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If u really want to make a difference than boycott jang/the news/geo.
when it hurts them financially, they will come to their knees.
Hahaha I like it brother.
GEo / Jang group is retracting its claims and has apparently deleted its archives where it nominated ISI and its chief as a prime suspect

whats more?

the Agha Khan doctors have lost the ability of counting. first they said Hamid Mir received three bullet wounds then it changed to six and then nine and then they didnt know. Geo group representatives have suffered the same predicament .. i really wonder at the authenticity of this news now..

by the way one thing is for sure. this channel and media group has given a lot of entertainment and pleasure to our sworn enemies. so job well done Geo news you have been faithful to your stakeholders
GEo / Jang group is retracting its claims and has apparently deleted its archives where it nominated ISI and its chief as a prime suspect

whats more?

the Agha Khan doctors have lost the ability of counting. first they said Hamid Mir received three bullet wounds then it changed to six and then nine and then they didnt know. Geo group representatives have suffered the same predicament .. i really wonder at the authenticity of this news now..

by the way one thing is for sure. this channel and media group has given a lot of entertainment and pleasure to our sworn enemies. so job well done Geo news you have been faithful to your stakeholders
And Brother what's the point of sorry now. They were giving live feed to ndtv at that time when they were bashing chief. Investigation should start from them.
When I supported TTP I am saying their was no TTP when Army entered Tribal areas Army used all its tools which resulted in deaths of several civilians too and I am still against Musharraf and how he became pet of USA and harmed his own institution more than anything else that destroyed Armed Forces image so to get out of that war we need to talk to our people get rid of USA alliance win as many groups on our side than take out those who still create fasad and also implement Shariah if TTP will be ended soon some other group will rise and demand shariah and may take weapons to do it
You see Zarvan, you have not changed. You still blame Musharraf and the armed forces for the war, you're still defending the terrorists by using coded language, (civilian casualties, our own people, America's war and Musharraf was a US pet”) to mask your true intent.
hahaha LOL at "Sherir"

I know since this thread has been started.. it has caused some serious butthurt even more than what Hamid Mir experienced in his " Sherir kay nechay walay Hisay may"

reminds me of Master Yoda


but no matter I advise every one to


boycott is not enough, we need to amputate and do away with the cancer of Pakistani society, that's the only way to regain full health.

If u really want to make a difference than boycott jang/the news/geo.
when it hurts them financially, they will come to their knees.
interesting statistic last I know "your" TTP brothers have killed over 60,000 Pakistanis

At first I would want to say that I know that the topic in this thread is exclusively internal matter of Pakistan and I'm sorry to barge in uninvited.

But still,I would like to ask Irfan bhai here,that how come the mischiefs perpetrated by TTP,no matter how much horrific that may be,suddenly became India's fault??

That man,@Taneem raised a question that how many Pakistani citizens have been killed by us Indians??Can you please amplify your comment when you say TTP has killed over 60k Pakistanis in reply to his post??Are you implying that TTP equals to India or what??
I'm just confused,that's all.
If u really want to make a difference than boycott jang/the news/geo.
when it hurts them financially, they will come to their knees.
Logically speaking the right thing to do. Even without financials, as it will not make them any difference they have too many donors sitting outside the country.
At first I would want to say that I know that the topic in this thread is exclusively internal matter of Pakistan and I'm sorry to barge in uninvited.

But still,I would like to ask Irfan bhai here,that how come the mischiefs perpetrated by TTP,no matter how much horrific that may be,suddenly became India's fault??

That man,@Taneem raised a question that how many Pakistani citizens have been killed by us Indians??Can you please amplify your comment when you say TTP has killed over 60k Pakistanis in reply to his post??Are you implying that TTP equals to India or what??
I'm just confused,that's all.

We believe that TTP is supported by India. Therefore India is in a way responsible for the deaths of Pakistanis.
We believe that TTP is supported by India. Therefore India is in a way responsible for the deaths of Pakistanis.

Oh,that one.But in my humble opinion (although it doesn't count for shit),it's got more to do with your Iranian brothers than us Indians.
At first I would want to say that I know that the topic in this thread is exclusively internal matter of Pakistan and I'm sorry to barge in uninvited..
you are always welcome my dear.. (reference to your question about India, short answer is no. and I urge you not go get baited into that debate which is normally thrown by some Nawaz league people to get us off the main subject).

I invite Indians to my dinner table, this is an open forum you are most welcome. your views give us a different angle which is pretty much the bread and butter of any lively debate

the Nawaz league has shown itself an open supporter and apologist of Taliban & Sectarian terrorists and their usual response to this is what Pakistan army and its Spy Agency did in Bangladesh, India, Afghanistan.

no national institution should be beyond reproach and beyond criticism but that should be done from the domestic perspective in mind and from nationalistic point of view.

problem with Nawaz league is that it was gone so overboard with its personal vendetta against the Pakistan military that it domestically it has hand picked people that are chronically obsessed with Pakistan military hatred and internationally it seeks the approval and applause from countries that have their own axes to grind against Pakistan military.

the insistence for continued dialogue despite the bombs being blown up and people being beheaded and assassinated, praising the TTP in the parliament, offering prayers to Osama, condemning America over killing of Al Qaeda and TTP leadership and vowing to revolt against the army are one of the many few things that has earned Nawaz league and its supporters a lot of praise from taliban and as a gratitude they "offered " security to Nawaz league election rallies (including Jamat Islami and PTI).

the recent "incident" in karachi where Hamid Mir has received unknown number of bullet wounds (the doctors that operated him and the Geo Channel Staff has lost the ability to count) has been used by Jang/ Geo group to malign ISI and they opened up a smear campaign within 20 minutes of the incident without any prior, credible proof. when their campaign didnt work their way & public rejected their absurd claims and even resulted in criticism from fellow media outlets then Geo retracted its stories and claims and even removed the entire content from their sites .....

so hang on

where does Nawaz league fit in?

well it fits in very comfortably and snug with a smug on its face that is arch enemy was battered by one of its darling media group.Although it is in power but its still acting like a rebel and a hostile. being a government party it should have come forward and issued a statement urging Geo group to follow media code of conduct and not run a campaign based on a suspicion and dont present an allegation as a proof. but the kind of narrow minded, vindictive and tight arsed son of a goat that Nawaz Sherif is.... he preferred to stay quiet and went to visit the "injured" top dog of Journalistic awesomeness whose views match very closely to Nawaz league.

on the other hand the same Nawaz league leadership didnt even offer a word of condolence to the army men beheaded by its Taliban "brothers" and then it wants us to believe that the trial against Musharaf is not a vendetta and not against Army...although the ranting and mocking by its hawks inside and outside the parliament are exactly that.

the best part for Nawaz league and its supporters is that despite this baseless smear campaign, the military cant take Geo group to the court because if it does then it will lead everyone to pounce on the military blaming it of gagging the "freedom of the journalism" and obstructing the path of democracy.

life is good for the house of Sherifs... money is growing in its domestic and foreign businesses, its political rivals are reduced to their provinces, its allies have got the much needed relief to retreat safely to Afghanistan and its mortal enemy is bruised and demoralised
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