disgrace, especially looking at the way they treated Muslim women, it was in effect 'Reign of the Mullah', nothing more.

I personally wish to live in such days [days of Khilafat...]. If it ever comes into existence, it would be the most just & serene system of Govrt the world would ever see. Not like the Taliban Regime at all.
Google tells me there's no such thing as MMERB survey. So why the F did the OP make false numbers up? Failed at calculating totals as well.

This is what turned up after a bit of Google



Can anyone translate? Is the source credible?
Caliphate system & Martial law both are good. But what ever happens the law should be 100 times more striker than what it is right now. Democracy or what ever and how ever it is called has completely failed and will keep on failing because these people don't know the meaning of democracy the only they know is it to listen and take commands from USA and do massive corruption openly.
Kick USA out of Pakistan and see how fast Pakistan will go towards success. Pakistan Zindabad:pakistan:
No to the Shitty USA and her policies. leave Pakistan.
I just can't believe how delusional my nation is

FreekiN said:
So.... the Kaliphate will kill the people who oppose it?

How nice.

For the greater good of God, yes :rolleyes:

Let me deal with your questions point by point...

1. The loan has already been paid back... We have paid back original loans more than 12 times over the original amount (the extra being the loan)... Thats the first issue... Secondly, defaulting on loans when you cant pay back is part of the deal... So both by measure of ability and ideology (interest being forbidden) we cannot pay it back... So we can use the default clause of the deal and stop paying back the interest... The backlash of this would be that we wont get any further loans... Which is even better... Hope that clarifies point 1.

2. We have a lot of gold... and part of the strategy of enforcing gold/silver as currency would include trading material for building Khilafah's gold reserves... So we can sell salt and ask to be paid back in Gold... etc... Smuggling of gold outside the state would be stopped...

3. We do need outside help in the brains sector... we have plenty of labour... so we will have plenty of operation paper clips in the Caliphate ;)

4. Bro... the other states are collapsing one by one... you only require to support an opposition within these Arab states with strict rules of engagement... their people are waiting for someone to help them... see the situation in Libya today... this could be a prime opportunity for say Egypt next doors if they were ideologically motivated... Borders between countries will fall like dominoes... The reaction to the rise of the Caliphate would be obviously hostile from the west (already they are complaining of the rise in oil prices and as a result prices of everything in the market due to the Libyan situation)... so most States in the Muslim world who actually have zero support in their populations shall fall... You can do anything after you have an ideological state setup because then you have evidence against the other puppet governments... You can even take them out if needed... it would all depend on calculation...

(think... how many lives can be saved today if Gaddafi and his sons are taken out in a special ops??)
Question for people who believe in Khilafat.

How do you know you haven't mixed cause and effect? People seem to think that the Golden Age of Islam will happen after the Khalifa arrives. Miraculously, somehow the Golden Age will happen by magic. Surely he is not going to come in a magical spaceship full of secret technology. We will still need to do the hard work.

Perhaps it's the other way round. Perhaps we need to build a nation that is strong and powerful and technologically competent before the Khalifa will arrive. In other words, we first need to create a nation worthy of his throne.

In psychology, this is a classic procrastination technique: people put off doing the hard work waiting for some external stimulus. All this talk of Khilafat is just a way to avoid doing the hard work of building a Golden Age by ourselves. We are waiting for a miracle. Meanwhile, the rest of the world sprints ahead...
MAJORITY of these people believe for prosperity and are tired of such a pathetic government that they are looking at a last resort kind of governance that they will know the almighty is looking after and he WONT BE CORRUPT.

Not that i believe we should go to shariah law or something i believe democracy is the way through, we just have to wait till all these corrupt old scumbags die and honest leaders are born.
Don't ever begin to think that the Taliban Regime in 90s was an Islamic Caliphate... It was an utter disgrace, especially looking at the way they treated Muslim women, it was in effect 'Reign of the Mullah', nothing more.

I personally wish to live in such days [days of Khilafat...]. If it ever comes into existence, it would be the most just & serene system of Govrt the world would ever see. Not like the Taliban Regime at all.

Talibabn is a b@stard child of CIA. They are used as a tool to defame Islam and to keep Muslims further away from practicing Islam to its true potential.
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