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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

CoC rules can never replace PDF Laws.

For example, @The BrOkEn HeArT gets banned from PDF while he still remains member of CoC.

View attachment 657680

They are not intended to.

This is for all who subscribe, and this is for them to observe on their own. None of the members have the authority, or the desire, to ban anybody. That is the forum's prerogative, and nothing to do with us. If somebody is banned, and not present, it stands to reason that the member cannot follow the code. If somebody is permanently banned, his name will stay in the list of members since we never get information about who is banned.

I hope that the logic is clearer now.
They are not intended to.

This is for all who subscribe, and this is for them to observe on their own. None of the members have the authority, or the desire, to ban anybody. That is the forum's prerogative, and nothing to do with us. If somebody is banned, and not present, it stands to reason that the member cannot follow the code. If somebody is permanently banned, his name will stay in the list of members since we never get information about who is banned.

I hope that the logic is clearer now.

No. It is not clear.

Of course banning the members is the prerogative of the forum administration but my point was that

1) Your CoC did not prevent the CoC member from getting banned. i.e your CoC was weaker than or subset of the Forum Rules. In other words the CoC member adhered to CoC but still got banned. If this is the case why even have the CoC you might as well follow the forum rules. The CoC should be a superset of the Forum rules for it to work not subset.

2) What good is this CoC if you cannot express solidarity with your fellow CoC member who gets banned? Did anyone of the members even shed a drop of tear for your fellow CoC member who got banned?
No. It is not clear.

Of course banning the members is the prerogative of the forum administration but my point was that

1) Your CoC did not prevent the CoC member from getting banned. i.e your CoC was weaker than or subset of the Forum Rules. In other words the CoC member adhered to CoC but still got banned. If this is the case why even have the CoC you might as well follow the forum rules. The CoC should be a superset of the Forum rules for it to work not subset.

2) What good is this CoC if you cannot express solidarity with your fellow CoC member who gets bannedcribed? Did anyone of the members even shed a drop of tear for your fellow CoC member who got banned?

LOL. Don't waste time trying to get publicity.

The CoC is not an amulet against banning. Nor is it a local gathering of Alcoholics Anonymous, where we express support for each other's failings and daily tribulations.

Your points are pretty trashy, and other than the objective of desperately seeking to keep yourself in the limelight, have neither relevance nor value.

You have not subscribed to the CoC, so why are you bothered? :D
LOL. Don't waste time trying to get publicity.

The CoC is not an amulet against banning. Nor is it a local gathering of Alcoholics Anonymous, where we express support for each other's failings and daily tribulations.

Your points are pretty trashy, and other than the objective of desperately seeking to keep yourself in the limelight, have neither relevance nor value.

You have not subscribed to the CoC, so why are you bothered? :D

For the last couple of days, I have been deliberating whether to join the CoC or not.

Hence my inquiries.

Is the CoC subscription closed or is it still open?
For the last couple of days, I have been deliberating whether to join the CoC or not.

Hence my inquiries.

Is the CoC subscription closed or is it still open?

Always open, for exit and entry alike, and we all know now that you are Indian.

You had other ideas for the last couple of days, excellent ones.

Brother don't give up so easily. From Day one @Joe Shearer was jealous of you being the first founding member and he want you to be out to take that first spot from you.

You need to calm down and think strategically.

Now that the CoC has opened avenues for amendments and expulsions, use it for your own benefit.

For example, Create 20 Indian IDs (the current CoC member strength is 15). Make sure this count is always higher than the count of the CoC strength so that you always have majority on your side.

Very important. DO not use these IDs for any forum discussion. Just use it as and when there is a CoC vote to influence the vote in your favor.

All the Best.
Always open, for exit and entry alike, and we all know now that you are Indian.

1) Is being an Indian a prerequisite? How do you verify this?:D

2) When you say always open for entry or exit, does this mean there is no restriction or limit? In other words, can I join the CoC today leave CoC tomorrow as I want to post something that violates CoC and then come back day after to join the CoC again? For example, Does this mean @Shantanu_Left can keep coming back and leave CoC depending on his mood on that particular day? :P

You had other ideas for the last couple of days, excellent ones.

Most people only see the brighter side of the moon but I always try to see the darker side too.

The brighter side is enticing, seeking attention and obvious while the darker side is seeking your curiosity, challenging you and hiding in front of your eyes but it is there if you cared to see it.

I do not post to convey my thoughts but to understand the thoughts of the others. And I always post a full moon but people only think that I am @HalfMoon because they do not care about the darker side.

In the post of mine that you quoted, you obviously saw the jibe that I took at you (the brighter side) but did you care about the darker side? ;)
Admirable, but bound to fail. Manners are taught, and cannot be policed. Especially when idiots on both sides are bereft of the right upbringing.
True but our surroundings have a way of shaping our social norms. It is true that PDF makes a drop in the lives of posters here so the social influence from other posters will be weak however what it can do is mitigate the damage here atleast and that is a good start. The most difficult task will be to constantly use it. No social norm is perfect the start and one can even say that it will not see continuous form and will be repeatedly broken however the norm survives based on the individuals that repeatedly use it. Even if broken yet used, it will still form a king of consistency and that consistency, gradually becomes continuous.

Another problem with the initial period will be the concept of deviancy. Social norms have stages as well and although they are types of social norms, i always thought of them as stages.

Folkways where the norms are expected to be followed but their violation does not bring upon punishment.

Mores where the norms have become part of the culture and their violations will bring some feedback. You may see angry behavior from your peers or disappointment. Usually mores dont bring that form of social punishment. We see early stage concepts of deviancy come here. Early stage. The guy that continuously breaks the mores gets called a deviant. Those high school rebels.

Taboo where the norms have attained the status of custom that cannot be breached and if so, will invite serious punishment from the society. Here we see a form solidification of a norm and here deviancy can be grueling and the society will exile the deviant or give it the social outcast status.

Law where the norm becomes the final stage and here, its violation will bring the wrath of the entire society upon the deviant and the most severest of punishments available are given as such. When a state machinery enters the game of breaking a law, it is seen, theoretically, as the entirety of the state and nation is punishing the deviant.

The COC is basically at a folkway period and beginning of the folkway period and it can very easily get thrown out however it can also expand and become a mores.

Interaction, be it face to face or on the internet, always leaves a mark and this mark is slowly forming us. Subconsciously the surrounding plays such a role that we sometimes underestimate the influence it brings upon us. You have a point but societies can influence manners and they have been doing it since the dawn of man. This is a good experiment on whether a social norm, wished by a group and promised to be adhered by a group, can it become a social system.
1) Is being an Indian a prerequisite? How do you verify this?:D

We don't.

We go by the painstaking efforts of the administration team. As you yourself put it, they have gone to extra lengths in your case.

What some of us know over and above this is nothing to do with the Forum, or with subscription to the Code of Conduct.
When you say always open for entry or exit, does this mean there is no restriction or limit? In other words, can I join the CoC today leave CoC tomorrow as I want to post something that violates CoC and then come back day after to join the CoC again? For example, Does this mean @Shantanu_Left can keep coming back and leave CoC depending on his mood on that particular day? :P

There has been some discussion on this, and the consensus is that someone who deliberately misuses the membership of the subscribers to the code may be asked politely to stay away. Asked.
Most people only see the brighter side of the moon but I always try to see the darker side too.

The brighter side is enticing, seeking attention and obvious while the darker side is seeking your curiosity, challenging you and hiding in front of your eyes but it is there if you cared to see it.

I do not post to convey my thoughts but to understand the thoughts of the others. And I always post a full moon but people only think that I am @HalfMoon because they do not care about the darker side.

In the post of mine that you quoted, you obviously saw the jibe that I took at you (the brighter side) but did you care about the darker side?

Tapdancing deceives no one.
2) When you say always open for entry or exit, does this mean there is no restriction or limit? In other words, can I join the CoC today leave CoC tomorrow as I want to post something that violates CoC and then come back day after to join the CoC again? For example, Does this mean @Shantanu_Left can keep coming back and leave CoC depending on his mood on that particular day? :P
I've mentioned in post #1234 that once a member leaves or is removed, he should follow the code for atleast 15 days in order to enter the CoC again. That was just my personal opinion though and no voting/discussion was followed up on that.
I've mentioned in post #1234 that once a member leaves or is removed, he should follow the code for atleast 15 days in order to enter the CoC again. That was just my personal opinion though and no voting/discussion was followed up on that.

A very rational thought, and it has not been ruled out yet. If you wish, it can be put to the vote. In fact, nothing stops you from putting it to the vote. Why don't you? I don't own the CoC, after all.
A very rational thought, and it has not been ruled out yet. If you wish, it can be put to the vote. In fact, nothing stops you from putting it to the vote. Why don't you? I don't own the CoC, after all.

How many people think that a member who has left the CoC or removed from the CoC should follow it for atleast 15 days to enter the it again? Of course, a new member can join whenever he wants to join so there's no obstruction for that.

I vote yes.
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