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Super Miftah saves pakistan, defense minister

1- miftah ismail is superman?

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  • 2- news to me

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  • 3- No

    Votes: 15 36.6%
  • 4. Twitter hero

    Votes: 8 19.5%

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Don't judge these politicians by what they say instead judge them on the basis of their actions. Zardari and Bilawal claim to be socialists but in reality they are feudal lords. If Miftah is indeed a libertarian then why hasn't he made the market freer instead of furthering state intervention in the market.
Libertarian and at the same time steward of IMF's controlled and centralized economic plan.

If anything Miftah is a proto typical rich elite prevalent in any capitalist economy, militantly against paying taxes and ever eager to enjoy socialist gov't subsidies and assistance.
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Then why not let pti take political heat, why did pmln need to jump in
I can only guess that PDM wanted to not let PTI game the appointment of CAOS :undecided:

Don't judge these politicians by what they say instead judge them on the basis of their actions. Zardari and Bilawal claim to be socialists but in reality they are feudal lords. If Miftah is indeed a libertarian then why hasn't he made the market freer instead of furthering state intervention in the market.
Miftah has only been in the office for 4 months now. He was saying that Imran's fuel subsidies must go from day one of taking the office. His party did not let him because of Imran threatening to stir more trouble. All politicians need to make compromises like this.
I can only guess that PDM wanted to not let PTI game the appointment of CAOS :undecided:

Miftah has only been in the office for 4 months now. He was saying that Imran's fuel subsidies must go from day one of taking the office. His party did not let him because of Imran threatening to stir more trouble. All politicians need to make compromises like this.
That's not my point. Point is that Pakistani politicians don't claim to follow any economic philosophy and they never stick to a certain economic philosophy. There isn't a single Pakistani politician who is a libertarian. You can call Miftah a Neoliberal but can't call him a libertarian.
It's either that or default like in Srilanka. Real gratitude should be to the IMF that saved your skin again.

Contrast that with so called 'friend' China CCP that didn't give hoot to what happens to you.
He certainly did better as compare to Asad Umer aka landay ka Steve Jobs and the other one who ran away. If Niazi got qualified people like him in his team, he wouldn’t be in troubles.
That's not my point. Point is that Pakistani politicians don't claim to follow any economic philosophy and they never stick to a certain economic philosophy. There isn't a single Pakistani politician who is a libertarian. You can call Miftah a Neoliberal but can't call him a libertarian.
Only a fine line separates neo liberalism and libertarianism in terms of how much government involvement they tolerate to influence the economy. From his interviews, I see that Miftah leans towards libertarianism. But while functioning within a government, he has to listen to his boss - the elected representative of people - be a neo liberal at best. He is also socially very progressive on issues that are typically taboo for Pakistanis. :cheers:
Only a fine line separates neo liberalism and libertarianism in terms of how much government involvement they tolerate to influence the economy. From his interviews, I see that Miftah leans towards libertarianism. But while functioning within a government, he has to listen to his boss - the elected representative of people - be a neo liberal at best. He is also socially very progressive on issues that are typically taboo for Pakistanis. :cheers:
From the interviews that I have seen of him, he does seem more sensible than other politicians but his party is full of retards who oppose all the things about him that to me make him more sensible than other politicians, I hate the fact that I just called neoliberalism good right now.
I've been reading a few interviews from Miftah. He is a libertarian from what I see. I like this fella's social and economic policy outlook and that is why I post in this thread. I don't mean for anything more than that.
We know what you mean and what your intentions are behind promoting an illegal, incompetent and corrupt PDM coalition imposed by the Army Leadership and US.
degrees. It is amazing the Pakistani diaspora can do well abroad and cannot do squat in Pakistan
Because every time there is an opportunity to have genuine, elected leadership that can focus on long term reforms and institutional change, the cancerous Army leadership demolishes all progress by manipulating and conspiring to overthrow elected governments - they did this with Fatimah Jinnah (Ayub Khan), East Pakistan (Yahya Khan), ZA Bhutto (Zia) and Nawaz and Benazir Bhutto (Musharraf and a whole line of other Army generals) and now Imran Khan (General Kanjar Jawed Bajwa).
We know what you mean and what your intentions are behind promoting an illegal, incompetent and corrupt PDM coalition imposed by the Army Leadership and US.
Pakistan is not the only country with corrupt politicians. Almost all developing countries have a similar story. Your accusation about my intentions are unsubstantiated. I will not try to change your mind there because Internet is a free place and we are all entitled to our biases.

But I'm curious about why you say that Miftah is incompetent? In 4 months time, he has battled against the tide of domestic politics and has managed to restore Pakistan's case in IMF. The IMF deal gives the credibility that Pakistan needs for other debtors to rollover Pakistan's debt obligations. By any measure, this is an achievement and Miftah must be celebrated. :agree:
Pakistan is not the only country with corrupt politicians. Almost all developing countries have a similar story. Your accusation about my intentions are unsubstantiated. I will not try to change your mind there because Internet is a free place and we are all entitled to our biases.

But I'm curious about why you say that Miftah is incompetent? In 4 months time, he has battled against the tide of domestic politics and has managed to restore Pakistan's case in IMF. The IMF deal gives the credibility that Pakistan needs for other debtors to rollover Pakistan's debt obligations. By any measure, this is an achievement and Miftah must be celebrated. :agree:
One of the most important factors, if not THE most important, for economic growth and investor confidence is political stability - the ‘battle’ that Miftah fought was the result of the conspiracy his own party engaged in with the Army to overthrow the PTI government that in turn caused and continues to cause political instability.

The fuel subsidies that Imran Khan left in place were part of the same ‘compromises that politicians have to make’ justification that you so graciously extended to Miftah - they came on the back of an incessantly screeching and wailing media and opposition that condemned every single economic decision (especially those related to price increases) made by the PTI and in the face of the conspiracy to overthrow the PTI government via no-confidence motion that the PTI was aware was being concocted months before it took place.

So again, you just continue to expose yourself and your intentions with every half-assed justification and sycophantic praise you lavish upon the illegal PDM+Army Junta running Pakistan nowadays.
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