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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

Also, the big architect @Joe Shearer didn't bat an eyelid so we know where things are going.

Ease off with this tone buddy. There is already one doing a ton of drama here if things don't go some precise way he wanted...you don't want to join that category.

Joe is not online 24/7, neither am I....none of us are....

Just take a deep breath .... and next time give it a day or two at least to see how the cement actually sets and hardens...before passing judgement and conclusion.

Just relax...none of this is to be taken super seriously. Its just an online forum in the end.
Sure, let's move on. I left the CoC on my own volition because all these little runts in your team aren't exactly my comrades in any way.

Have a nice day.

EDIT: This is for everyone's general reference. Calling Abhinandan as Abhi-none-done got me expelled from a CoC I had cofounded along with @Joe Shearer :undecided::woot:

Brother don't give up so easily. From Day one @Joe Shearer was jealous of you being the first founding member and he want you to be out to take that first spot from you.

You need to calm down and think strategically.

Now that the CoC has opened avenues for amendments and expulsions, use it for your own benefit.

For example, Create 20 Indian IDs (the current CoC member strength is 15). Make sure this count is always higher than the count of the CoC strength so that you always have majority on your side.

Very important. DO not use these IDs for any forum discussion. Just use it as and when there is a CoC vote to influence the vote in your favor.

All the Best.
Two questions have been asked:
  • Can we give a breach of the code a negative rating? //Obviously, some sort of an internal rating is being suggested, not the forum's rating system.
  • Can we invite a frequent offender to leave?
These are drastic steps. Please think about how to implement these if carried.
I agree to the second but not the first. The CoC is in place for members who are willing to be a part of it and who are consciously able to follow the rules on most occasions. I stress most because there might be times when the member might slip which I personally think is perfectly fine as long as he finds himself remorseful and is thus ready to accept his blunder and move on. What we clearly witnessed with Shantanu was that he repeatedly violated the code on multiple occasions and was at the end of the day, the least remorseful of his actions even after many of the members repeatedly on a number of occasions pointed out his transgressions. Seeing that, it was clear that he was the least interested in having anything to do with the CoC. Which leads us to the obvious question: Who should be a part of the CoC? Of course, only those who are willing to abide by some of the prerogatives enshrined in it. There's no point for a person being part of this if he shows the least willingness to abide by it. Then that will basically some sort of a feign.

I don't think we'll need any kind of a point system. Instead, we can simply tag those posts that we usually do over here and over a period of time if we start noticing some sort of a pattern (repeated offender/repeated offensive words), we can give some sort of a gentle reminder/nudge, something like 'hey, you've had repeated infringements in the past few days and from now, please think twice before you have your say'. And of course, even after this, the person doesn't heed, we'll have to remove him.

Even after the person is removed though, he should still be able to come back to be a part of this. But he should be taken in only based on his previous actions i.e: if has actually followed the Code in say, the past 15 days even while he was not part of it.

After the events that occurred today, I too felt a little contrite as what transpired was some sort of public shaming but he eventually brought it upon himself so we can't really do anything about it.
Lol...I am not disputing the fact that Abhi-none-Done might be a gentleman. Even the Pakistanis adored him. Had it been a Harjeet Singh or a Captain Yadav, their treatment would have been far different by the enemy.

Even the Pakistanis saw that he was a Madrasi Gentleman so they let him off easily.

As for me, well in the unlikely extreme situation, I would really fight, and not surrender despite the odds. Surrender is not there in my DNA.

That doesn't mean I believe surrendering soldiers should not be respected. And believe me, I have personally nothing against Abhi-none-Done. I just see him as a regular bloke, and cannot give him the status of a sacred cow. That's where you and I will disagree. You cannot really convince me on this.

Tamils have always and will always support Pakistan over India.

Abhinandan was left off because he had revealed & shared all the Indian Military plans with Pakistan.

He is needed back in IAF so that he can continue to share the details on a ongoing basis with Pakistan.

For this great act Pakistan always honors Abhinandan.

Abhinandan is a great asset of Pakistan in IAF.
Ease off with this tone buddy. There is already one doing a ton of drama here if things don't go some precise way he wanted...you don't want to join that category.

Joe is not online 24/7, neither am I....none of us are....

Just take a deep breath .... and next time give it a day or two at least to see how the cement actually sets and hardens...before passing judgement and conclusion.

Just relax...none of this is to be taken super seriously. Its just an online forum in the end.
I actually came across Shantanu's posts today when @sms tagged him on some of his infringements. I then scrolled through the previous posts and came across @jamahir 's and his conversation and was then apoplectic with the neglect shown to that conversation(since the conversation was from about 3 days back) which resulted in a few impudent words. Please don't take it personally though(for both you and @Joe Shearer).
See above. Every time I read these, I think of the Good Lord saying Vade retro, Sathanas.
Now if you are going to quote my Lord , what can i do :lol:

Ignore these people @Joe Shearer the COC was meant for us , a reminder not to stoop to their level. lets just keep it at that and accept we all are humans and we can't just expect people to follow the rules.
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CoC rules can never replace PDF Laws.

For example, @The BrOkEn HeArT gets banned from PDF while he still remains member of CoC.

Now if you are going to quote my Lord , what can i do :lol:

Ignore these people @Joe Shearer the COC was meant for us , a reminder not to stoop to their level. lets just keep it at that and accept we all are humans and we can't just expect people to follow the rules.

Spammer Ninny: Tamils are traitors ....nnnggggh, waaaah

*Gen Sundarji has entered the convo* *talks past the ninny too with the others*

That DP always does the trick all by itself heh...
I actually came across Shantanu's posts today when @sms tagged him on some of his infringements. I then scrolled through the previous posts and came across @jamahir 's and his conversation and was then apoplectic with the neglect shown to that conversation(since the conversation was from about 3 days back) which resulted in a few impudent words. Please don't take it personally though(for both you and @Joe Shearer).

My dear Sir,

Right at the outset, it was clearly discussed (though not decided one way or the other) that this would be a self-managing group, and there was even a suggestion that three of us would take up the responsibility of reminding members of their responsibilities in case of any straying.

This code does not 'belong' to anyone, least of all to me. @jamahir was in fact one of the names floating around to be on the committee of three subscribers to the code.

So, very politely, may I say that I fail to see why you got apoplectic, and what neglect you saw. Please do clarify what you have in mind; we are all subject to lapses, but it is useful to know what that lapse might have been.
Admirable, but bound to fail. Manners are taught, and cannot be policed. Especially when idiots on both sides are bereft of the right upbringing.

Where is that damn' positive rating when you really need it?

Look upon this as a tooth embedding. It doesnt' really belong, but is brought in to serve as a prosthetic aid to the good manners that should have been there.

I feel strongly inclined to invite you to be one of the observers, those who observe the subscribing members and remind them ever so tactfully about any lapses that might have occurred.

Don't jump out of the window yet; I am making a point and have no intentions of cornering you or any other member of the forum who simply happens to make a good observation.
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