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Reported for derailing based on a grudge from another thread! :tup:

How will one prove that?! :unsure:
That's court job to investigate both parties. We all living in mere speculations, reality is something else, which will never surface.
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That's court job to investigate broth parties. We all living in mere speculations, reality is something else, which will never surface.
But the courts also rule in favour of who gives $$ or some political backing/ security

Bro leave him he was already off topic... :unsure:
But the courts also rule in favour of who gives $$ or some political backing/ security
Well, Hamid Mir is backed by both PPP and PMLn. Right now Hamid Mir is pawn . Both political parties on vendetta with Military establishment. This is wish of both political parties to take alternate turns , making Pakistan their dynasty.
Well, Hamid Mir is backed by both PPP and PMLn. Right now Hamid Mir is pawn . Both political parties on vendetta with Military establishment. This is wish of both political parties to take alternate turns , making Pakistan their dynasty.
True...They have made a dynasty...that is why I say ban both! And each and everyone who served in their parties or/ and was involved in a 100Rs or greater corruption...

Ban such parties who want a monarchy under the name of democracy!

As for Hamid Mir...Sorry that guy ate from both sides did he think he would not be kicked sooner or later?

Esp when both sides are equally involved in propagating against Pakistan or have dont more damage than good for the country they want to be "leaders" off?

BTW, thread is about ISI...not about the corrupted useless lot!
Saying the ISI or Army should rule Pakistan is like saying the American Armed Forces or the CIA should rule the US. It's stupid to say the least. If you're not happy with the current leaders, vote for better ones next time.
At the end of the day just remember: these 'leaders' originate from the people. If the people are rotten, so will the leaders be. Prove it wrong in the next election.
It's like saying our political setup is comparable to the Americans' and our democracy is just as cool as theirs. It's absurd to say the least.
At the end of the day, wigrray tigrray da pir danda.

Hey everyone show your support to ISI and change you profile picture on facebook and twitter and avatar on this forum I have chosen this one @Aeronaut @Oscar @nuclearpak @Icarus @fatman17 @mafiya @Leader @Jazzbot @mr42O @Areesh @A.Rafay @Abu Nasar
So does that means you no longer support terrorist TTP, and no longer consider ISI and Pak Armed Forces “as rented Armed Forces”?
Its area is just over 160 square kilometres (62 square miles), and it has an estimated population of 35,000.

Liechtenstein is the smallest yet the richest (by measure of GDP per capita) German-speaking country and the only country to lie entirely within the Alps. It is known as a principality as it is a constitutional monarchy headed by a prince.

Liechtenstein's army was disbanded in 1868 for financial reasons.

So we need a monarchy?! :unsure:

@SpArK so you mean I cant question what Indians are doing on a thread not relating to them? How is this against the rules? Or how is this even trolling? It is related to the thread...How do we changing our avatar to ISI/ Pak Army/ Pakistani flag concern Indians?

List of countries without armed forces - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well i guess the keyboard warriors of PDF haven't really been to FATA, and surroundings. People there are equally critical of role of military (especially intelligentsia) as they are of Talibans and local militants. Even in swat the army has to set up a cantonment to keep militants from coming back, what does this say about the successful operation there? The problem with the military leadership is that they are not willing to take the full responsibility of operation to themselves nor allow government to take the full responsibility by intervening in the negotiation process.

And the best possible solution the democratic govt of Pakistan has brought for this problem is to bow down in front of those killers. Well that explains the coward mentality of Nawaz and the co.

Well he wasn't alone in darkness, ever wondered why PAF never showed up to support army in Kargil? probably members get a memory wash after every post that's why they keep coming up with such stuff again and again.

PAF wasn't supposed to support PA in the whole war. And you definitely also know the reason behind it.
I am talking about All the wars
1948: Elements in Military collude with then PM Liaquat Ali Khan (shaheed) and Finance Minister Gul Khan to motivate tribals to invade Kashmir. Quaid (and most probably then COAS) is kept in complete darkness. Quaid ensured a status quo with Maharaja for a political solution of Kashmir. As a result of Invasion, Maharaja calls for Indian help and the birth of Kashmir issue takes place.
1965: Operation Gibraltar: Gone out of control, turns into an international conflict.
1971: Operation Search Light: Atrocities against Bengalis, the Gen "tiger" niazi vowes to change the race of bengalis by rappping. Results in separation of East Pakistan
1984: India Invades Siachin Glacier, Army is caught off guard. Gen Zia, in order to hide his and his comrades incompetence, silences over the issue, providing India with crucial time to establish a stronghold instead of internationalizing the issue like India did in Kargil.
1999: Kargil: Adventure went bad: ~2000 good men lost to insane bombing and shelling by Indian troops.India internationalize the issue tagging Kashmir cause as terrorism for first time and isolating Pakistan in international community.
you are some piece of work I give you that
since you want a reply:

Andorra having an area of 468 km2 (181 sq mi) and an estimated population of 85,000 in 2012..

Andorra is a parliamentary co-principality with the President of France and the Bishop of Urgell (Catalonia, Spain), as co-princes. This peculiarity makes the President of France, in his capacity as Prince of Andorra, an elected reigning monarch, even though he is not elected by a popular vote of the Andorran people. The politics of Andorra take place in a framework of a parliamentary representative democracy, whereby the Head of Government is thechief executive, and of a pluriform multi-party system.

Again we need a monarchy or Mullah Bishop type?

Costa Rica area: 51,100 km2
with a population of 4.586.353...without an army

Costa Rica's reluctance to become politically tied with the rest of Central America has been a major obstacle to efforts for greater regional integration.

Grenadai/ɡrɨˈneɪdə/ is an island country consisting of the island of Grenada and six smaller islands at the southern end of the Grenadines in the southeastern Caribbean Sea. Its size is 344 square kilometres (133 sq mi), with an estimated population of 110,000. As a Commonwealth realm, Queen Elizabeth II is Queen of Grenada and Head of State.

Again may I ask do we need a monarchy? Colonial rule in the 21st century?

Vatican Cityi/ˈvætɨkən ˈsɪti/, officially Vatican City State (Italian: Stato della Città del Vaticano;[note 4]pronounced [ˈstaːto della t͡ʃitˈta (d)del vatiˈkaːno]), is a landlockedsovereigncity-state whose territory consists of a walled enclave within the city of Rome, Italy. It has an area of approximately 44 hectares (110 acres), and a population of around 840.[1] This makes Vatican City the smallest internationally recognized independent state in the world by both area and population. Vatican City is an ecclesiastical or sacerdotal-monarchical state, ruled by the Bishop of Rome—the Pope.

We already have our own mullah problems!

Tuvalu population of 10,837. In terms of physical land size, at just 26 square kilometres formerly known as the Ellice Islands, is a Polynesianisland nation located in the Pacific Ocean, midway between Hawaii and Australia. Tuvalu has no regular military forces, and spends no money on the military. Its national police force, the Tuvalu Police Service headquartered in Funafuti includes a maritime surveillance unit, customs, prisons and immigration. Police officers wear British style uniforms.
No idea why hasnt the world gone bizzark over this colonial rule in the 21st century :unsure:

Solomon Islands is a sovereign country consisting of a large number of islands in Oceania lying to the east of Papua New Guinea and northwest of Vanuatu and covering a land area of 28,400 square kilometres..The first Prime Minister was Sir Peter Kenilorea, and Solomon Islands retained the Monarchy. The various paramilitary elements of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) were disbanded and disarmed in 2003 following the intervention of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI). RAMSI has a small military detachment headed by an Australian commander
Colonial rule...

Samoa (i/səˈmoʊ.ə/; Samoan: Sāmoa, IPA: [ˌsaːˈmoa]), (size 2842 sq.Km, population: 194,320) officially the Independent State of Samoa (Samoan: Malo Sa'oloto Tuto'atasi o Sāmoa), formerly known asWestern Samoa, is a country encompassing the western part of the Samoan Islands in the South Pacific Ocean.

Read up the history...

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 389 km2 (150 sq mi) territory consists of the main island of Saint Vincent and the northern two-thirds of the Grenadines (approx 120,000 inhabitants)...Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is a parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as head of state, bearing the title Queen of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. The Queen does not reside in the islands and is represented in the country by the Governor General of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, currently Sir Frederick Ballantyne.

Colonial rule in the 21st century

Saint Lucia covers a land area of 617 km2 (238.23 sq mi) and has a population of 174,000 (2010). Saint Lucia is a Commonwealth realm; Queen Elizabeth II is the Head of State, represented on the island by a Governor-General.
Colonial rule...

Palau population of around 21,000 is spread across 250 islands forming the western chain of the Caroline Islands. Politically, Palau is a presidentialrepublic in free association with the United States, which provides defense, funding, and access to social services.
A form of colonial rule..

Nauru With 9,378 residents in a 21 square kilometres (8.1 sq mi) area, Nauru is the smallest nation in the South Pacific and 2nd smallest nation by population on the planet, behind only Vatican City. Nauru does not have any formal structure for political parties, and candidates typically stand for office as independents; fifteen of the 19 members of the current Parliament are independents. Four parties that have been active in Nauruan politics are the Nauru Party, the Democratic Party, Nauru First, and the Centre Party. However, alliances within the government are often formed on the basis of extended family ties rather than party affiliation...

Australia is responsible for Nauru's defence under an informal agreement between the two countries. The September 2005 Memorandum of Understanding between Australia and Nauru provides the latter with financial aid and technical assistance, including a Secretary of Finance to prepare the budget, and advisers on health and education. This aid is in return for Nauru's housing of asylum seekers while their applications for entry into Australia are processed.[34] Nauru uses the Australian dollar as its official currency.

The Federated States of Micronesia comprise around 607 island... The FSM is a sovereign, self-governing state in free association with the United States, which is wholly responsible for its defense.

Colony *cough* *cough*

The Marshall Islands, comprising 1,156 individual islands and islets. It is a presidential republic in free association with the United States, with the US providing defense, funding grants, and access to social services. Having few natural resources, the islands' wealth is based on a service economy, as well as some fishing and agriculture, with a large percentage of the islands'gross domestic product coming from United States aid. The country uses the United States dollar as its currency.

Colony *cough* *cough*

Kiribati The permanent population is just over 100,000 (2011) on 800 square kilometres
That is prob how many people we have in our defence force :unsure:

So basically, either you get a Mullah to rule you (surprise surprise no one cries about it being the 21st century) or you are just too tiny to even bother...or of course you have the choice of becoming a colony and live off another country or you get an army!

Exactly how is this related to the topic at hand? Should I suggest the same to India? Practice before preaching?
And the best possible solution the democratic govt of Pakistan has brought for this problem is to bow down in front of those killers. Well that explains the coward mentality of Nawaz and the co.

PAF wasn't supposed to support PA in the whole war. And you definitely also know the reason behind it.
this kind existed through our entire history even Muhammad PBUH had to put up with people who damaged us more than external enemies of Islam.

sucking up to Indian , TTP and BLA cocks will earn them good money and election favors from psychotic mass murders but they will earn the place with these scum
we got a bunya for a PM who has business interests in India talk about conflict of interest
shameless b@stards beg taliban to spare Punjab set our soul to wahabis for 1.5 billion hallal dollars cancel the Iran gas deal on the orders of KSA and stopped the military from strikes when we were hurting their brothers.
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