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Super Miftah saves pakistan, defense minister

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The fuel subsidies that Imran Khan left in place were part of the same ‘compromises that politicians have to make’ justification that you so graciously extended to Miftah - they came on the back of an incessantly screeching and wailing media and opposition that condemned every single economic decision (especially those related to price increases) made by the PTI.
There are some compromises that politicians have to make and then there are some red lines that they should not cross. When Imran broke his campaign promise to commit suicide instead of going to IMF, I chalk that up to compromise that Imran as a politician had to make. Most populist politicians (and indeed their flock) do not understand that IMF deal is not only about the money, but more about the credibility that it brings to the administration's commitment for economic reforms. Other creditors value this credibility and therefore will roll over debt payments that are due in short term. But when Imran decided to kick the same IMF deal by offering a fuel subsidy (that IMF has directly said is a violation of agreement), he put a gun on the head of Pakistan's economy to gamble with the opposition. In my opinion, this is a red line that he should not have crossed.

I will not indulge in your partisan allegations of conspiracy as they have not be ruled so by Pakistani courts. The Pakistani court allowed for the VoNC and that is that. :cheers:
the cancerous Army leadership demolishes all progress by manipulating and conspiring to overthrow elected governments - they did this with Fatimah Jinnah (Ayub Khan), East Pakistan (Yahya Khan), ZA Bhutto (Zia) and Nawaz and Benazir Bhutto (Musharraf and a whole line of other Army generals) and now Imran Khan (General Kanjar Jawed Bajwa).
Cancerous Army Leadership? wow...
Because every time there is an opportunity to have genuine, elected leadership that can focus on long term reforms and institutional change, the cancerous Army leadership demolishes all progress by manipulating and conspiring to overthrow elected governments - they did this with Fatimah Jinnah (Ayub Khan), East Pakistan (Yahya Khan), ZA Bhutto (Zia) and Nawaz and Benazir Bhutto (Musharraf and a whole line of other Army generals) and now Imran Khan (General Kanjar Jawed Bajwa).
you are preaching to the choir. A large section of PDF membership (90% plus) has blindly supported the army generals against what they called corrupt civilian leaders. Before Imran Khan ouster you would hardily see any such dissent against the generals.

One of the most important factors, if not THE most important, for economic growth and investor confidence is political stability - the ‘battle’ that Miftah fought was the result of the conspiracy his own party engaged in with the Army to overthrow the PTI government that in turn caused and continues to cause political instability.
Has Imran Khan conspired against the army to undermine previous civilian leaders ? The way I see it is an endless cycle
There are some compromises that politicians have to make and then there are some red lines that they should not cross. When Imran broke his campaign promise to commit suicide instead of going to IMF, I chalk that up to compromise that Imran as a politician had to make. Most populist politicians (and indeed their flock) do not understand that IMF deal is not only about the money, but more about the credibility that it brings to the administration's commitment for economic reforms. Other creditors value this credibility and therefore will roll over debt payments that are due in short term. But when Imran decided to kick the same IMF deal by offering a fuel subsidy (that IMF has directly said is a violation of agreement), he put a gun on the head of Pakistan's economy to gamble with the opposition. In my opinion, this is a red line that he should not have crossed.

I will not indulge in your partisan allegations of conspiracy as they have not be ruled so by Pakistani courts. The Pakistani court allowed for the VoNC and that is that. :cheers:
I'd argue that the sudden collapse was precisely because of the extreme mismanagement of the incoming Army imposed PDM coalition and yes, political instability did play a major role because the PDM itself was divided. Since we can't turn back time and play out both scenarios, the facts on the ground are that the economy was improving with another year of relatively high growth before the PTI government was overthrown in an Army led conspiracy, and it collapsed soon after the PDM coalition took over.

Like it or not, the PDM and Army therefore takes the blame. Arguing that fuel subsidies alone caused this massive collapse is ludicrous and, again, points to your Hindutva biases and desire to support any entity that damages Pakistan.

With respect to the 'allegations of conspiracy', you obviously have a vested interest in defending a corrupt coalition and autocratic military Junta that has destroyed civilian institutions in Pakistan, but the rest of us have followed what has been happening on the ground in terms of PTI politicians and supporters being abducted and violently suppressed as well as entire channels being taken off the air and journalists fired and abducted, arrested and tortured while all pro-PTI voices on the media have been silenced. Nothing like this repression was seen during the PTI's time in government, In fact, the abductions and firing and censorship that did occur, was all against individuals and entities that criticized the Army and were done by the Army, not the PTI.

And you participated in this thread so trying to hide behind "the courts haven't found conspiracy' is just another laughably weak coverup of your Hindutva hatred for Pakistan in supporting a damningly incompetent Army imposed corrupt PDM coalition:

allegations of conspiracy as they have not be ruled so by Pakistani courts. The Pakistani court allowed for the VoNC and that is that. :cheers:

What the heck are you even talking about?

The courts haven't even taken up the issue or debated upon it...so how can it rule on something it didn't even deliberate upon?
Nothing like this repression was seen during the PTI's time in government, In fact, the abductions and firing and censorship that did occur, was all against individuals and entities that criticized the Army and were done by the Army, not the PTI.

PTI played the same game as the other politicians except they were at the receiving end a few months ago
PTI played the same game as the other politicians except they were at the receiving end a few months ago
If you really believe that, then give me examples of what the PTI did that was comparable to what is happening to the PTI now.
PTI played the same game as the other politicians except they were at the receiving end a few months ago

And what game was that exactly?

PTi was filing FIR's against journalists and poolitical opponents? PTI was cancelling licenses of channels? PTI was making journalists go abroad? PTI was conducting ten press conferences a day against XYZ or torturing opponents?
And what game was that exactly?

PTi was filing FIR's against journalists and poolitical opponents? PTI was cancelling licenses of channels? PTI was making journalists go abroad? PTI was conducting ten press conferences a day against XYZ or torturing opponents?
the game was for the better or worse colluding with military to undermine existing civilian governments
the game was for the better or worse colluding with military to undermine existing civilian governments

How exactly? Which MNA's were bought off in collusion with PTI? Which MPA's were bought off? Which allies were told to switch sides?
If you really believe that, then give me examples of what the PTI did that was comparable to what is happening to the PTI now.

I have no clue what is happening now. From perspective of an outsider everything Imran Khan did was drama. Look no further from all the posts on PDF.

Do you really believe Imran Khan was ousted because some underling in the State Department told a Pakistani diplomat something critical of Imran Khan ?
you are preaching to the choir. A large section of PDF membership (90% plus) has blindly supported the army generals against what they called corrupt civilian leaders. Before Imran Khan ouster you would hardily see any such dissent against the generals.

Has Imran Khan conspired against the army to undermine previous civilian leaders ? The way I see it is an endless cycle
Because during every outser the country was going through unprecedented turmoil...this time it's very stable govt whose outser has caused unprecedented turmoil and anger
Time for super ishaq dar.
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