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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

Isn't it great when the semi-literate masses start writing with new-found confidence?
Not true; look at your own experience. Morons don't get bullied unless they come and hurl themselves onto the road in front.
... and if I were to reply to this here freak in the same tone, he will go running to the Mods crying/weeping like a victim.
Recruit who, you? And for what?

How would anyone guess? All you have done is flit in and out, addressing silly remarks to the Indian members. Why are you here? What are you trying to do? Not a single contribution so far; so what motive do you have, considering that you are an office holder on another forum?
... and if I were to reply to this here freak in the same tone, he will go running to the Mods crying/weeping like a victim.


I would ignore you, like I had done for 95% of your posts, and like I will do again for your posts. It is amusing to respond for small snippets, just to watch the shock, then the frenzied response.

Now this must end, as I have an important appointment with the Great Pumpkin.
How would anyone guess? All you have done is flit in and out, addressing silly remarks to the Indian members. Why are you here? What are you trying to do? Not a single contribution so far; so what motive do you have, considering that you are an office holder on another forum?

On a social experiment. Both you and doc are part of it among few others. El Sidd too.

Sorry, I didn't seek prior approval.

You are not.

Just a boring bad smell in the air.

Like the uncle who farts, and who cannot be pushed out of the room.

Just wondering, who is "you" here? Myself or @padamchen ?
It can't, that's not it is designated for. Everything serves its purpose, till they are part of design. And off course, till they are harmless.

But who knows, we have got our mole inducted in it. :)


Owls fly away and land as they please.

But the great banyan tree that makes the branches available often knows much more than you would imagine on these owl, mole and whichever critter antics.

I do not see why so many Indians have to feel so victimized over everything...and then claim and assert strength and courage.

Maybe its a classic psychological thing in play.

Those that know nothing often claim to know everything....and so on and so forth....each pair of virtue and vice.
Owls fly away and land as they please.

But the great banyan tree that makes the branches available often knows much more than you would imagine on these owl, mole and whichever critter antics.

I do not see why so many Indians have to feel so victimized over everything...and then claim and assert strength and courage.

Maybe its a classic psychological thing in play.

Those that know nothing often claim to know everything....and so on and so forth....each pair of virtue and vice.

Acceptance. The craving for it can make you do weird things. Victimized are easily accepted as they pose less danger to one, ought to their proven vulnerability.
You are not hearing me.

This is a guy who was cleared for defence projects, however peripheral the module.

Cheers, Doc

Cleared for defense projects in India or Pakistan?

Cleared by India or Pakistan?
LOL. Here comes our American cousin.

My system is on, I am logged in, I spend hardly two to three hours a day on PDF, most of it reading idiocy such as this.

Did you check the time when you posted this comment?

Frankly, you need to cool down and take internet life a little less serious for your own health.
what a lying freak you are, you went and whined like a kicked bitch to moonlight person about that post where I referred to you as Nathuram, and she went and deleted all my posts
guess what all mods here are not pajeet loving cryptos, 2 or 3 are actual Pakistanis too, that is how I know what you and pajeet lovers get up to

95%. :D
Did you ever consider anyone other than you to be not a fool?:D

Did you ever consider anyone to be intelligent than your?:P

On this forum?
About two dozen are not fools.
Three are more intelligent, more wise than I am.
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