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Supreme Court verdict boost for Narendra Modi

MMS is unacceptable to a sizable population of this country only Madame wants him to be the PM... he never faced any election still he is the PM... apart from that if BJP pitches NM as PM and they win... it means that he is acceptable to the majority of the population and we can ignore the rest...

You need to read more carefully.
The PM must be able to carry all sections of people with him & at the very least be not someone who is unacceptable to a sizable population of this country, especially on grounds of perceived bias.

No community feels MMS has a bias against them.
The Guys here have started beating Drums as if he has been acquainted from the charges on him.

I agree with my friends here that Modi will be PM in waiting like Advani
yeah, modi as PM, why dont we piss on raj ghat while we are at it. Its an insult that some people can really envision a future for this man outside of gujrat.
The thing is that he may not be governing out of love for gujrat but out of fear for his own skin. If he acted like mayavati and got kicked out on his communal *** next election, the next govt wont be under-riding the justice system and tampering evidence and transferring cops just to save him.
Its funny to see so many indians proud of the multiethenic multicultural society they live in but ready to piss on it as soon as they hear this goons name.
Im not a blind supporter of the congres9alot are corrupt, most are power hungry)or of all muslims(some are really effed up in their head.) but this man is the shame of India and what we consider ourselves to be. JUST because of him and advani and VHP RSS bs there is no alternate for me to put my vote to throw the damn corrupt out on their *****.

This guy deserves to be in jail ALOT more than A Raja and you know it.
This animal will NEVER reach the national stage.
THIS ANIMAL WILL NEVER BE PM, stop dreaming. Not just cause of 145 Muslims but cause of proud Hindu mohyal Brahmins like me.

We cannot accuse people based on biased assumptions or perceptions based on propaganda..... my 2 cents

I do not see any problem with Modi to be PM of India. He is not convicted and non of the court sent him to jail.

As far as riots are concerned Congress conspired lot of them. If person responsible of 84 riots sit in parliament and rule country. Why not Modi?
Lets be fair here. Even if NM is elected PM, which will be nothing short of miracle, he will not be welcome in a lot of places in India..or in places in India where BJP is very weak like in Kerala. Also with a lot of bad publicity surrounding NM, some Muslim groups will always pressure US/UK etc to reject visa for him which will be a big embarrassment for him as well as the country. He will end up as a PM who will not able to visit any country except for UN may be.
Lets be fair here. Even if NM is elected PM, which will be nothing short of miracle, he will not be welcome in a lot of places in India..or in places in India where BJP is very weak like in Kerala. Also with a lot of bad publicity surrounding NM, some Muslim groups will always pressure US/UK etc to reject visa for him which will be a big embarrassment for him as well as the country. He will end up as a PM who will not able to visit any country except for UN may be.

UK/US will not issue visa to the Indian PM, LOL are you kidding me? yups he may not be very acceptable to many NDA allies but so shouldn't be Advani (remember the Babri debacle) or any other BJP leader including Vajpayee (remember Temple is about sentiments of the country remark) the thing is if NDA comes to power and even if Modi doesn't become the PM (which is not as impossible as you think) he will hold a damn important portfolio and will have the power to influence the Government with his growing stature
Are there any polls of the Muslims in India, to see how they feel about Modi?

I heard the Muslims in Gujarat are fine with him, but what about the others.

Muslims of Gujarat are doing better compare with any part of South-Asia. People only talk due to politics. He never uses the word "Muslim" in any of the speech. Gujarat consistent GDP if 11%-12% is an example. Also, He is an Honest, Nationalist, dedicated towards his work.

Most Ideal person to become next PM. :yahoo:

---------- Post added at 11:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 AM ----------

Lets be fair here. Even if NM is elected PM, which will be nothing short of miracle, he will not be welcome in a lot of places in India..or in places in India where BJP is very weak like in Kerala. Also with a lot of bad publicity surrounding NM, some Muslim groups will always pressure US/UK etc to reject visa for him which will be a big embarrassment for him as well as the country. He will end up as a PM who will not able to visit any country except for UN may be.

Once he wins, Most of them will have no voice. He is the only leader who is welcomed in almost all states. He has strong mass following. Modi can help BJP in few states like Kerala, WB, etc. In U.S, Gujarati community has more influence than whole Muslim community, if you know.
IF NM is PM...

Denial of visa to the PM of economically strong India... good joke...
Hail Modi !!

Lets go Nazi on terrorism, corruption , dynastic politics, pseudo secularism and anti Hindu politics.
IF NM is PM...

Denial of visa to the PM of economically strong India... good joke...

Whats the guarantee that will not do that? Many a times in the past US/UK had acted 'politically correct'. US has a very bad image among the Muslim world, maybe denying NM visa will score some brownie points.Gujurat has a lot of British investment but that didn't stop them denying visa to NM in the past eventhough UK has a strong Gujurati Community.
Whats the guarantee that will not do that? Many a times in the past US/UK had acted 'politically correct'. US has a very bad image among the Muslim world, maybe denying NM visa will score some brownie points.Gujurat has a lot of British investment but that didn't stop them denying visa to NM in the past eventhough UK has a strong Gujurati Community.

Denial of visa cannot decrease the hatred which is due to killing of millions of innocent... flawed point...
Whats the guarantee that will not do that? Many a times in the past US/UK had acted 'politically correct'. US has a very bad image among the Muslim world, maybe denying NM visa will score some brownie points.Gujurat has a lot of British investment but that didn't stop them denying visa to NM in the past eventhough UK has a strong Gujurati Community.

Indian Economy will overtake UK by 2013. Hence forth, UK will be irrelevant to India, as much as Japan is to China!
While I'm willing to give Narendra Modi the benefit of doubt in the actual charge of collusion, the 2002 riots remain a terrible blot on his image. The fact that he is yet to express any remorse at the loss of life that occurred on his watch remains extremely unfortunate. The PM's job is not just that of an administrator, that is the Cabinet Secretary's job. The PM must be able to carry all sections of people with him & at the very least be not someone who is unacceptable to a sizable population of this country, especially on grounds of perceived bias.

I don't know why some people expect absolute perfection from Narendra Modi .

Did you use same yardstick for other politicians too ??

congress partymen led from the front by close friends of Rajiv Gandhi killed 10,000 sikh and Delhi police didn't even raise finger ,How many seculars(pseudos) actually boycotted congress for this,...none instead they are considered paragons of secularism ??

Why ?? 'cause unlike muslims who number is large in many states, sikhs are mostly confined to punjab.
Sikh lives are expendable on the consideration of vote bank politics.

Now lets comes to question of perceived biased , you have to consider whose perception we are talking about.

People Gujarat including Muslims are very happy with Modi for good governance and development. There has been no case of discrimination against muslims or riots in last ten years which it used to be an yearly phenomena in gujaat . Even Muslims candidates of BJP are winning in election.

so called perception is actually very tiny at least in Gujarat ,so obviously Modi don't give sh** .

Outside Gugarat anti modi campaign is used tool to emotionally blackmail Muslims vote to for so called secular parties.

Like everything else this tactics too suffers from diminishing returns over the years and secular parties must provide good governance which on they are falling apart and destined to meet the electoral fate of Lalu yadav and Karunanidhi.

Modi is unstoppable not because he is anti muslims (definitely he isn't) , but because he's good at his job.
BTW thanks to pseudo sickular corrupt English news media(some) who made Modi larger than life by constantly bashing him.:lol::tup:
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