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Survey on Caliphate in Pakistan


We dont require money for the Khilafah project... we need a mind frame... Khilafah is simply a pure Islamic thought in action implementing Islam as a holistic system... Let me address your money concerns...
1. You mention Chinese drilling for us right? So what? We can use our historical friendship with China and ask them to transfer tech for drilling to our land... Money buys things for you... including technology... If we can build the JF17 Thunder and Al Khalid and Babur then I dont see why you think we cannot import technology of any kind...
So you are not setting your standards rather are following others that's what we are doing now so what good is Khilafah then?

2. Where will we get money from?? Heres the deal... We shall default on all existing and remaining loans as the Caliphate does not deal or trade in Riba... So you end this endless cycle of debt (which is basically a tool to enslave nations)... Whatever wealth you generate from that point on, you spend on your own country and your own people... You start relying on your own resources...
So you are not going to return the money you lended beforehand; isn't this against Islam?
Secondly... You remove Rupee from the dollar... adopt Gold/Silver standard... This will save the Rupee from the declining dollar...
Your money [gold] will be smuggled out into the territories not using gold as currency & we will become de-valued & guess what we don't have that enormous gold either. I am afraid this just is day-dreaming

Pakistan is a gold mine of resources bro...

a. Agriculture (this includes half of the land not being cultivated)
b. Mineral resources (Riko Diq and Thar Coal)
c. Man power and readily available labour (opportunity for employment in industry)
d. You bring back all the looted wealth of Pakistan back to the country (you put these corrupt politicians in jail)

These are just a few ideas Bro... there is a lot more that can be done...

As for other Muslim countries... See whats happening to them today bro... All incapable of holding their dissenting populations... The Khilafat will make greatt use of such situations... No Fly Zone over Saudi Arabia anyone?? ;)

Like I said we do have much resources but we can't exploit them WITHOUT foreign [nonMuslim] support in technology
Also you haven't addressed one issue about the solidarity of Muslim states & whether they will or willnt accept Pakistan as their Aamir[leader]. I bet nationalism is hard to overcome!!
My guess is they will go to where it stopped.

The last Kaliph was Abdülmecid II of the Ottoman Empire.

They will go to secular Turkey and ask around for Abdul's family opinion on the next caliph. LOL

Abdülmecid II was exiled in France after the Caliphate was abolished by Ataturk.

He had one daughter called Princess Durru Shehvar and there was another Princess called Niloufer, it was suggested by the Ali brothers of the Khilafat and Pakistan movement fame, that they be brought to British India where there presence could be used to re establish a leadership in the Muslim world.

The Shah of Iran also wanted one of the daughters especially Princess Durru Shehvar for his son Reza Shah Pehlavi and so did the Egyptian King for the reason of establishing Islamic leadership.

These girls were modern and educated, Asih Jah of Hyderabad was convinced by the Ali Brothers that he should bring marry his sons with these princesses and he did so, bringing them both to British India.

This all happened as the Pakistan Movement was gaining full steam and the Hyderabadis wanted to join Pakistan but things did not go as planned and Asif Jah was left as a shadow of his former shelf after the partition, Princess Niloufer left Hyderabad, never to return again while Princess Durru did spend time between London and Hyderabad but the idea of them bringing leadership died when Hyderabad become a part of India.

So you can consult them but they would agree that Caliphate is not possible now, at least with the condition of the Muslims.

As they say, if Allah as so wills, it will be done.
^If I'm not wrong that Hyderabadi prince who married ottoman princes was a close friend of Nehru and opposed Rajakars vehemently. He was offered a high post in cabinet by Nehru but rejected.
Overwhelming Majority of Pakistan wants the Khilafah System, Rejected Western Democracy, only two percent want Islamic democracy.
MMERB's latest survey on the Governance in Pakistan.
Islamic caliphate 53%
Islamic democracy 2%
Democracy 11%
Kingdom 6%
Martial Law 22%

who are MMERB? and where they conducted this survey ?? i see this same claim is posted on various internet sites sans any link to the survey and background info on MMERB
^If I'm not wrong that Hyderabadi prince who married ottoman princes was a close friend of Nehru and opposed Rajakars vehemently. He was offered a high post in cabinet by Nehru but rejected.

He was a close friend indeed but they were all adamant in their position of either remaining separate of joining Pakistan, once neither happened and Asif Jah lost his power, they just took a back seat.
Overwhelming Majority of Pakistan wants the Khilafah System, Rejected Western Democracy, only two percent want Islamic democracy.
MMERB's latest survey on the Governance in Pakistan.
Islamic caliphate 53%
Islamic democracy 2%
Democracy 11%
Kingdom 6%
Martial Law 22%

Gallup survey conducted a couple of years back suggested more than 70% of the Pakistanies wanted Islamic democracy. I dont know how that changed to 2% only in this survey.
Who else are you going to ask? The Koreans? The Muslim world is obviously going to be effected by this system, so their opinion is important. Anyways this survey is not even reliable, theres no source! So people in Pakistan might not even want a Khilafah System.

Its Governance system where rulers are as much accountable as a common man so surely only the tyrant rulers, monarchs, familycracy, Kings in Muslim world are going to be affected by it ..

The issue is for adopting this governance system we need to overhaul the current system, clean up the corrupt rules and so on which is surely a cumbersome job and a long term planning so not going to happen in few decades
there is a proper system of choosing a Caliph and the caliph himself is bound to the principles and laws of Quran and Hadees...if he dont follow it,any one can put a case against him and he will be charged or punished immediately .so there is no immunity type of thing....And no possibility of corruption...under these laws , he is the finest man of the state ...
I save my vote for Altaf hussain til he returns.
Well,most of these Pakistanis don't even know what they are talking about? When asked this question....most of them in their childish zeal towards the religion answered .."We want 'Islamic Khilafat' "

And What is "Islamic Democracy" ????:devil:

probably wat imran khan's followers want n call imran khans democracy so ...so that he gets vote from ppl who want islam n stop askin 4 PURE,TRUE ISLAMIC SYSTEM
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