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Supreme Court verdict boost for Narendra Modi

Frankly i dont want to vote for congress as much as the next guy.
I like nitish kumar. hes really clean. If we get someone like him in UP and Maha, well hit double digits growth.
Bihar has the highest rates of growth in the recent years more that Gujrat's double digits even.
Frankly i dont want to vote for congress as much as the next guy.
I like nitish kumar. hes really clean. If we get someone like him in UP and Maha, well hit double digits growth.
Bihar has the highest rates of growth in the recent years more that Gujrat's double digits even.

Yes Nitish kumar is also a good candidate for PM.
It was because of people like you that Congress has bee having a field day for last almost 60 years...
You are damn right and itll be another 60 if the bjp is still communal for another 60.
Look at our neighbour. They traded their secularism and democracy away and within a decade or 2 they had Zia ul Haq. Now 40 years on they have no idea what hit them. They think that USA and india are the reasons of their problems. Ill take the 5% growth rate, Scams and the freedom from idiots like modi please :D
Yes Nitish kumar is also a good candidate for PM.
Now that man i admire. He is as Clean as Anthony and as efficient as the most german German. I dont even mind him being in he NDA, if we got one like him in each state, GOSH I forgot TN. They may have the worst politicians after UP.

Wow, I was just thinking about it, we have sooo many bad politicians. thank god for MMS, even whit the scams and recessions we have 7% growth.
You are damn right and itll be another 60 if the bjp is still communal for another 60.
Look at our neighbour. They traded their secularism and democracy away and within a decade or 2 they had Zia ul Haq. Now 40 years on they have no idea what hit them. They think that USA and india are the reasons of their problems. Ill take the 5% growth rate, Scams and the freedom from idiots like modi please :D

BJP may have got famous with a coomunal agenda, but when they were in power they never used it. It was only the oppositions daily raving & ranting that were reported. 11 years of Vajpeyee's rule was comparitevely scam free.
I would rather trust 145M Muslims in their allegiance to the nation than one pari mehta !
yeah, modi as PM, why dont we piss on raj ghat while we are at it. Its an insult that some people can really envision a future for this man outside of gujrat.
The thing is that he may not be governing out of love for gujrat but out of fear for his own skin. If he acted like mayavati and got kicked out on his communal *** next election, the next govt wont be under-riding the justice system and tampering evidence and transferring cops just to save him.
Its funny to see so many indians proud of the multiethenic multicultural society they live in but ready to piss on it as soon as they hear this goons name.
Im not a blind supporter of the congres9alot are corrupt, most are power hungry)or of all muslims(some are really effed up in their head.) but this man is the shame of India and what we consider ourselves to be. JUST because of him and advani and VHP RSS bs there is no alternate for me to put my vote to throw the damn corrupt out on their *****.

This guy deserves to be in jail ALOT more than A Raja and you know it.
This animal will NEVER reach the national stage.
THIS ANIMAL WILL NEVER BE PM, stop dreaming. Not just cause of 145 Muslims but cause of proud Hindu mohyal Brahmins like me.

Its better to have a Indian PM instead of an Italian one... moreover BJP have several potential candidates for the post of PM... As per my understanding BJP cannot get the vote of 90% Muslim voters even if they build 1000 mosques in India... So when other parties are playing caste and religion cards to get votes, BJP should pitch NM as PM in 2014 (too early to say this but) and he will deliver astonishing results for BJP...

Further on this news... Supreme Court has said that LOCAL COURT should look into this issue... charges have not been laid off...
Nothing going to happen, to future PM Modi! because Allah blessing with him. Keep knocking all court doors.
pari mehta conveniently forgets 1984 sikh riots ! Lets not forget PVN Rao govt let the Babri demolition happen
yeah, modi as PM, why dont we piss on raj ghat while we are at it. Its an insult that some people can really envision a future for this man outside of gujrat.
The thing is that he may not be governing out of love for gujrat but out of fear for his own skin. If he acted like mayavati and got kicked out on his communal *** next election, the next govt wont be under-riding the justice system and tampering evidence and transferring cops just to save him.
Its funny to see so many indians proud of the multiethenic multicultural society they live in but ready to piss on it as soon as they hear this goons name.
Im not a blind supporter of the congres9alot are corrupt, most are power hungry)or of all muslims(some are really effed up in their head.) but this man is the shame of India and what we consider ourselves to be. JUST because of him and advani and VHP RSS bs there is no alternate for me to put my vote to throw the damn corrupt out on their *****.

This guy deserves to be in jail ALOT more than A Raja and you know it.
This animal will NEVER reach the national stage.
THIS ANIMAL WILL NEVER BE PM, stop dreaming. Not just cause of 145 Muslims but cause of proud Hindu mohyal Brahmins like me.

Are there any polls of the Muslims in India, to see how they feel about Modi?

I heard the Muslims in Gujarat are fine with him, but what about the others.
He is not really efficient as much as he is like your govt.
He just makes it easy for businesses to set up in his state.
He is governing for his survival.
I dislike his social policies. I mean he has abolition of alcohol on in his state. I dont drink but god, alot of smugglinig low lvl corruption, and alot of deaths due to bad alcohol in Guj.
Most Muslims that I've met like that he brings prosperity but i havent met a single one who would vote for him, which is saying something as i grew up in delhi and know my fair share of muslims.
The problem that i have with the RSS VHP and modi types is that they want to make our religion like the worst forms of islam and christianity.
It is very un-hindu to force your belief on other hindus that is why we have so many sects and gods. it is why tolerance and multiculturalism comes naturally to us unlike the Europeans. The want all of us to worship ram and krishna and be regimented idiots like some of the intolerant idiots from parts of Pakistan or the bible belt.
I dont know if any of you are brahmins or not but there are a few things that i needed to get of my chest.
It is partially our fault that there were so many conversions to buhhidism and then islam. Even though the mohyals didn't, many bhramins regimented the caste system to a point it was a kind of slavery.
We went away from our ideals for a little power over fellow men."Har Har Mahadev' anyone? Everyone is God, or 'Sab Parmathma"
We abandoned these to get a few people to clean our shoes and then people are surprised when they find sufi islam or Buddhism appealing?
It is understandable to blame others for our problems but as a Brahmin i and the herder of my stock aka all creations of god, be it muslims, gays, hindus or even C**** who think like modi. I cant do that if my mind is clouded with hate or lust or even bogged down by dogma. Hate kills the appeal of a religion, but pride doesn't help either.

So before someone calls me a Pseudo-secularist c*** , i dont know about you. But my personal dharma doesn't allow me stand for the killings of innocents. Its not what Parshuram or Ram or Krishna or Mahadev or even Gandhi stood for.

These people killed Gandhi, Frankly i like to think of myself as a peaceful person, but this guy can Fu*k right off.
We shouldn't tolerate intolerance.

I don't get it? On one hand you talk about not forcing our belief on other Hindus, and then you talk about making our religion more "appealing" so that people don't leave our religion and convert?

Hinduism has never been a "missionary" religion. If you have to follow Hinduism then follow it, if you don't have to feel free to leave, no one gives a hoot about it. At least not the growing middle class of India anyways. Thats the India I want to see where people don't care about someone else's religion. Religion is a personal issue, between "a man and his maker". And if the middle class supports BJP and votes for Narendra Modi they ll make sure that BJP changes its political priorities and puts religion last on the list, or not on the list at all.

And stop mentioning that you are a Brahmin in every second post. It just reeks of superiority. And you or any other Brahmin like me, is no herder for the rest of the "cattle". People from every caste is now educated and sensible enough to understand and interpret Hinduism in whatever way they feel like. Thats the beauty of Hinduism, and it should stay like that.
He is not really efficient as much as he is like your govt.
He just makes it easy for businesses to set up in his state.
He is governing for his survival.
I dislike his social policies. I mean he has abolition of alcohol on in his state. I dont drink but god, alot of smugglinig low lvl corruption, and alot of deaths due to bad alcohol in Guj.
Most Muslims that I've met like that he brings prosperity but i havent met a single one who would vote for him, which is saying something as i grew up in delhi and know my fair share of muslims.

You sound like teesta setavlad there

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