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SUPER sukhoi

Super Sukhoi is the deep upgradation program of Su 30MKI commencing from year 2017.
There is no official details available but the upgradation program consists of :

1. Upgradation of Engine, and streghtening of Airframe to carry Nirbhay ALCM.
2. Internal Jammer EL-458
3. Ariel Decoy
4. Retrofitting of MAWs
5 Upgradation of Mission computer by HAL/Edgewood
6 Upgradation of RWR
7 Nav Attack capability, SEAD and DEAD capability to be increased
8 Bars upgraded to AESA
9 New and better weapons.
Super Sukhoi is the deep upgradation program of Su 30MKI commencing from year 2017.
There is no official details available but the upgradation program consists of :

1. Upgradation of Engine, and streghtening of Airframe to carry Nirbhay ALCM.
2. Internal Jammer EL-458
3. Ariel Decoy
4. Retrofitting of MAWs
5 Upgradation of Mission computer by HAL/Edgewood
6 Upgradation of RWR
7 Nav Attack capability, SEAD and DEAD capability to be increased
8 Bars upgraded to AESA
9 New and better weapons.
wow love the sukhoi. does the air-frame too be changed like 5th gen aircrafts.
Super Sukhoi is the deep upgradation program of Su 30MKI commencing from year 2017.
There is no official details available but the upgradation program consists of :

1. Upgradation of Engine, and streghtening of Airframe to carry Nirbhay ALCM.
2. Internal Jammer EL-458
3. Ariel Decoy
4. Retrofitting of MAWs
5 Upgradation of Mission computer by HAL/Edgewood
6 Upgradation of RWR
7 Nav Attack capability, SEAD and DEAD capability to be increased
8 Bars upgraded to AESA
9 New and better weapons.

The most important of all which you forgot is a drastic reduction in RCS to about 1 SQ meter by application of various techniques. It will carry one more to of payload.
The most important of all which you forgot is a drastic reduction in RCS to about 1 SQ meter by application of various techniques. It will carry one more to of payload.

I don't think so. The use of RAM coating, could not lower the RCS of MKI to 1 Square Metre. With cannard its not possible, nor any need for that. No body i mean no govt, OEM, airforce, gives the actual RCS of any fighter plane in the whole world. But people talks about RCS like an experts. RCS what you are talking about 1sqm is only from front 180 degree, and what about the RCS from the bellow, which SAM will target and from the Sides from which most of the aerial attacks takes place.
I don't think so. The use of RAM coating, could not lower the RCS of MKI to 1 Square Metre. With cannard its not possible, nor any need for that. No body i mean no govt, OEM, airforce, gives the actual RCS of any fighter plane in the whole world. But people talks about RCS like an experts. RCS what you are talking about 1sqm is only from front 180 degree, and what about the RCS from the bellow, which SAM will target and from the Sides from which most of the aerial attacks takes place.

The have a plan to conseal the engine blades also. May be 1 Sq will be minimum and 3 SQ may max but reducing RCS is planned for sure.
The have a plan to conseal the engine blades also. May be 1 Sq will be minimum and 3 SQ may max but reducing RCS is planned for sure.
Do you really think that reduction of RCS in non stealth air superiority fighter plane is that important.
Indian Mig 29upg, and mirrage 2000 UPG are very potent and capable fighter plane, but during the DACT exercise, they both are killed every time even before they could detect MKI. The OLS system present in the nose of the MKI and raffale gives distintive edge over the adversaries with the passive sensor.
Indian Mig 29upg, and mirrage 2000 UPG are very potent and capable fighter plane, but during the DACT exercise, they both are killed every time even before they could detect MKI.
This is interesting. Throw Some light on it.
The OLS system present in the nose of the MKI and raffale gives distintive edge over the adversaries with the passive sensor.

What is OLS?
Rafale is a plane having very low RCS and it certainly falls under 4.5 gen+ category. MKI is very good in all aspects except RCS. It can a significant advantage in BVR engagement if RCS is reduced.
Notable changes in Super Sukhois will be AESA radars, uprated engines ( through upgrades), Brahmos integration, and reduced rcs( though coating, small changes in airframe).
OLS is optical locator System, google it.

You are going with most of pakistani members mindset and logic of WHO WILL DETECT FIRST AND AT WHAT KM formula.

All that is only valid when the plane are aproaching in the straight line, means at the same altitute and opposite direction.
Radars beam is just like the beam of your torch in dark like the cone shape form. You are going for the distance the beam of light can reach, but not the area which can be searched. The bigger and more powerful radar will search the opposite first same what the bigger torch will have more chances to search someone in the dark than the smaller one.

Now comes the Radar, the moment you starts your radar, you lose your stealth, the same way if F-22 uses its radar it will shows its location. Now F-22 have other things in its arsenal like active cancellation, modified AIM 120 C9, incripted secured link, so that they can use other platform to attack and remain passive, but that is out of context here.

What the formula makers are forgetting is the role of AESA based jammer, OLS and other passive sensors, data fusion, sharing of data among themself via link, but they are also forgetting that MKI is an air superiority fighter not a strike fighter like SU-35, or the ground attack fighter like Su 34, Raffale can do both Su-35 and Su-34 job. Thats why F-15 with RCS of 15sqm was unchallenged. Latest F-15 E have the RCS of 3-5 Sqm so its unlikely that the MKI would gets the RCS of 1sq m. And most important when the weapons are mounted the RCS increases so making so much FUSS about the highter RCS.

The main weapon of the air superiority fighter plane is its Radar not any long range BVR. What super Sukhoi will have is that it gives MKI Aesa, and the ground attack capability and SEAD and DEAD capabilities so that it could attack the RADARS and TELS of SAM and hardened target through its Long range Anti radiation missile, Mini Brahmos, and other cruise missile and for that--- Center fusion, Internal Aesa based Jammer, SAAB tech MAW, SAAB jammer, RWR,LWS, in another word SPECTRA for MKI which will be design by DARE and the capability to take several airlaunch cruise missile.

@PARIKRAMA @Abingdonboy @Horus @MastanKhan @Irfan Baloch @Oscar @Windjammer @Zarvan @guru datt @HariPrasad

I thought you must be interested in this. Your thoughts
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The upgradation of engine won't take place. As I can with almost 100% asurity say that the likely upgrade contender , the engine of Su35 hasn't impressed the IAF.
Yes there are talks to improve the present power plant.
The have a plan to conseal the engine blades also. May be 1 Sq will be minimum and 3 SQ may max but reducing RCS is planned for sure.
I think you are talking about the use of the Net cover covering the air inlet, Janab Russian haven't done that to in its PAK-FA till now, that plan and study and R&D going on. Engine blades are not visible even in the serpentine or v inlet air intake.
I don't think there will be any significant change in frame or engine..

MINOR changes or up rating can happen..

Otherwise it will be entirely new aircraft costing almost a new aircraft.
I don't think there will be any significant change in frame or engine..

MINOR changes or up rating can happen..

Otherwise it will be entirely new aircraft costing almost a new aircraft.

You are absolutely right. Only some upgradation to increase the MTO of the engine, airframe strengthening to carry three Brahmos, and Avionics and MMR upgrades to AESA.
Weapons like R-77P and KH-55
All these specs are nice but I'm rather interested to know whether this upgrade will include "slime lights", every a/c in the West has them and they are increasingly present on Indian Mil a/c also:






The RMAF's SU-30MKMs have them also:

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