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Sufism/ Tasawuf (Islamic mysticism)

Actually there is also a share in spirituality between Islam and Hinduism. This Hindu verses can explain Tasawuf (Sufism/Spiritual Islam) quite good as well:

"He that does everything for Me, whose supreme object I am, who worships Me, being free from attachment and without hatred to any creature, this man, Arjuna!, comes to Me." Bhagavad Gita 11:55
I am sorry to say Sufiism never impressed me ...I dont like it but dont hate it as I dont really understand it ..

I dont like the way people prefer to swing back and forth in poems and music rather than do simple zikir or tilawat as was originally thought by Islam (I am not insulting just explaining why I never understood it)

Fair enough that era was an era of poets and people would express themselves with poems and music ...however that was the even true for the era before Islam where the Romans and Hinduism did the same...

Islam brought a change and difference which was solat, work hard and strive for truth and justice rather than sit around and wait for enlightenment similar is the case with Christian monks of that time when you tell them you dont understand, lets wait for the holy spirit!
I am sorry to say Sufiism never impressed me ...I dont like it but dont hate it as I dont really understand it ..

I dont like the way people prefer to swing back and forth in poems and music rather than do simple zikir or tilawat as was originally thought by Islam (I am not insulting just explaining why I never understood it)

Fair enough that era was an era of poets and people would express themselves with poems and music ...however that was the even true for the era before Islam where the Romans and Hinduism did the same...

Islam brought a change and difference which was solat, work hard and strive for truth and justice rather than sit around and wait for enlightenment similar is the case with Christian monks of that time when you tell them you dont understand, lets wait for the holy spirit!

I will try to explain it later, by the way have you understood about subconsciousness, Adler Theory, Hypnosis ? Not many Sufism book that tried to link Sufism teaching with psychoanalist .....actually I haven seen it.

PS: I know who you are .... :D
I will try to explain it later, by the way have you understood about subconsciousness, Adler Theory, Hypnosis ? Not many Sufism book that tried to link Sufism teaching with psychoanalist .....actually I haven seen it.

PS: I know who you are .... :D
hahahahahha...well not much...Like I said I didnt really understand it...sadly the book I did read was given to us by an Indian Muslim author talking about Sufism....it was too much to handle...He is/ was a prof in some uni in India and now writes a book every few years or so...

So he had written how Sufiism grew and a little on its history..not sure what made me not impressed...
I am sorry to say Sufiism never impressed me ...I dont like it but dont hate it as I dont really understand it ..

I dont like the way people prefer to swing back and forth in poems and music rather than do simple zikir or tilawat as was originally thought by Islam (I am not insulting just explaining why I never understood it)

Fair enough that era was an era of poets and people would express themselves with poems and music ...however that was the even true for the era before Islam where the Romans and Hinduism did the same...

Islam brought a change and difference which was solat, work hard and strive for truth and justice rather than sit around and wait for enlightenment similar is the case with Christian monks of that time when you tell them you dont understand, lets wait for the holy spirit!

The principle of Tasawuf/Sufism is that we try to get close to ALLAH emotionally. In order to get there, there should be several means that we use as a vehicle. If you can get close to Him without seclusion, reading poems, or music, so nothing wrong with that.

Quran (Qs: 56 ; 88-96)

88. Then, if he be of the Muqarrabin, 89. Then Rawh, Rayhan and a Garden of Delights. 90. And if he be of those on the right, 91. Then Salam (peace) to you from those on the right. 92. But if he be of the denying, the erring, 93. Then for him is an entertainment with Hamim. 94. And entry in Hellfire. 95. Verily, this! This is an absolute truth with certainty. 96. So, glorify with praises the Name of your Lord, the Most Great.

Muqarrabin is some ones that are close to Him
The principle of Tasawuf/Sufism is that we try to get close to ALLAH emotionally. In order to get there, there should be several means that we use as a vehicle. If you can get close to Him without seclusion, reading poems, or music, so nothing wrong with that.

Quran (Qs: 56 ; 88-96)

88. Then, if he be of the Muqarrabin, 89. Then Rawh, Rayhan and a Garden of Delights. 90. And if he be of those on the right, 91. Then Salam (peace) to you from those on the right. 92. But if he be of the denying, the erring, 93. Then for him is an entertainment with Hamim. 94. And entry in Hellfire. 95. Verily, this! This is an absolute truth with certainty. 96. So, glorify with praises the Name of your Lord, the Most Great.

Muqarrabin is some ones that are close to Him
Fair enough but dont some hadith state the opposite? Like the story tellers and poem readers are considered majnoon or something...and some hadith consider them far from religion as they are in their own world...I dont read it somewhere could be wrong...I read all this almost a decade back when my understanding was fragile so I probably didnt understand it well...but the confusion led me never to read it up again...
Fair enough but dont some hadith state the opposite? Like the story tellers and poem readers are considered majnoon or something...and some hadith consider them far from religion as they are in their own world...I dont read it somewhere could be wrong...I read all this almost a decade back when my understanding was fragile so I probably didnt understand it well...but the confusion led me never to read it up again...

The verses that you read is not complete, and there should be a context on it, what kind of poem that are written by them (that Quran verses mentioned). As I remember at that Quran verses (correct me if I am wrong, it is just my memory) Allah said about someone that act conversely with the way they say (the way most of poem reader behavior in Mekah at that time). We should also understand that at that time poem readers are the ones of the prophet competitor in getting Mekkah resident heart. They got spiritual pleasure from poem reader.

As we all know, Quran is also using poem kind of words, this kind of words is there to affect the heart. I believe we will be like robotic kind of people if we read Quran verses that is written like university text book. So, why should Sufi get blamed if Quran itself using that kind of style ? So, by this, you can see some kind of different personality by seeing the way Ibnu Tayimah /Ibnu Qayim write their books (Salafi people) compare to almost all Sufi literature. I can tell you that, Sufi literature are not boring, and exacting. Do you know that Imam Safei also write many poems and compile it in one famous book?

Talking about Sufism book, I will give my recommendation on this Thread. But as a good Muslim, I think we all understand that we should not follow any teaching that hasn't had any proper backing from Quran and Hadist. I never become a fanatics of any Sufi, even, sometimes, I dont like the way some Sufi talk in their book that I see as exaggerating something (not talking in proper proportion based on Quran and Hadist)
The verses that you read is not complete, and there should be a context on it, what kind of poem that are written by them (that Quran verses mentioned). As I remember at that Quran verses (correct me if I am wrong, it is just my memory) Allah said about someone that act conversely with the way they say (the way most of poem reader behavior in Mekah at that time). We should also understand that at that time poem readers are the ones of the prophet competitor in getting Mekkah resident heart. They got spiritual pleasure from poem reader.

As we all know, Quran is also using poem kind of words, this kind of words is there to affect the heart. I believe we will be like robotic kind of people if we read Quran verses that is written like university text book. So, why should Sufi get blamed if Quran itself using that kind of style ? So, by this, you can see some kind of different personality by seeing the way Ibnu Tayimah /Ibnu Qayim write their books (Salafi people) compare to almost all Sufi literature. I can tell you that, Sufi literature are not boring, and exacting. Do you know that Imam Safei also write many poems and compile it in one famous book?

Talking about Sufism book, I will give my recommendation on this Thread. But as a good Muslim, I think we all understand that we should not follow any teaching that hasn't had any proper backing from Quran and Hadist. I never become a fanatics of any Sufi, even, sometimes, I dont like the way some Sufi talk in their book that I see as exaggerating something (not talking in proper proportion based on Quran and Hadist)
This last bit is what I was exposed to....exaggeration :(
Sufism is an intensely practical matter. Sufism in its essence is not about talk and beautiful words and sayings. All these help, but only for clarifications etc..., not for guidance. For guidance, one must find a teacher. There are many charlatans out there, but if the search is true, Allah guides one to someone appropriate.

I find this thread not very helpful; as I said Sufism is an intensely practical matter. No amount of talk or reading prepares one. At best all the talk and reading can motivate or convince. But if it does not get a person on to the path, then its pointless.
Thanks! Lovely thread! :happy: :tup:

Thanks....you can ask about Sufism here. It can unleash your potential power, making you feel satisfied inside, getting close to ALLAH , bringing Izzah (worthiness) to you, etc, inshaALLAH......;)

I like the way you feel proud of your feminine side :D :tup:
Sufism is an intensely practical matter. Sufism in its essence is not about talk and beautiful words and sayings. All these help, but only for clarifications etc..., not for guidance. For guidance, one must find a teacher. There are many charlatans out there, but if the search is true, Allah guides one to someone appropriate.

I find this thread not very helpful; as I said Sufism is an intensely practical matter. No amount of talk or reading prepares one. At best all the talk and reading can motivate or convince. But if it does not get a person on to the path, then its pointless.

Sadly, many Muslim who said they follow Sufism/Tasawuf have become so liberal and go beyond the boundaries of Quran and Hadist. Many people will get trapped if they try to find Sufi Master by him/ herself because they don't know who they are. Tasawuf is actually so simple, I just learn it from books, using logic, psychology, experience, Allah guidance, etc.

Western society has learned and used science to understand our psychology. They define the heart as subconsciousness mind. I believe it is not really difficult materials as subconsciousness secret has been unleashed by them and become a science. @jaibi can come too and discuss with us here. And people who are here are also not a common people. They love knowledge. So they are someones that can possibly grabs this material easily and thus take huge benefit from it.

Talking about practical matter. We, as human, experience many hard life, for instant, people get addicted to some thing but cannot run away from it. It can be explained easily in Sufism/ Tasawuf. I just bring some clue and theory, and people life is a truly their "own Tareqah" if they can utilize it by using this practice.
Thanks....you can ask about Sufism here. It can unleash your potential power, making you feel satisfied inside, getting close to ALLAH , bringing Izzah (worthiness) to you, etc, inshaALLAH......;)

I like the way you feel proud of your feminine side :D :tup:
Just another question....Doesnt prayer solah do the same so whats the difference_
At this thread lets talk and share about Sufism, I will give some recommended Sufi and Sufism books that I like. I believe many young intellectuals Muslim are in this forum now, but by having quite high intellectual, will not make us become extraordinary in this world. There should be another knowledge that we pursuit to unleash our potential emotional strength that is promised by our God, ALLAH, in Quran. Sufism teaching is many, only the ones that doesn't contradict with Quran and Hadist that I recommend here.

Let's see how long it takes before a fight breaks out in this thread. :D
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