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Sunni vs. Shia: The Syrian conflict

Yea but in that admission surely the security forces of Syria are entitled to use deadly force against armed insurgents who wish to change the govt by force

I have no pro with that but not on civilians.
but they are not allowed to attack civilians to gain foreigners sympathy .

Looool, and even UN and Arab league monitors are liers!? So those terrorist groups are using air force, tanks and artillery in shelling major cities?!. The bereaved parents moan over their children's dead bodies cursing the regime are just acting!? Go get a brain!
I suggest you look at the post I was responding to the suggestion being made that all Sunnis were against Assad[/QUOTE]

My reply was precisely to counter that very point, when the term “all “is being used it does not apply to 100% populace. The so called Arab spring brought the differences and power struggle of Shia's & Sunnis on the surface and I am of belief that people are fishing in troubled water of Syria but it does not legitimize the acts of Assad.

I suggest you look at the post I was responding to the suggestion being made that all Sunnis were against Assad[/QUOTE]

My reply was precisely to counter that very point, when the term “all “is being used it does not apply to 100% populace. The so called Arab spring brought the differences and power struggle of Shia's & Sunnis on the surface and I am of belief that people are fishing in troubled water of Syria but it does not legitimize the acts of Assad.
Not to mention explaining why the sudden defection of so many Syrian military personnel as well and turning against their own govt.
I have no pro with that but not on civilians.

Yea but inevitably in a cross fire civilians get killed. I think if all external forces were to use their influences for a proper timetable for an election monitored and run by the UN is the best outcome with least loss of life. We do not need another Iraq, Libya etc

My reply was precisely to counter that very point said:
I agree I think there are no innocents on either side and on the forum I try to suggest a method with least killing etc
Yea but inevitably in a cross fire civilians get killed. I think if all external forces were to use their influences for a proper timetable for an election monitored and run by the UN is the best outcome with least loss of life. We do not need another Iraq, Libya etc

syrian current government has rejected many offers to lead the situation to better circumstances.
syrian current government has rejected many offers to lead the situation to better circumstances.

Then if we were to take out ulterior motives we need America and Russia/China to agree on this course of action
Read the title :

Sunni vs. Shia: The Syrian conflict

this is a propaganda !

so don't be stupid and shut your mouth :coffee:
Not to mention explaining why the sudden defection of so many Syrian military personnel as well and turning against their own govt.

I don't know who they are fooling?! themselves or others?. Tens of thousands of soldiers defected from the regular army because they couldn't stand commiting atrocities against their own people. Those guys call them Qaueda and other names. But it will not change anything from the truth. Bashar is going down, and those who supported him will pay sooner or later.
syrian current government has rejected many offers to lead the situation to better circumstances.

No dictator ever in history took part in free and fair elections, they are used to getting 95% to 97 % of total franchised votes and expecting from Assad to conduct and take part in free & fair election is only the right of Aryan_B.
No dictator ever in history took part in free and fair elections, they are used to getting 95% to 97 % of total franchised votes and expecting from Assad to conduct and take part in free & fair election is only the right of Aryan_B.

If Russia/China and America the UN the whole world agreed and insisted he would have no choice imo

I mean why did west not bomb Spain and Franco he was in power for 40 plus years to give Spanish free elections??
I am no lover of Assad. What really worries me is that simply arming people or taking sides will create another Iraq or Libya
Yea but inevitably in a cross fire civilians get killed. I think if all external forces were to use their influences for a proper timetable for an election monitored and run by the UN is the best outcome with least loss of life. We do not need another Iraq, Libya etc

I agree I think there are no innocents on either side and on the forum I try to suggest a method with least killing etc

Aryan, understand that Syrian Sunni are being killed on sectarian basis. Iran and Hizbullah are fully involved. Plz understand this. I am 100% sure.
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