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Sufism/ Tasawuf (Islamic mysticism)

OH BTW, Prophet Lut was Prophet Ibrahim's nephew (stated in some tafsir) also in the same era...so that makes

Ibrahim, Ismael, Ishaq and Lut Peace and blessing be upon all of them
OH BTW, Prophet Lut was Prophet Ibrahim's nephew (stated in some tafsir) also in the same era...so that makes

Ibrahim, Ismael, Ishaq and Lut Peace and blessing be upon all of them[/quote]

Did they began their prophethood at same time or after death of particular prophet of his era
Nabi is who receive Shariat. Rasool is who don't bring any new religion. There is distinction b/w two. Beside Khizar, There is Hakeem Lucman, the man of wisdom, who was neither rasool nor nabi.
I understand it the other way round...that Nabi are those who carry suhuf and are for a certain people

A loose definition in English is that a Nabi (pl. Anbiya) is a Prophet, and a Rasul (pl. Rusul) is a Messenger. Linguistically, a Nabi is someone who has been given revelation or news (of an important nature, immediately concerning themselves or their communities). A Rasul, linguistically, is someone given a message to deliver.

Islam distinguishes between a Messenger or Rasul (رسول) and a Prophet or Nabi (نبي‎). A Messenger delivers a new religious law (Syari'a) wheres a Prophet continues an old one. As such, while all Messengers are Prophets, not all Prophets are Messengers. All prophets are MEN.

Muslim scholars have tried to pin-point the difference between Nabi and Rasul. They have written many differences but none of them stands the test of critical analysis. According to the popular belief a 'Rasul' was that prophet who brought a new Shariah (Cods of law) while those prophets who did not bring any new Shariah(and followed the Shariah of a previous 'Rasul') were called 'Nabi'. Thus the grade of a 'Rasul' is higher than that of a 'Nabi.'

This is my understanding...

Did they began their prophethood at same time or after death of particular prophet of his era
Walla hu A'alam

Sorry @mafiya didnt mean to be harsh but just stated my understanding...
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I have another opinion @Akheilos

Nabi= Nubuwah (some one who carry ALLAH book) New regulation (Holy book)
Rasul= Messenger (ALLAH can send any one for doing any purpose, including leadership role or purifying the religion)

Nabi is Rasul but higher, Rasul can be Nabi or just Rasul.

Thats why ALLAH said in Al-Ahzab:40 that He stop sending Nabi (Not Rasul). Rasul can still be continued.

From amongst the well-known Saheeh Ahaadeeth that was related by the noble Sahaabah Abu Hurairah (ra) from the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم that he said:

إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَبْعَثُ لِهَذِهِ الْأُمَّةِ عَلَى رَأْسِ كُلِّ مِائَةِ سَنَةٍ مَنْ يُجَدِّدُ لَهَا دِينَهَا

"Verily Allah sends to this Ummah at the head of every one hundred years someone who will renew the Deen for it".

Related by Abu Daawood (4291) and was verified as Saheeh by As-Sakhaawiy in 'Al-Maqqsid Al-Hasanah' (149) and Al-Albaaniy in 'As-Silsilah As-Saheehah' (599).
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I have another opinion @Akheilos

Nabi= Nubuwah (some one who carry ALLAH book) New regulation (Holy book)
Rasul= Messenger (ALLAH can send any one for doing any purpose, including leadership role or purifying the religion)

Nabi is Rasul but higher, Rasul can be Nabi or just Rasul.

Thats why ALLAH said in Al-Maidah verses that He stop sending Nabi (Not Rasul). Rasul can still be continued

From amongst the well-known Saheeh Ahaadeeth that was related by the noble Sahaabah Abu Hurairah (ra) from the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم that he said:

إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَبْعَثُ لِهَذِهِ الْأُمَّةِ عَلَى رَأْسِ كُلِّ مِائَةِ سَنَةٍ مَنْ يُجَدِّدُ لَهَا دِينَهَا

"Verily Allah sends to this Ummah at the head of every one hundred years someone who will renew the Deen for it".

Related by Abu Daawood (4291) and was verified as Saheeh by As-Sakhaawiy in 'Al-Maqqsid Al-Hasanah' (149) and Al-Albaaniy in 'As-Silsilah As-Saheehah' (599).
My opinion is based on post 48 based on the linguistic meaning of the word

Those who show hostility to Allah and His Rasul are bound to be humiliated. The Almighty has ordained that I and my Rusul shall be dominant. (58:20)

In other words, the direct addressees of a Rasul cannot triumph over him, and they must be the losers in the end. This humiliation has various forms. In most cases, the addressees are destroyed in their capacity as a nation if they deny their respective Rusul (plural of Rasul). Take, for example, the case of Muhammad (sws). His opponents were destroyed by the swords of the Muslim believers until at the conquest of Makkah, the remaining accepted faith. In the case of Moses (sws), the Israelites never denied him. The Pharaoh and his followers however did. Therefore, they were destroyed. In the case of Jesus (sws), the humiliation of the Jews has taken the form of servitude to the Christians till the day of Judgment as referred to by 3:55 and 59:3. The ‘Aad, nation of the Rasul Hud (sws), the Thamud nation of the Rasul Salih (sws) as well as the nations of Noah (sws), and Lot (sws) and Shu‘ayb (sws) were destroyed through natural calamities when they denied their respective Rusul as is mentioned in the various surahs of the Qur’an(See for example: Surah Qamar).

On the other hand, the extent to which a Nabi delivers the truth to his nation is not as much as to entail death or destruction for his addressees. Consequently, the nation of a Nabi is not destroyed or humiliated even if they deny him. For example, the nations of Dawud and Idris who were Ambiya (plural of Nabi) were not destroyed when they denied them.
In other words, Nabi (Prophet) is a general cadre and a Rasul (Messenger) a special one. As such, every Rasul is a Nabi but this is not true vice versa. This is like saying that all Generals are army men but all army men are not generals. When the Qur’an says that the institution of Nabuwwat (Prophethood) has been terminated, it means that the institution of Risalat (Messengerhood) has also been terminated since the closure of a general cadre automatically means that the upper ones have also been terminated. If the above example is taken, we can say that if there is no army then there are no Generals of course.

. A Nabi is a Person whom Allah chooses to guide others and therefore blesses him with wahi (divine revelation) irrespective of whether he has been given divine book (scripture) and Shar;i (law) or he follows the book (scripture) and shar'i of a previous Nabi. A Rasul is that Nabi whom Allah blesses with a divine book and shar'. It is understood from the definitions of Nabi and Rasul that while Every Rasul is a
Nabi, not every Nabi is a Rasul.

Rest @Indos Walla Hu A'alam
@Akheilos OK, lets put aside this differences (there are still argumentation about this, even I have asked as well to one of Islamic study professor in my country and he said that this is still a disputable matter). Lets stick on Tasawuf/Sufism things then :D
@Akheilos OK, lets put aside this differences (there are still argumentation about this, even I have asked as well to one of Islamic study professor in my country and he said that this is still a disputable matter). Lets stick on Tasawuf/Sufism things then :D
Ok lah! :P
Every Nabi can be Rasuul but not every Rasul can be nabi. e.g Hazrat Musa was Nabi and Hazrat Haroon was Rasool. Nabi is who brought new Shariah with him and Rasul is who just preached the oneness of GOD and God didn't reveal any divine book on him. @Akheilos Your understanding about nabi and rasool is opposite. :D

Every Prophet of Bani Israel after Hazrat Musa (AS) and Hazrat Haroon was Rasool, not nabi.

Ok then......:p:

This is Riya means :

The Definition of Riyâ'
by Abû Ammâr Yasir al-Qadhî

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Linguistically, riyâ' comes from the root ra 'â . which means "to see. to behold, to view." The derived word riyâ ' means "eyeservice; hypocrisy, dissimulation; dissemblance.'"[1]

From a Sharî'ah point of view, it means "to perform acts which are pleasing to Allâh. with the intention of pleasing other than Allâh". The intention may be a totally false intention, where the person who does this act has no consciousness of Allâh whatsoever, or it may be a partially false intention, where the person does have Allâh in mind, but at the same time desires praise from other people.


I will answer the other question later :)
"to perform acts which are pleasing to Allâh. with the intention of pleasing other than Allâh"
Why the desire to please others? :unsure:

Every Nabi can be Rasuul but not every Rasul can be nabi. e.g Hazrat Musa was Nabi and Hazrat Haroon was Rasool. Nabi is who brought new Shariah with him and Rasul is who just preached the oneness of GOD and God didn't reveal any divine book on him. @Akheilos Your understanding about nabi and rasool is opposite. :D

Every Prophet of Bani Israel after Hazrat Musa (AS) and Hazrat Haroon was Rasool, not nabi.
But I quoted from where my understanding came....Can you please re look at your para above ^^

Every Nabi can be Rasuul but not every Rasul can be nabi.[/USER] This is what I am saying Not everyone can be Rasool....Rasool are only those who have a msg and warning and/ or a law/ suhuff like the 25 mentioned by name ...

Every Nabi can be Rasuul but not every Rasul can be nabi. e.g Hazrat Musa was Nabi and Hazrat Haroon was Rasool. Nabi is who brought new Shariah with him and Rasul is who just preached the oneness of GOD and God didn't reveal any divine book on him. @Akheilos Your understanding about nabi and rasool is opposite. :D

Every Prophet of Bani Israel after Hazrat Musa (AS) and Hazrat Haroon was Rasool, not nabi.

Nabi in Islam:
In Islamic terminology a Nabi (Prophet, plural Anbiyaah) is a person who receives revelation from GOD, with the responsibility to convey the TRUTH to a well-defined audience (people of his community) and give glad tidings of reward of GOD to those who accepts his message and warns the Rejectors (Kafiroon) with a horrible end. The good tidings are termed as Basharat (Good News) and the warnings as Indhaar (Warning). The people may accept his message or reject it. The success of his mission in the face of Disbelief and Rejection is not promised. His mission might be failure or success. Both things can happen with him.

Rasool in Islam:
The Holy Quran further adds that some of the Nabi (Prophets) were also appointed as Rasool (Apostles, plural Rusul)

A Rasool is a Nabi, who is sent to his people in a manner that he comes as the JUDGEMENT OF GOD. If his people reject him, their DAY OF JUDGEMENT is held here in this world. Their punishment is not postponed till the HEREAFTER. The Rasool imposes the DIVINE PUNISHMENT on the rejecters in this world, vanquishes the Falsehood and practically establish the DOMINION OF TRUTH. That is why, a RASOOL announces two PUNISHMENTS ("AZAAB") for his rejecters – a LESSER PUNISHMENT in this world and the other GREATER PUNISHMENT in the HEREAFTER.

Such is the punishment; and the punishment of the Hereafter is greater; would that they knew. [Al-Quran 68:33]

This DIVINE LAW in respect of RASOOL OF ALLAH is stated in the Holy Quran:

And the unbelievers said to their Rasools, `we will certainly expel you from our land, or you will return into our creed'. Then their Lord revealed to them: `We will surely destroy the wrong-doers; and We will surely settle you in the land after them; that is for him who fears My station and fears My threat'. [Al-Quran 14:13-14]

Surely, those who oppose God and His Rasool, they shall be humiliated. God has decreed, `I will surely triumph – I and My Rasool' Powerful is GOD and MIGHTY. [Al-Quran 58:20-21]
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Why the desire to please others? :unsure:

Desire to get people praise on him/her.....Come on...It is a very natural things in human psychology. Thats why the only person who can escape this sickness is the one who has their heart transformed...and it takes years though...Doing Jihad of nafs just like previous post by @mafiya
Desire to get people praise on him/her.....Come on...It is a very natural things in human psychology. Thats why the only person who can escape this sickness is the one who has their heart transformed...and it takes years though...Doing Jihad of nafs just like previous post by @mafiya
Yes i know Jihad of nafs...read it in details but like my brought up never thought me to label things I didnt know it was part of Sufiism :D

I actually had 2 or 3hr lectures on youtube about how to purify the heart....that was like few yrs ago...
Yes i know Jihad of nafs...read it in details but like my brought up never thought me to label things I didnt know it was part of Sufiism :D

I actually had 2 or 3hr lectures on youtube about how to purify the heart....that was like few yrs ago...

The whole foundation of Sufism is standing on Jihad bil Naf. As per Hadith qudsi of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Allah Most High says, ‘He who is hostile to a friend (Wali) of Mine I declare war against. My slave approaches Me with nothing more beloved to Me than what I have made obligatory for him, and My slave keeps drawing nearer to Me with voluntary works until I love him. And when I love him, I am his hearing with which he hears, his sight with which he sees, his hand with which he seizes, and his foot with which he walks. If he asks Me, I will surely give to him, and if he seeks refuge in Me, I will surely protect him.’” [Sahih Bukhari]

Another one.

Abu Saeed Khudri (RA) relates that Prophet (SAW) said: “Be fearful of Momin’s intelligence and his foresight in understanding of the human nature, because he sees things by Allah’s given vision,” and recited Aayah 75 of Surah Al-Hijr, which reads:

“There truly is a sign in this for those who can learn…” [Tirmizi]
The verses that you read is not complete, and there should be a context on it, what kind of poem that are written by them (that Quran verses mentioned). As I remember at that Quran verses (correct me if I am wrong, it is just my memory) Allah said about someone that act conversely with the way they say (the way most of poem reader behavior in Mekah at that time). We should also understand that at that time poem readers are the ones of the prophet competitor in getting Mekkah resident heart. They got spiritual pleasure from poem reader.

As we all know, Quran is also using poem kind of words, this kind of words is there to affect the heart. I believe we will be like robotic kind of people if we read Quran verses that is written like university text book. So, why should Sufi get blamed if Quran itself using that kind of style ? So, by this, you can see some kind of different personality by seeing the way Ibnu Tayimah /Ibnu Qayim write their books (Salafi people) compare to almost all Sufi literature. I can tell you that, Sufi literature are not boring, and exacting. Do you know that Imam Safei also write many poems and compile it in one famous book?

Talking about Sufism book, I will give my recommendation on this Thread. But as a good Muslim, I think we all understand that we should not follow any teaching that hasn't had any proper backing from Quran and Hadist. I never become a fanatics of any Sufi, even, sometimes, I dont like the way some Sufi talk in their book that I see as exaggerating something (not talking in proper proportion based on Quran and Hadist)

to be a sufi, has its conditions. For example, following Shariat goes hand in hand with Tariqa [ following the spiritual path ]. Inner and outer, Islam addresses both. If you don't like something written in a book by a sufi, and have doubts that it was according to the Qur'an and Sunnah, then that means the person who wrote the book either was not qualified, or made a mistake. The same thing can be said of a salafi composer of a book. Or a shia composer or any other. But its a common allegation laid against Sufis these days that they exaggerate. But what I have found is salafis exaggerate and lie far more than anyone.

And all sufi books are critically analyzed by scholars, and the public is warned of imposters or unqualified people claiming to be sufi. There are lots of westerners, hippies, pretending to be "Sufis" these days. It doesn't mean they are sufi.

I am waiting.... :D Actually I am the one who sit between Ibnu Taimiyah and Al-Ghazali position. I take the middle path between those two. I am not sitting in an extreme side though. Nice to see you commenting here ;)

Ibn taymiyya is not comparable to Imam Ghazali RA. This is because ibn taymiyya was not a Sunni.

Imam Ghazali is not only a Sunni, but he is a Mujtahid Imam of the Shafi'i mazhab, and has a consensus,
I have another opinion @Akheilos

Nabi= Nubuwah (some one who carry ALLAH book) New regulation (Holy book)
Rasul= Messenger (ALLAH can send any one for doing any purpose, including leadership role or purifying the religion)

Nabi is Rasul but higher, Rasul can be Nabi or just Rasul.

Thats why ALLAH said in Al-Maidah verses that He stop sending Nabi (Not Rasul). Rasul can still be continued

From amongst the well-known Saheeh Ahaadeeth that was related by the noble Sahaabah Abu Hurairah (ra) from the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم that he said:

إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَبْعَثُ لِهَذِهِ الْأُمَّةِ عَلَى رَأْسِ كُلِّ مِائَةِ سَنَةٍ مَنْ يُجَدِّدُ لَهَا دِينَهَا

"Verily Allah sends to this Ummah at the head of every one hundred years someone who will renew the Deen for it".

Related by Abu Daawood (4291) and was verified as Saheeh by As-Sakhaawiy in 'Al-Maqqsid Al-Hasanah' (149) and Al-Albaaniy in 'As-Silsilah As-Saheehah' (599).

That hadith is talking about revivors, not Rasul. I do not want to discuss religion, just a historic aspect of Sufism. But what you said is the basic idea behind Ahmadies. it is the fundamental belief of Muslims that Prophet Muhammad is the last Nabi, which means he is the Last Rasul. Because a Nabi is a Rasul. There is no Rasul after him.
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