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Sufism/ Tasawuf (Islamic mysticism)

Please enlighten me on Sufism.
1.Origin of Sufism. ( Roots )
2. Some Religious Scholars have stated that Sufism is not branch of Islam.
They state word Tasawuf is not of arabic origin but from Greeks ( evolution of Philosophy)
3. Some Sunni School of though scholars have also stated Sufism existed before Islam.
4. They say Life of Prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H) and his companions do not represent any Sufi or mysticism etc.

Since Sufi preachers have great contribution of their message among vast community in India
there are some great names out there. But there is also exaggeration in their stories being told by the community.

I cannot deny great role of sufi people and peer , who wrote alot of good stuff, but when i see practicing Sunni scholars , they just deny most of their contribution and authentic.

"I'm Confused "
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