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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum


Here goes Nilgiri, at his morning pastime of chasing Bongs around and around the arena....


Dyakho amarey jalaitese kyamne.

But it will be pleasant to remember even this one day.....

You have developed fondness for this chatgaiya guy...with the funny name.

He is a good one, he makes me chuckle a lot when I read his witty retorts, even when my lot are the receiving end.

I see a good improvement over time for the BD section if he sticks around...because he is not one of the elitist snobby hyper-sensitive types that I made too much din and ruckus with earlier...and he brings a nice fresh sense to the whole thing too.

Earthy Bongs are among the best people ever... I have found by experience so far.
His family has suffered cruelly, but he still maintains a dignity and a poise that makes me proud of him.

I know what you wrote previously joe :P :P

I wouldnt blame him if he did and if he doesnt then it takes a strength we cant imagine. It is very difficult to not channel the pain and anger and hatred upon the entirety. It is very difficult. I have seen many people in their third generation remember partition violence and in a contrast from their normal demeanor, showcase an anger, pain and hatred that is unseen of them.

Even in this third generation, we struggle so i would not blame him if he harbored extreme anger, pain and hatred. I wouldnt because i myself, a third generation struggle with it. My family faced the violence of the sikh and whenever i hear the story and whenever i read about the partition riot, a hatred, anger and pain is felt that makes me feel anger to their entirety. Pain, suffering are all scars joe and when they are ripped open, it all flows in which is why i am against remembering anything about the partition violence. The museums, the records they will always rip the scar open and it will all flow back in and consume a person.
OK great, thanks Joe.

@Arsalan :

1. Please change the thread title to "Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum"

2. Can you please copy and paste this into the first original post of this thread, I have wrapped it with "=====" header and footer:


Code of Conduct (As of 28th July 2020)

  1. We will not abuse another member’s religion.
  2. We will not use unprintable language, referring to somebody’s post, to the person making the post, to the person’s views.
  3. We will not use abusive common labels for other Indian members such as
    1. Sanghi
    2. Bhakt
    3. Sickular
    4. Libtard
    5. Jihadi (for Muslims)
  4. We will not abuse women, the LGBT community or the mentally and physically handicapped.
  5. We will refrain from hostile remarks about people from different regions of India or from other countries.
  6. We will not quote from any publication or from electronic media without citing the source. We will give preference to published books, peer-reviewed articles or research papers from reputable think-tanks when originating a thread
  7. We will not question a member’s nationality without reasonable cause and without evidence greater than our personal suspicion.
In addition, it is suggested that members following the code avoid the following patterns of behaviour.
  1. We will not celebrate the death of another human being, even those who are killed by Indian security forces in the course of violent armed protests against the Indian state;
    1. It may be less abrasive to note the incident without adjectives or coloration of any kind.
  2. We will not celebrate any apparent success in war or armed conflict by India over any other, until the matter is concluded.
    1. On conclusion, we will try to use facts published by reliable print or electronic media.
    2. We will list unreliable sources from any reasonable point of view, and members will be requested not to cite these unreliable sources.
    3. We will respond to contrary claims by a simple statement of fact, and by mentioning that the matter is still in dispute.
  3. We will not report assumed superiority of Indian forces over others without evidence.
    1. The stronger the statement claiming superiority, the stronger ought to be the evidence and its sources.
  4. We will not respond to provocation by another member, Indian or other.
    1. The provocation will be reported to the Moderators using the report button immediately.
    2. In case of grave provocation, a common effort will be made to bring it to the immediate notice of the Moderators.
  5. We will not enter into arguments about the wars and armed conflicts between India and any other country without sufficient information on the subject, and will ask other Indian members for factual support wherever necessary.
Signatories (As of 28th July 2020):
  1. @Nilgiri
  2. @sms
  3. @The BrOkEn HeArT
  4. @jamahir
  5. @meghdut
  6. @KhanBaba2
  7. @Krptonite
  8. @The_Showstopper
  9. @jbgt90
  10. @Mad Scientist 2.0
  11. @xeuss
  12. @Dustom999
  13. @Syama Ayas
  14. @Joe Shearer
  15. @Shantanu_Left

Thank you Arsalan. Should be final request for some time here.

Looks like the CoC bureaucracy has finally sprung into action.

I like the lots of paperwork yet secular voices coming together.

I know what you wrote previously joe :P :P

I wouldnt blame him if he did and if he doesnt then it takes a strength we cant imagine. It is very difficult to not channel the pain and anger and hatred upon the entirety. It is very difficult. I have seen many people in their third generation remember partition violence and in a contrast from their normal demeanor, showcase an anger, pain and hatred that is unseen of them.

Even in this third generation, we struggle so i would not blame him if he harbored extreme anger, pain and hatred. I wouldnt because i myself, a third generation struggle with it. My family faced the violence of the sikh and whenever i hear the story and whenever i read about the partition riot, a hatred, anger and pain is felt that makes me feel anger to their entirety. Pain, suffering are all scars joe and when they are ripped open, it all flows in which is why i am against remembering anything about the partition violence. The museums, the records they will always rip the scar open and it will all flow back in and consume a person.

It's a very, very very sad chapter.
Why is it pessimistic? Joe is a frank realist. We will all be there someday too if not there already....

Joe has served his nation exceedingly well...far more than most will.

I see PDF as something of his memoirs collection....a peek into his great mind and wisdom.

For that I am thankful for having come across PDF in first place, a most surprising treasure lay in it.

...forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit...
Precisely true if you dig deeper you do
Why is it pessimistic? Joe is a frank realist. We will all be there someday too if not there already....

Joe has served his nation exceedingly well...far more than most will.

I see PDF as something of his memoirs collection....a peek into his great mind and wisdom.

For that I am thankful for having come across PDF in first place, a most surprising treasure lay in it.

...forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit...
Very true indeed
I know what you wrote previously joe :P :P

I wouldnt blame him if he did and if he doesnt then it takes a strength we cant imagine. It is very difficult to not channel the pain and anger and hatred upon the entirety. It is very difficult. I have seen many people in their third generation remember partition violence and in a contrast from their normal demeanor, showcase an anger, pain and hatred that is unseen of them.

Even in this third generation, we struggle so i would not blame him if he harbored extreme anger, pain and hatred. I wouldnt because i myself, a third generation struggle with it. My family faced the violence of the sikh and whenever i hear the story and whenever i read about the partition riot, a hatred, anger and pain is felt that makes me feel anger to their entirety. Pain, suffering are all scars joe and when they are ripped open, it all flows in which is why i am against remembering anything about the partition violence. The museums, the records they will always rip the scar open and it will all flow back in and consume a person.

Some people gained land, and deprived another state of citizens and territory. It was calculated and in cold blood.

I still forward to one day retaking my ancestral lands stolen to me by the Indian state and its militia allies.
Even in this third generation, we struggle so i would not blame him if he harbored extreme anger, pain and hatred. I wouldnt because i myself, a third generation struggle with it. My family faced the violence

The part that always angers me the most, is it was all totally unnecessary...that scale of loss of life and damage...with all the scarring it left long term.

People living in places, their land...it was their ancestors and theirs....well before a modern expression of some political nationhood.

Something way better could have been figured out and improved upon even more with time...there would have been no need for massive bloodshed by displaced people and mobs at all.

But all our collective self-esteem was at the lowest point then. We didnt believe in enough intensity among our best and powerful....that we had a basic capability for a basic application of rule of law and justice on human beings who are simply to be treated all the same for being a human being. i.e first principles core identity is that you are a human being.

Why do we humans make the simplest thing the hardest thing to do....this is our great folly especially when an ego or fear consumes all rational thinking.
Thats fine and dandy. You continue to waltz round and we will agree to differ. Im describing and proving to you he is a soft troller but because you have premeditated your decision making - thats fine.
Sometimes you can take a horse to water but you cant force it to drink.

They will never accept their wrongs. These are the kinds of people they are. They have mastered the art of staying on this Pakistani forum and mitigating any harm to themselves.

Let them. They are nothing. Everyone knows how many faces these guys have.

It is when members stand up to defend trolls, they reveal who they actually are. If you notice, they host any ID here which is against Pakistanis.

Anyway, don't bother replying to them. A waste of time. Just observe and learn.
Seems thread has now gone a bit off topic (reminiscing etc) in chai-time kind of way.... once the paper work was filed.

Desis are all generally the same lol.

I'm all in favour of a little chai-time talk in this thread, shooting the breeze however you may. As long as there are no personal insults. Everyone please stay secular. There is a fine line between derailing and good-natured banter.

Let's keep the weighty political differences between Modi supporters and RaGa supporters / Indians vs. Pakistanis / etc. in other threads.
Some people gained land, and deprived another state of citizens and territory. It was calculated and in cold blood.

I still forward to one day retaking my ancestral lands stolen to me by the Indian state and its militia allies.

Why? we have our land here. Let us make this place the paradise that it was promised to be. We have enough land and of all types and climates. There is nothing that we need be it in the north, west or east. We just need to improve what we have and it is very much doable and very much possible. Jalandhar, kapurthala, the region of Rohilkhand, its no longer necessary. All that matters is what we have from gilgit to sindh and kashmir to baluchistan.

The part that always angers me the most, is it was all totally unnecessary...that scale of loss of life and damage...with all the scarring it left long term.

People living in places, their land...it was their ancestors and theirs....well before a modern expression of some political nationhood.

Something way better could have been figured out and improved upon even more with time...there would have been no need for massive bloodshed by displaced people and mobs at all.

But all our collective self-esteem was at the lowest point then. We didnt believe in enough intensity among our best and powerful....that we had a basic capability for a basic application of rule of law and justice on human beings who are simply to be treated all the same for being a human being. i.e first principles core identity is that you are a human being.

Why do we humans make the simplest thing the hardest thing to do....this is our great folly especially when an ego or fear consumes all rational thinking.

the way things went, the way british made the region through swords and guns and blood, the way states and nations were wiped out, and the way things went, it is very difficult to judge the results of all that accumulated in the region. The end result is always the result of something that boiled and accumulated and burst forth.
For something like this a very long study of history is needed.
They will never accept their wrongs. These are the kinds of people they are. They have mastered the art of staying on this Pakistani forum and mitigating any harm to themselves.

Let them. They are nothing. Everyone knows how many faces these guys have.

It is when members stand up to defend trolls, they reveal who they actually are. If you notice, they host any ID here which is against Pakistanis.

Anyway, don't bother replying to them. A waste of time. Just observe and learn.
I agree wholeheartedly - I was mistaken thinking I could reason - it’s futile and a waste of energy. Let them live in their own bubble and pretend they have a code of conduct without conduct
  1. @Nilgiri
  2. @sms
  3. @The BrOkEn HeArT
  4. @jamahir
  5. @meghdut
  6. @KhanBaba2
  7. @Krptonite
  8. @The_Showstopper
  9. @jbgt90
  10. @Mad Scientist 2.0
  11. @xeuss
  12. @Dustom999
  13. @Syama Ayas
  14. @Joe Shearer
  15. @Shantanu_Left
Good people, please let's try not to piss off the Mods making extra work for them. Please read this post VERY CAREFULLY. The bottom line - DO NOT quote troll posts.
  • Do not post derailing comments that eventually lead to trolling.
Naturally, we need to remember not to start these fires in the first place; we need to remember not to post derailing comments.

I never quote troll posts. I always report.

or the mentally and physically handicapped.

I never liked "retard". It seems juvenile.
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