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Supreme Court verdict boost for Narendra Modi

The old term used,some of the best lessons are learned from past mistake.The error of the past is the wisdom of the future. Chalo publicity to chalu kar di congress ne hi.
Are there any polls of the Muslims in India, to see how they feel about Modi?

I heard the Muslims in Gujarat are fine with him, but what about the others.

Does it matter ?

yeah, modi as PM, why dont we piss on raj ghat while we are at it. Its an insult that some people can really envision a future for this man outside of gujrat.
The thing is that he may not be governing out of love for gujrat but out of fear for his own skin. If he acted like mayavati and got kicked out on his communal *** next election, the next govt wont be under-riding the justice system and tampering evidence and transferring cops just to save him.
Its funny to see so many indians proud of the multiethenic multicultural society they live in but ready to piss on it as soon as they hear this goons name.
Im not a blind supporter of the congres9alot are corrupt, most are power hungry)or of all muslims(some are really effed up in their head.) but this man is the shame of India and what we consider ourselves to be. JUST because of him and advani and VHP RSS bs there is no alternate for me to put my vote to throw the damn corrupt out on their *****.

This guy deserves to be in jail ALOT more than A Raja and you know it.
This animal will NEVER reach the national stage.
THIS ANIMAL WILL NEVER BE PM, stop dreaming. Not just cause of 145 Muslims but cause of proud Hindu mohyal Brahmins like me.

Hooo strong words for a Congi who still eulogises the butcher of Sikhs/Tamils - Rajiv Gandhi and names airports,sea links after that ch****

You are damn right and itll be another 60 if the bjp is still communal for another 60.
Look at our neighbour. They traded their secularism and democracy away and within a decade or 2 they had Zia ul Haq. Now 40 years on they have no idea what hit them. They think that USA and india are the reasons of their problems. Ill take the 5% growth rate, Scams and the freedom from idiots like modi please :D

A Hindu state is secular in itself because secularism is in the core of Hindu teachings.
Never once again give the example of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to say Hindu republic of India would have been bad. Apples and Oranges

Its better to have a Indian PM instead of an Italian one... moreover BJP have several potential candidates for the post of PM... As per my understanding BJP cannot get the vote of 90% Muslim voters even if they build 1000 mosques in India... So when other parties are playing caste and religion cards to get votes, BJP should pitch NM as PM in 2014 (too early to say this but) and he will deliver astonishing results for BJP...

Further on this news... Supreme Court has said that LOCAL COURT should look into this issue... charges have not been laid off...

Well said !
Sure but the Gandhis for all their faults didnt go something like "maza chake do en sikhon ko" whereas modi did for muslims. While I doubt the Gandhis will pull some **** against sikhs in 2011. I dont know about modi. hence i wont vote for him.
And lets address reality here, wherever he has campaigned for the BJP outside of Guj, he has hurt them. The hindutva wave is dying and it started with 2002. I Hope he stays in Guj without pulling more **** and get us all richer as a whole

Are you being naive or intentionally acting ignorant ?

Seriously - with a fricking army cantonment next door the Congress goons slaughtered innocent sikhs for 1 week running and the ch**** rajiv justified it thundering "when a big tree falls the ground underneath shakes" and you conveniently forget that while latching upto an imaginary "action-reaction" from MOdi.

Look Mr.Mehta not only did Muslims die in the Guj riots...the Muslims too killed Hindus in parts where they were the majority. A total of 310 hindus were killed as opposed to 749 Muslims. And do you even frikcing know why the Guj riots started ? 59 Hindus including children and women were burnt alive by a fanatic Muslim mob in Godhra..You blame Modi for that too ??
people(internet Indians) fall for Modi mostly for his Hindutva stands. Not for his Administration(even if He is good at that. Even Hitler was good for Germany too. right?).
This man had no shame in supporting slaughtering his fellow country men and now some wants him as a Prime Minister of India. what more can the dead of Godhra can demand! the likes of Narindra Modi,Praveen Thogadia are surely not Minority Savers. they harvest hate. see them as those who want to invoke Jihad against Minority

Fair point.

You dont prefer Modi because you think he is not a minority saver. But I think he favours the majority and so I favour him. I am as entitled to elect a person who I think favours me just as you are entitled to elect a person who favours you. Why are you blaming us for doing exactly what you do ?

stop the threat of Communal Forces taking over India. I know, Many of You are Sanghies. Still, Spare Your Hate to make India remain secular. ever wonder evil kangress is elected? that is not because of minority. minorities alone does not elect congress. the inherent fear of sangh parivaar on power and the instability of India with it's not so small 18carore Muslims+Christians will drown our prosperity for riots.


We should immediately ban PDF (Kerala) whose leader and several associates are accused of serial bomb blasts in Coimbatore, PFI whose fanatics chopped the hand of a professor,the IUML, the MIM (Hyderabad) a blatantly communal organisation, the UDF (Badrudeen) which is a party of illegal Bangla muslims, the Kerala Congress a church backed party, Indian Christian People’s Party - the political organ of the Catholic Church, the Akali Dal and numerous other religious parties before barking about RSS.

But the Secular mind will not see them as communal because they are representing the non-Hindu religions. What a joke these morons have made out of the word "Secular" !!!

By ensuring reservation for minority on religious basis... that's too, only for Muslims not for Sikhs, Jains and other minorities... who is secular...

People can see the masscare of Muslims in 2002 riots but they don't give heed to the masscare of Hindus who were burnt alive in Sabarmati Express... if this is secularism, I don't want to be secular... NM was failed to save the Hindus too... do you think that Muslims have not retaliated in 2002 riots...

I think people should have equal chance in India irrespective of their caste or religion... I'm a Hindu and I never follow my religion rigorously... I hate Hindu and Muslims leaders equally when they says increase your population and love those leaders who says get educated and play an active role to make India prosperous...

Well said Novice09.

if Secularism is taken as anti-Hinduism and minority-pandering as it is done in India and how the above poster explains it, I dont want to be secular.

Secularism is a policy where all religions are considered equal irrespective of being majority,minority. I follow that version of secularism not the minority-pandering one.

The PM's job is not just that of an administrator, that is the Cabinet Secretary's job. The PM must be able to carry all sections of people with him & at the very least be not someone who is unacceptable to a sizable population of this country, especially on grounds of perceived bias.

Perceptions and prejudices will remain always strongly entrenched irrespective of the actual ground reality. Why should any heed be payed to that ?

If 80% of the country likes a person why should he be ignored just because the 14% dont like him ?
The problem that i have with the RSS VHP and modi types is that they want to make our religion like the worst forms of islam and christianity.
It is very un-hindu to force your belief on other hindus that is why we have so many sects and gods. it is why tolerance and multiculturalism comes naturally to us unlike the Europeans. The want all of us to worship ram and krishna and be regimented idiots like some of the intolerant idiots from parts of Pakistan or the bible belt.
I dont know if any of you are brahmins or not but there are a few things that i needed to get of my chest.
It is partially our fault that there were so many conversions to buhhidism and then islam. Even though the mohyals didn't, many bhramins regimented the caste system to a point it was a kind of slavery.
We went away from our ideals for a little power over fellow men."Har Har Mahadev' anyone? Everyone is God, or 'Sab Parmathma"
We abandoned these to get a few people to clean our shoes and then people are surprised when they find sufi islam or Buddhism appealing?
It is understandable to blame others for our problems but as a Brahmin i and the herder of my stock aka all creations of god, be it muslims, gays, hindus or even C**** who think like modi. I cant do that if my mind is clouded with hate or lust or even bogged down by dogma. Hate kills the appeal of a religion, but pride doesn't help either.

So before someone calls me a Pseudo-secularist c*** , i dont know about you. But my personal dharma doesn't allow me stand for the killings of innocents. Its not what Parshuram or Ram or Krishna or Mahadev or even Gandhi stood for.

These people killed Gandhi, Frankly i like to think of myself as a peaceful person, but this guy can Fu*k right off.
We shouldn't tolerate intolerance.

Are you kidding me? You don;t need RSS to make Hindusim look bad. Honestly, ask anyone outside of your religion what they think of Hindusim and you get negative responses. Sorry but thats; the truth. I thin almost every religion can be seen in a negative light one way or another for some reason or none at all. Modi has done more than Congress has for 50 yrs. Sorry but I am not going to hold back. How can you justify electing Rahul as PM when his entire family practices dynasty politics? What kind of qualifications does he have? He is moron, plain and simple. Why would the gov;t go after the researcher who exposed fatal flaws in the electronic voting machines? I agree both parties suck, but choosing individual leaders I think Modi is up there simply based on the fact of what he has accomplished. Sure, you might like what he has stood for and SUPPOSEDLY/ ALLEGEDLY done but until he is convicted, it doesn't mean ****. Don;t let imaginary facts cloud your judgement. Really and truly, IITians should float a party to transform India, but they haven;t done so.
Are you being naive or intentionally acting ignorant ?

Seriously - with a fricking army cantonment next door the Congress goons slaughtered innocent sikhs for 1 week running and the ch**** rajiv justified it thundering "when a big tree falls the ground underneath shakes" and you conveniently forget that while latching upto an imaginary "action-reaction" from MOdi.

Look Mr.Mehta not only did Muslims die in the Guj riots...the Muslims too killed Hindus in parts where they were the majority. A total of 310 hindus were killed as opposed to 749 Muslims. And do you even frikcing know why the Guj riots started ? 59 Hindus including children and women were burnt alive by a fanatic Muslim mob in Godhra..You blame Modi for that too ??

At least respect the dead leaders of the country. Rajiv Gandhi has done way more for the country than you do with a hundred lives. He's not the ch***** , its you.

Also , you might want to read this if you are one of those who dream of a surge in growth under BJP

They are the party with the most no. of criminal MPs ,even more than the congress. I'm not a congress supporter btw , i infact want bjp to come to power this time , just to give them another chance , but i'm not one of those who turns a blind eye to reality and starts insulting one of the best leaders the country has ever had
At least respect the dead leaders of the country. Rajiv Gandhi has done way more for the country than you do with a hundred lives. He's not the ch***** , its you.

Also , you might want to read this if you are one of those who dream of a surge in growth under BJP
India 'has 153 tainted new MPs'

They are the party with the most no. of criminal MPs ,even more than the congress. I'm not a congress supporter btw , i infact want bjp to come to power this time , just to give them another chance , but i'm not one of those who turns a blind eye to reality and starts insulting one of the best leaders the country has ever had

Can you elaborate how that ga*** who justified the killing of the innocent sikhs, was instrumental in commiting a monumental folly in Sri Lanka, one who was the prime reading for religious problems in India by acting like a slave of the mullahs in the shah bano case and tried to equalize it with an equally stupid role in ayodhya, one who was the forerunner if corruption in India thru bofors had done anything good for my country..?

If you want to eulogize him go ahead..I don't give a damn towards him.
Guys, whatever your opinions about any leaders, using abuse only kills the debate. Please refrain from it.
Can you elaborate how that ga*** who justified the killing of the innocent sikhs, was instrumental in commiting a monumental folly in Sri Lanka, one who was the prime reading for religious problems in India by acting like a slave of the mullahs in the shah bano case and tried to equalize it with an equally stupid role in ayodhya, one who was the forerunner if corruption in India thru bofors had done anything good for my country..?

If you want to eulogize him go ahead..I don't give a damn towards him.

You still didn't reply to the whole post. Please enlighten me what makes you think that a party with the most no. of tainted MP's will do any good for the country
let all the haters hate...... Modi is the kind of person we need to be PM a strong man who will take care of stuff and wipe out the threats to our county we need someone with BALLS to be in power not someone who is a puppet of a foreigner who lives off her Husbands black money

its time for change BJP 2014 Modi for PM!
You still didn't reply to the whole post. Please enlighten me what makes you think that a party with the most no. of tainted MP's will do any good for the country

How many were minor crimes and how many were major crimes ? No body ion BJP has the kind of blood the likes of Sajjan Kumar and Jagdish tytler have in their hands.
How many were minor crimes and how many were major crimes ? No body ion BJP has the kind of blood the likes of Sajjan Kumar and Jagdish tytler have in their hands.
i quote from the article
"The study said the opposition BJP has most MPs with pending criminal cases at 43 - out of which 19 MPs have serious criminal cases against them.
The Congress party has 41 MPs with criminal cases - out of which 12 MPs have serious charges against them, it added."

The number might not be that large, but it is still larger than the congress. Plus the BJP has the worst alliance partners , like RSS , Shiv Sena etc , i doubt there is even one educated candidates in these parties.
^^^^ comparing Sikh riots and the Gujarat riots is wrong because in the Sikh riots the Congress (I) party planned out the genocide of thousands of Sikhs Modi and the BJP gov't at the time in Gujarat had not planned out or started the riots the only thing the BJP gov't at the time can be blamed for is inaction still Modi is a saint compared to Sajjan Kumar Jagdish Tytler and Kamal Nath
Lets be fair here. Even if NM is elected PM, which will be nothing short of miracle, he will not be welcome in a lot of places in India..or in places in India where BJP is very weak like in Kerala. Also with a lot of bad publicity surrounding NM, some Muslim groups will always pressure US/UK etc to reject visa for him which will be a big embarrassment for him as well as the country. He will end up as a PM who will not able to visit any country except for UN may be.

I think he will still be able to visit one country:.and that country will be....mmm...Israel...and i hope you know that Jew and Indian lobby in America and Europe is much more stronger then the Muslim lobby...and Btw
10% growth rate
..less curruption..
More investment in Infrastructure
Growing middle class income
Unlimited opportunities to expand your buisness
Cheap labour
Defence procurments

Do you still think lobby of multi national companies in U.S and Europe will allow the their Govt to Reject P.M Narender Modi's Visa..

And above all China...they need India to counter China..
Jaya Lalita piching for Modi

One of the probable alliance of NDA, Jaya jaylalitha has sent her MLAs to Modis Fast. It is seen as her endorsement to Modi's so called PM candidature.

If BJP can secure more than 200 seats then only they can Make NaMo PM. if it would be lesser than that, Then other NDA alliance won't allow BJP to pitch for NaMo...

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